@New Jersey Devils

The awareness level of the Devils is at an all time low

I walk into work this morning to the above email??? Do the ticket reps not even pay attention to the games being played? They may be more of a joke than the product in the ice!

by t00lband525


  1. Flux_resistor

    they love to call me just when they are doing their worst saying how are you liking the games, when can we see you again. I’m like, sure I can self hate some more renew my season tickets while we’re at it.

  2. antiseptic123

    My ticket rep keeps pressuring me to rep for next year. I’ve charted pricing for this season as it was the first I got a ticket plan. Every single game I’ve been able to find better seats for what I paid, or the same seats for cheaper. Plus they give you nothing in return. They bug you constantly for stuff but when you ask for anything they say they can’t do it.

    So I presented the financial evidence to my rep and she just started reading off the script of prices are high on aftermarket and you must have gotten lucky seeing those.

    They’re absolutely clueless and it’s like they’re low grade AI selling these tickets. I’m happily not renewing next year because service as a whole this year has been terrible.

  3. VindictiveRakk

    I uh… I don’t ever respond/confirm my existence to my ticket rep. Is there an actual point in talking to them? They spam me enough as is.

  4. I can say with certainty that I have never witnessed the rock this packed on a Thursday night/ holiday week/Western conference team. Teams will fluff their numbers to call a sell out. This actually was a sell out or as close to a non playoff game as I have ever seen. Even every suite was taken.

  5. voxangelikus

    Corporate ignorance. I have to say that the corporate stink on this team seems to overwhelm the actual importance of taking care of fans and making sure their experience is memorable. Since ESPN took over it’s been league-wide, too. It’s made hockey in general a little less enjoyable.

  6. enjayultra

    Idk what recourse there is but the STH situation with this team is pretty grim. Not to mention the fact that STHs still pay the same extortionate price for food/drinks as everyone else.

    I did not renew my plan after last season because the value is just not there. I have been to a majority of the games this year in the first five rows from the glass, every time paying under $100 a ticket, often much less. Compare that to paying around the same per game for my upper bowl seats last year and its pretty absurd.

    I want to support the team and love the IDEA of being a STH, but whether the organization is completely out of touch or has their hands tied, the finances of these ticket prices just do not make sense, and this sentiment is shared amongst pretty much every fan I’ve talked to. The team has to know this is going on so make it worth my while.

    Bottom line, if I’m gonna get season tickets, I want access to tickets and beer at the cheapest price available. If you offered me $20 per game at the back row of the arena with some kind of beer discount, I’d sign on for 41 games today. But $50 per game MINIMUM, with pretty much no added benefits, come on now. I just wish this team truly rewarded and incentivized the most loyal fans and gave the people what they want, because the atmosphere would be better for it. Until then, I’ll keep buying an hour before.

    (And btw the reps still call me on a weekly basis)

  7. twizler241

    It’s a generic email when they won 8/10.

  8. Equivalent-War-2378

    I get calls and emails to buy tickets constantly. I don’t know how many times I have to tell them I live in Montana and will not be making it to tonight’s game…

  9. DookieShoes626

    Theirs calls are out of control, im close to blocking the number

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