@Detroit Red Wings

[Max Bultman] Gary Bettman affirms the six-game suspension David Perron, which of course has already concluded. Still, Perron can appeal again to an independent arbiter to try and claw back some of the salary he forfeited.

[Max Bultman] Gary Bettman affirms the six-game suspension David Perron, which of course has already concluded. Still, Perron can appeal again to an independent arbiter to try and claw back some of the salary he forfeited.

by SimplySolace


  1. whitelightning91

    The NHLPA is run by a bunch of stooges. How could they ever agree to such a farce of an appeal process…it should go to the independent arbitrator as the first step of any appeal.

  2. oceanic8675

    One aspect that makes me surprised about this is that Zub never missed a shift.

  3. He should go to NHL front office and crosscheck someone in the head.

  4. Bettmans rule is bullshit… just saying the guy is a twerp

  5. daveathor

    Fucking disgrace. Bettman having the balls to cite protecting players from high crosschecks in a situation when Larkin is unconcious after yet another high hit without a suspension.

  6. MoldyMerkin

    Gary Bettman bleaches his asshole. Please don’t ask me how I know.

  7. I haven’t been on in a minute. But can anybody tell me why Johnson doesn’t get any disciplinary action and Perron does? The shot on Lark seemed just as bad?

  8. TigatronX

    Its annoying cause its not hard to set up a consistent system for suspensions. as an example cross check to the head starts at say 2 games then you have a list of things you go through to add or remove games. was intentional if yes add x amount of games was the other player injured if no remove x games if yes add x games dependent on how bad it was or w.e .

  9. tacticalAlmonds

    Once again, in a vacuum this is still the right call. When you take into context all of the other plays and things that went unpunished or only fined, this is fucking stupid.

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