@St. Louis Blues

Gotta See It: Schenn pays the price for leveling Krug

Watch as Philadelphia’s Brayden Schenn had the answer to Boston’s Kevan Miller for flattening Torey Krug with a huge hit.


  1. From the NHL rule book…
    An instigator of an altercation shall be a player who by his actions or demeanor demonstrates any/some of the following criteria: distance traveled; gloves off first; first punch thrown; menacing attitude or posture; verbal instigation or threats; conduct in retaliation to a prior game incident.

    So since every time a player starts a fight due to a clean hit (Happened twice to simmonds this year, both were not clean hits, they were actually knees, but now he is one instigator away from a suspension) How the heck is this not called… granted, it was a great game and I am happy my team won, but refs need to learn the rules.

  2. Miller slight win. Miller does right thing stepping up & letting Schenn know that it won't be tolerated. Clean hard hurt – sure, absolutely but it's also intimidating and Bruins usually don't tolerate that. Flyers didn't used to either.

  3. Schenn looked like he landed a few more punches, but I feel like millers connecting hits were more effective, and he won.

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