@Tampa Bay Lightning

Got torched in hockey memes be honest do you think this is an L take

Got torched in hockey memes be honest do you think this is an L take

by deeVeeAre


  1. I’d wager 99% of people would take a straight up McDavid for Kuch 7 days a week and twice on Sunday.

    Myself included.

    Love Kucherov but McDavid is better.

  2. All around McDavid is way faster, more agile, and more creative in motion. Their playmaking styles are different, it’s hard to compare them directly in my opinion. Kucherov operates like a turret and McDavid is everything, everywhere, all at once.

    They are both the best at what they do.

    I think McDavid is better off the rush and on breakouts (Kucherov relies heavily on Point in this area) and I would say McDavid is the better all-around playmaker.

  3. FloridaB0B

    This is just painful to watch. OP doesn’t understand hockey and is even worse at “making memes”.
    Please tell me you are like 12? There might still be hope for you

  4. I think McDavid is the better goal scorer but Kuch is better at making plays

  5. DoinWhale

    Anyone in this thread taking Kuch over McDavid just wants to be different or is a supreme homer. McDavid is the best player in the league since Crosby, he plays for any other team/GM and he’s got a cup by now

  6. I’ve listened to dickheads tell me my entire life that Dan Marino isn’t as good because he didn’t lead a team to superbowl victory.

    Kuch has been to the big show 4 times and won it twice. Mcdavids a fucking toddler in this regard.

  7. Different kinds of Elitness in my opinion. They both produce a wicked amount of points but they do it differently. Could you imagine both of them on the same team? Preferably Tampa vs Edmonton LOL

  8. Hmm…I’m conflicted. No hate for posting the opinion, though.

  9. A_brief_passerby

    Better player? Absolutely not. Better playmaker? Ehhhh closer than I expected when I thought about it. He is disgusting at deceptive passes and plays in a way I haven’t seen anyone else do.

  10. anonymousmouse17

    One of them helped elevate those around him to win 2 back to back Cups and is part of a team that ran the league for 4-5 years, the other has great points/skills and is on a team that has nothing to show for all his “playmaking ability” so you tell me

  11. WonderkidRJ93

    LOL everyone on here saying “McDavid never won a cup”. As if that fucking matters. You say it because it’s the only argument you have. If McDavid and Kucherov swapped teams then McDavid would have 4 cups and Kuch 0. It’s a team sport, morons.

  12. False_Rhythms

    McDavid without Drai or Kuch without Point. Either of these guys not playing with their cohort completely changes their game. Still probably gonna give McDavid the edge, but I do love Kuch. His vision and hockey I.Q. is off the charts.

  13. travelwithnolan

    Kuch did win a cup on Canadian soil – a feat not done since 1993 😀😀 and it was in EDM 😛

  14. Frosty-Employer7599

    As a Hawks fan living in Tampa, I’ll take Kuch, his skills, his leadership, his tenacity, his hustle, and his teamwork over McDavid any time. Talent alone doesn’t win championships. There are sacrifices that sometimes go unnoticed that the Lightning have mastered over the last few years.

  15. I’m a Flames fan so I really want to take your side but, unfortunately, this is indeed an L take.

    Kucherov is more clutch and I’d much rather have him in playoffs OT or in a shootout-type situation. but McDavid is a more talented playmaker and goal scorer.

  16. Strict_Bid5536

    It’s not even close, lol . Kuch plus 3 first round picks wouldn’t get McDavid. Sorry , he’s having a great season and is an amazing playmaker . Don’t kid yourself.

  17. greendino71

    Ask yourself

    If for the past 5 seasons, if you swap both players’ teams, do results change?

    I think absolutely not, McDavid wins his cups, and the Oilers are still held back by their goaltending and depth

    If you put Vasy on the Oilers, do they make the finals last year? Theres an argument ( then they easily beat florida)

    McDavid is overall better, and ehile Kuch is a BEAST, Tampa simply is a better run franchise with a better overall team, whereas Oilers are very top heavy with trash goaltending

  18. Crafty-Hovercraft579

    Let me guess you also think Drew Brees was better than Tom Brady?

  19. FormalWare

    I think Kucherov may well be a smarter player than McDavid – but that doesn’t necessarily make him a more effective playmaker or scorer. McD has unmatched ability to control the puck at speed, which he uses to put himself in position for *easier* opportunities to pass (and to shoot) than Kooch gets.

  20. JohnnnyRiingo

    I don’t think it’s an L, but making and posting this meme is for fuckin losers.

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