@St. Louis Blues

Bill Romanowski takes out Clinton Portis

Bill Romanowski takes out Clinton Portis, Raiders vs. Broncos, Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THIS FOOTAGE. ALL MEDIA IS PROPERTY OF ITS RESPECTIVE OWNERS


  1. You can see just how Violent romos hit was in slower speed and different cam angle. I believe this was the game that forced him to retire.

  2. To me he's a hall of famer for his era but with the new NFL. Cinderella rules he wouldn't be able to play today. The hit with Curtis Martin was more violent.

  3. Helmet to the kidney… damn cold blooded hit…. He ended up on the broncos later. Won two championships with them , two with the niners

  4. So let his play talk for him, why does he spit in the face of opponents. That turns him to a POS player who gets hated, no respected.

  5. He was lucky he did not hurt his neck with that shot. i played 7 years (I feel the aches now!) and was taught about the "power L" where you used the area between the neck and elbow but never the head directly. One time while making a tackle I could not get my head out of the way and rammed right into the gut of the runner. That hurt like hell and I was lucky not to have really been hurt. Head butts are okay because of the angle (although not allowed) because of the angle of attack but dead on? Risky as all heck!

  6. Romanowiski un LB de media tabla …si no lo creen que le pregunten por el Moose Daryl Johnston que lo hizo llorar…verdad "Bill" jajaja

  7. BOO HOO. If you don't like this then your a soft punk. It's people that have a problem with this that ruined the sport.

  8. That was a great hit and legal. If y’all remember, Portis is a big back like 225lbs. It was when Football was Football. Not 2 hand touch 😉

  9. Romanowski was an asshole cheap shot artist, but I didn’t see anything in this play that looked illegal or cheap.

  10. You are correct. I played the game from 1973 to 1983. HS JC then minor league here in California. We lead with the head in blocking and tackling. You could actually leave your feet and spear someone in the back. We called it the Spinal Tap. The forehead was the initial weapon then follow through with forearm shiver when blocking. And the helmets were horrible. Zero protection no concussion protocol. You got your bell rung come out for a few then right back in. I’m 65 now no brain issues so far but I’m worried

  11. When I played in Highschool at middle, coach would threaten to take you out of the game if you didn't spear, when you had the chance. Man! How pussy America is today. I saw it also in the military. In the roughest group known as the queen of battle. Play chess bueller?

  12. This hit messed Bill up too, I read his book and he talks about it. This was his last game in the NFL, he was concussed after the hit.

  13. Kids, this is a textbook way to NOT tackle. Always keep your head up when tackling or you may end up paralyzed. This form of tackling is called spearing and can seriously hurt both parties involved. Never hit with the crown of your helmet.

  14. i never liked romanowski…..but ill say this, he was more in danger spine wise, than the hit of portis, tackling with your head is not good


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