@Boston Bruins

What should be on Bruins Holiday Wish List? w/ Ty Anderson | Poke the Bear

What should be on Bruins Holiday Wish List? w/ Ty Anderson | Poke the Bear

The need for him to start scoring is is becoming dire it’s becoming dire and it’s easy to kick him right now while he’s down because of how Tuesday night ended but at the end of the day the point remains that this team is a better more dangerous team when he is scoring

Goals he needs to score goals so they got to find those sticks for him and and get his game going again he is the number one thing I think they have to be wishing for uh if if they are you know if they are making their list and

Checking it twice he is a top that list in my Opinion and welcome into poke the bear episode 188 uh presented by clns media and sponsored by our good friends over at FanDuel and Factor meals my name is Conor Ryan and once again we are joined by our good friend 985 the sports hubs tyan

Ty how are you going on this is the uh this is the old Swan posto episode or the zaka ne episode if you want to call it that yeah of course so so this is a look at this going deep going deep into the bag here gotta love it I know

Absolutely wait till we get to episode 200 we’re gonna get Greg xannon on the Pod for it so oh the old game yes exactly so we have big things planned for that one but this is still very special episode Ty um is there a lot to talk

About no not really uh we’re recording this before uh uh the Bruins game against the Winnipeg Jets I’m not going to say what’s goingon to happen in the game because let me tell you something look like a big dumb Dum last week when I was like oh it’s brow’s

Islander it’s gonna be boring as and then it was like the best game of the year so I’m not gonna say anything I’m not gonna say what’s gonna happen in this game not going to say it’s going to be a blowout either way going to be a

Nail bite or anything like that just let let let the hockey play out because because I I regret what happened last week when it was I mean balls to the wall best game of the season I would probably say yeah I mean at the same time though maybe you motivated people

Without them knowing it you know that is true so I like yeah you could throw yourself you know on the cross and say hey I screwed up or you can say I am the reason why it was entertaining so there’s always that too never never downplay that that angle when it comes

To uh when it comes to being a jinx that is true I I will never uh turned down an opportunity to take credit for something where I had no pot in it so so I will once again say that it’s going to be a Bor as game nothing’s gonna happen

For Bruins fans go do your last minute Christmas shopping instead because it’s going to be a snoozefest don’t have to worry about it so we’ll see see how that works out when it’s a 2-1 game don’t yell at me uh tomorrow it’s the holidays everyone be merry guys it’s

That time of year um but anyway I digress uh Ty we’re gonna get into some some more uh festive talk later on in this podcast um looking at what should be on the Bruins Christmas wish list all that fun stuff um don’t say it to romand doll because I already have that one

Booked for myself damn it I’m sorry I should have told you ahead of time this is this is behind the scenes stuff I should have aired out ahead of time so that’s a that’s a strike for me but before we dive into that Ty um one of

The more pressing news story I think from this week when again not a whole lot has happened Beyond another overtime loss has been Matt potra going to World Juniors over in Sweden um see like there’s a lot of uh differing opinions on it I think a lot of it’s been more

Skewer towards it being a positive for him in terms of you know getting an opportunity to play on that stage playing Wester competition but what what did you kind of make of of that decision whether or not the Bruins should have let him go over to Sweden for the uh

World Juniors yeah you know I think it’s a little bit of a mixed bag right like I think it’s natural to look at it and say that it’s a chance to you know really kind kind of get his offensive game going a little bit um now you know

Playing well against teens and then coming back home and going back up against men I mean listen that’s no sure thing it’s going to get his offensive game going if we go back to last year it actually hurt uh Fabian LEL one would argue but you look at kind of his usage

Where he’s been lately you know it seems like his minutes have kind of gone down a little bit he’s been watching in the third period and you know this is kind of the hard part about having Matthew potra on your team in 23 24 is like okay

Well he can’t go down to the miners he can’t go you know down to wherever and get some games and like he’s got to be in Boston so they want him playing games and this is kind of like an in-house cheat code to get him to play some big

Minutes so I get it from that standpoint and you know Don Sweeney and the Bruins haven’t been afraid to let guys do this in the past you know POS did it twice I believe uh when he was a pro uh lysel as as I just mentioned did it last year so

Like this is kind of using some inhouse mechanisms here to to allow yourself to get some get this guy some minutes that aren’t at the NHL now you know I I overall you know I think it hurts the Bruins in the sense that they are not offensively creative enough to to play

Without him and not have it not be noticeable but I just want him to play so if he’s playing 19 minutes 20 minutes for Team Canada versus playing 10 11 minutes for the Boston Bruins I kind of like what that can do to him in terms of his game Readiness if that

Makes sense yeah no I agree I kind of go back and forth too like I view one of the conses maybe it’s just the Whirlwind and the the workload I think when we talked about this I think it was either last week or two weeks ago about potra

And his minutes and what have you you brought up the point of like the last thing you want to do for a guy that is so important to this team especially in that bottom six is to have him hit a rookie wall you mentioned like uh Blake

Wheeler had that happen you you can’t have that happen to a guy like like ptra when you get to uh February or March or April when you get into the playoffs where he’s just out of gas which again it happens like these guys are you know I think patra’s most games played ever

In his career I think was 68 I think it was last year with the storm so yeah he goes over there like he he practices hops on a uh not a bus that’d be wild if he took a bus to Sweden be pretty up for the BR to do that

To him it’s got to be the friz’s bus man it’s got to be bus exactly uh takes a plane to SK Nava to Sweden uh then goes right into practi with Canada um I think if they go to the gold medal he’s playing what seven games in 11 days yes

Has a little bit of a break but then comes back here and again the the pros of it as you said it’s like if he goes over there puts up a really good stat line against under 20 competition helps Canada go on a run there feeling good

About his game coming back that’s what you want you want to have him be kind of rejuvenated in terms of uh kind of what you saw more from where he was in the preseason early on of the Year where he’s kind of riding that high of you

Know being in the NHL and really showcasing that talent but at the same you know the same token you don’t want him to again have all that workload and then just hit a wall it’s almost like lysel again I think other circumstances played into lysell and just how often on

That season was but I think at one point it’s either during death camp or another point where he mentioned like the Whirlwind he was on over the last couple years it’s like all right played in Sweden moved to North America was over in Vancouver wasn’t really used to like

Coming over here had that transition makes it a Providence learns that competition goes back to World Juniors disappoints playing for Sweden goes all the way back into it and just hits a wall like not saying that like every player is cut from the same cloth and everyone kind of carves out a different

Path but when you’re on such a whirlwind like that and either something goes ay or or something like that it can weigh on a guy 19 who again he’s accelerated his timeline but he’s still 19 in the NHL like that is something I think you have to be really cognizant about in

Terms of just what his overall workload is going to be this year yeah 100% and I and I think that you kind of look at the schedule that they have during patra’s absence you know they’re going to be playing they already played Minnesota we playing them again uh I think they have

A game with Buffalo coming out of Christmas break they have a game against um uh Columbus as well along that line like those are some games you should win now he’s going to miss some big games as well you know he’s going to miss a devil’s game he’s going to miss a I

Think a Pittsburgh Penguins game although they haven’t been all that great but again they have offensive fire power so that you know not having him kind of hurts you for that kind of game but I wonder if the Bruins look at that schedule and say you know what we can

Tread water like we can we can go 500 during this stretch without Matthew poter now you want to be better than 500 of course but maybe they don’t you know I wonder this let’s put it this way if the world juniors was two weeks after the fact right

And potra had to miss games against uh against the lightning the Avalanche the uh Vegas golden knights and whoever else they’re playing in that stretch would they would they be more like you know what nah we need to keep him around we need we need to keep him around for for

Those two weeks because we’re playing some stiff competition like I I I wonder if that plays a factor in this as well um but I thought Sweeney gave a great you know some great insight for a man who often likes to use word salad and

And not give you anything I I thought he gave you a great answer when when he talked about you know the the pacing has changed like they didn’t think that he would be playing this many games and this many minutes you know and it’s like they they

Almost have to find Pockets uh to get him to not play as many NHL minutes so what would you prefer Bruins fans would you prefer Matthew ptra go and play you know seven games for his for his country or would you prefer him be a healthy Scrat scratch for five out of seven

Games like like I and and your your answer is obviously well I I don’t want to getting scratch at all but the way things were trending he was going to be scratched again he was going to be scratched again at some point he’d been scratched two times in nine days

Effectively uh or eight days effectively like like they were gonna keep sitting him so I think it’s kind of pick your poison as a as a Bruins fan with what they do with Matthew Patra you know for the next two weeks and they chose Team Canada yeah I think there’s whenever you

Look at situation there going to be pros and cons however way you kind of look at it but even I think with the risk of workload or what have you getting him you know rejuvenated revitalized giving him that kind of midseason Spock of going over there feeling good about his

Game I think that kind of outweighs some of these risks that I think you have to be cognizant about because if he’s back and playing like he was even at the start of the Year where like you’re looking at this guy like can he slot into the top six like again I think

That’s really unfair to probably put that expectation but if he’s playing like that and if he’s on the third line and injecting that kind of playmaking it’s a complete Difference Maker for this team so uh yeah I don’t think there’s any cut and dry way of viewing

Like the best laid plans for him in terms of this but I think the Bruins would would rather him come back feeling good about his game and hopefully getting on a little bit of run here because secondary scoring has been a uh a big issue with this team to say the

Least yeah and real quick what I would say is that you know there’s been a lot of talk I think lately when it comes to his usage and and how much he he’s playing or not playing uh par particularly late in games I I I think if there’s one confident or one

Positive to draw from uh his last NHL game was the overtime loss against the Rangers he was getting shifts regularly into the third period and into the overtime um you know that’s a positive sign I mean that that’s what you want right and it was his most most uh most

He’s played since that uh blowout loss in Columbus which was kind of garbage time minute so um the fact that he was able to get some minutes in a in a high leverage game uh against the New York Rangers I think is a positive sign to

How Jim montgomry is going to use him because this is something this is something as well that you know I’m sure we’ll talk about more down the line as the season goes on here is that you know ptron is an example of a guy and it’s

The same reason why I wanted lowai in Providence these guys gotta play like they’re not going to get better being stapled to the bench every game you know so so to see ptri get some more minutes in a in a in a uh a a late and tight

Game I I think is a positive sign and you have to hope that continues once he comes back to the NHL absolutely and padra had a good start I think it was an exhibition game with Team Canada but gets set up by uh another geeki Connor

Geeki great name um so hopefully he can continue that with uh Morgan geeky once he gets back so we’ll be keeping close tabs on um on ptra over there over the next couple of weeks but Ty again we only have one game to base it off of in

Terms of what they’ve played so far this week but another overtime loss to Minnesota Wild and it’s part of a continuing trend of one them keep on playing overtime games and two uh letting third period lead slip away I think you had the stat where they’ve lost six games after leading after two

Periods and I think they were 471 and two last year again last year’s team was a jugernaut like there there’s that part of it but it’s been a very concerning Trend when you look at the only teams that have a worst record after two periods are a lot of dog a lot of

Teams you really don’t want to be in that same company with when you’re looking at Blue Jacket shocks teams like that um what do you view has been kind of the uh the biggest issue as to especially defensively Jim Montgomery kind of the theme from that loss to the

Wild was mentioning net front uh way too many chances there rebounds I think they’re 17th in the league in terms of high danger chances allowed for 60 minutes what do you think has been the biggest issue there as to why maybe the most uncharacteristic FL of

This team has been present yeah you know flipping that flipping it a little bit I would say the greatest issue overall is that they don’t have the scoring depth to put teams away you know so so basically a lot of their third periods have just been 20 minutes of high

Leverage high pressure situations in minutes against and uh you know I think that grinds a team down I I think that they are having to over rely on some players uh such as Brandon Carlo such as hamis lolm pav wasaka Charlie Coyle Brad Martian like like they have to kind of

Grind these guys into dust just to win the game and I think that’s kind of been an issue to a certain degree um I also think that the defenseman you know like there has been multiple instances of you know a brew and centerman having a clean as hell Faceoff win and then the

Defenseman running that puck into trouble and it’s like all right well that’s not going to help like like there’s been there’s been multiple instances you know because people say well they lost berson and and you know you’re not winning faceoffs as much as you were a year ago key faceoffs no

There’s been times where they’re winning faceoffs and they’re winning them well but what happens is is the the defenseman is is effectively your Puck carrier he has no play he runs it in a danger he turns it right over and then okay now that Faceoff win means nothing

Because you just you just screwed it you you lost I think it’s been a mix of bad decisions um over Reliance on personnel and not getting the offense you need to put game put games away before the 57 58 minute Mark of the night yeah the the Bruins

Defens would have a Leroy Jenkins problem in terms of carrying the into danger doing something extremely ill advised Under Pressure so I mean that’s been an issue but I think you also hit the nail on the head in terms of just how much it adds up when you’re

White knuckling it for 20 minutes every single night and how much that can wear on a team like Bruins are in desperate need of like a nice 52 win 42 something like that where you can skate the puck out uh not have to worry about you know

Pulled goalie I mean even look at the Wild game where you have Pavo zaka back and it’s his first game back from injury missed a couple of games it’s like all right he’s in the top six but we’ll EAS him back in there he played like 22 minutes that night right like defending

Like like hell over those final minutes of play like and this is in you know the end of December we’re not talking about how stressful and taxing it is once you get to April and May so yeah it’s almost like there isn’t one clear-cut solution or or reasoning why

Like this has been a recurring Trend it’s like one kind of directly impacts the other but the secondary scoring and just not being able to alleviate that pressure is wearing on again this is a defense that we’ve said it time and time again people are like all right yeah

Like the Personnel is good when you’ve got guys like makoy and lome and Carlo and even like forbert in those critical situations but they you’re also only human when you’re playing like these kind of games every single night you’re G to be you’re going to run out of gas

In in multiple games and I think that’s kind of what’s been the case so far yeah it’s like you know it’s like baseball if you have a great reliever but you gotta roll roll them out there every single night well a night’s five and six he’s

Not going to have the best zip on his fast ball he’s not going to have the best break on his on his off speed stuff like and he’s gonna get tagged he’s gonna get dinged up and and I think you’re seeing that to a certain degree

And and listen I I don’t know about you but I come from the school the Bruce Cassie School of timely saves I I I believe in timely saves I believe in what they can do for a team if we go back to that third period against Minnesota Lena Omar made about I would

Say four or five timely saves it wasn’t until the fifth or sixth chance that Minnesota had that they tied the game and then took the lead and so I look at that and saying there’s too much pressure on your goenda and poock right now everyone else

Is kind of Mia for the most part like you got two guys who could score and you got you got goalies who got to be historically good to win your games every night it’s not a sustainable model and I think that’s what you’re finding

Out here in games you know 27 and 29 of the regular season yeah you can win those games for the first 20 but now you’re entering like you’re on your fifth appearance in six days you’re on your your fourth appearance in a row like you’re starting to feel the grind a

Little bit I think you know for some of these high Leverage players and it’s manifesting itself in some some blown leads and overtime games yeah it’s it’s not really a good sign when for us as writers it’s like all right our story on the night will will most likely be like

Oh this guy scored like this is the story for today like oh Morgan kei’s stepped up oh TR frck scores like it’s not good when it’s like an outlier or like oh like let’s let’s put the lens on this guy when it’s not Martian or poson

Are kind of leading the way so that’s absolutely been an issue um so far this year can we talk about the worst part about this and this is a little this is a little inside baseball so I’m sorry if the listeners and and the viewers out

There are bored to Tears by this holy I am sick of having to erase my really good leads and come up with a really one because the game completely changed course in the matter five minutes I am so SI of that I had such a killer lead on on Tuesday and I

Actively pounded the table when they tie the game I was like God damn it because I was so excited and I had to ruin it and I’m so pissed about it it’s so annoying I am so glad that I am not uh tasked with doing deadline writing uh

For my my current gig right now because man it is it is hard it is heartbreaking espe you know you’ve got a really good lead and there’s times where I’ve been burned in the past of like I think when it’s a big enough game you got like

You’re lead crafted so like yeah I still have like the lead save from uh The Bu national championship game when that went all right I had like a lead already set for 2019 had that all mapped out good to go nope not great then you had like that moment where Like A Game’s

Tied in third period where you’re just like you go to you have to shift the gears very quickly but you’re staring at like the three grabs are like this guy scored this guy scored yeah okay now this is another another AI generated ass recap now that I have to do so alas yeah

It’s so frustrating because and and the game on Tuesday really spoke to one of my favorite things which is a well-timed hockey fight because jaob Loco had a well-timed hockey fight and it looked like it changed the course of the game and then and then everything went to

Hell and I oh man I’m gonna be bummed about it all year so that’s that’s where I’m at with it but holy smokes that was a bummer I I doubled down anyway after that game I was like you know what it I’m still doing the I’m still doing

The Loco sidebar piece like it still was a good enough play I just I went down with the ship in that regard but I digress um all right Ty well before we uh start looking at uh holiday wish list all the good stuff let’s take a quick

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This uh this episode of poke the bear then looking at what should be on the Bruins uh Christmas wish list so um whether it’s a player a trend uh something like that what do you think this team is asking for for Santa to bring them in a couple of days I I mean

The obvious answer is secondary scoring uh but let’s get more specific here they need to get de Brusque those goal scoring sticks that is is he back to using the stick that has a damn hole in it like what is happened the weirdest in the world was that where

Everyone I think was just like he was like him trying to explain it to he’s like yeah like they told me it has like more like Loft in it I I don’t know I was like what what the is this thing right yeah you’re playing with 65%

Of a stick right now man that’s not a it’s not a good thing no one no one wants that but they gotta go they got to rumage through the warrior ice Serena storage facility and find those sticks that Jake debrusk was using last year because we talk about him every week and

It feels like every week the need for him to score becomes more dire than the week before you know you look at where they are right now before before Tuesday against Minnesota three of their last five games they scored one goal you just one goal Tuesday they scored three goals but they

Come from the same two guys that have been scoring all of them the need for him to start scoring is is becoming dire it’s becoming dire and it’s easy to kick him right now while he’s down because of how Tuesday night ended but at the end

Of the day the point remains that this team is a better more dangerous team when he is scoring goals he needs to score goals so they got to find those sticks for him and and get his game going again he is the number one thing I

Think they have to wishing for uh if if they are you know if they are making their list and checking it twice he is a top that list in my opinion yeah Matty Falcon and the guys need to get like a Franken Bower stick just reassemble

Something going be like it’s going to be like Tony stock and the the caves just making the for his Iron Man suit it’s got to be something like that get him roll have berson bless the damn sticks I don’t know what you gotta do you know let’s let’s test the sainthood of priest

Beron here and see if he can pull him out of this curse that is uh that has haunted his game because we all agree we’ve talked about before he’s had a a goodlooking season in terms of like how he looks nights how he’s impact in the

Game however he cannot be a $4 million PK specialist he’s too talented he’s too good he’s too important you got to get that offensive game going that’s number one for me yeah absolutely I think that’s without a doubt I think you look at the uh old Tin Man looking

Ass no like it is absolutely the most important thing again we will see just please don’t bring back the stick with a hole in it because a very bizarre like three week Saga that that entire thing was and it didn’t that didn’t work out like it again shockingly the this the

Stick with the hole in it does not work out very well but alas um my pick I’m GNA go a little off off the board here I’m gonna ask for a uh the Lord of the Rings extended edition set with 4K quality for our good friend uh yaka blco

Because I don’t know if that man watched the Battle of Helms Deep five times before Tuesday’s game against the wild but M was possessed in that game and obviously he got the green light finally to fight so he clearly took any opportunity to fight someone in that

Game but I think when you look at at that performance whether it’s just him dropping the gloves immediately after Johanson has that goal for Minnesota again I don’t know if they want him to keep on doing the lacrosse goal but in terms of Just Energy and players you

Know changing the tone and tenor of a game that’s something I think has been really missing with this team when you’re kind of kind of running through the same script on a lot of nights where it’s the goal tending your two Elite offensive conduits bailing you out and

It’s kind of just in between you know waiting for some other seismic shift to happen I think having a guy like lco be re-energized and kind of providing what he saw last year where didn’t play a whole lot but whenever he hopped over the boards was making something happen

Was was uh you know causing turnovers drawing penalties I think especially on that fourth line where you probably don’t have Lich now for the rest of the year having an Engaged l that wants to be a Difference Maker in any way possible is a really good sign for a

Fourth line that I think has been a pretty pleasant surprise all’s considered because I think Beach is right up there in terms of a guy that’s been super steady in terms of a pretty tough assignment out of the gate for a rookie there so more Lord of the Rings

More battle of pelor fields whatever it is for a good friend lco yeah that’s a great pick and and I I I I did want to note this because it kind of annoyed me you go back and and you go to Jim Montgomery’s post game and I didn’t

Notice it until I played it back but he like I loved our fourth line tonight okay then why didn’t they play in the third period yes why why are loo and Steen your energy guys effectively watching from the bench in the third period I think they each played I want

To say like a minute and 45 seconds like yeah use those guys man like and this comes back to the greater point that we were talking about you can’t keep grinding down your top talents you have to find minutes here for some of these fourth liners especially on nights when

They’re going like that and so that’s what I come back to and I’m a little bummed about that looking back on it and you know he said he loved their game okay well then play them more than three shifts in the third period like like that’s that’s a line that I think can

Save you some nights in terms of you know easing the burden on your top talents like they got energy and they’re flying around like that is that is everything you need in more especially with as you mentioned Lich being basically I think done forever um but

You know like you need that energy and pace and if they’re bringing it give them the minute feed them the ball you know like that’s it’s very much how I feel you you got to give the hot running back the ball you got to give the the

Hot fourth line the minutes and so I was a little bit disappointed that they didn’t do that despite the coach saying that he loved their game so that’s a great pick I just picture Loco throwing bombs and being like you have my sword my Axe and he just punching him

Right in the face and the guy’s like holy dude I don’t know what what’s happening right now well I will say loo is like a very uh like he’s like has read the books which I love the Lord of Rings movies I did not I I can’t even

Read so like like and so he probably is like taking out the frustration that like Tom Bombadil and all those chapters were taken out by Peter Jackson so I feel like that’s how he vents his stuff but you make a great point though about that fourth line like they were kind of

Like sarmon and return to the king like big part of the first two where the is he where’s the third one right it doesn’t make any sense at all this’s the guy listening to our podcast again a Dodge who’s just punching the out of his infotainment system right now

That we’re talking about this but so holidays lighten up L Rings great movie I think you agree I hope I do yes yes of course okay good good I’m not a Savage okay that’s true yes I just want to make sure all right uh Let’s do let’s each

Give uh one more uh gift or wish list idea what what’s another one you got Tai yeah you know I I think that we’ve talked about this in the past I don’t think we’ve talked about it on this podcast because we really haven’t covered a playoff uh you know in that

Time I I think this team really needs to kind of identify where the League’s Trends are going I would love one more shut down defensive defenseman with a little bit of size um it’s been really interesting you know we we’ve talked about their blown leads and their inability to limit High danger chances

Uh we look around the league defenses are getting bigger um you know players who maybe you look at three four years ago and say oh this guy’s a big O he’s not going to be lasting in this league they now have value again um you know it’s funny I was watching the uh

Capitals and Islanders game the other night and the Islanders acquired Robert berzo from uh the uh St Louis Blues and borzo was just his job was just blocking oetkin power play looks and that was his job that’s that’s what he was doing he came through with a couple of massive

Blocks on a PK um and it’s like okay that’s kind of what they’re missing right now you know and I think just one more guy especially with with Derek forber out who again has had a very under the radar Good Year sneaky good year yeah five on five yeah yeah and and

And you look at sort of you know Carlo and Lindholm when they’re on they’re 6’4 and 65 you know like they cover a lot of ground offensively I feel like this team could use one more guy who maybe flies under the radar but has a strong impact

In the defensive Zone like would you ever imagin by the way that that Zack bagoan is sixth in the NHL among expected goals against per 60 like that’s a pretty good number for a guy who costs nothing you know what I mean like they just I feel like they need

Just one more of like of those types those that type of defenseman you know I’ve long been a Yanni hacken paa apologist and Fanboy I love him I would love a defenseman like that just one more one more weapon in the Arsenal because if you’re not going to win games

Five to four you got to build your team win them two to one 3 to2 one more shutdown D may be the way to do that for this Bruins team absolutely no this is a Yanni hakuma Stan podcast I think we were both like whatever offseason he was

Fre I think both of us are like have you seen this guy like this is what they need the last and again he’s on a Dallas team that I think the average height for that defense is like 63 like hykin is the only guy which you can

Afford to have a guy be 5’11 six foot if they’re hkin in or what have you so alas that that is I think you you hit the nail in the head in terms of especially a realistic guy they could maybe acquire you know we’re not talking about like

Alas lindome stuff like that if you can you move a little bit of money and find like a third pairing big bodied guy make a world of a difference so that’s a that’s a good pick there Tai um before I give mine let’s take a quick break one

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And Charlie McAvoy to remind them of uh the the good pass they have together as a elite uh deep pair because it’s not been the case this year and I again you can look I think at uh adding more heft to this de core but I think when you

Have the body of work that both grizzli and mov have had together you can have those two play off each other further up the lineup when they’ve been a five on five Buzz saw for years now has not been the case this year and whether it’s you

Know grizzli being banged up or what have you that group regardless of you know you can talk about the playoffs and where grizzli fits in but when makoy especially he’s at his best it’s usually been with grizzli next to him has not been the case this year 152 minutes

Together almost 7 % ozone starts which is uh above and beyond what they even were in years past and they’ve been out scored six to3 um that is not great not not great when you have those guys playing like that last three years together uh Bruins outscored opponents I

Think it was what 866 to 32 an absurd number and they’re together and so again yes you can look at Personnel where he fits what have you terms of just the regular season of getting your game right having those two guys pull off each other and play at a high level is

Essential in terms of just how this overall Decor is structured hasn’t been the case this year so whether it’s Grizz getting healthy um mavo making some adjustments there need to get those guys back playing at a high level because I think even started in the playoffs last

Year where again people can talk about grizzli and what have you when mavo is with orlov wasn’t really the same and things started going off the reals later on in that series Once you take gzz out forbert and uh Clifton had really bad games and it started leading to what we

All know happened on April 30th so I think you need to get those guys back playing at a high level yeah and I I think we both agree that Matt grizzli is not nearly as bad as his detractors online will tell you I will also say

That he’s not nearly as good as the analytics will tell you some nights some nights he looks really good on on our spreadsheets and our graphs but uh the on ice game you’re like he could have given you more yeah and I think that grizzli hasn’t looked good good since

Coming back from injury um now is that rust is that lingering like what like what is it right but no matter what it is he’s go to he’s got to shake it off because he’s an important part of this team they did not trade him they did not

Give him away uh last year when when they were in their cap hell situation they clearly value what he can do and so he’s got to bring more of that when he’s on and Jim Montgomery’s talked about this before he’s really good at killing plays in transition on the rush like and

Then creating plays the other way I I think that there’s more to give on that front and so especially as a pairing with Grizz and maoy like as you noted they are super pairing they are a super pairing when they are on their game they haven’t been on their game yet so there

There’s the body of work is deep enough to suggest that it will happen but again uh we are coming back to what we’ve there been the theme now for I would say about three or four podcasts in a row where you know their margins are just so

Slim that like they need these guys to really be on their game so I think that uh just add them to the list you know along with getting forart healthy getting de brusa the sticks without the holes in them like like these guys are every member right like every member who

Was on last year’s team who is still on this year’s team is more important than they were a year ago it’s as simple as that like and so for for some of those guys it’s like well yeah no zaka is important makoy important but your secondary guys are now you know they’re

Now five or six on the on the pecking order whereas last year they may have been eight or nine like and that’s kind of I think the big thing now for that those players have to get used to and have to rise you know lift up their game

To meet that level absolutely no you hit the nail in the head there um plenty to work on for this team hopefully Santa gives them something uh that helps them kind of reverse the little Trend they’ve been in over the last couple of weeks

Here so uh Ty where can we uh read your stuff listen to your stuff where can we find you beyond this podcast yeah Beyond this podcast uh still with 985 you can read all my stuff there um radio I have I have nothing scheduled not on the schedule at all um

But I have the podcast I do there sports subub underground myself and Matt Oli you can come check that out anytime um and you can always find me on Twitter xor TI Anderson uh so I’ll be there if you need me uh my Instagram is is not

Hockey so don’t even bother following it you’re going to hate it it’s just music and nonsense and pictures of Doom uh how about yourself uh Ty you can uh read my stuff over at whether it’s uh Bruins I’ll be at uh Patriots down the stretch as well kind of get ready for

The postmortem of that season I’m so sorry I’m so sorry you have to keep doing that we’re almost there uh but you can find all my stuff on um you can also find me on Twitter X whatever the hell it’s called Ryan 93 so that was our latest episode of poke the

Bear uh to everyone listening uh for this podcast for Bruins beat all that stuff who read all of our stuff online uh in print uh Merry Christmas happy holidays again we we uh do not take for granted the opportunity we have to talk hockey uh talk about the letter rings

And uh Bruin hockey in the same podcast and interacting with all you fans and you guys make it all possible so for everyone listening to this one uh Merry Christmas happy holidays and we will uh talk to you guys after the holiday Break

Ty Anderson of 98.5 The Sports Hub joins Conor Ryan for this special holiday edition of Poke the Bear. Conor and Ty take a look at the Bruins’ recent struggles and assess their areas of greatest need. Who needs to step up, and what areas of the roster could stand to be fortified?

Poke The Bear with Conor Ryan Ep. 188

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