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Andrew Cristall walked away with a handful of hardware from the Rockets year-end awards ceremony – W

#AndrewCristall #walkedaway #handfulhardware
Wayne Moore These words from Kelownna Rockets are surprisingly called Andrew Cristall, the team’s most valuable player during the club’s annual award ceremony. After being closed because of Covid, Rockets returned to Kelownna Community Theater for the first time since 2019. “I think there was a lot of people who deserved this award, and I’m lucky to get it, Crist Cristall said a little underestimating his achievements. “Past Rocket MVPs, this award and many special names in this list, so it’s definitely a great honor.” Cristall, which is expected to be selected on the opening round of the June NHL draft, participates in a long MVP list, including NHL’ERS Jamie Benn, Colton Sissons, Cal Foote and Nolan Foote and last year’s buyer Gayalnder Talyn Boyko. A lot is happening around this season, including the entire draft Hype, Cristall said it was easy to come to runway every day. “It was an absolute hurricane of a season, and I don’t exchange for anything – it was an incredible experience. “The guys on the team are super fun and super easier. “I think what motivates me is the privilege of playing hockey every day and I got a young hockey in a city like this.” Cristall also walked away with awards for the best plusminus, a plus 18 and 39 goals, 56 assists and 95 points. Other award winners include Sunday Top Rookie – İsmail Aboutcheche Most Advanced – Jari Kykkanen UNSung Hero – Carson Golder Best Defense Advanced – Gabriel Szurc Best Defendant Caden Price Most of the sportman -like man kydd Scholastic Player – Trae Johnson Humani – John Babcock The team also praised three 20 -year -old child who will end their young careers at the end of playofflar Boyko, KYDD and Golder. President and General Manager Bruce Hamilton chose 19-year-old group the team, one of which was shot in most important years development Covid-19 pandemas, he said. When teams are only allowed keep at the age of three 20, Hamilton and Rockets will have to make some movements set endure five players.has rights. Rockets returns to work on Monday to prepare for confrontation with Western Season Champion Seattle Thunderbirds on the opening round of playoffs. The series opens with games at Seattle on Friday and Saturday before coming to Kelownna for three and four games on Wednesday, April 4th.

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