@Carolina Hurricanes

Canes Recall Raanta and re-assign Perets

Canes Recall Raanta and re-assign Perets

by pentaxshooter


  1. Caniac_420

    Damn was hoping he’d get the start on the 28th

  2. dragons_fire77

    I’m happy yet hesitant? Want Raanta to succeed, but not sure that was much of a recovery period.

  3. notyomamasusername

    I understand they need to let Kooch rest. He’s good, but he can’t start every single night.

    I guess they don’t trust Perets enough yet.

    Honestly This feels like the FO had a plan that fell through, and now they’re flailing….or they have a trade lined up and are waiting for the break to end.

    If we keep him…Hopefully, this is a wake up call and puts Raanta on another 17-game point/win streak.

  4. Electronic_Nail

    I would’ve really like to see Perets in the AHL instead of the ECHL

  5. Billy420MaysIt

    He played decently for Chicago if they do need him to start a game or two before finding a trade partner for another goalie, or this could just be a paper transaction. He was hung out to dry last night and was otherwise good and wasn’t fighting it. The first goal would be the one you’d want back but the last two were a weird bounce off a guy and ended up right on the MIL players stick and the last in OT was a breakaway 1 on 1.

    I’ve got hopes for Rants if he does need to come back in to start to spell Pyotr. But there needs to be a trade made for a 1B guy if we are riding with Pyotr.

  6. SnooWoofers1685

    I think they can have Raanta go up and down for 30 days or 10 NHL games with no waivers now. He is here for the back to back.

    This is 4D chess. The podcasts they say the goalie Market is crazy high. Hopefully, Raanta comes in and has a B+/A- game and builds on it.

  7. RandomObserver13

    Was thinking about this last night and wondering if they’d do it…at the least it puts them in their home locations for Christmas. In theory they could swap them again after the break but I think we’ll see Raanta Wednesday or Thursday. Hoping for the latter since he’s had a decent home record. Need to get him going again.

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