@National Hockey League

Bro is flabbergasted, dumbfounded & gobsmacked

Bro is flabbergasted, dumbfounded & gobsmacked

by Instant-Highlights


  1. deadfred8

    Dare I say, Buffalo is not a serious franchise?

  2. I mean he had all the rights to be angry. A horrible missed call by ref and sabres get the penalty instead

  3. Bobbyoot47

    It’s good to see he is in touch with his anger.

  4. herraJohansson

    What happened? Did someone fart in the penalty box or what???

  5. Perfect title. He was indeed all of the mentioned things.

  6. Dmckilla7

    2nd time this week a player has got thrown out for giving the refs shit for not doing their jobs, someone is gonna end up dying on TV for them to finally take player safety seriously.

  7. MariachiArchery

    I can read lips, he said.

    “Merry Christmas! Merrrrry fucking Christmas everyone. And happy Holidays too! Wishing you all the best seasons greetings! Merry fucking Chistmas! Merry Christmas!”

  8. c4ptm1dn1ght

    Saw a similar thing with Seeler Flyers Wings on Friday. I feel like players are going to start having this reaction more and more as the officiating gets worse. Get used to it.

  9. SRTifiable

    When the league veterans start losing their minds at the officiating, and taking matters into their own hands because the refs suck at their job, it’s time to take notice.

    Also, we miss you EJ.

  10. Ok-Most7651

    Who tf is captioning these posts dudes like cmon.

  11. shanster925

    I legitimately believe that the players need to keep calling out the refs and the league in the media. There will be retaliation by the officials (phantom calls, or calling everything. See: Fantilli in the Leafs game after he questioned a recent game misconduct.)

    Keeping calling it out.

    It will become obvious that they are retaliating and it will become apparent that they are either not impartial, bad at their jobs, or both.

    Keeping calling it out.

  12. CurtP31477

    Seriously everyone is getting tired of the refs. I’ve seen more players and coaches getting pissed at them than in recent years. Not even the theatrical pissed, like actually fed up and indignant over some of the phantom calls.

  13. Stonewall30NY

    He could’ve been called for interference, instigating, cross checking, roughing. Regardless of what it was he was called for, it was definitely going to be a fighting major, and a minor. The hit before this was clean, you can’t come flying across and crosscheck someone to the face to instigate a fight while a play is going on and not expect a penalty. It was the correct call. Im happy they didn’t go overboard and give another penalty for unsportsmanlike after he blew up like this

  14. Some really important context that’s missing from the comments so far:

    “Erik Johnson was still upset when I spoke to him after the OT loss.

    According to Johnson, the ref told the Sabres’ bench that he was given the instigator penalty because they were complaining too much in the first period.”

  15. robbiejandro

    There are a lot of posts in this thread about Cuylle’s hit being dirty. You all are so wrong it’s embarrassing to even read. Please just stop it.

  16. bigrandy2222

    EJ is a king and a scholar with a minor in dentistry

  17. Mayo_on_a_burger

    He was right to be mad. I don’t care about the Sabres but that was some bullshit on the ref’s part.

  18. Timewasted_Gamez

    “What are all these shenanigans?!??”

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