@Boston Bruins

LQR Game 32: Are the Bruins broken? :Bruins @ Wild

LQR Game 32: Are the Bruins broken? :Bruins @ Wild

What you got there oh list for Santa oh nice what’ you ask for well the Bruins are obviously great so just like a couple Essentials like what just stuff to improve the team nothing crazy cuz obviously we’re like super good okay so what did you ask for bro it’s not

Important I just have a couple little things because the Bruins are like really good so it’s not like any big stuff dude just let me see the list lowquality fans of a high quality Bruins team that’s not a dub it’s also getting a lot harder to say high quality it’s

Getting harder to say it’s not untrue though there’s a high quality team that’s that’s how that works I am hung over by a lot we uh I I told you guys that I had my closest friend’s birthday party last night and we really got into

It me and him had a great time some people are upset but it’s fine it’s fine uh no we had a good time and uh hoof I’m feeling it this morning 30 years old it starts to creep up on you that you can’t do what you

Used to do hey guys the Bruins might be a little broken we just played the Wild and lost of the wild and you know what for like 12 minutes the Bruins played hockey for like the beginning 12 minutes and then I don’t know what the rest of

It was but breaks can be fixed broken things can be fixed depending on the object we’re like a broken bone right we’re a bone that broke and you can fix a bone and it can come back stronger than before depending on the age of the bone this metaphor is not perfect this

Team is not perfect and we’re going through it right now so this video is going to be much more about a snapshot where we we currently are with the team not just Doom say and all that kind of stuff but literally where we are but I do want to mention a couple

Things about this game because we can’t do the full breakdown you’ve seen the highlights you’ve it’s Christmas Eve I have to be somewhere in a couple hours hung over it’s great everything’s great but there’s a couple things that really stuck out to me the first one being Ian Mitchell is becoming straight up

Unplayable at this point I mean that it is a disaster when he’s on the ice now our third pair until we are fully healthy and even then I’m not super sure our third pair has been bad like all year this was awful and wat spoon who has some high moments and some low

Moments horrid in this game as well the Bruins overall really bad Carlo had a couple moments especially that second goal where he just allows Felino it was it even you know God I can’t even remember who it was at this point to go right by him for a tap in for a tap

In third goal that was the third goal I just I don’t get it I the whole defensive structure the goals that we allowed nowark made some huge saves but the goals we allowed the capriso from the slot where geeki chases Capri off leaves golosi all alone on the dot on

The left dot to chase Capri off and then stops cover so the pass gets to golosi who’s all alone to do whatever he wants with it and yet capriso who’s in the middle of four bodies in the dead center of the slot but isn’t covered at all who GE left to go

Cover easy easy pass to him from the slot gets to be omark one of the easiest goals he’ll ever have against this Bruins franchise hopefully my God what was that Carlo allowing I’m pretty sure it was Felino to just step in front of him literally he’s standing

Right there and Felino just goes right in front of him for a well time pass for a taen like it’s just you’re just allowing it that’s not playing at all you’re just standing there allowing it I have no idea did you not know the guy

Was there and is that any sort of excuse oh you might notice that the the wall is only one name on it that’s to prove a point we’ll be getting to that the defensive lapses now look they could have scored six omark was actually really good I thought but the defensive

Lapses are so horrendous they’re massive and it’s not like we allow them all game because for a lot of the game especially when a team sets up on us I know it’s frustrating to watch them like continue to Pepper the net and we play a collapse Zone like that’s how we play defense

It’s usually really good our Rush our transition defense not that good but lately especially the past couple weeks that structural defense is falling apart and I have no clue it’s always a play where you go how do you forget that I’m so confused as to what is happening with

The focus for this team and it is a focus issue those two goals that I’ve highlighted geeki leaves a man wide open on the dot to go chase their Superstar who he’s in front of and then just turns to watch the puck go to gagas and not do anything about it COV just

Takes two more strides forward gets a wide open chance for the slot which of course he buries and then Carlo just stands there and allows Felino to step in front of him with no physical contact and for a tap in goal but that’s there’s no excuse for that at all I don’t

Understand I don’t understand I’m ranting too much about one of my points other game notes the offense is so stagnant it hurts we know that we’re going to talk more about it but you scored to get within one goal with six minutes and 7even seconds left on a

Great play by Heinen a really great play by Heinen the other goal being a pasta blast or in a power play great awesome whatever but you scored to get within one with 6 minutes left and after that you mustered one shot on net one for the remaining six minutes and it was a

Listless Chuck from poock on the right Circle just to get a whistle in their Zone there was he wasn’t scoring on that he knew he wasn’t scoring on that he’s like get the puck to the net let’s get a whistle let’s get this set up call the timeout let’s

Go you mustered one shot on net in the final six minutes what the hell guys I that’s just frankly not good enough right what six minutes now I know you only had 21 shots the whole game or 22 whatever ended up being but 6 minutes you’re down by a goal

There’s no fluidity no creativity no chemistry there’s nothing with the forwards and yeah you can point to the defenseman who can’t make a clean outbreaking pass to save their lives right now but once you’re in the zone it’s turnover after turnover and it’s unforced I mean late in the game Heinen

At one point he’s got the puck and again heining great play to to get within one so I’m not just [ __ ] on him but he’s on the right wall and he’s trying to pass back to the point there’s a Defender between him and the point and

He just pushes it Forward softly oh he flubbed it oh man sometimes it just doesn’t doesn’t matter it there’s no excuse when you’re doing it 14 times a game like you can’t always be man you just oh yeah we keep it just kind of tosses off our sticks sometimes

Sometimes you don’t get good wood on it okay that that excuse runs out when it’s not like once in a while when it’s every time you’re in the offensive zone somebody does doesn’t get good wood on it every time we’re just giving it away over and over and over the Bruins have

Become one of the easiest teams to play against over the past few weeks do I think this team is as bad as they’re playing no but we are an easy game right now that’s a real thing is our season over absolutely not we have 50 games left and Corrections can get made but

This game highlighted so much of what I feel is so wrong with this team and before someone makes the whole we’re not physical enough we are fifth in the league through this whole losing stretch we’re fifth in the league in hits and the IT test to me backs that up I feel

Like we are physical we’re slow to every loose Puck and we lose a bunch of board battles so there’s some physicality you can point to but we are laying the body we’re not doing anything else well anything anything else and the goenda hockey for uh for most of these

First stats and then we’ll use Natural stat trick in a second but since November 19th it was just after we had won four five and the next game on November 20th we lost an overtime to the lightning and that kicked off this mediocre five weeks for us where we went

66 and four all right over the last 16 66 and four that’s not good that’s really really that’s bad there’s been some injuries on the back end some line shuffling some odd decisions from Monty but let’s just focus on the numbers real quick according to Quant hockey since November 19th the Bruins have

Been bad everywhere the defense is ranked 24th in goals allowed per game the offense is ranked 27th in goals scored per game 25th in shooting percentage 25th in shots taken goal tending um 14th in average save percentage but we can probably point to the complete lack of possession and

Continuous chances we give up rather than hey our goalies are suddenly middling they’re not they’re not and again I did have this note here it’s not because they’re soft it’s not a lack of hitting like they’re they’re hitting fifth in the league in that stretch all of that is concerning all of those

Numbers are bad right but a lot of the defensive numbers can be explained by constant pressure I think our defense is actually much better than the what they’ve shown right and a lot of it also has to do with the injuries and the the breakdowns and things like that so yeah

I’m kind of willing to to push back on the well suddenly team sucks at defending their own net I’m willing to push back on that especially when you look at the offense and it’s a continuous one and done when we get a shot on net that’s the whole possession

It goes back the other way every time and that’s if we get a shot on the net we head to the Zone we make an attempt it’s back the other way we backpedal every time we can’t possess the puck in their Zone and even when we do nothing’s

Getting to the net there’s no Lanes opening no creativity everything that Monty is known for as a coach it’s not present right now and what’s even scarier about these numbers is that that 27th in the league we are seventh in the league in power play percentage through

That time meaning we have the seventh best power play in the league since November 19th and we have the 27th best offense in its entirety for goals scored per game the five on five scoring is non-existent it’s so bad and it doesn’t help that the penalty kill has been not

Great either during that stretch 18th in the league but and we take too many penalties but really when you look at this team it’s an offensive issue I think because I think a lot of that stuff defensively gets solved when you just get a little bit healthier a little

More consistency on the back end you kick out Ian Mitchell things like that but when you look offensively and you start to get into advanced analytics the expected goals for percentage for basically all of our lines is negative it’s it’s bad they’re getting pretty much all of them are getting outplayed

In some way shape or form not every single line but the large majority of them and our shot creation is so bad and it’s not even just that when you do create chances you’re not finishing on them according to Natural stat trick we are 20th in the league during that

Stretch in high danger chances created right that’s not good what’s even worse is that we are 25th in high Danger shooting percentage so even when you’re creating those High danger chances which is rare you’re not scoring on them because you have no finish even if we were able to create I

Don’t know say we’re we were 10th in the league if your finishing sucks it doesn’t matter it really doesn’t now are any of you surprised by any of those numbers absolutely not sometimes the ey test and the advanced analytics link up really well and this is one of those

Times is any of this a death sentence though absolutely not that’s not how hockey works we are comfortably in a playoff spot right now due to a hot streak to begin the season the team absolutely has the talent to not be a 500 team and we have 50 games remaining

Which some of you will say well that’s certainly enough time to fall out of a playoff spot yeah it is it’s also a time to correct the issues that you’re having but there are a few points or opinions that I kind of want to get off my chest

About the next 50 Games first of all you won’t see a trade until March I keep hearing people talk about de Brusque and Grizz and moving them and lysel who is turning 21 in January it’s really hard to call him a bust already I’m just saying I don’t think it’s a fair label

For him yet uh but you’re not going to see that trade and as much as I like lindol and hannahan and their exciting names it’s probably not who we’re going to get this season we can talk about the offseason in the offseason but I wouldn’t expect a swing that big

For a team that’s playing money ball this year and we knew was playing money ball this year we tossed in some vets on low numbered contracts low cost low years just to supplement the team to get us over the hangover of losing so much talent of core pieces this team for a

Long time all of that points to not making a huge move until the deadline because the team is more or less where it expects it to be you’ve got hot streaks you’ve got cold streaks and the organization trusts Monty and they’re going to give him a chance to fix this

Before they start making wholesale changes that is a very clear message from the franchise I believe at this point you’re not going to see a trade for at least a couple months I’m pretty certain about that when they do make a trade if it were for some big name there

Would have to be an extension related to it they are not going to mortgage the future right now with the state of the franchise for a rental that’s not who this team is last year that’s who that team was not this year so I’d really expect them to either hold out for the

Free agency or if they make a move for a lindol type it’s going to come with an extension I’m getting on the record right now I like lindol I don’t know if he’s a really good onec I think he’s a really good 2C and he’s being build as

Like this Elite top Center who is going to be making to1 million a year I think there’s going to be buyer remorse on that one he is not the guy I think everyone thinks he is not everyone that a lot of people do again great player true 1C not so sure about that

Does he make this team better absolutely absolutely $9 million better I don’t think so the reason only merkulov is on the wall is because call-ups are a must at this point ptra is not going to be back for a little while the roster freeze is currently in happening at

Words so you can’t call anyone up until I believe after the Buffalo game on the 27th I think the 28th or the 29th is when it actually ends merkulov is a must call call up at this point he was really good last year he’s top 10 right now in points in the

AHL albe at a couple extra games played for him but he’s almost at a point per game you need to to raise the level of internal competition and merkulov is not a defensive stud but he’s been very impressive offensively and he’s been working with that coaching staff and

They’re pretty happy with the progress he’s made feels like he’s buying into the system so you’re lines after that Buffalo game in my opinion should be hinen zaka pasta which is I mean you whatever Martian coil Freddy you’re tossing Freddy back up in the top six because coil Freddy just works I know

Freddy isn’t a top six guy neither is Cole neither is Heinen we’re still three guys short that’s a different conversation debrus merkulov geeki I want MK at Center position he’s been playing Center position in the AHL I’d like to see if he can play in the NHL

Jvr beater Steen hate pushing jvr that low but we are where we are this team’s not good right now and it needs some changes somebody has to fall out loo falls out of the lineup Lao as much as we’ve enjoyed the fights and he’s been playing with speed and aggression I

Don’t think he’s been very good at the hockey portion at all defensively there’s no help coming there’s no help coming but Lura has looked like a true top four NHL defenseman and getting better every shift Lori makoy lindom Carlo should be your top four for the rest of the season

If they’re healthy Grizz shaton Kirk as painful as that might be Grizz has got to step up shaton Kirk’s got to be better that still gives you three guys short on the top six which isn’t going to be fixed this year and a third pair that potentially will be fixed this year

And I can’t believe I’m going to say this I kind of miss forbort just cuz I know what I’m getting with him and it isn’t what we’ve been getting from Ian Mitchell and W spoon so simple right all of that seems really negative it’s actually not because that roster still

Pretty solid get some internal call-ups give some guys some chances you just put merul live in the ptra spot is all you’re doing then when ptra returns you figure it out from there but this is what needs to happen you can’t continue with what you’ve been doing in a year

That you think you can make the playoffs and if this team wakes up a little bit which is certain possible and they go on a bit of a bit of a heater they got hot at the right time you’ve got great go tending you’ve got a defensive structure

That you should be able to get back to and if the scoring just UPS by a little bit by a little bit or back towards middle of the league then this team has a puncher chance against anybody because it’s hockey why can’t it be us right why

Not us this team’s still solid it really is it’s it’s a ton of negativity right now surrounding the team because it hasn’t performed well but there’s still a lot of growth to be happening get some young guys in here let’s shake it up a little bit you don’t have to go crazy

And put MC on your top left wing or something like that no get him in a center position third line maybe second line if you want to get squirly with it just see what he can do fonci is another guy I would look at calling up if you

Didn’t want to do uh merkulov another Center who’s been playing solid and then uh obviously lysell is an option for Wing if you’re just like we we need some creativity and scoring this team’s not done we’re well within a playoff spot we just got to clean it up a bit and that’s

Super doable the break’s coming at a good time and to everybody else Merry Christmas have a great holiday you know have a good one I’ll see you guys in the middle of next week go bees go bees thank you for watching but of course we’ve got to give a shout out to

The low quality YouTube channel members need a real name for that one of these days starting with a Topline tier the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams just Aaron Darren Woodbury micro sausage Brett Arne pinent Justin Barnard and Nick Zulo you guys are studs and then we have our stallions

Aaion Hy E coyote Joel Jacob Pratt Jason Azie bruan Connelly tupton daachi Jonathan Harvey D Kingery the only NES a tasty snack dutes 42 Bruin Smash and Jeremy absolute Legends thank you guys so much for your support and go bees

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  1. We knew this was going to be ugly coming into this season. But there's something here. A team that stormed out of the gates with a ton of new pieces to arrange coupled with elite goaltending. We are now seeing the inevitable hardships that come from this new roster construction.

    But, with the way these new names and AHLers have stepped up, couped with adversity they are facing as a group right now this could result in a team dangerous (if they face themselves and addeess issues and find luck in the playoffs) enough to get to round 2.

  2. merk is listed as a left wing but i thought i saw him playing center. poor Bs. i had a bad feeling going into this week end. lots of good teams are having a tough go lately.

  3. Happy holidays to you and the HQ family! And happy holidays to YOU dear viewers. You're all the best, collectively here together. But anyway, enough of the sappy stuff, clears throat WOOOOOO LETS GO B's!!!!!!!!!

  4. Merks a play maker who can score deff call him up. I’d like to see
    Geekie- zacha- pasta
    Debrusk- merk- marsh
    Jvr- coyle- freddy
    Hen- beech- lauko
    I know Geekie isn’t a LW but he plays harder when his role is bigger and besides pasta and marsh he’s the only other forward scoring.. heinen is always is a good spot but has no finish it’s so frustrating lol need to change things up and find chemistry and good puck movement

  5. I hope Bruins get reset during this break cuz theyve gotta get back to the way they were to start season!!?? Theyve gotta be putting in way more effort!? Aside from Steen and Lauko everyone else just has looked so slow and they arent skating hard enough at all!? Also theyve been acting like theyve got all the time in the world to make plays and arent making plays fast enough!? Like when puck is sent around the boards out to a D man the puck will come off boards and be slowing down as its coming towards player but instead of them getting on it and going to the puck instead theyve been standing there just waiting for puck to get to them but the puck is losing speed!? They cant be waiting for it to get to them theyve gotta skate towards it and get puck quicker and then they e gotta move it quicker!!? Theyve been playing like 5 individuals instead of a 5 man unit!!!!?? Gotta communicate better!? Way too many guys making passes to guys who arent expecting it or just arent even there!!?? COME ON B'S GOTTA GET IT TOGETHER HERE!!?? Ithink maybe they should bring up merkulov!? Couldnt really make it any worse than its been lately so y not give him a shot and see if he can help out!?

  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Montgomery's constant tinkering with the lines is killing the team. The forwards are passing to nowhere, they look lost and confused on offense. It's so frustrating to watch. The lines just don't get a chance to gel. They get in the offensive zone, miss the net, get passes intercepted etc. and right back on defense. Lack of offensive possession puts more pressure on defense.

    Marchand and DeBrusk looked good last night specially in the first period. They were working well together, they were finding each other. You can tell they played together. Unfortunately Coyle was not up to the task. Coyle is a 3rd line center, period. Put Poitras between them. Heinen is not a top 6 player, but Monty has a huge man crush on him for some reason. Pasta and Zacha work well together, put JVR with them. Coyle Frederick and Heinen on the 3rd line. 4th line, pick 'em. And keep these lines together 7 to 10 games! See what you've got once they've played together a while.

    Montgomery is like a little kid sitting on the living room floor playing with blocks, rearranging them constantly.

    On defense I have never liked Carlo. I don't see what the Bruins see in him. All I see is a guy filling a roster spot. A guy who makes Huge mistakes and contributes very little on offense. Lohrei does not belong in the NHL, he makes more mistakes than Carlo! He is better on offense but not enough to keep in here.

    Let's get off the "trade DeBrusk" train people. You aren't getting anything for him. The only possible scenario is a package deal somewhere. Edmonton needs goaltending, send them Ullmark and DeBrusk for Draisaitl. DeBrusk would do well there, his hometown. Mom's cooking and dad there to give him a slap upside the head when he screws up, perfect. Oilers get the goaltending they desperately need and the Bruins get a number one center. The money even works.

  7. The B’s don’t have an identity right now. They don’t have a character right now. Their structure is non existent right now. Isn’t some of this on the coach? (I’m a Monty fan) steen has 1 point, why not bring someone up from Providence. Lindholm is on the ice all the time. He’s played over 100 more shifts so far this season than any other Bruins. Maybe they’re wearing him out. We won’t trade anyone right now. Who has value, what would someone give for DeBrusk or Griz. That being said 50 games left. Now if I’m still saying this with 25 game left my tv will not survive.

  8. The boys are looking rough. I have to come clean tho. It's my fault, I brought my brother to the game in tampa and the guy is a known jinx. Sorry boys.

  9. I am starting to wonder if we are finally showing our true colors. Maybe the beginning of the season was an anomaly?

    I still have faith, and I hope I am wrong.

    Another thing: Is it just me or is Lindholm taking many penalties whenever he's trying to defend?

    Let's keep up the faith and hope we see a refreshed team after the break.

  10. My biggest concern with the Bruins is their lack of energy, commitment & effort, but especially after a vintage Marchand shift.
    We simply don't match his competitive spirit enough & it seems like the team doesn't respond to his hard work on the ice.
    Not enough commitment,
    Not enough execution,
    Not enough leadership.
    Marchand & Pastrnak currently feel like the only leaders on this team.
    McAvoy & Lindholm have been soft & too quiet.
    Pastrnak may not be very vocal on the bench, but he leads with points on the board.

  11. This game highlights exactly what I’ve been saying about Carlo for ages..
    The guy stands still, gets out muscled and ends up in a heap in the crease.
    As for the other goal he stands next to them and pretty much watches their forwards take 3 whacks at it off the rebounds…just win one battle ffs.

    Positive – it’s been nice not to have to listen to jack edwards. As much as I believe it could be health related and don’t wish him any ill, it’s validation that a change is needed.

    As for the goalie stats – they’re both standing on their head, it’s not only the amount of chances given up it’s the level of chances, giveaways in the slot, odd man breakaways etc

  12. Good thing about being hungover on Christmas eve is you can just drink through it and it's totally acceptable. Not a Bs fan ( but I will cheer for them when they play the Scabs, cuz F them), but I like the real hockey fan talk. Broken bone? A vertebrae maybe? I kidd. I kidd. Nah, not really. Merry Christmas, dude.

  13. I can tell you why there’s no chem with the forwards…because this guy is switching up the lines EVERY game. Like why? How are you supposed to understand your teammates if you’re with a different guy every day? That’s why we can’t score. No one knows how their line plays.

  14. dabooty – Zacha – Pasta
    Marchand – Coyle – geekie
    Lauko – murk – lysell
    Heinen – Benched – Fred

    Mcavoy – Lorei
    Lindholm – Carlo
    Griz – Shat

  15. The defence isn’t the issue. Yes there have been lapses, but that’s at least in part due to the fact that our defensive units are overworked. Why are they overworked? Because our forward lines just aren’t working. Scratch DeBrusk and bring Merkulov in to give us something new and try and inject some attacking quality into the team. It’s not just DeBrusk, but he’s been one of the ones who stands out as not bringing what they should to the team.

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