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Building Best Chargers “Big Four” | Coaching Search Continues After Loss To The Bills

Building Best Chargers “Big Four” | Coaching Search Continues After Loss To The Bills

W Hey what is up everybody Welcome to the guilty as charge podcast coming to you live on a Saturday evening feels weird doing a a postgame recap on Saturday but uh here we are to discuss a little bit of the Chargers game against the bills you know for the most part here we’re

Going to be zeroing in more on the Chargers head coach in GM search and it’ll be a really fun episode that Tyler and I are really excited about discussing with you guys um but we’ll have some quick thoughts about the game since it was an entertaining game prime

Time I guess on peacock um but uh we’ll see what it is but uh joining me as always is my guy Tyler Tyler what’s up man how you doing tonight great man I’m on break that game was very entertaining and the Chargers lost it was the

Greatest loss I can recall in quite some time you know I know the players aren’t trying to lose yeah you know we were all kind of rooting for a loss the Chargers weren’t mathematically eliminated they are now I’m assuming there’s no more scenarios where they could make it so

Yay you know the Chargers didn’t uh lose their draft spot there in fact they probably moved up just a little bit so yeah pretty good yeah we’ll see what the draft implications are obviously but uh the Chargers I think heading into today had a less than 1% chance of making the

Playoff that is obviously a zero but I think obviously the the win loss to me didn’t really matter I think for the most part what I wanted to see from this team is for them to respond to coach GIF Smith shout out to interm head coach GIF

Smith and uh see how they would fight see how they would respond and also like some of these young players getting new opportunities see how e stick would would respond um and I think for the most part there was mostly positives in that regard um there were certainly some

Errors obviously this team is the the season is what it is at this point in time um but I I think they fought hard I think the game was competitive when nobody else really thought it was going to be competitive I mean the bills were 12 and a half Point

Favorites like nobody thought that the Chargers were going to be in this game um and I think you know credit to GI Smith and his coaching staff they had a great plan today they took the ball away three times from the bills today it just overall was a fantastic effort and uh

Thankfully they also lost right exactly it’s funny how we look at games like this because if it were Brandon Staley and Tesco and all the staff was still here it’s oh the Chargers blew a fourth quarter lead again that sort of thing which they did but it felt different and really early

On you could tell you know the defense was playing very hard the offense had a different game like a completely different game plan this is what I expected the Chargers to have the previous week for Easton stick um instead we see it this week and it

Really seemed to pay off overall for him for the offense for the most part for prot protection issues um it seemed to hold up until it didn’t and then some people are pointing out in the chat then the the Chargers things that pled him throughout the year started to pop up

Again these things it’s not just a head coach that is responsible for those things so the other things that plag the Chargers this year popped up but you can’t question that the effort and the intensity that was out there Chargers almost won and they did the right thing by almost

Winning yes you know you mentioned like the the the issues that I’ve always played them like that sequence at the end where East stick gets sacked it’s it’s a 100% a coaching thing I know Jamari got beat by Ed Oliver like I’m not gonna say that he didn’t get beat

But the bills were rushing three and they slid protection to the left when the right side had the two rushers so they had basically Brenan heus Zion and Slater blocking one one player and then Jamari and Trey pipkins were blocking two players like just stupid coaching

Stuff like that continues to pop up and it’s all season long and I know that this is their third string Center I know this is a backup quarterback but Ed Oliver was the only guy giving you problems tonight the only guy like Von Miller was a non-factor Greg rouso was a

Non-factor you know your tackles have played extremely well and the only player from the bills who was consistently getting pressure was Ed Oliver like I don’t know maybe double team that guy in a clutch situation and it’s the same thing when they when they played the Titans in week two like maybe

Double team Jeffrey Simmons he’s their best defensive Passat rusher like it’s just things like that about Kell Moore that I’ve really grown like really sick of like I I don’t know what his chances are of coming back but I like I the the attention to detail is just not there

And it’s stuff like this tonight like it’s so simple just tell Brennon heus and whoever is the guard on against Ed Oliver just double team him it’s that simple just coaching like fine details like that are really alluding you know uh Kell Moore right now I’m just kind of

Kind of over it yeah I agree we’ve talked about this quite a bit um again like early on I thought they were moving and they were humming and East and stick did I like a draw play on third down that definitely did not work no I did

Not but they tried to get e stick on the move and while that play didn’t pay off many more paid off but then yeah like like you said just the protection issues just you know nothing new there unfortunately and and you know part of it at some point like East six should

Probably just throw the ball away on some moment you can’t take three separate times in field goal range can’t do that but still you got to also help him out too and understand this is a is your backup quarterback yeah so good question from uh Ash HCK here um the

Protection plans it during the week it’s a collaborative effort it’s the offensive line coaches obviously Brendan nent Sean Sarat it is Kell Moore it is the quarterback room in general during the week it’s all collaborative but during the game Kell Moore is the one who calls the plays and says this is

Where our protection is like you have to run this this protection so the protection plans are built into all of the play calls so the protection plan throughout the week is everybody but during the game it is specifically Kellen who calls this thing and then they get to the sideline and they try

And you know make some adjustments and the offensive line coach works with the off offensive line they get with the quarterback and everything like that you make everything adjust during the game but at the end of the day it is Kell’s responsibility to say hey we’re going to

Run this play make sure you account for Ed Oliver we’re going to run this play make sure you account for Von Miller whoever the star pass rusher is make sure you account for Max Crosby so this is I I think a great question um you know because like it’s a lot of Kell

Moore versus jool ardy talk like Dan poer was talking about it on uh on hops with pop the other night it’s everybody but during the game it is kellen’s responsibility to ultimately protections the right way yeah and it’s you know whatever they do in the meetings whe

They do in practice in film study whatever it might work like honestly these issues don’t really pop up usually in the first off like whatever plan they had going into it seems to be okay and then the defensive coordinator consistently always adjust and find something on that final drive in the

Fourth quarter they find a way so then at that point yeah it is on Kell Moore because he is not prepared for the the counter Punch or whatever it is from the coordinator yeah and I know that there’s like a lot of comparisons but the the Chargers offense was not exactly great

Protection under Joe Lombardi either I mean last year their pressure rate was is just as high as it is this year so again some injuries things like that um but uh it is what it is oh nice we got uh Jason Rosenberg in here in the chat

Jason was the winner of the Christmas giveaway that we did so hopefully he uh enjoyed the game um hopefully you enjoyed the seats shout out to powder PL Drew who on Twitter who’s the one I I bought the tickets from so uh appreciate you guys and glad Jason’s in the chat

Right now yeah a lot of people well not a lot of people some people a few people and they also dmed me or or messaged me went to the game and I’m glad that you did um one of the guys in my Grooms and my what wedding party whatever Kelly he

Went to the game and he you know wore his Santa outfit and had a blast like I’m happy for those who actually went why God knows why you probably bought your tickets six months ago waiting for that AFC play off push game but I’m glad

You had a good time like I know the Chargers lost but that’s kind of the outcome we all wanted anyway yeah yeah um there are some takes that we can get into later on but uh I we have to give a shout out tonight to Cameron Dicker I

Mean the man is just ice in his veins clutch kicker like the the the broadcast crew tonight like when the the final sequence is coming down for the charger offense they’re like man they got a big decision do they kick it tonight I’m like this is a routine field goal kicker

For Cameron Dicker like like this is no sweat at all for me like the the man is to me one of the best kickers in the league so I I agree with Frank in the chat Cameron Dicker needs to be voted to the pro bow everybody in here make sure

You go vote tonight for Cameron Dicker um the Chargers were rightfully adding the tag to every single field goal that he made tonight um it’s just it it’s incredible to really look back at having Cameron Dicker and Dustin Hopkins on the roster and both of them I you could make

An argument that both of them are the best kickers in the AFC this year um it’s just been incredible but Cameron Dicker specifically um just love watching him kick he’s hilarious those videos that the Chargers made with him were awesome uh I asked Darius Davis yesterday or on Thursday about him and

And he’s like that’s who he is every day like the man just loves to have fun he’s a great guy to be around and then he’s just an incredible kicker too so he is a free agent at the end of the season so uh certain kicker in Chicago just got

Paid and uh I would expect Mr Cameron Dicker to get paid as well in the offseason so shout outs Cameron Dicker go vote for him in the Pro Bowl yeah incredible I think you pointed out you didn’t feel worried at all when he went off for the 53 Yer I’m I’m past that

Point honestly of being worried sure if you start you know you show me 59 yards 69 or 60 yards sure like I’ll start getting a bit worried but you know whereas going into this year we were so worried about those 50 plus kicks from Cameron Dicker because he didn’t hit one

Now it’s like yeah sure we’re good and it was good and it was good it could have been eight more yards it was right down the middle I mean it just looks easy now now it’s just easy for him he’s automatic the Chargers have had you like some good kickers before but they

Haven’t had automatic in a very long time and that’s what it feels like with Cameron Dicker hasn’t missed an extra point in any of the teams he’s played for the two of them and I think he’s missed what three field goals in the last two years I mean he’s just

Incredible yeah and I I forgot to point this out he now officially has the record for a single season in Chargers history for most kicks Beyond 50 yards which is kind of crazy so hasn’t had a ton of attempts would be very interesting to see what his season would

Look like um if GIF Smith were his coach instead of a very aggressive uh Brandon Staley so um shout outs Cameron Dicker um oh he’s a restricted free agent okay that would still qualify him as a an extension candidate though right yeah because didn’t Donald Parham

Was he in RFA yeah he got a two-year yeah yeah so they the restricted free agent my understanding is that they would be able to match any external offer but um he’s gonna he’s gonna stick around he’s gonna get paid for sure I I usually know these things but ask me in

March like that’s when I know these things and we’re so we’re so in on the coaching search andm search I get it um Tyler anything else you want to discuss before we get to our actual segment of the night I I’ll wait a bit longer to discuss this later but deran James being

Out on like that final third down uh that passing down where the the bills converted stuff like that going in and out of the lineup that needs to be discussed but I want to see a the film B the rule and C the snap count yeah it

Seemed like he was basically a slot only player and there were like some snaps here and there of like a dime linebacker um so that that’s that’s definitely something that we can look at after we look at the film the numbers and things like that but um yes there’s

There’s a ton of other things that we could talk about honestly like this probably is game that we could do a full recap of uh but that’s not what we want to do today because the season is over so um appreciate you guys for tuning in

Tonight um our our main segment of to of conversation is going to be the big four um so what we have done tonight is prepare a a segment about each of the top head coaching candidates and we’ve tried to assemble a GM and an offensive coordinator and a defensive coordinator

We’re going to talk about some names I believe that this whole thing can really make or break how you feel about a specific head coach like I know that there’s going to be a lot of like I want this head coach or that head coach but

When you look at like the staff that they could put together it really can I think Elevate or also you know deescalate a a potential candidate in terms of a head coach so we did a ton of research into this I’ll let Tyler kind of explain the process here but uh I’m

Really excited about this one when we came up with this I think this is a really great way to visualize what the hiring of the head coach in GM can really look like yeah so we’re going to go through I believe 43 different unique names here now this is not an exercise

Where we’re taking the best GM candidate the best head coach candidate the best offensive coordinator and defensive coordinator and sticking them together at least not intentionally because you can sure mix and match with different player people and Personnel from different different teams different College NFL you name it we’re trying to

Match People based on connections which allows us to flesh out more of this like we could sit here and tell you okay we’re gonna talk about Harbaugh Ben Johnson and like the best guys we can connect to them and that’s it you guys

Can do that or we can do this at a later time but today we really wanted to talk about connections because that’s kind of what it ends up being especially for some of these guys like a Harbaugh you know the connections are going to matter although I’m sure a lot of different you

Know um coaches staff members Etc would want to join him with the Chargers If he if he chose to join so um there needs to be the rules for this were that the GM and the head coach had to have some sort of connection and then to pick an offensive

Or defensive coordinator there needed to be a connection between the OC offensive coordinator and the defensive coordinator to at least one of the head coach and the GM and then it had to be realistic so they had to be available or they’re projected to be available because they they’re going to blow up

That staff or whatever or they would receive a promotion maybe it’s like an Eric bmy type thing where they move and get the associate head coach title or they aren’t the play caller so they’re going to be the play caller now Etc that sort of thing so that’s kind that’s kind

We formed our big Force there’s a lot of different names here if you want to make your perfect one fine we also tried to avoid repeating a lot of the names like we could have put some people as defensive coordinator for like six of

These you know a lot of a lot of people trying to pull from the same like 49ers for example we could fill a lot of this with just 49ers members but that’s boring so we try to do more I think we’ll talk about I think 44 different people tonight yeah like Tyler pointed

Out like there’s always the chances that a coach hires out of his connection scheme there’s always the chance that uh somebody like Dennis Allen for example could get fired here and he could become a very hot defensive coordinator candidate um you know like you look at

What Vic vanio and his cycle last year um he’s not somebody that was directly tied to Mike McDaniel but he was the most popular defensive coordinator hiring out there and Mike McDaniel and the Dolphins went out there and paid for him so um we’re we’re just doing the big

Four um we’ll mention mostly connections if not you know there are some that are pseudo connections I I would hope to answer Carlos’s question that Ryan fickin is sticking around that’s another thing we could talk about I mean the man does nothing but coach elite special teams players I mean AJ Finley is

Suddenly this amazing Gunner after Dean Leonard was an amazing Gunner after Taylor was an amazing Gunner so Ryan ficken definitely deserves to be talked about and and we did mention some possible connections of of other coaches previously with him so I would assume that the Chargers organization that has

Watched Terrible Special Teams for the last 15 years would be very interested in retaining Mr Ryan ficken yeah no 100% in these scenarios we’re assuming Ryan ficken stays and frankly as I sort of joke but I’m serious about if a head coach comes in or GM comes in and goes

Yeah we don’t need Ryan ficking show them the door like they’re an idiot so you can’t find somebody better you’re not going to find somebody better no he’s he’s literally I think one if he’s not the best special teams coordinator in the league he’s right up there two or

Three so uh you know then that needs to be a requirement in my opinion for whoever is is coming in H coach like there’s you know Dan Quinn and the Special Teams coordinator for the Cowboys are tight like I’m sorry like no no no that guy’s staying in Dallas like

Don’t care yeah um all right let’s let’s dive in here yep go ahead all right so the first one we are going to mention here is uh Jim Harbaugh he’s obviously the most popular head coaching candidate I was really interested to see just how much everybody wanted him and so I I

Tweeted out a poll of if him Bill belich and Mike Tomlin were available who would you choose Mike tominov has since it’s since come out that the Steelers want to extend him um and Jim Harbaugh got like 80% of the poll anyway so I know everybody wants Jim Harbaugh we’re on

That on that same page um Tyler what did what did your you make of like the potential connections here for Jim Harbaugh yeah to me the the lucky one was Finding evero from the the Panthers currently um formerly with the 49ers initially as an assistant on special

Teams then on offense and then on defense it’s funny how he kind of worked his way um around there now of course he’s still employed by the Panthers but eventually they’re probably going to change things hey it could be Ben Johnson staff and they’d be smart to retain evero but it’s not guaranteed

They’ve already fired their coach lot of change on the way over there so he could definitely be out there and my computer just froze there we go um the one that I really like in terms of one history and two just personality based on quotes you

Find is Ed dods we were going to go with a different GM here we’ll talk about that person later so it’s not like they’re not on here you could slide them in here and I would not be I would not have an issue with that at all um but

Dods given what he did with this with Seattle in particular that legion of boom um and not working with the Colts and what they had been able to do um I really like that they I think it was PFF that pointed out that there wasn’t really much of an analytics research

Development team until he got there with the Colts and once he got there they really started to lean into that more so really good there um but the quote that I think is just I think would fit right with Jim Harbaugh is he was with the

Colts and they had just they had won a wild card game but they didn’t make it out of the postseason um and so his quote because I guess the other scouts or whoever it was were just you know yay we won the wild card game or whatever and the media was

Like they’re gonna be really good next year and the quote from from dods um assistant general manager is this not safe for work so here we go three two one we ain’t done yet we won a wild card game I just felt like everyone was jacked we’re on this win

Streak and I’m kind of like what the does it matter if we don’t go to a Super Bowl so what a couple of injuries bomb a couple of draft picks no one in the pipeline to replace the players you lost you got to be relentless you can’t

Stop I don’t love that that’s very much that’s very much so a departure right not not that Tasco never swore or anything but it it feels like a departure and that aligns so much I think with Harbaugh it’s a it’s a complete overdrive like I don’t give a

Flying fart about making the postseason anymore it’s about winning the Super Bowl and I’m sure it is for some teams but Harbaugh’s a guy who I was can you know can walk the walk and dods is someone who’s going to I think in terms of Vision aligned there so the the

Tougher one for me was offensive coordinator for Jim Harbaugh now in this exercise we made it more difficult on ourselves because hara’s goingon to be able to pull probably anybody yeah any any candidate who’s available he’s going to be able to pull them we went with Pep Hamilton because of the connection to

Justin Herbert and of course to Harbaugh it was the the freest I think I’ve seen Herbert look even though Herbert’s been in a better offense in 2021 I love the way that Herbert was playing in 2020 and he’s only grown since so I think I think that’s a nice like quarterback Whisperer

Sort of way um the interesting one what kind of threw a wrench and everything for us was shiron Moore the interim head coach for the um Michigan Wolverines right now one and0 um the question is really just whether he decides to leave and join Jim Harbaugh or become the head

Coach at Michigan and both are possible um I definitely didn’t consider this because I think if Harbaugh leaves he’d be the head coach for for Michigan but Brett Coleman threw it out there so we decided to bring it up here and we’ll talk about more a bit later on yeah so

Getting to the dods I I loved that story you know reading about all of these GM candidates and and his personality I think shines through the most in terms of his you know aggressive nature but at the same time there was another story where when C became the assistant GM he

Felt like his job was essentially to calm down Chris Ballard and also Jim ERS and there was the story from two drafts go the Colts had uh two picks in the 70s and they really loved galani woods and they really L I forget who the other

Player was but it was two players in the 70s that they both really liked and Chris balard was huh I think it was pierce yes Alec Pierce um anyways so Chris Balor was was getting really antsy and he wanted to trade up he wanted to

Make sure he got one of those two guys and Jim ERS was also getting really antsy he wanted to make sure he got one of those two guys because they both I guess you know loved those two players and Ed dos took it upon himself to just

Be like hey like let’s relax let’s play the board let’s trust our process he actually bet Chris Ballard money that the players would both be on the board at their respective picks they both were they came away with those draft picks and Ed dods you know had the I Told You

So moment so it’s hard to argue with his track record of of draft success and again you know the Colts is a very collaborative effort obviously as we know but you know you look at the Colts and under Frank Reich they had the most probers in the league one year this past

Season we all raved about their draft the draft before that was a fantastic draft so you know they they’ve they’ve been able to put together a really fantastic roster and I think if you pair him with a guy like Jim Harbaugh you just have like unlimited resources for

The kind of Staff you can build so you know shom man pointing out like Anthony Weaver for the Ravens defensive line coach for DC Jim Haro is gonna have that kind of pull but he’s not directly tied to Weber he is directly tied to Ed dods

So Ed dods was a scout in Oakland when Jim Harbaugh was a quarterback’s coach and that’s how the two are are paired together they were in Oakland at the same time for two years and I know that Ed dods is not like the hottest candidate but I think that’s also plays

Into the Chargers favors because if you hire Jim Harbaugh he’s gonna have a good amount of say in the roster if not like final say on the roster and so you need a guy like Ed ODS that comes with that kind of credibility comes with the relationship comes with the ability to

You know kind of adapt adapt his personality to who he’s working with and I think this pairing would would work really well together so I would be a huge fan if the Chargers could get Jim Harbaugh and Ed dods and uh just kind of go from there yeah me as well I think

The first two coaches for Tesco I couldn’t tell that there was much alignment between the GM’s vision and the offensive coordinators or coaches Vision I don’t know that they were officially aligned with Staley but at least Tesco it seemed like found a way to acquire everyone that Staley wanted

For better or worse one of those players was just waved yesterday so not that everything works out but at least like there was they were working together and Tesco got daale what he needed or wanted and it just didn’t work out so to have someone immediately come in if Jim

Harbot he’s going to have final say part of the contract is is also just he’s going to have final say I believe poer even said that Staley had final say in this roster there’s no way that Jim Harbaugh’s not going to have final say if Staley had final say which at least

On the defensive side he did so get dods in there get their relationships in there yeah I’m cool with this group honestly offensive coordinator what will likely happen is he probably pulls someone who’s a really really good candidate or just because he can pull from anywhere it’s Jim Harbaugh yeah

They’ll pull from somewhere and they’ll be amazing and they’ll probably be a head coach in a year or something um so it’s probably not P Hamilton Pep Hamilton in the long run yeah but I do think that like in terms of connections it’s a good fit and even if pep is not

The offensive coordinator he could come back and be the quarterback’s coach and I think that probably suits him more for what he’s done I think he’s working for NFL network right now I don’t think he’s currently like coaching by any means but Chiron Moore is certainly interesting to

Me um he could obviously be the future head coach at Michigan I think that’s you know in the realm of possibilities you know he’s coached um you know three or four games on his own as the the head coach at Michigan he beat Ohio State as

The head coach like this is a guy who certainly has some momentum in that building in that program but at the same time this is the same guy who cried on National Television how much he loved coaching under Jim Harbaugh so I do think that there is a chance that he

Would come with him again maybe not as the offensive coordinator this is a guy who has a great background working with tight ends as well as the offensive line at Michigan I mean look at the the great you know Michigan tight pipeline that’s kind of you know come to fruition

Recently with Luke scoon maker and Jake butt and all these guys and and Chom Moore is the one that has been kind of spearheading that so I think ultimately Jim Harbaugh can make a a offensive coordinator like whatever he wants it to be but from a connection standpoint it

Would be Pep Hamilton or SCH more and then you know we can figure out the rest so um he can pull anywhere we like the pulling anywhere thing like him and his brother have shared resources in in the past so originally we did have Joe uh

Hes hitz hesz on here but he’s directly tied to Ed dods and I think the personalities would match up there yeah hes hores yeah apologies if I if I say someone’s name wrong I I don’t really hear a lot of assistant GM names uh brought up very much so this is my first

Time hearing it’s me saying it yeah so but the the power couple here obviously is Harbaugh and dods and then everything kind of goes from there yep right let’s get to uh Ben Johnson we talked about this a little bit um you mentioning common names here darl Beville is uh

Connected to basically every head coaching candidate outside of Jim Harbaugh in this staff and like honestly you could put him in in connection for offensive coordin for any of these guys but I think specifically for Ben Johnson I think that that pairing makes a lot of

Sense um the GM pairing here is is maybe a little bit more under the radar I do think Ray agu is definitely worth interviewing um you know being somebody who learned under less need in the Rams and and obviously Brad Holmes now with the Lions he’s definitely somebody I’m

Interested in but I I know he’s not like a a super hot name out there in terms of the GM search but um him and Ben Johnson I think together would do a lot of great things Ray agnu for what it’s worth is a former NFL player too and I think that

Does carry some weight as well as he’s you know built his career from a Personnel standpoint yeah I believe he was a first rounder in the 1990 by the p is what it was uh been a minute for sure uh unfortunately was not with the Rams

When they won the Super Bowl but brought in a lot of players whether well okay I shouldn’t say that you don’t officially know who did what and technically he wasn’t the general manager nor the head coach obviously who can make decisions but during the time with the Rams

Brought in a lot of guys brought in Gerald Everett brought in Cooper cup um John Johnson Reynolds Samson tobam no boom Franklin Myers um Sebastian Joseph day okar those guys traded for Jaylen Ramsey during that same tenure so I brought in a lot of guys there and I

Really think the cool thing is that he’s got two different philosophies at least that he was you know he brought up under not that the Lions haven’t been aggressive but I mean these two teams have literally worked with each other to trade players the Rams have been really

Aggressive um in at least in that particular time they’re were more aggressive trading away picks with the Lions we’ve seen them trade back in the draft we’ve seen them acquire picks um trade away Matthew Stafford obviously and do things different ways so I think he’d be comfortable doing different

Things the big one for me that I I was we were going to talk about a different player and then I about stood up and cheered when I when I found the connections here for Terrell Williams and Ben Johnson here um Ben Johnson and him are connected um through the

Dolphins where he was the defensive line coach for three seasons while Ben Johnson was there he’s currently the defensive line coach for the Tennessee Titans like and that already as is is great I want what the Titans defensive line has because they kickass all the time they’re a great defensive line

They’re well coached sometimes they’ll bring in a free agent resurrect their career for a year send them off that sort of thing they’re fantastic what’s great though is he’s also become the associate head coach with Vel and he even got to coach as the head coach um

In a preseason game against the Bears this past season so that’s fantastic he’s also born in Los Angeles which is great and by the way he was on the Raiders when they drafted khil Mack in the first round of the 2014 Draft so you get a guy who I’m not saying he’s got

Head coach experience but I’m looking for any little bit of a leg up to help out Ben Johnson as a firsttime head coach I think that’d be big there so you get a kickass you know defensive line coach who’s been an associate head coach who knows khil Mack which would help

Retain khil Mack from Los Angeles that’s great um agnu I do really like and then Beville while Beville has not like you know never been like a great coordinator although he’s been an interm head coach twice which is funny that he’s been the interm head coach two different

Situations can’t imagine many guys get to say that but um what he’s specifically on here for even if you like another offensive someone to be the coordinator what he’s on here for is more for the experience and to help guide Ben Johnson he’s not the play caller so you need someone with

Experience to lean on so you’ve got agnu been in the league for a while been in the NFL Beville been in the league for a while Turell Williams been in the league great at his job so I think that’s a really really solid group to put around

Ben Johnson and if you tell me you can find you know if you can put a you know everyone’s saying okay the Chargers aren’t like the Lions they don’t have the Lions Talent okay that’s fine let’s get the coordinator who calls the plays they have the Lions Talent Let’s get

Someone who has built either both the Rams helped build the Rams and helped build the Lions to be you know the contender for the Rams then the Lions now bring in that guy and then Terrell Williams have fun you know if the Chargers are are selecting lotu in the

First round they’re going to kick some ass along the defensive line so I think it’s a really really good group and this is like kind of what makes me excited about Ben Johnson everyone’s just talking about Ben Johnson Ben Johnson Ben Johnson but what if you could also

Bring in some of these guys who I think would all be really really solid options for them yeah so there’s you know there’s a lot of things here but I think from an alignment standpoint you bring in a guy who’s just built his offense around like physicality and aggression

And you pair him with a GM candidate who’s kind of learned how to be aggressive in a variety of different ways here um and that is something that Ian raport mentioned is that they want a forward-thinking GM candidate that which makes a lot of sense you know under Tom

Tesco there’s all these like rigid rules that the team has has seemingly followed that’s not that’s not quoting anything about anything but like we know how just like not flexible Tom Tesco has been Ray agnu like you mentioned has been aggressive in acquir ing players he’s been aggressive in acquiring picks and I

Think that helps his candidacy you PA Ben Johnson and an aggressive GM with a guy like Terrell Williams who I think for me when I picture like what I want the Chargers defense to look like going forward is an aggressive physical defense and it’s the same kind of thing

On offense I think this is really tying together the physicality and aggressive standpoint in a variety of different ways and I think you know you could certainly PIR Ben Johnson with Chris curich I think Chris curk has a little bit more stronger ties to a guy who

We’re going to mention in a little bit here yes um so Terrell Williams I think was with Ben Johnson for longer um I think he’s you know made his money a different way he’s coached mostly defensive tackles but it’s just a it’s just an idea that I love here is pairing

The aggressive physical head coach with an aggressive GM and an aggressive physical defensive coordinator that I think would pair just beautifully together and I think this is part of the reason why I’m trying to encourage people that are out on Ben Johnson to look and see like what you can get from

A Ben Johnson hire is the staff that he can bring with and you can mitigate the lack of experience with a super experienced GM candidate a super experienced offensive coordinator and a great defensive coordinat like Terrell Williams so like just picture the staff it’s not just about Ben Johnson who I

Think is objectively a great candidate but it’s also about who he can bring with him and I think you can see what that looks like here yeah bring in Terell Williams you have probably retained GIF Smith in some capacity maybe GI Smith is the associate head

Coach for the Chargers sure you have Ben Johnson agnu can help out with the trenches or even just everyone can just help resurrect what the charters already have and with Ben Johnson with Terrell Williams the common thing there is they kick ass in the trenches yeah like the

Chargers will kick ass in the trenches with these two guys that is for sure U not that you know like someone like Hara can’t do that of course they they’ve always done that but if you’re trying to find some sort of Edge and you want to

Find what the Chargers are not great at I think I mean whooping ass in the trenches is a good place to start yeah briefly uh Tanner angrand who’s mentioned as an alternate OC candidate is the Lions tight end Coach um that’s where Ben Johnson made his money in

Initially was as a tight ends coach he’s worked with receivers as well um so Tanner angstrom I believe is recently elevated as a passing game coordinator he’s kind of uh Ben’s right-hand man if you will designing the offense and then Bo hardigree is the current interim offense of coordin for the Raiders they

Were together in Miami um you know again kind of finding a way to gain some experience but hardigree obviously calling plays I think would be a solid get up there as well yeah all right Dan Quinn here this is this is gon be an interesting one I’m

Curious to get your thoughts here we have uh obviously Dan Quinn will mcleay will mlay is is effectively the GM I know he’s not the actual gmn title because that’s Jerry Jones but will mlay is the one who basically does all the work um and then we have Kell Moore

Still staying on as the as the offensive coordinator and then Joe wit who I think is the linebackers coach in uh in Dallas right now as the defensive coordinator I’m curious to get your thoughts here Tyler specifically about Kell Moore because I think it makes sense that Kell

Would stay on with Dan Quinn but what do you think about Dan Quinn maybe being like hey like no I want to make my own staff and I’m not sure if Kellen is my guy here because it’s not like he chose Kell Moore as the offensive coordinator

In Dallas he kind of like came in after the fact so what do you think about you know Dan Quinn and Kell Moore pairing up do you think it’s an actual possibility or do you think Dan Quinn would would prefer to make his own choices that’s a great question I I

Think that he would go for Kell Moore I’m not saying that like we we have two other options listed here who I think could absolutely take the job I think what he would do is then work with Kell Moore and bring in some guys he’s familiar with to

Surround Kell Moore with maybe the staff that would best suit him Kell Mo has been dealing with for the most part everybody from Joe Lombard staff yeah and I don’t know if that’s good or bad you know how much do they say that’s correct or different or doesn’t align I

Think when it comes to Kell Moore I think that remains and probably nus Meer stays if he retains Kell Moore the difference is Dan Quinn helps him find maybe staffers from the cowboys that Kell Moore is familiar with and helps build kind of his vision that way or

Just get things to back to what Kell Moore would want to do um but as we all know and we pointed out like he also from the Falcons and from the Seahawks there’s a lot of different places he could pull from so he doesn’t have to go

Make Dallas West Coast sure over here um I just think for the sake of continuity I I wouldn’t I still wouldn’t mind Kell Moore returning and it’s it’s funny how looking through so many of these staffs how often the team get gets blown up and

Then that guy that was kind of a nobody at the time goes on and becomes somebody for a different team and maybe just needed one more year or two more years I would hate to do the Shane Sten thing again granted Shane Sten never would have been as successful with the

Chargers as he was going to the Eagles learning there developing there and then going to the Colts um so I think I think that kadan quim would keep him but I’m not gonna bet money on it I think he it’s coin flip keeps him sure but he

Could also just easily not keep him yeah I think it’s an interesting discussion because everybody kind of just assumes that the two would be together and that the Chargers would want to you know hire Dan Quinn for the sake of continuity but is an interesting conversation Dan has

Spent a lot of time around the Shanahan tree obviously he had Kyle as his offensive coordinator in Atlanta and so I think that there are there is a a real chance where Dan Quinn could get hired and and just want to carve out his own

Thing and do this his own way he’s been very picky he’s had he’s certainly had other opportunities to leave Dallas and so I do think that there’s a chance that he would like to do it his own way um that being said we we’ll see how how

That one goes I think Dan Quinn the the biggest challenge here would obviously being able to pull will mlay with him um if he does I think you can again talk yourself into a very aligned and very well-coordinated roster construction standpoint um will mlay is effectively

In charge of the draft every single year for the Cowboys and they generally have a fantastic draft every single year um sometimes their process can be a little bit you know out there at certain times you know like Tyler Smith was a very questionable first round pick at the

Time but he’s become arguably the best left guard in the league right now so will mlay is a stud I think that pairing him and Dan Quinn together would be a a lot of fun to see I know people are concerned about Dan Quinn’s can but if

That means I get will mlay as my GM I think I’m on board with it yeah this would probably be the maybe other than Harbaugh like the fastest starting group I don’t know how they’ll finish I don’t know what their ceiling is but everyone’s pretty aligned everyone knows

Each other and I think that they would start off pretty quick um for what it’s worth also Joe wit Jr is the uh secondary coach and passing game coordinator for the Cowboys he was also with the Falcons with Dan Quinn in 2020 all right there you go um I mentioned

The ties to the Shanahan stuff Mike laflor is the offensive coordinator for the Rams right now he does not call plays so moving to the Chargers um would give him essentially a promotion um and he would get to work with Justin Herbert I think that’d be a no-brainer for him

And then Justin outon was the offensive coordinator under the Broncos with Nathaniel Hackett he’s been with the Packers under Matt laflor um before the Broncos dumpster fire he was considered kind of a rising star in the industry so I think that could be an interesting as

Well and then Al Harris is a guy who uh is considered a rising star himself but Joe wit obviously has the specific relationship with Dan Quinn from his days with the Atlanta Falcons as well all right let’s get to uh Frank Smith here interesting candidate I think

This is a coach where this is a JoJo wooden pairing I think the idea around potentially hiring Frank Smith is kind of more so riding the ship than reimagining things if you will you know that supposedly is the Charter’s goal here um but Frank Smith I think would be

More of like a fixer of what currently exists and so to me it would make sense to pair Frank and JoJo wooden back together obviously they’re tied together from their uh days in Los Angeles here but Tyler what do you make of of Frank

In a GM pairing is JoJo kind of the guy you would prefer or do you think that um it would be better to go elsewhere for the GM search that’s so tough because it’s difficult to really judge JoJo wood and parse out okay how much of this was Tesco and

Other members who maybe let go how much that was JoJo wooden um I will say like the the signing of Greer and the letting go of Sebastian Joseph day are two things I didn’t expect this week and so I I don’t believe that that means that

They’re GNA win a Super Bowl with JoJo wooden um those two things certainly don’t indicate that to me but it’s it’s different and so I am curious what his vision would be um there would at least be some connection there but I don’t know how much Frank Smith was really talking

To Jojo wood and and how much they were a part of the you know how much Frank Smith was a part of the acquisition as the offensive line coach Run game coordinator when he was there so yeah I totally get it though you know a lot of

People or some people in the chat I’m sure in our comment section they want the clean housee option and I think that does make it less attractive for Frank Smith so I do think if Frank Smith wants the job and the charterers want to give

Him that job that it’s going to be more of a a clean housee situation does JoJo wouldn’t then he would have to be let go before the coaching search like how do you how do you navigate that you know not necessarily because the Chargers are going be doing their GM

Search at the same time like theoretically JoJo could just get back into his previous role so JoJo wooden for those who don’t know has been the um director of player personnel so he’s also the assistant GM so he’s kind of more of like the free agency side of

Things I know that’s been kind of some people are confused about that um I think you could effectively do this at the same time I don’t know I I don’t think you have to fire JoJo wooden unless you hire somebody as a GM who wants to fire JoJo wooden there is a

Chance that you hire a new GM and JoJo sticks around there’s also a chance that he gets hired somewhere else so um yeah that’s an interesting one I don’t know if this is the the first time we mentioned Dennis Allen Dennis Allen is obviously still the head coach of the

New Orleans Saints but they just got beat up pretty bad by the Rams and it seems like he’s on his way out this is another option for us we’ve been trying to find experience for these first- time head coaches and I think Frank Smith probably needs it more than anybody else

The fact that he hasn’t officially even called plays even though he’s the offensive coordinator in name so Beville we already talked about then Dennis alen as defensive coordinator that’s a very good ocdc pairing um again the GM the GM canidate is the toughest part for me to figure out here

Yeah so for those who don’t know uh Daryl bevel’s currently in Miami with Frank Smith so I think that also becomes more appealing because both of them have been around various offensive backgrounds I think I Envision Frank Smith as like a CEO type head coach so I

Do think if you hire Frank Smith I think you need to also pair him with a quality offensive coordinator who has called plays you know is that darl Beville I don’t know but he’s the most experienced off offensive coordinator we could find that was directly tied to him so I think

The more appealing candidate here specifically for Frank is Dennis Allen they obviously worked together from their days in New Orleans uh before Dennis Allen was the Raiders uh head coach Frank was Frank and him were in New Orleans together then obviously Dennis went back to New Orleans and

Frank did his own thing um but if you could get Frank Smith and his offensive line physicality Run game background and pair that with Dennis Allen and his just defensive line aggressive background I think that again is is an alignment standpoint so I think this could be

Maybe a bit of a step down from a a holistic staff standpoint but you get Frank Smith Daryl Bev you can you can really find a groove on offense and then you get Dennis Allen on defense too um I think that would be fantastic it is harder to find like legitimate quality

Offensive coordinator candidates to pair with Frank Smith but I do think it would be like his offense and his plan similar to like a Nick serani type and then you just have to find a guy he’s comfortable with to call plays and I think that could be darl bevel in this instance

Yeah other than maybe Jim Harbaugh I think this is the best bet to bet on for the offensive line to either regain form or improve or if the Chargers to try to go like Al or for shanu in the draft or Rock Bowers that’s another like way to

Really kind of ensure that that pick hits and succeeds is with someone like Frank Smith so you know everyone else they have good systems but they’re good elsewhere you know I know Frank Smith and the Chargers can work not necessarily the exact same players right Zion and Jamar were after

Him but I know he can get it together if any if he can turn around the Dolphins he can turn around he can make me a starting cber offensive lineman so I think that is very much to a plus for him yeah and I think you would kind of

Keep some offensive continuity from a scheme standpoint around Justin her Bert um Frank and Daryl Beville obviously have a lot of ties to the West Coast Shawn Payton offense and I think that might be you know not best suited for Justin Herbert I I don’t think that’s

His best offense but he at least wouldn’t have to learn like a completely new system I think it most of it would be pretty familiar for him um quick question here is there a chance that they hire a GM first um they’re not heading into this search I think in any

Rush to hire either or they’re going to conduct both searches at the same time and if they basically find a candidate that they love on either side that’s who they’re gonna hire first I think that was um reported from Tom peliso on the Rich Eisen show this is not going to be

Any kind of rushed process they’re going to play out both sides um the only specific thing that we’ve gotten from the GM so far is from me and rap report today that said that they want a more like forward-thinking uh modern GM so you know that’s really the only thing we’ve

Gotten on either way yeah all right Bobby slowick very intriguing coaching staff and GM pairing here um Adam Peters he’s the most popular GM name that I’ve seen online he’s he’s got a big personality he’s obviously done a great job rebuilding the San Francisco 49ers alongside Kyle

Shanahan so there’s a lot of connections there there’s a lot of uh resources that I think he would be able to tap into he could also just be promoted from San Francisco and and not even be available he’s been very picky about his decision to leave here um but Tyler what do you

Make of Mr Adam Peters in his uh candidacy yeah he seems to be the most discussed guy I think least that we’ve talked about so far couple guys we’ll talk about later maybe um what I really appreciate about the 49ers is they’ll make a dumb draft pick or one that

Completely does not work out and you really don’t see them affected all that much by it they really find way three first rounds for Trey Lance and it does not matter no it does not matter they they just find a way to keep rolling and they find you know you’re

Fred Warner you’re George KD all these guys they find in the third fourth fifth whatever rounds these guys just are hits uh the list of of names is ridiculous there it’s just such an impressive and again you don’t officially know who made the call but he’s been a part of a team

That has been aggressive maybe to their detriment I guess but then they find themselves a Brock py and here we go now they’re going to you know probably be in the NFC championship and may or may not beat the Cowboys and head to the Super Bowl I mean they’re just they’re always

Good the floor just seems to be so elevated yeah part of that’s because of Shanahan of course but you got to find some of these guys too and you also got to find some of these guys on defense so to me like Adam Peters if he can bring

Some of that with him to the Chargers you’re feeling really good about these picks especially because you know we’ve been dying for you you know outside of your your Darius Davis here or a linebacker there trying to find some of these like third fourth fifth rounders

Uh with the 49ers that ain’t an issue and some some of their best players are not the guys they take in the first round arguably the first round is worse for them so which whatever be a different change for us yeah yeah yeah I don’t think it’s six out of seven than

One out of seven yeah 100% but you look at the connective tissue has been such an issue for the Chargers and you look at the way that the 49ers roster has been built obviously they have the stars but they have guys like obviously Brock

P is kind of the the poster boy for them right now of day three picks but taleno huanga has turned into a star Fred Warner has turned into a star Jan Jennings is a very reliable serviceable uh wide receiver three um you know Kyle yusek was a day three pick George KD was

Not a highly drafted player you look at their offensive lineman that they’re currently starting I mean I forget his first name his last name is mckivitz he he’s just kind of taken over for U right tackle and there’s been like no issue there’s been no drop off you know

Obviously Spencer berford the offensive lineman who we all kind of liked uh from UTSA has been and a really reliable starting guard So Adam Peters whether it’s fully his you know role or not there’s a very strong track record of success on day three there’s a very strong track record of like moving

Around the board and trading up and down there’s obviously you know the the trades that they made in season you know they they’ll take swings on guys like Randy Gregory and Chase young and how often do we always say like oh man they always get everybody well a lot is

Because of Adam Peters and the work that he does so um this this pairing I know there are people out there who are not super high on Bobby slowick as as a head coaching candidate I think the pairing of him and Adam Peters would mitigate a

Lot of that because I would just really trust Adam Peters and the kind of roster that he would build and I think a lot of the issues of the Houston offense are due to the lack of personnel up front specifically along the offensive line and I think Adam Peters would be able to

To pair with him and and kind of overcome the the risk of hiring Bobby slowick yeah slowick is by himself himself is is not one of my top three favorites by any means but you look at what he can bring with him everyone just sees you know slowick as the first year

Coordinator for the Texans and he is the first year coordinator for the Texans but there’s so much he can pull from from his history from different connections like he can make pretty kickass grouping right here some people are saying this is their favorite four so far and I don’t blame them you know

Maybe you’re kind of out on the first-time head coach and I totally get that but the Chargers might go with the first-time head coach that calls plays on offense and if Ben Johnson goes to Carolina or whatever and say Jim Harbaugh goes to Chicago let’s say that

Happens then I kind of give up on the season no um then this would be anide honestly a very good sort of best case scenario yeah um not as a consolation prize but was was a pretty good group this is definitely an instance where I think you would have to hire Adam Peters

First for what it’s worth He is the hottest GM name out there he’s turned down several uh GM openings the Cardinals tried to hire him last year for example so this is probably a situation where you hire him first and kind of let him take over the coaching

Search for what it’s worth um from a staff standpoint um gerod Johnson is a guy the Chargers interviewed for the offensive coordinator position last year he was with the Minnesota Vikings he’s now is he the offensive coordinator in Houston uh quarterback’s coach I believe so he’s the quarterback’s coach but he’s

Been with Bobby slowick in Houston and San Francisco where he got his coaching uh start so he’s kind of considered a a rising star in the profession he’s kind of considered like the next you know uh you know guy in the Shanahan World he’s been around obviously Kevin oconnell and

Kyle Shanahan and now Bobby slowick so he’s the next one there um jacqu Cesar was was a fun find I didn’t even realize he was uh coaching let alone building like a very successful coaching career so he is the current defensive line coach for the Houston Texans I think

He’s been there for a few years he also spent time in Buffalo working under Shawn mcdermit so I I think he genuinely is an intriguing defensive coordinator candidate I think maybe obviously you could bring Chris cerk over from San Francisco Chris cerk has been very picky about leaving he loves sh he loves

Working there so I I think it is possible that Chris Chris ER who we’ve mentioned a couple times ultimately just stays where he’s at um but joy zman like the work he’s doing in Houston right now with that unit is is truly fantastic the work he did with with uh getting Ed

Oliver’s career started up in Buffalo was fantastic he is genuinely like a good defensive coordinat candidate in my opinion yeah he really is another trench’s defensive line guy and you know it’s always fun to have the connections there cool that you found this one too like I I honestly had no idea and

Scrolling through all these I was surprised how many people that were former players are coaches and like picking out some of these random names you never know who really gets into it um so Cesar there is great jod Johnson there might be better like pass game coordinator options out there who maybe

Seem like they’re more like game plan you know again pass game coordinator specific but I think Gerard Johnson because Bobby slowick is calling plays and he doesn’t need someone to be calling plays as an offensive coordinator what you got to do is make sure that Justin Herbert’s taken care of

I think draw Johnson is a great call for that one yeah you know Brian greasy as Hall Jake points out that that could be an option as well I would be more inclined towards gerod Johnson just Brian greasy I don’t really know how much influence he’s had in San Francisco

He’s only been there for a year or two I think um and this is his first two years coaching so I’m a little bit more inclined for Gerard Johnson who’s been in the NFL for you know seven eight years at this point in time all right let’s get to our next one here

Uh Mike McDonald I think objectively is the one that I have the most difficult time with from a coaching staff standpoint but at the same time you get the idea of potentially bringing in Joe hortes the assistant general manager for the Baltimore Ravens who’s been in

Baltimore for a very very long time and Mike McDonald’s been in Baltimore for a very long time obviously went to Michigan for that you know cup of coffee if you will so Tyler what about it about Mike McDonald can maybe help you kind of overcome the the coaching staff

Standpoint when you’re pairing him with Joe hes are you asking me what about McDonald specifically or I guess just your thoughts about like the uh the four that we can pair with for Mike McDonald well these four would be freaking awesome uh McDonald obviously is a we’ve

Talked about is a very very very very good coordinator great background um Chargers readd it I I I believe that McDonald’s very very good candidate we were just specifically talking about him in terms of the Chargers where we prefer to go offense but McDonald is awesome

And I apologize for not knowing if it’s hortiz or hes somebody let me know but the Ravens you want to talk about a complete 180 from Tom Tesco that’s kind of what the Ravens have been doing we talked about on the Chargers Channel chargers only seven comp picks since

2014 Ravens 22 of them the Ravens do it and someone asked me a few years ago too if you weren’t fan of the Chargers and you didn’t know about like the D being a fan of the Raiders or whatever who would you be a fan of and the Ravens is one of

The teams I brought up because I just love what they do from a front office standpoint from a general manager standpoint their player acquisition how they do certain things it’s awesome and again you want to talk about consistency you know the Ravens are such a consistent team year after year sure

They have their bumps and bruises but they’re always pushing for the postseason they’re always a good team a lot of that’s Harbaugh of course but a lot of is also just great great General managing over the course of of decades and decades and decades so um really like him Chiron Moore the only

Reason we have him here was we could have gotten someone like Bobby Ingram or God help us Greg Roman James Urban and these other guys the only reason with him is that if Jim Harbaugh stays at Michigan and Moore does want to make a jump forward which is sort of now

Blocked because if if Harbaugh stays then he’s in his current role then Moore could go to the NFL with Mike McDonald who they did work together and become the offensive coordinator and now you’re talking about a very strong trenches unit offensive line tight ends that sort

Of thing that BR great and then Chris hwit I believe is the defensive backs coach for the Ravens and they kick ass give me give me that Kyle Hamilton stuff that they’ve been doing and what they’ve been doing in the secondary over there um they connected him and McDonald have been together I

Think McDonald was like the quote unquote lesser role all the way back back in 2014 but they’ve been together for a very very long time yeah I think Chris huitt would probably go with him if McDonald went over here to the Chargers yeah there was a story that

Mike McDonald and Chris hwit have been like planning for the days that one of them can call plays and one of them is like a head coach and like the two of them would effectively just like you know project towards the future and talk about like philosophies and coaching

Decisions and teaching moments and stuff like that so the two of them have a great relationship I think that that parent is a no-brainer off coordinator is very tricky for me here um shro Moore I think objectively would be a good candidate I would be a little bit

Worried about like the college offense jumping to the NFL offense I’m 100% uninterested completely uninterested in what Greg Roman would bring as an offensive coordinator if that is the choice for offensive coordinator I’m very concerned regardless of how I feel about the head coaching candidate be it

Mike McDonald or Jim Harbaugh so you know Bobby Ingram I think is a little bit more interesting but it it’s tough to find like quality offensive coaches that have strolled through the Ravens which just makes their run over the last few years is just like that much more impressive because they they’ve never

Really had like an elite high-end offensive coaching staff so it is a concern of mine in general for Mike McDonald that being said you you pair him a guy with with with Joe hes or hores or however you say it and I think you can really kind of mitigate that it

Just gives you more connection so it’s tough to find a guy directly tied to Mike McDonald that I’m like or Mike McDonald excuse me I almost called him Mike McDaniel um it’s tough to find a guy directly tied to him but I think his connections hz’s connections could help

Him overcome that in general in the future yeah and again there’s probably other better candidates out there for just for this exercise with direct connections but I’m I’m sure people would line up for this job too yeah 100% all right uh Mr Brian Calhan I mentioned him yesterday as somebody who’s really

Uh moved up my list recently I would be really fired up for this this this staff personally um GM Trey Brown who is a senior Personnel executive there in Cincinnati the the Bengals have a notoriously small uh front office so he’s he’s worn a lot of hats for them

He’s also been um the director of an AA team as well as an XFL team so his his experience is really diverse he supposedly has a lot of Buzz Inside the NFL for a GM job so I think this pairing could make a lot of sense here um but

Tyler what did you make of Trey Brown when you looked into him a little bit more uh you know I don’t know if I was the biggest fan of of this particular perig and Trey bound brown overall um Jamar Chase great pick uh you know it

Was either that or Su and I think you would have been fine either way and the Bengals are currently fine um some of the Acquisitions like Jackson Carman did not work out like four snaps in the last two seasons as just second round pick to protect Joe burrow as I kind of

Discussed previously the lack of protection overall around Joe burrow is a bit concerning and watching the Chargers current offensive line situation and then the Bengals offensive line situation and how they really haven’t found a consistent way to protect Joe burrow is a bit concerning but some stuff like okay they lost oh

Who was it I forget which Edge rusher they lost but then they bring in like Trey Hendrickson and I think they improved significantly with that particular signing I think it was cheaper at the time that there was extension but I could be wrong point is

At the time it was very much like above um what they paid for basically getting more there so solid there but the staff is like fine I I don’t really love the grouping overall you know even the Bengals offense it’s a tough it was it’s a tough year for Brian Callahan who I

Think would have been a better candidate I disagree with that like pretty strongly I mean the man has had Dr Jake Browning be the quarterback yeah that’s what I mean it’s not like a great like I guess I resum I got you I miss but it hasn’t been

Like the full Joe burough experience sure I got you what you’re saying I thought you were saying that like it’s a bad look whereas no just like a tougher year like you want to have like this the sort of Crescendo to like hey look at my

Top three offense here we go you know Ben Johnson the host a playoff game and here it is like that sort of thing this year you can boost his stock based on what he’s done with Brony but it’s it’s like a tougher for him yeah I get you I misunderstood that

Point so offensive coordinat I think he has a few interesting options uh Troy Watters is their wide receiver coach’s as as an alternate guy I think is really interesting Dan pitcher as a a quarterback’s coach is somebody that I was very interested in in potentially being the offensive coordinator this

Year under Brandon slayy and obviously did not come to fruition and then Dennis Allen um James beter or however you say that I apologize uh I think is there their see their linebacker coach right now he is uh he’s currently their linebacker coach and was previously a defensive coordinator for the Giants and

Cardinals yeah so some experience there I think that could be interesting um this is probably one of the lower ones that I think people would be interested in but I would be excited about this I think in an alternate universe you could get Brian K and Frank Smith together and

Just like let’s go let’s go ham together but um unfortunately that’s probably not the case so I think this is an interesting group I don’t think that this becomes one of my favorite pairings but at the same time Brian Callahan has been in a lot of different places GM

Trey Brown has been in a lot of different places so this is probably more of a external uh hiring process for for coordinator candidates than than previous connections yeah I think so for the sake of time we didn’t get to any other candidates it would have been

Another hour of other tier three guys and so um sorry no Mike Tomlin no bill bich no ban Flores Mor we already know who Bill Bel would hire like it’s gonna be his son it’s gonna be Josh McDaniels it’s gonna be somebody else in New

England as GM yeah yeah one of the ones I I there’s not really a great like coaching candidate out there for but I would have loved like when we talk to so we’re g to talk to some people and have people on our show in the future and the

Chargers Channel talk about GM candidates and I think that’s when we’ll get into more of some of the names that people are missing like eagles you know front office guys Chiefs Browns Etc so we’ll get into those more but these are the connections to the current candidates yeah like there there are

Definitely other GM candidates worth talking about I think Ian Cunningham for me is one of the more attractive options he’s the the Bears assistant general manager there’s Andy WID in Pittsburgh there’s there’s other ones for sure um spyc I think his name down in Tampa Bay

Um so there are other ones that we’ll discuss but again we wanted to kind of you know uh do an exercise where we pair these guys Al together with people and um I think it it’s a pretty interesting exercise Tyler was there a grouping that you liked more than the other ones or

Was there a a kind of a a tie for you or or what’s kind of your your favorite pairing that we found tonight um I really did like Ben Johnson’s grouping overall I think that was just a great way to find good people in the business

Who have done it for a very long time um not head coaches necessarily but some more experienced than just the we’re GNA get the DB’s coach and that’s kind of like the defensive coordinator no we got associate head coach we’ve got um interm head coach on offense that sort of stuff

So just I really liked that grouping overall I think that’s my favorite four maybe only because Harbaugh’s grouping was tougher to find for offensive coordinators but I think that can be remedied by who they end up actually hiring but for the sake of this exercise I didn’t love like Pep Hamilton OC as

Much as somebody else yeah that’s totally fair I think Harbaugh probably could put together the best staff but with his direct connections I think it’s probably a bit of a a stretch but I do agree with the chat I think my favorite paring uh that we or that we formed was

The Bobby slowick and Adam Peters one I think that gives you a really good foundation of you know building a strong roster you know head coach obviously has worked with him the the GM would understand the kind of players that he would need I think from an alignment

Standpoint that would be my favorite I’m really interested in gerro Johnson as an offensive coordinator candidate Joy there so there’s a lot of resources in that Shanahan tree that are untapped and obviously we’re seeing how that has gone around the league so um it it’s an interesting group but I do think

Harbaugh has just an unbelievable amount of resources him and do together would be sick yeah it really would be then that’s that’s probably the best like head coach GM candidate um pairing there yeah slowick for me again I I didn’t love him initially but he’s starting to

Slowly creep up for me he’ll never break a certain tier just because he’s it’s the first year he’s been an offensive coordinator but what he can bring with him and the fact that the Texans and CJ looked really freaking good um he’s moved up for me for sure yeah and he

Could uh be two and0 with case Keenan potentially tomorrow so holy cow pretty crazy Case Keenum being it’s crazy man the amount of backup quarterbacks we have to watch on a week basis uh is insane shout out to e stick I do want to say that shout out to

E stick I thought he made some throws tonight he’s he’s improved a lot I know people there’s a lot of negative feelings out there towards eent stick I thought he played objectively well tonight made some good throws the pressure is pocket presence is still an issue he’s barely played I could think

That’s gonna happen but he made some great throws tonight yeah last week was a bit more garbage time but if you told me he threw for almost 500 yards and had four total touchdowns last couple of games I hey that’s that’s pretty freaking good like I’m I’m impressed by

What he’s doing in the backup situation again like you said the pack the pocket management stuff ain’t great uh I think there’s three or four times a game where it’s like please throw it please throw it please throw it sack yeah but otherwise it I was I was impressed

Honestly the fact that it’s not just this complete shell hand it off throw a screen throw a slant and that’s it kind of offense is impressive so I I I think we should give him his flowers even though he’s 0 and2 and it hasn’t been great it hasn’t been terrible either

Yeah for sure for sure all right guys appreciate you uh tuning in tonight hopefully you had a a good time you know joining us on this exercise uh it is obviously Christmas Eve Eve so hopefully everybody has a wonderful weekend celebrating Christmas tomorrow and on

Monday uh Tyler and I and the rest of the guilty as charge crew wish you guys a very happy holidays Tyler any final thoughts before we head out of here happy holidays be good uh the Chargers are playing the Broncos next hopefully we don’t lose our next quarterback yeah hopefully all right

Guys appreciate for tuning in appreciate all the support uh hope you have a great rest of the weekend that’s going to do it for us we’ll see you next time as always bolop

The Chargers need a new coaching staff and personnel department. Let’s talk about the best “Big Four” – Head Coach, General Manager, Offensive Coordinator, and Defensive Coordinator – for several top HC candidates
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  1. This was an interesting video but it is not entirely clear to me why Chargers could not hire both Jim Harbaugh and Adam Peters? What prevents that? They are both talented people that want to win, I expect they would want to work with other talented people that also want to win. You are implying that the head coach would rather have a GM they are friends with instead of someone that is proven to be good at the job?

  2. I do not want Kellen Moore as the OC at all. My hopes for the Chargers future rest on Jim Harbaugh or the genius from the Lions.

  3. I really despise the players whose effort changes on who the HC is. That is low character. You can't control scheme or effectiveness, but you as a player can control your effort.

  4. How about River's if he was willing to be & I know he's not interested but being the QB or O-line caoch just for giggles what do you think he could bring to this team?

  5. It really does suck I'm always working when you guys do your thing because I have to ask questions late & you might not even get a chance to read them but at least I can help the algorithm I hope im not a YouTube expert so I don't know if it even makes a difference but as long as you make it I will tune in.

  6. I like the sentiment of Harbaugh but I don't want a coach that's the do it all I'm the smartest person here & when he doesn't get his way just leaves to me that's a Chargering thing to do & he has proven he is willing to do it. We could get jim for 1 year & this dude says screw it I'm out. That's a really bad bet to make just to win some games for me.

  7. If any coach is bringing a DC or OC from college no thanks that would be there's the door moment this is not college this is the pros.

  8. If the Chargers are really thinking of a new vision none of the coaches Bill, Jim & Tom are just not it. That's just hiring a big name this team needs so much more than that. Im on the Ben train i think that's really changing something compared to the other top choices. I think Staley ruined this team for most the coaches here and not just the players & they just not saying anything about it just because what's the point.

  9. Maybe you didn't mean to but you pointed out most the so called fans I think it's more the NFL trying to sell their crap that breaks down all the time that the big 3 head coaches are not for us & we will just wined up in the same situation again.

  10. Still got to find it funny we almost beat the bills that's really damning for Staley & how much power the Spanos gave Tom & Staley. The Spanos basically gave Tom & Staley all the powers. They fell short & they both sucked i don't want to go threw that again with any of the top choices the NFL is trying to shop us. Because the nfl Media people suck.

  11. Having experience is hardly a silver bullet…you just fail in different ways. A lot of very bad coaches are experienced. Because they keep getting rehired, slowly working their way back. Just see Lombardi et al.

  12. I find it highly unlikely that Pep Hamilton would be a coordinator for Harbaugh considering that they fired him, reached a one million dollar settlement with him, and made him sign a confidentiality agreement: "Hamilton's separation letter included a confidentiality agreement between the two parties, specifically the football program. Hamilton agreed "not to make unfavorable or disparaging communications regarding the University of Michigan or your former employment relationship with the University of Michigan or any of its employees, or your successor.""

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