@Buffalo Sabres

SEASON PASS: Noah Östlund game shifts Växjö vs. Skellefteå November 16, 2023

SEASON PASS: Noah Östlund game shifts Växjö vs. Skellefteå November 16, 2023

Hey everyone Chris Baker here from the Sabers prospects YouTube channel with some season pass content today we’re going to look at Noah osan’s game shifts from a match between VCA and chalfa on November 16th of 2023 aen was penel in as the third line Center in this contest skating for 14

Minutes and 33 seconds he won six of 10 faceoffs recorded one shot on goal and was a plus one in the contest I think this game showcases a lot of oland’s off the puck aptitude his Puck control and you can really get a feel for his pace

Of play on the big ice over in Sweden let’s take a look osan’s going to be wearing number 45 in the white jersey there he is controlling the face off and pushing it out of the Zone ocen 45 in [Applause] white playing Deep In the Zone here supporting his

Defenseman there he is he controls it gets it over to the D safely and that’s going to begin the transition out of his own before they head off on a shift [Applause] Change okay there’s asan entering the screen closing on the puck carrier there again 45 in White blows a tire but stays with the play and look at that allows his teammate to come in and get that [Applause] Puck [Applause] [Applause] Austin’s going to rotate Deep In the Zone here to support the D once again and support the puck on its way out of the Zone before the ship change okay Austin’s going to come into the screen there he is right there he going

To break out of the Zone get the puck and head wide drops it off he’s going to get it back takes it out of his skates just misses the shot wide it’s going to carry him all the way out of the Zone look at this play transitioning OC’s already going backwards skating in

The defensive cure comes [Applause] deep and when the play heads out of the Zone he sees a couple forwards ahead of him but he’s going to stay and he’s back here and because he’s back he’s in position to rub his man out on the boards there disrupt that play and bequa

Gets it back and transitions out of the Zone it’s a good shift Austin’s going to be breaking in down the left wing boards here and he’s cutting through the middle of the ice right [Applause] now first forward back good reading to anticipation there by as them to go to the Boards now he wins this puck now watch this creates an opportunity nice Pass power r [Applause] this come [Applause] M’s up on the right wing boards there at the Blue Line it’s the puck there for a shot attempt high slot High between the [Applause] circles there’s o with the puck here pass attempt stuffed he’s going to stay working [Applause] though he’s got the

Here area pass wide to set things up in the offensive zone [Applause] There is hen again deep in the zone for the takeaway supporting it deep covers a lot of ground out there Wheeling he has fresher legs here with his uh first shift of the second Period unsuccessful there is F2 in the puck Lefty gets it out [Applause] a there top of the screen right in front battling his [Applause] man good support on the puck in the defensive Zone osen wins it and skates it out of the Zone into the neutral zone that’s his own entry [Applause] [Applause] yeah oselin easy to spot in this one wearing the cage that was after taking a puck to the face during warm-ups in a game want to say that was ear early [Applause] November this is osel here taking another face off clean [Applause] [Applause] win Midway through the second period

Here in this one vea up 3-2 on shalfa Austin holding his own thus far really uh getting around the ice really well reading plays really well yeah you better call that aw going backwards right down the center of the ice here fronts his man again strong defensive

Zone positioning right at the in front of his own net And aosen gains his own here gets a little space and they begin the cycle hin in front of the Net [Applause] Hen very active Around the Net Quick on that puck controlled it got off the ice good offensive zone Shi for his line there Austin’s going to come off the bench there when right down down Main Street tried to get his stick on the shot took a stab at it missed but his teammates

Were there to get the job done toca’s fourth goal of the game we’re going to see aen coming to the screen here backs in takes a stab at it lots of traffic from his teammates in front plus one for the [Applause] [Applause] kid [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] see [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause]

All right third period now bequa up 43 and that was aen right in front of his own net [Applause] there okay Austin chips it in seals the wall smart play didn’t work to his team’s Advantage now he’s on his horse back check in here still on his man tied up the Stick [Applause] there you go nice Puck control there to control it and get off the [Applause] ice awesome down on the four check doesn’t win the battle there but he’s going to stay with it ties up his man teammate comes in and Scoops it up you see the positioning is really strong

His skating obviously keeps him in the right spots on the ice just a little more strength in some of these battles make a huge difference but you see the mind at work and you see him also you know defending his Turf here is Osen good to see him holding this [Applause] Ground doesn’t shy away despite wearing the cage right on his man going to see him here he gives him a little [Applause] shot [Applause] all right bequa up 4-3 still late in the game a defending the left side there you go good active stick to dislodge the Puck here he is again right on his man in Pursuit and he gets to work in the defensive Zone entering the corner here [Applause] Tie game now 44 final 2 minutes of [Applause] Regulation okay Austin here is f oh he’s right in the right on the boards now there he is on the puck controlling it now M his body well get his butt to the defender got a little bit of space there but nothing

Doing all right here we go on overtime osen taking the face off here this is where a guy that can skate as well as aand does really can shine all right see what he does with it here here he goes okay that was a Miss plays going to

Swing back but look at that nice stick defensively breaks the play up helps reset things for vea and he’s going to wind it up again shift change out here again for another overtime shift hland in the defensive Zone there gives you an idea of how reliable

They feel he is he’s out there getting some shifts late in the game and in overtime [Applause] and they just want to get it to him cuz he can move so well so here he is again with the puck trying to set things [Applause] [Applause] up really encouraging to see him out there like I said late in the game and you see the reliability that he brings defensively didn’t have the puck a ton there in regulation got it more in overtime became the focal point of the attack and we’re going to see ocela now

Come out as vea’s first shooter here in the [Applause] Shootout good handle this got stuffed I like this yo-yo [Applause] dangle it’s a good play by the goalie well there you have it folks that was Noah osan’s game on November 16th in vca’s victory over shalfa in the shootout I think that’s a pretty good indicator of how he plays how he’s used

This year um you can throw him out there in different situations just given his ability to anticipate where the puck is going uh both uh defensively but also in the offensive zone I think he did a nice job reading a few plays there keeping himself in the right positions um to use

His body and again when this kid gets more strength uh those details that he has on the puck right now are just gonna be even more beneficial to his Lin mates so that wasn’t a game that you cherry-picked by any means it wasn’t a huge offensive performance for him but I

Think it gives you a really good idea of who Noah Osan is and how he’s developing as a 19-year-old in Sweden’s top professional League hope you enjoyed today’s season pass content keep an eye out for more while you’re here like the video and subscribe to the channel and we’ll see you again next



  1. Thanks Kris have a great Christmas and Happy New Year. Yet another very good video. I noticed Ostlund has similar hocke IQ like Benson. He knows where to be at the right time. He didn't show any flash and dash but he also didn't make any glaring gaffs. I'd like to see a game where it showcases his offensive prow.

  2. Merry Christmas Kris and family. Thanks again Kris for all the knowledge you give us on the Sabres prospects.

  3. noah is one of the most underrated prospects in hockey, i think, even in his draft year, he had the u18 where he made no mistake the entire tournament.

  4. Love his game. Defensively and in transition he’s excellent but the 5v5 offense feels a bit lacking, not just this game but the games I’ve watched too. Maybe it’s his linemages or just the SHL. Hopefully he can have a big world juniors tournament.

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