@Boston Bruins

The BIGGEST Week 16 Takeaways! What’s Next For The Dallas Cowboys & Jacksonville Jaguars

The BIGGEST Week 16 Takeaways! What’s Next For The Dallas Cowboys & Jacksonville Jaguars

All right guys we are live the biggest or the the week 16 takeaways guys there was a lot that happened this week uh I mean there’s there’s a lot of games to go over the Patriots Broncos game just ended uh so we’re going to we’re going

To dive into every game we’re going to react to Top com you know comments we’re going to react to you know everything that happened we have uh we have notes on every game you know this is not going to be your standard recap obviously with you know with it being Christmas Eve and

Everything uh and this obviously being a live relative uh rather than a video so we’re going to Dive Right In guys um at some point I can change the video or with me in the video and I can kind of like pull up like the box score of the

Game if that makes sense if you guys would prefer that um but right now guys Saints Rams guys kyen Williams is he’s a very very underrated back he had 104 rushing yards and a touchdown in this game puka is he’s I don’t want to say criminally underrated but guys puka went

For over 160 in this game he also had a score uh the Rams are a perfect example of a team that nobody wants to play so right now guys um I am going to Tweet this out that that we are live um hopefully you guys are enjoying uh JJ

Was in fact first JJ commented first and uh so hope for anybody that was commenting first third yeah a couple people commenting commenting that um so I did want to go ahead and just let you guys know JJ in fact was first so guys um drop your comments drop your big

Takeaways from week 16 and uh like I said hopefully you guys enjoy here what’s up what’s up guys um is that a Super Chat wow I do appreciate that Josh Mary Christmas thank you for the content Josh I do appreciate that a lot uh need the music in the background that’s from

A different Josh um I do there’s no there’s no music tonight guys um but Merry Christmas Eve says Tanner appreciate the support guys love your content brother I appreciate it guys it it truly would not be possible without you guys um but Saints Rams guys uh

We’re going to like I said let me just tweet this out real quick um guys the biggest thing with the Saints is and I I cannot emphasize this enough and I think this I think this just emphasized this was whenever you watch the Saints play and whenever you watch them play a good

Team they’re not going to win I mean like like yeah they’ll beat the occasional Team guys but like they’re they’re not they’re not a good team um they’re not I mean I think this game showed it and I think one of the biggest takeaways that I had entering this game

By the way I do have the the season shirt on it’s actually of the ugly sweater on it’s a it’s of Stefon digs toss and helmet from the Minneapolis Miracle um but guys that that’s kind of one of my big takeaways was the Saints are never going to beat

You know one of the best teams when it matters with Dennis Allen Derek hard didn’t play bad in this game I’ve been very critical of Derek Carr in the past um but Pete Carmichael not a great OC but just the Saints do not scare me even

In the slightest um so that that was one of my biggest takeaways they’re never going to win uh with this core group that they have right now so I kind of want to you know move along and I definitely want to uh definitely want to address a lot of comments Mar early

Christmas says MV uh MVR owner uh Jacob I will get to the Vikings um like I said Josh I do appreciate the super chat Merry Christmas to you too brother uh to everybody watching all right so Bengals Steelers guys um this one here what I wrote down Jake Brown Jake Brown Jake

Browning came back down to earth uh they had no answer for George pickings the Bengals 0 and5 in the division this year 8-2 against against everyone else and uh now if you guys did not know Zack Taylor is he is 9 and 20 in division play lifetime so there’s I don’t think the

Cincinnati Bengals are you I don’t think they’re going to be this you know this team where it’s just like oh hey like you know we’re the Bengals we’re going to go to the Super Bowl every year or the AFC Championship game every year I I mean I’m not saying you know that

They’re bad obviously or you know that their their future is dim or anything like that but I think people like kind of want to put the Bengals on a pedestal like this and you know put them up with you know everybody else they kind of are but they’re also susceptible more than a

Lot of people realize um now for the Steelers as crazy as this is going to sound here uh feed George pickings right I mean guys there’s there’s times where I just I just scream at the TV and I’m just like guys what are we doing you know feed George pickings there’s times

Where the Steelers get far too cute with it and uh guys I actually am going to pull up a box score because I just I want you guys to like see what I am referring to um so I am going to let’s go ah and pull this up here guys uh

Saints incredibly mid says Salvia I 100% agree I have to figure out how to do this here so just give me a second bear with me here um no I definitely agree that the Saints are incredibly mid and uh let’s go ahead let’s pull this in

Here all right let’s go ahead and pull this back actually let’s just not let’s just not we’re just going to go back to me we’re just going to go back to me anyway um anyway rer how are youall we’re doing good uh no feed George pickings they made it tough for Jake

Browning guys TJ watt is an absolute game wrecker obviously we all already knew that um but guys there there’s times where TJ watt just absolutely Tak takes over and this was evident in this game and it’s you know the Bengals had no answer for him obviously the Bengals

Offensive line wasn’t you know very good to begin with but that was definitely one of the the bigger things that that was you know evident early and often within this game uh let’s see here I also have they swept Bengals good for M yeah it was good for Mason Rudolph that

Was another thing um that is the difference between the the lives and then you know an actual like weekly recap where uh whenever the weekly Recaps are happening um you know they’re just we’re just you know game to game to game to game so we are going to discuss

Them a little more uh tonight um so let’s go ahead and go to the bills Chargers guys Gabe Davis showed up finally uh Ed Oliver had a big key sack on the final drive it really slowed down uh what the what the Chargers could do

Uh good win for Buffalo this was an easy game to trip up and EAS you know easily look ahead so thought that was a great win for or great win for Buffalo rather not the Chargers um and then I win is a win that’s kind of one of the biggest

Things that you know the bills needed a win a lot of teams fell today including the Broncos and uh there were a lot of other AFC teams that fell including the Texans you know the Colts the Jags really the whole AFC South uh which which we will get into um but for the

Chargers guys it’s incredible how a team coached or not coached by Brandon Staley looks you know they were 13-point dogs heading into this game and they nearly beat the bills uh kamani says yo big fan making great videos keep it up I appreciate that appreciate everyone uh

That’s in there Camal says love the work bro keep it up inside help the fantasy team reach the finals hey I appreciate that too and uh make sure to send me a cut I’m completely kidding by the way completely kidding um but no uh GIF Smith guys GIF Smith looked actually

Really like like the team plays with a lot more passion and fire than you see or than you saw with Brandon saley through the first uh whatever 14 games or whatever that was and you know we go from 6321 lost to the Raiders uh to

Losing 2422 to the bills in a game where Buffalo could have very easily uh just rolled right over him you know if Brandon saley coaches that game I think the bills probably win by at least 13 points which was the spread um also I think this was the it was a close game

Obviously but I think it was the best possible outcome for the Chargers they look solid as a team and I think this is a great game to uh recruit Jim hardwall because I really if I’m the Chargers I’m really want them to you know if I’m a

Chargers fan I really want them to push for Jim Harbaugh this off season and I think there’s I don’t want to say like a high chance he goes um but I think if Jim Harbaugh is ever going to leave guys I think it will be this year so uh I

Think this was the best possible outcome you get a good draft pick you look a lot better uh you nearly beat a team that could go to the Super Bowl in the bills with how they’re playing recently and you have a hell of a recruiting pitch in

Jim Harbaugh for this game so let’s keep it going here what other what other comments do we have uh series question the Bills play down from the last two weeks or did the Chargers play up after getting rid of Staley I would say it was

A little bit of both uh but I think the Chargers played up more than more than uh the bills played down uh let’s see here uh you think the Browns could make make a real run we’ll get to it we’ll get to it what’s up that’s Lions talk from chat

Sports what’s up my man what’s up what’s up what’s up let’s go to some of these other uh worst OC and DC in the league Joe Barry worst DC that’s from uh Maple so I would say he’s the worst uh DC in the league other questions we have here

My Pats one says Ashley that’s what’s up Ashley I’m happy for you all right uh let’s keep Ethan asks what is your projected AFC playoff breakdown seed we we’ll get to that we’ll get to that um but we are we are on to Sunday um I I

Will get back to Vikings lines I I have a lot to say about the Vikings we’ll get back to them Colts Falcons um Atlanta outgained Indie by 140 yards Arthur Smith finally used his weapons uh this game was why I thought Atlanta could be dangerous heading into the year um not

Necessarily that Atlanta was going to uh you know go to the Super Bowl or anything like that but what I specifically want to point to in this game was Atlanta as a team ran for 177 yards they averaged 5.9 yards per carry um and they also had a rushing touchdown

And guys they you know Taylor hinei didn’t need to be you know Prime Tom Brady today he didn’t need to be whoever they just simply ran the ball and ran the ball and that was fine and not only that uh let’s see what other notes did I

Have here um Zack Harrison Breakout game for the Falcons today he had two sacks that was also nice to see and uh Michael Pitman did not play for the Colts that was pretty rough uh they could not get anything going all day and uh Ritter did get benched to whoever is asking that

Yes Ritter did in fact get benched uh pay Michael I don’t know if I said Michael PE I meant Michael Michael Pitman uh pay Michael Pitman uh the leading receivers in this game for the Colts were kylin granson and will mallerie generally speaking you’re not

Going to win many games like that uh so the Colts did not I mean this this was an allaround just bad game for the Colts guys they did not they didn’t run the ball well um outside of a 23 yard run by Gardner they had less than 70 rushing

Yards all day um and in fact they actually without that Garder muu 23 yard run which was a clear outlier relative to what they were doing all day uh they had 69 rushing yards someone say that’s nice I I would not say that’s a nice total for an entire football game so all

Around not a good game for the CTS and uh like I said Pay Michael Pitman and uh stop indies’s run without their top weapons it was kind of to be expected um but it was a lot uglier for the Colts than I thought it was going to be all

Right let’s go let’s get to a couple comments here Ritter did get benched uh let’s go Lions says salty wings and as fans he’s he’s a he’s a good o OG supporter I’ve seen him in here before on lives uh let’s see here what if the Atlanta Falcon acquire Justin fields in

A trade I definitely think that could happen uh I just wish as a Jags fan I could have hope we’ll also get to that uh let’s let’s go let’s keep going here let’s let’s move on to Seahawk or let’s move on to Packers Panthers here pretty simple here for the Packers fire Joe

Barry uh Aaron Jones played his ass off in this game Sorry for the profanity um but he played he played his tail off uh best case scenario for the Packers given how much a lot of the fans want Joe Barry fired you know they gave up a ton

They they G they made Bryce young look great for the first time although I do think Bryce young will eventually be a good quarterback um but you know if you are a Packers fan you can easily just use this as a reason to fire Joe Barry

You know that nobody has you know looked or that Bryce young hasn’t looked good against anybody and now that he plays a Joe Barry coach team now he looks good against you guys so um I I did like that for Packers fans that they’re that they’re the bad man may be going for

Them um and also Tucker craft is Tucker craft played a good game today and I think he will be I don’t want to get into rankings but I think he will be a good for them over the next few years uh Seahawks Titans oh wait sorry let let’s

Get to the panther side let’s get to the panther side Bryce young will be a solid NFL quarterback uh do whatever you can to help out Bryce in the final few weeks of the year and obviously this off season which we’ll discuss a ton on the

Channel and uh this was a win for the Panthers All Things Considered you put up 30 points um and I actually criticized the hell out of the Panthers um earlier this week they had not put up 20 points in a game since I want to say

It was back in week six uh so yeah it’s good for the Panthers to finally put up 30 points and now let’s go and move on to Seahawks Titans Seahawks stay alive their hope stay alive now that they are 8 and seven uh very stressful Seahawks games very

Seahawks fan or Seahawks game for any Seahawks fans out there you guys know that uh the Seahawks are pretty incapable of playing a normal game this kind of played into that uh backto back 20 to 17 wins for Seattle their final games are Pittsburgh and Arizona Seattle

Can very easily finish 10 and seven so uh I like what Seattle I like the potential for Seattle uh down the stretch at least the regular season I don’t want to get into the postseason just because I don’t you know I don’t think they’re the the ceiling

For them is all that High um but uh good for Seattle and that was you know that was like I said you improved eight and seven and I really think that they can be uh 10 and seven all right let’s see here 20 points for anybody is like 40

Against the Joe Barry defense I love that uh Browns are nasty honestly Flaka was exactly what the Browns needed uh let’s see her Tua is him says Evan uh let’s see here let’s see here let’s see here Lions Brown Super Bowl personally disagree with that one uh but anyway

Let’s go to the Titans here Henry has had a Derrick Henry has had a down year and uh but he played better in this game I don’t think he’s back or anything I just think there’s you know a lot of wear and tear on his body that you know

We’re eventually going to start see that breaking down that’s kind of a different discussion for another day but it was good to see Derrick Henry bounce back for at least one game uh let’s see what else do we have loss is a positive point at this at this time of the season for

Tennessee uh Derrick Henry has as many passing touchdowns this year as Ryan tanah Hill count him two it’s been that kind of year for Ryan tanah Hill so it’s not ideal to say the least and uh the final two games are at Houston and verse Jacksonville and I hope for the Titans

Sake uh that they finish five and 12 so that’s uh that is that’s kind of the takeaway for the Titans uh beef man getting there’s a little beef in the comments from beef man he said uh something he’s locked in a basement or he’s telling somebody to live in a

Basement anyway uh let’s see here that’s comments are getting a little spicy uh command Sanders or excuse me Browns Texans uh this was a Merry Christmas game for Amari Cooper he said it to every Browns fans out there 11 receptions 265 yards and two touchdowns big big game for Amari the Browns are

Now 10 and five I never would have thought that especially after Nick chub went down and especially with uh how many quarterbacks they’ve went through this year considering they are on their fourth uh quarterback this year too uh so Joe Barry was locked in the basement

Against Casey and that’s why they won my apologies um anyway uh this game was a lot fur further than the I want to point to this here than the this is so weird cuz it’s like reverse um the 30 you get what I’m trying to do I’m pointing at

The Browns game I’m I’m pointing at at the Browns game anyway uh this game was a lot further than a 14-point final like guys it was not even close to a 14-point game for the Browns they played their taals off I want to credit to them um

Obviously not an ideal game for Houston the case magic was simply not there two weeks in a row and uh Davis Mills made the score again look better than what it actually was uh the biggest win for Houston in week 16 was Indie and Jacksonville each getting beat by double

Digits too a couple people were asking if I trust Baker did we discuss the Bucks game no we have not let’s go ahead and discuss the buck game all right here we go after the Bucks game we’ll get to Commander Jets uh here we go Bucks game

Uh nobody including oh sorry that was the Jag side I was going to say nobody including Jacksonville wants to win the division but we’ll get to the buck side um guys baker has been absolutely balling the last two weeks he had a perfect pass rating against Green Bay in

Week 15 and over the past two weeks uh baker has 664 passing yards and six passing touchdowns to zero interceptions in the last two games four wins in a row for the bucks uh that’s huge for them um I’m happy for the bucks but I need to

See a playoff win from Tampa before I fully buy into a Todd BS coach team that’s that’s it’s not I mean it it is a concern like I don’t want to be like the Debbie Downer you know especially after the Bucks where you know they were 4 and

Seven now they’re eight and seven um their wins were over the Panthers Falcons Packers again against the Joe Berry coach defense and the Jags which was an impressive win for the bucks but the Bucks final two games are two NFC South games one is against the Saints

One is against the Panthers so as crazy as this is going to sound the Bucks can legitimately win double digit games I do trust Baker now I think that the Demar Hamlin you know everybody is going to you know the comeback Player of the Year in terms of like you know like onfield

Performance like really think Baker should be the comeback player of the year but that’s I’m not going to go like that that whole you know Rabbit Hole I guess but um I I love the year that Bakers had and I think there’s a very real chance that the Bucks have uh two

1,000 yard receivers as far as I know Chris Godwin is at 893 receiving yards uh so Chris Godwin needs a little over 50 yards in each of the final two games so let me just confirm Chris Godwin is at 892 sorry at 892 uh so he needs

Little over he needs 54 yards each of the final two games uh thus Merry Christmas you make great videos do you think the Lions have a chance at winning a playoff game it’s a good question thus this a good question appreciate the uh appreciate the super Merry Christmas to you and your family

As well thus and uh to answer this question I do uh will they of course is a different discussion I answer a lot of questions like that you know in terms of will they but yes I think they can if honestly I I know the SE or I know the

Lions lost to the Seahawks earlier this year but I hope for the lion sake that they get Seattle round one I think Dan Campbell’s going to use that as fuel all week it’s going to be bulletin board material all week for the Detroit Lions uh so I hope they get the Seahawks round

One the one thing for the lions that I selfishly want as a fan of you know as a fan of the Vikings where I don’t have to worry about you know my team playing in this game I very much want a Matt Stafford go into Detroit

Wild Card round as a fan um but for the lion sake and in terms of you know like the future of them in terms of them winning a playoff game I do think the best chance is against Seattle or you know of course if they get the Vikings

Again with like a fourth string quarterback but I don’t think the Vikings are going to make the playoffs at this point in time um but I do think the I do think the Lions can win a playoff game so again I do appreciate the super thadius and hopefully hopefully that answered your question

All right let’s keep it going here let’s keep it going here all right all right uh let’s go uh commanders Jets oh by the way I wanted to get back to the Jags real quick cuz we didn’t finish the Jags game um press Taylor he he is he’s not

Good Jags fans know that uh nobody including ja Ville wants to win the division we discussed that the whole offense today was bad and uh the Jags are not a good team right now like they they are not a good team I I have zero confidence in the Jags and anything they

Do moving forward um and one thing that I one take that I have is like I I it’s it’s a whole Trevor Lawrence conversation but you know Trevor was perceived to be this coming out of college and he’s nowhere near this you know this is like momes Allen and

Everybody else Trevor’s Trevor Trevor’s not up here and obviously it’s you know it’s more than this week because Trevor didn’t have a good game today obviously wasn’t 100% going in um but guys I don’t think Trevor is ever going to be at that level now that’s again that’s a

Different discussion but I think the Jags have a lot more problems that a lot of people may want to discuss um but what also needs to be remembered is this team is just a year and a half away from having the number one overall pick when they selected Trayvon Walker back in

2022 all right uh Jags are a team that can’t make the next step I kind of that’s I think that’s summarizes exactly how I feel uh let’s see we ain’t losing to the Rams uh let’s see here GG’s again I know some Lions fans were kind of a

Bit toxic I mean like salty wings and as fans I hope that’s to me and like I I’m not like fully reading the the comment section right I mean like like the back and forths at least um but what I will say is like there’s there’s toxic fan

Fans in every fan base so definitely a good game um but no there there were some questionable calls on each side there was one particular roughing the passer where I was like what are what are we doing uh in the Vikings Lions game and uh there were there were a

Couple questionable calls on each side but no it’s lions lions should have won this game the Vikings turned the ball over on 40% of the of their turnover so um that’s that’s uh that’s I mean you’re not going to win games you’re not going to win games when you turn the ball over

On 40% quite literally 40% of your possessions anyway uh Trevor is better than Justin Herbert strong strong disagree that’s from Chris uh Tristan MCL appreciate the super uh love your vids man keep it going who is your number one for the MVP right now all

Right so if you’re asking me like who I think should win and who I think will win two different things however who I think will win at the moment especially if he has a good game tomorrow is the 49ers quarterback Brock party it’s an MVP award uh I would

Be it’s going to take it’s going to take an MVP performance from Lamar tomorrow for Lamar to like surpass Brock p and I know a lot of people are going to push back you know Brock p is you know George KD Debo CMC Brandon auk and I get it but

That it’s just in terms of how the voters vote I think Brock py is going to be the MVP all right uh let’s see here let’s keep it going here Trevor is the same or worse than Herbert I don’t think he’s as good as Herbert personally um

That’s just me uh the Jets almost blowing a 20-point lead is downright embarrassing uh let’s see here let’s see here let’s see what other comments oh we’ll go back speaking of the Jets we’ll go and discuss this uh we’ll go and discuss Commander jets that was after

The Jags Bucks game appreciate the super by the way that was uh that that was from Tristan I appreciate it man and uh hopefully that answered your question um but commanders Jets Sam H how not the guy I was glad to see that we figured

Out that you know Sam how is not the guy so at least we definitively have that answer um you know for next year for the commander sake you know it would it would kind of stink to enter another offseason and basically say like you

Know how do we feel about Sam how is he the guy you know where we go you know let’s let’s just play around for another year you know are we going to have another whole off season of man what do we do are we half in or half out so no

I’m glad that we know Sam how is not the guy I do I do wish the best uh for Sam how moving forward of course um but he’s just he’s he’s not the guy and for anybody that is is wondering uh Sam how I do want to pull this up guys let’s go

Ahead and look this up real quick Sam how in week 16 versus the Jets he was 6 of 22 for 56 yards and two interceptions no touchdowns of course so two interceptions Sam how not the guy and I also want to say that I am I am glad

That they’re making Ron Rivera finish the season I’m glad that they’re making Ron Rivera kind of just you know SI like sit through the sit through the if you will you know because like Brandon saley getting fired that was something else of course like that was long long

Overd um but to make like Ron Rivera just you know stink this whole season out you know you traded the pass rushers away Rond R was already on the hot seat going in so I’m glad that the L or not the Lions the I saw I read a comment

About the Lions I’m glad that the commanders are making him like you know like hey like you know you’re you know you’re fired you know the Monday after week 18 but you know what your your vacation it’s not starting early and we will make you sit through these final

Two games so I kind of like that from the Commander’s aspect um it was a successful tank or it has been a successful tank for the commanders uh this is also a best case scenario for them you lose close uh you show a little

Bit of Life at the end um but Ron Rivera is definitely a a fired head coach at the end of the year there’s nothing that change Chang is my opinion on that at least um and I think everybody thinks that too um but for the Jets feed Bree

That’s I mean that is to be expected Breeze had 32 touches in this game um 30 points with Trevor Simeon that was pretty that was again good for the Jets uh the win is counterproductive in terms of you know the Jets tanking but guys the Jets

Roster is also a lot better than a lot of the other you know the bad teams across the NFL so um like you know you look at some of the other rosters that we will dive into uh the Jets roster just flat out better so they’re they’re

Going to win some of these games yes the blown 20-point lead or almost blown 20-point lead is a little frustrating but uh it’s you know you ultimately want to see the Jets you know start the win games rather than talk about winning games so uh their sixth win of the Year

Nice good for them but um it’s obviously like we know they’re eliminated from playoff contention but it was nice to see the Jets uh put together a winning effort all right here we go uh Austin love your content bro All I Want for Christmas tomorrow is to beat the Eagles

In Philly with the gabao that’s that’s that’s from our boy Tommy deito uh you know Tommy’s you know probably going to enjoy a nice you know fresh VI parmesan down from from satel’s you know um anyway no I I love love love the gab love that and appreciate every guys com

Comment comment a little something for Tommy right now but anyway um no I appreciate that Austin and uh hopefully that happens I got to be honest I don’t think that’s going to happen for you um but I I’m with you I hope that happens I

I got to be honest I don’t think it’s going to but anyway let’s let’s move on here Cardinals Bears uh let’s see Cardinals guys they’re not a good team I mean they got smoked by not smoked but I mean this game wasn’t close either uh they got beat by double digits by the

Bears they have absolutely zero receivers they have no defensive line at all uh they need help in the absolute worst way guys in terms of a rebuilding team this is like the true Madden rebuild team the Arizona Cardinals are they’re just they’re a bad team there’s

There’s very few good players I mean yes they have pieces you know like Paris Johnson for example who was drafted number six overall this year um they have other players like Trey McBride but guys I want to read the receiving stat lines for this for the team in this game James

Conor led the way 67 receiving yards Greg dorch second on the team 45 receiving yards Amari D Mardo third with 40 receiving yards Trey McBride with 31 receiving yards so they had one receiver today go for over 30 yards and that was Greg dorch who isn’t exactly a household

Name by any means um so it’s guys they’re they’re they’re just not a good team at all um and that kind of showed that also the Bears R for 250 yards in this game on the dot uh they averaged 6.4 yards or carry two rushing touchdowns Justin Fields had a very nice

Run in this game at 1 Point time but um this is honestly how I expected the Cardinals to lose a lot of their games was just basically to you know have the the running the ball down their throat and there’s just simply not a lot they

Can do to stop it uh simply because they’re not a good football team uh let’s see here uh Co K is very underrated I also think he’s a very solid tight end the Bears have now doubled their wins from 2022 to 202 3 and I think they can

Reasonably finish with eight wins their final two games uh let’s take a look I know one of them is against the Packers I don’t think they’re going to get smoked like they did back in week one uh but they play the Falcons and Packers so the Bears can definitely win eight games

Uh this year will they of course is something else uh but Cowboys dolphins all right guys let’s let’s have a little chat here uh Cowboys Eagles have been have have each had a tough you know kind of little last quarter of the quarter of the season if you will I know

There’s a couple games still left to play but um it’s there’s no consistent Run game for Dallas which bites them in the ass every single week uh seven guys had a carry in this game for Dallas I that’s that’s that kind of shows you like where they are as an offense that

They cannot consistently run the football that uh you know kavante turpin’s carrying the football uh Dak Dak had five carries in this game CD Lam had two carries in this game Cooks had a carry uh Rico had two carries and even Hunter Hunter Hunter luy had two carries

In this game so I mean guys seven backs seven players getting the ball is not like that’s never going to be ideal um the refs also were not ideal especially there was one first down late in the game by Miami where uh that holding could have been called I know

Dallas fans definitely feel that way but this is uh I and I don’t know what I don’t know what the the solution to this is obviously we can address in the off season and say oh let’s go trade for a running back let’s trade for a budding

Running back or let’s let’s draft one in the you know in the third or four fourth round this is not a strong running back class by the way uh in the 2024 class but I I don’t know what the solution for Dallas is and by the way I do want to

Say to Evan uh top five quarterbacks right now I’ve seen you commented a couple times um we’ll get to that but right now it’s just just right now for the uh for the recap but we we’ll we’ll get to that we’ll get to that uh let’s see here it’s Kell Moore’s illegitimate

Son what’s up Bryson I have uh I’ve seen that comment a bunch of times it uh it amuses me every time I there’s definitely times where um people are I mean I I don’t get this a lot but people are like yo like you know your your takes effing suck you

Know you don’t know ball and all that and everything um but like when I get compared to Kell Moore’s like son that that that one does amuse me uh let’s see here ISO Miami he says uh let’s see here he says let me go ahead and let me go ahead I

Don’t think I can click any I can’t like pin it but anyway ISO myami he says happy holidays you too as well brother uh Brian here we go I love this comment this is an awesome super by the way uh Brian Johnson is an idiot and Matt Patricia uses a pencil on laminated

Paper Eagles on top um no so I I actually have a couple Eagles friends that that very much get uh they get pissed off with with Matt Patricia using the pencil on laminated paper quite frankly I don’t blame them if he were my uh coach I would think the same thing um

And Brian Johnson definitely does not maximize uh he does not maximize the player skill sets anywhere close to what they could all right let’s see here um volcano said do I think rayel is in the hot seat I mean I would say no it’s tough though because it’s like you can very

Easily make the case that he is just because you know they’re they’re not winning um and of course like Ryon carthon was not the GM that brought him in I would say no um because the talent on the Titans roster is not very good like they’re not going to win many games

This year no matter who the head coach was so I would say no um but so anyway go back to the Cowboys Dolphins game U Miami finally beat a good team Greatest Show on surf baby good for Mike MCD good for Tua I was very happy for them boys

To finally you know beat the beat the you know the winning team that’s been a that’s been a pain in their ass all year they play the Ravens next week and they play the bills in week 18 so the Dolphins can very easily write the ship

And uh the Dolphins number one seed for them is still very very much on the table and uh by the way if I did not already address it I just did want to say that you know I so I appreciate the super and hope you have a happy holiday

To your family as well um but uh Jason Sanders unsung hero in this game five for five from field goals uh and I think the Cowboys defense honestly like despite giving up 22 points I thought they played a lot better uh than what the stat sheet kind of shows uh it’s

Never easy to play the Dolphins especially you know in Miami so I thought the Cowboys defense played better than you know giving up 22 points May initially look all right uh let’s see here uh hey love your videos what do you think the Giants should do this off

Season my man I got a video coming for you not necessarily like the next like week uh but in January for a lot of teams like the Giants uh you know the Giants the Cardinals the Patriots we will break everything down uh so it’s you know I kind of wait for um some

Teams to you know go through head coaching Cycles or head coaching hires and everything um but I I will definitely have some videos coming for you to answer your question though uh the Giants it’s going to be a best player available approach for them you know kind of no matter what like

Whenever they’re on the clock like you know if they’re on the clock at pick you know four four five whatever that first pick is I don’t want them to you know pick the 12th best player just because that fits a need you know we’re going BPA pretty much every every approach uh

For the Giants um but o line and of course of course this cannot be emphasized enough wide receiver help for the Giants all right here we go uh if Ravens lose to the ners that fins Ravens game is going to be crazy 100% man and that’s uh that’s definitely that’s that’s I

Mean I hope the Ravens play at home in the AFC Championship game because I I do live in Maryland and there’s a chance that I would go to that game um but that that Ravens Dolphins game is going to be on New Year’s Eve is going to be fun and

By the way I do want to say a quick announcement um guys New Year’s Eve I will probably again be hanging out with my family like I was tonight on Christmas Eve um so we will probably be live one week from tonight again and then week 18 we will have like the

Normal weekly recap so please let me know your feedback on like you know on this weekly recap because I really hope you guys are enjoying as as much as I am right now just talking ball with you guys and uh so let me know um but we

Will probably be live again one week from tonight and also doing the weekly recap on Sunday nights like this rather than you know the the standard weekly Recaps on Sunday nights they they really really like stress me out there really like you know because it’s such a such a

Tight deadline um so like I said hopefully you guys enjoy this as much as I am right now all right uh let’s see here salty wings and as fans likes the live streams uh let’s see here let’s see what else I want to let’s see uh what do

You think what happened to Daniel Jones this offseason Tommy deino has done it when it counted um so I think I mean there DJ will be on the roster next year no matter what for the Giants and uh he’s he’s going to be there like no matter what uh just

Because of the contract like they’re not going to cut him and nobody’s going to trade Daniel Jones like the Giants would have to trade like DJ and a second round pick or third round pick to get like a fifth round pick in return just because of how heavy that number is for next

Year excuse me uh but DJ is he’s cutable after the 2024 season so Daniel Jones he’s going to stay on the roster all right let’s see here uh let’s see here live is so fun appreciate that uh let’s keep it going here what do you think happens to Justin Fields if the

Bears get the number one pick ah hold on I’m glad you asked let’s you ready for it here we go all right uh here we go I hope hope you guys heard the cracking of the knuckles because I could not do that again if I tried but anyway uh Caleb

Williams Caleb Williams or Drake may I I would imagine that they lean Caleb Williams um but to answer that question guys Caleb Williams to me is the number one pick kind of no matter what and it’s kind of like hey like if you have if you have that player fall into

Your lap due to a pick that you never would have thought would have happened because you’ve won six games this year and you’ve improved as you know as a team you you can’t afford to pass on them and and I know people are going to

Reply you know people and I I got this in a bears video that I actually got a lot more push back on than I thought I was going to by suggesting this but guys they’re not going to pass on Caleb Williams and I don’t think even in the

Scenario that you know they’re going to they might have you know like four first round picks offered to them I don’t think they’re going to take that just in case like what if Caleb is the next Patrick Mahomes and they had him fall into their laps again and they

Passed on him again I think it’s very much going to be like it’s going to be like similar to a PTSD thing where it’s like we have to take him no matter what uh simply because he was also he fell into their laps all right anyway here uh

Joseph my guy I know him from way back in the day I saw him comment Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to YouTube brother hope you have a good one um it is almost Christmas guys here on the East Coast it’s 11:59 uh let’s see here Give Me One

Reason Why bayy zappy is not this year’s MVP um let me think here let me give you one reason um trying to think I actually can’t think of one you got a point man he actually might be that’s that’s I I can’t think of one I was trying to think of like

Another quarterback maybe in the AFC maybe um maybe Lamar I mean Bailey Zapp he’s probably got it over him he’s probably maybe maybe if Joe burough stays healthy Joe burrow would have a case over him but Bailey Z you got a good point there um or you can have a

Marvin Harrison and I get it I get it I understand the Marvin Harrison Junior Parts I completely understand and uh I understand and I know people are going to say you know you have Marvin Harrison you can have Justin Fields Marvin Harrison DJ Moore and then maybe you can even trade that

Extra pick that that eighth pick or whatever it’ be and hopefully you get another one out of that again that that that would be Pine this guy um but I completely understand what you’re saying uh Caleb’s Baseline should be what Justin gives us now and I think it I

Think it would be I think it would be uh let’s see Santa Claus is Coming to Town all right so Kyle Merry Christmas brother on Sundays do you have multiple screens on at once or do you just watch Red Zone multiple screens multiple screens is the way to go um it’s Sundays

Are stressful though because it’s constantly just it’s it’s like like like it’s it’s it’s a lot going on at once it really is um but no Sundays I there’s there’s only 18 Sundays technically like 22 if you want to go with each like you know the round of the playoffs but when

There’s multiple games on it is just darting the eyes all the time um so Sunday’s like like I say this 100% joking um but what I want to say is like physically like on Sunday nights guys like I I mean as you can see like I’m

Not like you know like like thick by any means so I wake up usually weighing like 1 170 Monday because of like how much I stressed myself out with the weekly Recaps and everything and just you know getting it out on time and everything it’s just like you know like we got to

Get this out got to get this out by the end of the Sunday night game I usually drop like two pounds every Sunday night going into Monday just because it’s like it’s it’s a lot going on um so arguably I I have more physical toll on my body

Than NFL players on Sundays because of that I’m completely kidding but Loki says uh this is a classic Discord uh this is a classic Discord uh thing that they always say the Steelers go to the Super Bowl and then they have it in the in the font and everything um but anyway

Here we go all right uh Joseph well my friend what are you the Vikings going to do a quarterback I’m hoping for Jaden Daniels I don’t think we’re going to be able to get Jaden Daniels uh but I think if not Jaye Daniels I’m a big Michael

Penx guy uh we have the offensive line to support penx who is he’s not very mobile uh but when you have two tackles and Christian darol and Brian O’Neal and of course have the Weaponry like JJ Jordan Addis and TJ um I I really hope that it’s uh Jade Daniels or uh Michael

Penck all right uh one question that I wanted to address where was it here uh oh there it is the Bears ball the Bears Paul I almost read that as the Bears Spa anyway the Bears Paul Merry Christmas fa love the videos I like I said guys like

The videos could not be made without your guys support so I truly do uh appreciate the support uh your Sunday Recaps are my favorite thing especially when I work on that’s what’s up guys you know like I said just looking to make an impact positively guys first season

Getting into football how do I pick a team to be a fan of all right I’m going to tell you right now this is from Professor swag um 100% do not pick this team do not pick this team unless you are prepared to be disappointed you are sorry that’s disrespectful to JJ no

Disrespect to JJ um unless you are prepared to be disappointed and and and heartbroken every Sunday not every Sunday but a lot of Sundays do not pick the Vikings do not pick the Falcons um I’ll tell you a good team right now that you can pick that you know it’s not

Really banned by any because they haven’t won anything um but I I think the Texans are a good team to pick you got a good Young quarterback you have a good young receiver you have a good young head coach and you have a good young pass rusher and also they haven’t

Won anything yet so um they haven’t even won a division title so the Texans that’s if I were to recommend a team right now the Texans would be a good team to uh get into all right uh let’s see here let’s keep it going here hit that thumbs up

Appreciate it hit uh let’s see here yeah hit that thumbs up Joseph said it I don’t think I can pin comments it’s really oh I can pin it there we go pin comments there we go hit the thumbs up very much appreciated helps with the algorithm and I appreciate everyone

Being in here right now uh Merry Christmas by the way happy holidays what whatever you celebrate um happy holidays Merry Christmas uh it is officially December 25th on uh on the East Coast so uh that’s that’s where I am personally but uh you know hopefully you guys uh

Like I said enjoying it spending starting the starting the holiday off with with your boy football analysis so hopefully you guys are en en joying it so far all right uh let’s see here all right let’s see here let’s go ahead I can’t like pin the supers I don’t know

Why I can’t pin the supers um but anyway from Obie not a Vikings fan but I think there’s no denying it JJ is a beast 100% there was a third and 27 in in the game today that should have been part of a game-winning drive or yesterday now that

Should have been part of a game-winning drive that Nick Mullin just threw an absolute duck uh at the end which was a horrible interception guys Nick Mullin could have easily had five or six interceptions uh in this game so it was it was awful um from Nick Mullen in this

Game but uh no JJ is he’s one of the the best players I’ve just ever watched and and it’s it’s so fun getting to watch him every Sunday uh let’s see how do I feel my Patriots how do I feel about your Patriots ruining the tank um so I

Got to be honest oh my boy sami’s in here my boy sami’s in here my guy anyway um so anyway so you’re about your Patriots ruining the tank so I got to be honest here like look I’m a Vikings fan the last time my team was in the Super

Bowl was back in the 70s obviously you can tell I’m not like 45 years old or whatever that is 50 years old whatever you can tell I’m not that old right I’ve never seen my team in the Super Bowl ever so like I don’t really like feel

For you guys I’m like I I know you want you know Caleb or Drake but like look you got six like I just want one like I I just want I just want one to experience like with my old man and that’s it that that’s all I want I just

Want one I don’t care about six I mean yeah six would be cool I’m not going to sit here and deny six Super Bowls but I just want a singular Super Bowl um so I don’t really care like I’m sorry like I’m sorry that you guys lost the tank

But like you know and you beat the Broncos obviously you could see by by the score right here this is so weird pointing but no like have another year you you guys are fine you got six Super Bowls Le you guys have you guys have the ultimate memory

Bank to ever just sit back just close your eyes and just think man you know Teddy brusi you know Tom you know grank you Julian Ed you guys just have the ultimate you Bill bellich you guys have whatever you want so I’m I don’t really care about the Patriots like ruining the

Tank like I’m sorry you know you guys you guys got six Super Bowls I just want one all right so I I I don’t feel for you uh let’s see here uh we need to move on from him I don’t know who he’s referring to here uh golf is now the

Limiting factor Fe for the Lions I don’t exactly disagree I I don’t disagree with that uh let’s see here Herbert is top three spicy take I like it I’m a big Justin Herbert fan love your videos greetings from Brazil that’s awesome Pedro I really really appreciate the

Support man that is very humbling to know that you know we are uh impacting people you know that far across the world right now so that is very humbling uh six isn’t enough I want seven so that’s uh anyway uh let’s keep it going here uh let’s

See so I went back in time to see the Vikings blow their Super Bowl game in the 1970s I mean guys like do do it’s Christmas and we’re taking shots like that come on come on it’s the holidays come on um ultimately though no I did

Not go back in time to watch just blow it Blow Super Bowl uh let’s see no team will get the Seven Super Bowl before the Steelers let’s all agree uh let’s see here that was not my take that was just what somebody said um let’s see here

Let’s see here does Cleveland have a shot at the Super Bowl good question let’s go ahead and pin this one I want to kind of just discuss this one for a second I gotta be honest I would say no um but not because it’s like the Browns aren’t going

To run the table it’s I mean I don’t think they will but it’s more of like guys like going on the road three straight times I mean it’s I I I want the flo magic to happen I want it to be recreated but I just I would say no they

Personally I I don’t think they will um if that makes me a hater for or a doubter for thinking an AFC team is not going to run the table you know three straight times in the AFC one of which would probably be against the Ravens one

Of which would be against the Chiefs the other would I mean if you have to play the Dolphins Chiefs and Ravens each consecutively I don’t like anybody’s chances let alone the Browns uh let’s see here Joe fock about to going to ter and win the AFC somehow I would enjoy that

Uh let’s see do I follow any other sports as close as I do football I saw that question somewhere um to be completely honest no like there’s just like I don’t want to be that guy where it’s like oh like man like you know like everybody knows a person right now like

Oh I work I I work you know 87 hours a week you know and um you know I I was at the office this week from you know 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and you know I actually forgot to go to the bathroom one time like everybody knows a guy like

That I don’t I don’t want to like sound like that even though I’m I’m a going to but like it’s it’s not like I I can’t keep up with every League the way that I do football just in terms of you know like this guy might get hired this guy

Might get hired um so to answer that question no just because it is like a it’s a full-time job to keep up as much with everything going on and U by the way we are starting a podcast soon so I do want to let you guys know that we are

Starting a podcast soon and that’s uh something that I can’t wait for all right let’s see here let’s what other questions do we have here what other questions do we have here I work 70 to 80 for a short time you turn into a zombie 100% too um and to be completely

Honest after after this after this like after this live is over which is not going to be anytime soon cuz I think we’re all having a great time right now I know I sure as hell am um I’m going to be like slumped I’m going to just wake

Up tomorrow it’s going to be it’s going to be Christmas morning Santa hopefully visit hopefully I was a good boy this year hopefully um hopefully everybody watching was was good this year hopefully Santa visits tonight uh let’s see here all right my boy Sammy Sammy

You got a chat in the Twitter DM bro I hav heard you from you recently he said Steelers winning the Super bowl and then he said what do I think about the Steelers I think they should fire Tomlin honestly like I I know that’s kind of a

Hot take but guys like I don’t think Mike Tomlin is I don’t want to say the answer but like guys like Mike Tomlin is they haven’t won a playoff game since 2016 I mean guys we are we are talking about a guy that TJ watad is in his

Seventh season and he’s never won a playoff game like Jared gof was the number one overall pick Carson Wentz was the number two overall pick the last time this team won a playoff game I don’t know how much longer you can just you know you can just be like ah like

We’re good like Mike Mike Tom Mike Mikey T will lead us out of it I don’t know how long you could how many years you have to sit and actually like you know deal with that so I think Mike tomin should be can personally I know that’s

That’s kind of a hot take I know some some people don’t agree with that but that’s uh I think Mike Tomas should be out all right so Pedro has a comment about Jared gof uh his contract which I will get into um but personally I want to get into Austin’s comment first here

Uh I want to see the Browns and lions I’m trying to like click the comment okay I want to see the Browns and lions Super Bowl that would be awesome it’d be right around the lake you know right around Lake I’m probably going to mess

This one up I think it’s Lake Erie no it’s Lake Erie right Lake Erie right around the lake you know uh Cleveland Detroit that that’d be pretty awesome uh especially if Joe Flaco Joe Flaco versus Jared G that would be it’d be a fun time I just simply don’t think it’s going to

Happen uh again just just because of a team that plays out in the Bay Area I I do not see the I don’t see the I don’t see the Lions going out to San Francisco and winning all right uh let’s see here um okay so I wanted to go back to I love

Ernie the elf Browns mascot absolutely Joe I do too appreciate you being in here by the way uh let’s see here Santa visits and re-ups Kirks and JJ’s contract let’s go baby let’s let’s hope that happens um anyway uh there was a comment here uh Pedro 40 million four

Years guaranteed for golf if you’re the Detroit front office do you take it yes but I don’t think that’s a reality uh because and this is one thing that I will reference refence in videos a lot this year or a lot this offseason guys is and what I what I can’t emphasize

Enough here is guys Daniel Jones had a 4 for 160 last off season that’s 40 a year on the dot no quarterback Jared gof Kirk um specifically those two we’ll just lean specifically those two they’re not going to say yeah I’ll take 40 they’re

Not I mean they each of them are so much better than DJ that they’re not going to take they’re not going to they’re not going to look at a guy that is inferior to them say you know what I’m fine with them with with being paid the same as

Him they’re just they’re they’re not and their agent their agent won’t allow it either um their agent’s going to say look like how can you you know how can you look at that bum getting paid and just basically say like look like uh my guy’s getting more than that and that’s

How it’s going to go so Detroit’s front office would Sprint to that um but it’s just no offense it’s just I just don’t think it’s going to happen uh Evan top five quarterbacks right now um I’m going to include like like Joe burrow in that even though he’s he’s hurt so I’m going

To include quarterbacks in that so that’s we’ll get to that in a minute um my guy claw with the $2 appreciate it and uh he says I’m excited for draft as a Bears fans QB plus wide receiver yeah my ideal scenario for the Bears right now is Caleb Williams Malik neighbors

And DJ Moore all in Chicago next year uh being coached by Ben Johnson so I think that there’s a real chance of that and I really really hope that happens for them uh even my guy George Washington he’s here on Christmas he said did your mic

Die and then he said never mind so George appreciate being in here man time technology guys it’s crazy first president of the United States is in here um Kermit the fraud asks can I do an in-depth video on how stupid the Saints front office is um I mean I

Wouldn’t like go out and say like you know Mickey Lumis like I know more ball than him he’s an idiot I would not like do that um but some of the decisions that they have made are are certainly questionable including giving drik Hara 150 million doll contract um so short

Answer yes I will make a video longer answer it’s not going to be exactly like that uh but it’s going to be that the Saints really need to uh like tear it down all right so top five quarterbacks all right let’s go here um I’m still going to I’m still going to

Have Pat at one I know this year has not been good for Pat Uh or the Chiefs I still I still think Pat is won um I don’t think the the help that he’s had this year has been good outside of one player and uh well maybe two players if

You include rir R so I’ll include Rashi race but I would still include I would still say Pat one I would say Josh two I would also say let’s let’s go ahead hold on here uh let’s see here I would say Pat one Josh 2 and uh Pat

One Josh two would probably say Joe burrow 3 I would somebody said Tyson bent 4 all Tyson be is certainly up there um no so I would say like I said Pat I’m sorry I was just deleting a comment I’m sorry about that um I had to delete a comment

I’m sorry about that um anyway Pat Josh Joe I want to I want to just look up some things real quick before I before I before before I fully like get into here I want to I want to hear you guys have it four by the way because I want to I

Had a list before the season started and I want to I just want to make sure I’m not forgetting anybody because the minute you forget somebody is the minute that you don’t know ball and that you’re an idiot and uh that you don’t know anything so that’s that’s kind of why

I’m just I’m just making sure that I’m not forgetting anybody Lamar Lamar and Herbert is probably four and five I do like that take from beef man people are going to be talking about people are going to be talking about uh they’re going to be talking about Brock

Pie after this year uh so anyway so I would have I mean Dak even Dak after this year is certainly up there um let’s see here so I would have Josh dos five good take there Lamar at four Jaylen at five all right let’s this is let’s go

And get this out of here hold on here Pat one Josh 2 Joe three Lamar four guys who is f five I’m going to go Dak after this year I’m going to go Dak Dak at five after this year he’s guys he has been killing it this year um Dak has absolutely he

Has been he’s been balling so I would go Dak after this year uh who is my MVP right now it is Brock pie although it is 100% a Quarterback Award um that is who I think will win MVP so it would be Brock pie uh let’s see if Tom Brady

Didn’t retire he’s won personally disagree Tua has been great Tua has been great thoughts on lions after the Vikings game uh let’s see here all the lions let me let me read you my exact notes that I had written down because I I went on a Vikings R so let

Me let me go ahead and uh trust the or let me go and lions I put they ran the ball effectively which they did uh if they play like this they will certainly be a tough out they forced four turnovers defensively uh good teams beat not good teams which they certainly did

This day and I wanted to credit uh I wanted to credit Motor City uh Dan Campbell for this for this win all right does anybody know how to delete one of like the the users that just keep like spamming comments I’m just going to I don’t know how to kind

Of go around that uh so if per is your MVP I assume the 49ers have to win tomorrow 100% yes yes uh 49ers have to win and I think there’s an actual chance of like if the Ravens win tomorrow that Lamar could be MVP it’s it’s going to be

Kind of dependent I mean each quarterback has to of course play good uh the Bots are indeed of out on Christmas so uh let’s see here what are your thoughts on Tua can he take the dolphins all the way I would say probably not this year um I hope he

Does though I’m a big Tu a fan I am a big Tu a fan I’m a big Mike McDaniel fan I hope he does but I don’t think it’s gonna happen this year all right let’s see here all right uh I think a top five quarterback is a team changing player

And I respect Brock pie but I don’t think he can impact the team like the other top five can I think I would agree with that uh who do I have on spread tomorrow for Ravens Niners I would personally choose the Ravens it’s at five and a half I would personally

Choose the Ravens uh let’s see do I like the Rams future Yes actually surprisingly I do I actually yes I know I was kind of like out on them entering the year um but I I kind of yes I like their future a lot they had a pretty

Solid draft this year obviously drafting a guy like puka nakua will uh certainly you know impact that in a big way all right let’s keep it going what other what other comments do we have here guys oh the 49ers will win tomorrow I think the 49ers will win tomorrow I

Think it’ll be like 2724 I think it’s going to be a very fun game I also think we’ll also get uh Travis Kelce to score Chiefs to win that’s one thing that I am very much looking forward to all right uh Niners bills Super Bowl I think it be

Ners Ravens I think it’ be ners Ravens can Baker and the Buccaneers go in a playoff run playing like this yes playing like this but all right so we went from like politics to just a different like trolling here anyway we’re just going to go and remove that one um

Anyway uh the B the Bucks can if they play like this H but I still don’t trust Todd blls just based on just based on like you know past experience I I’m not a a big Todd Bulls guy I’ve never been a big Todd Bulls guy uh but when when the

Bucks play like this they they they can they can all right uh let’s see here how do I feel about Dennis Allen can not a fan at all uh let’s see here what player do you think is most disappointing this year um I think it’s Justin Jefferson he did get hurt but disappointed

Nonetheless so it’s definitely not Justin Jefferson um no I I I no no I’m not I’m going to that’s no um anyway so let’s let’s go ahead the most disappointing player this year honestly like the f one of the first that comes to mind I Tony Pard has been

He’s been underwhelming all year um I thought I really thought Tony was going to take the next step and I he had a big year last year um but I I was really disappointed with I thought that he could have been you know like a, 1400

Yard back like he was in 2022 and just you know kept continued to be that player for another year or two but he just wasn’t he just disappointed all year oh my guy George George Washington he’s back commenting uh he said Bryce young has been so disappointing George I

Got to to be honest um I don’t think Bryce has been too I mean like he has of course but like there’s a lot that factors into that a lot that factors into that so it’s uh Eckler’s another big one whoever said Eckler uh Claypool 100% yes Von Miller he was also coming

Off an ACL injury so I don’t really hold that one against Von all that much uh let’s see what do I see in the future of Bryce Young’s career we’ll definitely like dive into this like more a lot more in the offseason and in like a professional video If you will rather

Than me kind of just like talking on the live but I do I do like Bryce ‘s future actually quite a bit um I like Bryce young a lot as a I liked him a lot as a prospect and Bryce I will sit here and say this like Bryce was my number one

Quarterback prospect last year over CJ Stroud he was and I but you have to have the pieces around Bryce like Bryce is similar to hear me out here similar to Drew Brees in the sense where you have to have like a solid offensive line you have to have like you know players that

That that get open or that you know where Bryce can just you know kind of just like just you know Loft it like Bryce is Bryce is such a good like anticipator he’s a good you know he’s Bryce’s IQ is high as hell it is it is

High so I like Bryce a lot and uh I think he’s going to be fine all right let’s see here THS and Allen getting four straight 40 touchdown seasons will he get an MVP I don’t think he’s going to get one this year because like like the the

Record plays so much into that um for the for the bills uh so I don’t think he’s going to get it this year I obviously think Josh is an MVP caliber player and he is my number quarterback in the NFL uh but no Josh is like the

Only thing that’s going to stop Josh from being a future Hall of Famer is Health like he just needs like a like probably two or three more NFL seasons and he’s a Hall of Famer maybe maybe three but you get the point uh let’s see

Here it’s not fair to call Bryce young a bust year one completely agree uh I’m going to go and pin this one because it makes me feel good where was it where was it where was it oh no where was it hold on I’m sorry guys the comment here

It is here it is this one made me feel good it’s Christmas made my Christmas so far really appreciate it uh Lil Broncos says Mar mer Christmas bro you’re my favorite NFL YouTuber I appreciate that um and guys like there’s so many other dudes that so many other guys that make

Great content that whenever people legitimately say like hey like you know you’re my favorite NFL content creator it it really really does mean a lot um and I hope you guys do enjoy the face content hope hopefully you guys enjoy seeing the mug on the channel um because

I do intend to do more lives and or not more well more lives yes but I do I do intend to have slightly more face cam uh coming up so like not I mean it’s not going to be like if I have like a 14

Minute video it’s not going to be like 9 Minutes of it’s going to be face cam but you know maybe maybe a minute maybe you know a minute and a half I do intend to have a little more face cam on the channel coming up so really do appreciate that Merry Christmas

Appreciate it beef man you too no knf not sure which Merry Christmas to you too London to you as well um but like I said appreciate everyone being in here all right uh thoughts on the Bears going for mhj and an edge rusher uh versus Caleb or Drake plus Joe

Al all right let’s see here um so Drake and Joe Al would be interesting one I would very much like that you’d get a quarterback and left tackle and you still have your receiver the future in DJ Moore so I would like that um but no

I think the Bears I I would I mean I like any outcome they have I just think it’s going to be Caleb like when whenever you you know you kind of put like your foot down on like hey I think it will be Caleb Williams like I have I

Do think it will be Caleb Williams like it’s kind of like what do you what’s your thoughts I like any situation the Bears do as long as it’s not like you know something egregious like Michael pennick number one overall like as long as it’s not like egregious I like quite literally anything the

Bears will do um and that’s kind of that’s kind of the uh that’s kind of the like the gist of what the Bears are doing here all right let’s see here all right let’s see here loving the face cam content in the live streams as well Merry Christmas

Appreciate that man uh let’s see here what do you think Hunter Renfro is or what do you think is going to happen with Hunter rro this offseason um the thing with Hunter rro is he’s just been underutilized like crazy Hunter Renfro just his career Arc is it’s absolutely

Unreal I actually want to pull this up here let’s go ahead and pull this like the career Arc is just so just like not what you would expect Hunter rro 103 receptions in 2021 a th000 yards nine touchdowns 2022 36 receptions 330 yards two touchdowns and now here we are in

2023 Gren he only played 10 games last year so that will impact it a little bit but I mean it’s not like you play 17 games have 100 receptions and then you play 10 games and you only have 36 um and here we are in 2023 14 games played

25 receptions I really think Hunter Renfro is just one of the most just kind of like underutilized just players I mean guys like he was I don’t like Derwin James forget my opinion for a second forget Derwin James or forget me D Derwin James himself in an interview

Has said that Hunter Renfro was the toughest guy he’s ever had to cover and that he said basically to quote watch the tape like and then the Raiders and Josh MCD is obviously everyone everyone you know criticizes the hell out of Josh McDaniels rightfully so by

The way but why would you have a player go for 100 receptions and a thousand yards and then just nah he he’ll have 60 receptions over the next two years there’s times where NFL teams simply do things that I don’t understand the thought process for any of it and that’s

One of them that is one of them um so that’s I would imagine he he’s gone this offseason uh let’s see here somebody said you go a lot more in depth which I really appreciate uh in terms of like a Content viewing standpoint I so I do appreciate that

That means a lot I try to I try to thoroughly explain everything that I’m thinking I try to leave like no Stones unturned so I do appreciate that as well all right uh let’s see here all right several Hall of Famers had brutal First Years indeed you’re right merry

Christmas you too you too as well who do you think wins Lions Cowboys next week man a the Cowboys need a win in the absolute worst way I I don’t know if you like oh I would probably say Cowboys i’ would probably say Cowboys but oh that’s a tough one I

Actually let me I’m want to look into this I think it’s in Detroit right let me let’s let’s take a look here a little bit Bryson Bailey I’ve seen him comment a lot actually before but that’s my guy Kell Moore baby Moore he actually said that in the comments I actually said

Bryson’s name without addressing the Baby Mo part before he even said it so appreciate it Bryson and uh Lions win good for you man I like you know what’s crazy is ever since like I you know got really like you know into youtubing like I obviously love the Vikings but like

It’s it’s just gone down oh so so the Cowboys play home against the Lions Saturday night that’s going to be a fun game guys that’s going to be a really really fun game for everyone uh it’s in Dallas it is in Dallas good call that do the Lions get the two seed

I would say actually that’s going to be pretty much predicting the Cowboys game I’m gonna say no I’m gonna say cow I’m gonna say I’m gonna say no uh Cowboys can’t figure them out have no idea what team will show up and exactly and I said

I said actually early in the year that um and I took a lot of heat for it I mean you take a lot of heat you know whatever you you know kind of say like you you react on a week toe basis reasonably you know I’m not saying that

You know the Falcons won today that you they beat the Colts now that they’re going to the Super Bowl because of that and anything like that but I thought the Cowboys defense with how they played against the the Giants in week one the 40 to nothing shut out and then the 30

To10 went over the Jets I was like this team this team can go to the Super Bowl they allowed 10 points in two games and then what what happened the next week they get they they give up 28 points to Josh dos of the Cardinals so you never

Know which Cowboys team’s going to show up um and actually by the way I think uh I think I might take back I think I might take back that that Cowboy’s prediction and I might say that the Lions win um just because the Lions the lions are so so like they can run

The ball so good they can run the ball so good and that that is a problem for the Cowboys all right let’s go here let’s go here what other what other what other questions do we have here guys what other questions do we have Josh TOS is

Him he he was he was at a point he was at a point he is not him anymore he is not him anymore uh let’s see here Trevor Lawrence for disappointment of the year is a good take I I like that take as well guys I am not a Trevor fan at all

Like I I want him to do well um but I I don’t sit here with any sort of confidence and think like man Trevor is the guy if he if he is cool but like I don’t sit here with any sort of confidence like you know like man like

Trevor Lawrence is going to get to that Mahomes level he’s going to get to that Allen level I’m just I’m not I’m not a big Trevor guy uh two a top five close I I did not have him in the top five uh jir Gibbs is the guy love jir coming out

Of uh loved him coming out of Alabama last year he was my number two back behind of course bejan Robinson uh so love jir and happy to see him have success uh do I think the Rams should bring back Sebastian Joseph day yeah I was surprised he got cut that was a

Weird one um Bridger I did see this comment earlier Jordan love thoughts I actually like Jordan love a lot I think he’s a really good player um and Bridger this will also be addressed in a video at some point coming up um but guys the Packers offense was so

Young this year and I I’ve talked about it briefly on the channel here and there but guys Tucker craft uh Christian Watson Romeo dobs Jaden Reed I mean Guys these are all just young young players so like no doubt no doubt that Jordan love is going to struggle at some point

This year I like Jordan love a lot um again not that now whenever you say you like a quarterback it’s like oh is he going to be you know the next whoever I don’t know uh but I like Jordan love a lot and and salty wings and AVS also

Comm on musk grave I knew I was gonna forget somebody um you also you also always forget somebody so yes they also have mus grave I like him a lot uh let’s see here here’s a good comment uh Lions will never make it to the Super Bowl man get the out of here

Is what uh H brei said Jaylen Herz thoughts he’s he’s not himself I don’t think he’s himself I mean I think that’s I think that’s pretty clear I think anybody like watching the Eagles would agree with that you know especially consistently or consist yeah consistently um that J Jaylen Herz is

Not been himself um and hopefully he snaps out of it on Christmas Day it’d be nice to see the birds get a good comfortable win especially with Jaylen Herz playing good who do I think is better Lawrence or Herbert I’m I’m admittedly biased I’m a big Justin

Herbert fan uh but I do think Justin Herbert is better I still think hn is going to be the best running back out of the 2023 class could very well be could very well be I I really think that like it should be bejan you know great offensive line great

Player coach with this head up his ass as a play caller um but I think it should be bejon but uh no it definitely could be Anan um let’s see I wanted to see what my guy Joseph commented Packers D is rather bad for the draft Capital they

Put into it he’s 100% right too by the way that could also be a Joe Barry thing uh where we saw like as simple as one game was with Brandon Staley how much they look different um but um guys I do want to say that I appreciate everyone being here um that’s

Going to wrap up right now’s or that’s going to wrap up tonight’s live uh and with again with next Sunday night being New Year’s Eve uh we will probably be live again I just the weekly Recaps are are stressful to make so like I said hope I’m glad that everybody enjoyed um

This like I see a lot of people still in here a lot of people have commented you know a lot of people have been in here for you know an hour now um so I want to say Merry Christmas happy holidays whatever you celebrate merry Christmas happy holidays um I hopefully like I

Said hopefully everybody enjoyed um appreciate everyone commenting appreciate everybody that that dropped supers appreciate everyone everyone’s support guys it it really really means the world and uh guys there’s going to be a lot of good content coming up in the future so it’s uh I can’t wait New

Year it’s going to be New Year same same same channel of course um but some dude just dropped a YouTube play button I don’t know how you did that that’s pretty awesome um hopefully that’s a subscription but um anyway love you guys Merry Christmas and uh like I said like

I said if if nobody is going to say it Merry Christmas love you guys



Degeneracy Podcast:



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  1. The Saints under Dennis Allen are trash and Derek Carr padded his stats well enough in garbage time that people who didn't watch the game think it was a close one. My frustration is immeasurable.

  2. I don’t like this go back to the normal takeaways I live the clips u be playing I be looking forward to these💔

  3. You’ve gotta make peace with something: Kirk Cousins is 100% going to continue being the Vikings QB for at least the next two years, probably three.

  4. FYI Josh McDaniels screwed over Hunter. If Josh and Ziegler didn't like him then they should've gave a smaller contract or cut/trade him.

  5. Big supporter here. I just wished you framed up jjettas jersey the background would look 10x better

  6. Went to bed at 2am watching from Europe, woke up and have this gem to start my Christmas morning, u the man football analysis.

  7. this live was a surprise and a good one. i definitely agree with your Trevor Lawrence take. he not peyton manning. maybe more alex smith

  8. This is great, I just hope you didn't miss too much time with the family. We also wouldn't mind waiting a couple days so you could include a bit from SNF and MNF 👀

  9. I agree with a lot of your points. I was reading through comments, i agreed with one about video format. Next time, just spend time with family or say no video this week. Its cool, were your followers and we know youre still a guy with a life. Happy holidays fam.

  10. I'm just hoping Dallas is getting all of their choking out of the way in time for the playoffs. Lol who am I kidding? We're going down first game.

  11. I'm so glad that I discovered your channel! Thank you for a wonderful year of some great videos and analyses! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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