@Colorado Avalanche

Hudon hasn’t shown he belongs with Canadiens | HI/O Bonus

In this bonus episode, our panelists — Gazette sports columnist Stu Cowan, CBC Daybreak Montreal’s Jessica Rusnak and  former Canadien Rick Green — along with host Adam Susser discuss winger Charles Hudon and his potential future in the organization. Note: This was filmed before the NHL season was suspended.


  1. Seems to me only 2 Canadians players can finish chances.. sometimes.. (Tatar and Gallagher).. Many times Hudon looks brilliant and deserves more or a chance.. Also this business of promoting players to a higher line is silly. Players finally get some cohesiveness from their line mates and start to do well, to then be promoted to another line.. and guess what it stifles their creativity having to learn to play with new line mates and they don't score. Then there is the injury front and all those ridiculous penalties causing player to be on all sorts of lines. But if typical Montreal Canadians style, Hudon will be traded and then become another teams leading scorer!!!!

  2. Hudon has some nice moves and speed but never finishes. Always misses the net. Hes like a mediocre mix between byron and lekhonen.

  3. Bergevin has a golden opportunity to lock up Hudon on the cheap. Sign him up for 6 years, 1.5M. He's a hell of a player, so he will give you at least 3 seasons of 20 goals.

  4. Please don’t just disappear from our screen with out so much as “by your leave”…how about a show from Adam bedroom if necessary but a show none the lest. Have I missed an announcement somewhere. If not how about it….at least one more show! It’s going to be a long enough off season with out you not giving us one more show…….

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