@National Hockey League

In honor of Boxing Day, what’s a fight that you will always remember?

In honor of Boxing Day, what’s a fight that you will always remember?

by ShinyPlasticButt1958


  1. DivClassLg

    Debricat pounding Girard’s pussy ass

    Kitty got claws


  2. DotAppropriate8152

    Smith Vs Talbot – Battle of Alberta

  3. MysteryMammoth

    Shawn Thornton vs. Matt Cooke in 2010 after the Savard hit, wasn’t a gory or gnarly fight but it meant a lot and it was electric

  4. mroe21877

    David Clarkson ragdolling a limp dooosh Sean Avery. Hhahahha still love it

  5. StonerPowah61

    Ryan Reaves beating the piss out of Evander Kane. Regardless of how that series went it was nice to see Kane get what he deserves.

  6. beyondholdem

    December 30, 2006 – [Brendan Shanahan sticking up for his teammates and taking on Donald Brashear]( What a mismatch and what an amazing teammate.

    I was so disappointed when NYR signed Brashear the season after he broke Blair Betts’s orbital bone during the playoffs in 2009.

  7. No_Tea_9845

    Ray Emery vs. Biron & Peters. RIP to a legend

  8. Aurorabeamblast

    The only correct answer is Fight Night at the Joe, March 26th 1997. Notably, Lemieux – McCarty & Roy – Vernon

  9. Rick Rypien vs. anyone. Watching him beat the piss out of guys a foot taller was always an impressive sight.

  10. Impulse_XS

    – Daysyuk vs Corey Perry
    – Jaime Benn vs Joe Thornton
    – Ray Emery laying the beat down on Holtby
    – Zac Rinaldo KO on B.J. Crombeen
    – Mike Smith vs Chris Neil

  11. MrMilesDavis

    Brent Dipietro and Brent Johnson

    If you call that a fight

  12. MNGopherfan

    Not one fight but a single game where Philly and Minnesota had four fights and three of them with in like two minutes before the game was settled in OT by a Matt Zuccarello two hundred foot carry where he nutmegged a guy and scored. Amazing game that people were calling “The Brawl in Saint Paul” last year.

  13. BuddyCleveland

    I was at the game when Brent Johnson knocked out Rick Dipietro, the Pens also won that game 3-0. February 2nd, 2011 in Pittsburgh

  14. BuddyCleveland

    Evander Kane KO’s Matt Cooke.


  15. DepressoEspresso45

    I don’t remember who it was, but the goalie came skating in from the other side and jumped over a pile of bodies lol

  16. Kitchen-Lie-7894

    Cujo vs Chevaldai. I had center ice seats for that. Cujo gave him such a mouse under his eye he couldn’t stop anything. They ended up pulling him.

  17. Brewmaster30

    RIP Boogeyman!! I enjoyed watching you feed knuckles to hungry players.

  18. CanadaEhAlmostMadeIt

    Potvin vs Hextall should have been in the collage. That fight is legendary and set the tone for later goalie fights.

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