@Boston Bruins

Boston Bruins vs. Minnesota Wild LIVE Play by Play & Reaction

Boston Bruins vs. Minnesota Wild LIVE Play by Play & Reaction

[Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh good evening welcome in everybody Welcome in people Bruins fans alike space b already stopping on by saying good evening and happy holidays good evening to you too happy holidays to you to B man of course uh I spent almost all of my day uh what at a Christmas party was

There uh was there till about 10: till almost 4: so it started earlier than I thought but we were there for a good five hours six so I realized then after I got home it’s like wait I could stream this game stream two games tonight here we are here we

Are that SCF uh rematch was uh rematch was fun oh yeah the golden knights and uh Panthers game yeah that was a pretty good game didn’t the Panthers win uh I didn’t see I just saw the game was going on I didn’t check on it much so Spaceman

Since you are the Panthers fan who won that game I did not I just heard it was the rematch uh today but I just didn’t know much about it oh you thought the knights would win it before it sounded like the yeah I thought the knights would win that game maybe they did

I don’t know I did not keep tabs on it really Panthers won that game wow that’s a little bit of an upset not gonna lie that’s a little bit of an upset it’s not a super big upset well might be I don’t know the Panthers record but just the way it sounds since

The golden knights I believe are the best team in the m in the NHL right now so that’s a little bit like oh wow yeah what are the go what’s the Panther’s record Oh I mean it’s not a huge upset but kind of is 38 40 points compared to Golden Knights 47 so that kind of is an upset kind of is an upset Bruins are also good yeah but they’ve lost like three straight Bruins have lost like three straight hockey games though Spaceman I

Think I’m the CR I think I’m the uh Jinx I’ve streamed all their Lo I’ve streamed most of their losses I’ve streamed a lot of their losses so all I do admit some of them have been wins but some of games I have streamed over the last have been losses yesterday’s

Game uh yesterday’s game 5 to1 loss to the Jets four to3 loss to the uh uh wild two to one lost to the uh Devils I streamed some of these I haven’t streamed in a while I’ve streamed the five to two loss to the Blue Jackets five to2 win over the Bruins or

5-2 win over the Sabers and a 5-2 win over the Islanders so really about 5050 give or take 50/50 Russ in the chat saying what’s up what’s up Russ how are you tonight happy holidays to you too Russ yeah I was just in a I was in pure adrenaline Sports is

Chat I was uh listening in on that game wait Rising Rhino’s been streaming today I just got a thing that showed Rising Rhino is streaming what do you mean he’s been live today should be doing the penil wh should be doing the P to be fair I

Probably would have but I realized uh I am a Boston related type Channel but I mean I did do my fair share of Pence games so I’ll probably do more throughout the season definitely when there’s Bruins and uh definitely when it’s Bruins and uh pens definitely the two Penguins games I’ve

Streamed though I’ve I streamed two Penguins games I’ve streamed the two Penguins games I’ve streamed those were pretty good those two Penguins games I’ve called the Hurricanes one and the W and the wild one th those have been pretty good games I think those have been pretty good both one goal games

So those are some my phone’s about to die so I better go charge that what’s this what’s going going on here I didn’t post anything on my story Mark Andre flurry is the goalie tonight here for the uh uh for the wild allmark is the goalie here for the

Bruins uh the wild are wearing their like alternate type jerseys good evening doing the permanently temporary thing good evening Ron Jeremy how are you Rhino’s doing the Steelers game I didn’t even know he was live I thought he said he wasn’t doing a game I didn’t get any notification that he was

Live I had no idea he was live all right they are underway here in this hockey game hello hello what’s wrong with my let me do that quick there we go there’s a shot that one blocked by the a shot from the point by Minnesota

And it goes out of play how are you doing Ron Jeremy grizzli is out today here for the Bruins but for the uh Wild broin Spurgeon zukar and Hartman are out tonight all of which uh three out of those four injuries for the wild are uh upper body injuries

So yo sup Daniel how you doing game underway yep yes sir game is underway we are underway here watching Ron’s doing fine thanks for com thanks for coming on by Ron really appreciate you always appreciate you coming on by in these live streams Merry Christmas to you too on as well

So I’m celebrating Christmas at my uh my grandpa’s side on my mom’s side family my grandpa on my mom’s side I’m going over to his place tomorrow and I’m going to my grandma’s uh my grandma my dad’s side I’m going to her place on Christmas day so Omar that one cleared out

Here all right wild with it cleared into Center Ice played by bro bino bad play there by wspoon pass is intercepted here by Minnesota man these uniforms are hard to read Rossy Tamaro knocked down there by uh geeki over in the corner taken by McMahon centering pass to Miki in Center

Ice taken by Frederick to geeki wide open geeki oh and a big save by flurry on the Breakaway geeky was wide open on that Breakaway doesn’t go to the backand which I thought he was going to do but flurry with the big stop and a little

Bit of an extra uh exaggeration on that shot he’s like you ain’t getting past me this is the same Mark Andre flurry who saved 40 shots in the win against the uh Bruins four to3 earlier this week believe they played on Tuesday I think it was Tuesday all right here we

Go Tuesday night yeah I was right I just said Tuesday night and then the announcers said Tuesday all right wild with the win of the faceof Middleton in the corner along with zaka Puck behind uh Flory now Baldi Baldi goes left now Cuts back Baldi fires it

In Oh I thought there was a whistle but no no whistle there capris off oh capris off is going to be called for a hold I think capris off’s going to be called for the hold so Boston going to go on the power play here it is against capris

Off yep two minutes for holding against capris off how was the party the party was pretty good party was pretty good uh randomly I was just given 20 bucks during that party they one of the ants one of my Ants at the party is just like here I

Got got your Christmas gift like oh okay and it’s just 20 bucks and some like Kit Kats and stuff it’s like okay I’ll take 20 bucks I’ll take 20 bucks yeah I can do a lot of things with 20 bucks Coyle McAvoy tipped ah head Bruins are ranked number nine

Ranked number nine in the NHL in the power play you’re back early yes sir actually it was earlier than I was expected the party started earlier than I thought poster knock scores on the power play poster knock on the one timer and it’s one nothing Bruins just like that the Bruins are on

The board here yeah I realized I got home early I got home at like six o’clock so then I decided actually I was there 11:30 to 6 11:30 to6 I was there at that party so it’s just like I got home uh about six I didn’t get home at 6

I left at 6 I got home at like 6:30 and I decided hey here we go we got a fight loo loo and Duan with the fight here we go and who’s going to win it right hook by duim right hook again hitting him now in the rib how is this fight still

Going this fight is still going and we end up in a tie and we end up in a tie wild F Wild players love it the Wild players absolutely love it hold on let’s see what the officials are gonna say oh five minutes yep five minute minor five minute Majors for both for

Fighting oh boy Spaceman you got any uh plans for Christmas or are you just staying home and uh or you just gonna stay home and uh do other things I gotta update my watch time give me one second oh you’re GNA go to the cousin’s place I’m going to the grandus place my

Grandpa place tomorrow uh after tonight I’m taking a few days off for Christmas and even if I want it didn’t want to take a vacation there is no NHL action until Wednesday There’s a shot fired gets p in Center Ice boldly tries to keep it in here for the

Wild wild spoon steals it away poke check back into Center Ice wild up control oh for dinner to watch football and the NBA oh geez allar Mark knocks it away marshand Maran feeds over to Coyle Coyle feeds it ahead de brus fires tipped ahead oh flurry with another good

Save and there’s a penalty right now there’s a penalty oh to watch football I mean Boston’s going to the power play again maroon maroon is called for a p uh for hooking uh for Minnesota so looks like Boston’s going to go on the power play again since I

Don’t know if there’s any NBA games tomorrow uh space Band there is some NBA games tomorrow I believe I think so I want to say there is I know there’s NBA games on Christmas uh no I am wrong there is no NBA games on Christmas Eve there is no NBA games

On Christmas Eve I know there’s some on Christmas that one cleared Away by Minnesota all Mar has skill play it so I am wrong Steelers lead this Bengals is 34 to 11 Here Comes ponak who just scored the goal already for minute aavo he didn’t know where the puck was and has to

Retreat back into Center I would have been offside here’s makoy mavo with it dumps it back to poock in Center poock feeds over to geeki geeki back to Pastak to M boy back to Pastak Pastak Waits fires it to geeki that shot way wide of the net into the

Corner Faber steals that puck away and launched into Center ice for Minnesota or excuse me Boston keeps it uh in Center here’s poock po knock that one cleared in here’s geeki Waits oh tried to Center to Maran couldn’t get the shot away makoy back to Maran Maran falls down and cleared Away by

Faber oh you usually eat ham on Christmas I don’t know what I’m having for tomorrow for food related I don’t know here’s poock cleared up ice to De Brusque Eric sck poke checks that away and Lin Holm has to go get it back in his own Zone 30 seconds left here in

This power play for the Bruins here’s Pasto Pastak loses control of it goes back into the Boston zeld with 28 seconds or yeah 20 seconds Len Holm looked like a slash oh looks like it went up all do with the good stop they’re talking about them nearly uh Boston made it two

Nothing all right Minnesota wins the faceoff and they’re gonna clear it away lolm has to go get it played by allmark behind the net down to five seconds to go here on this power play four three two one full strength Faber along with coil looking for the puck Boston keeps it inside

Minnesota’s territory lorai for fires it to Coy Coyle to lolm shoots from the point that one blocked rebound here by Rand reti passes it over to De Brusque de brusk behind the uh behind Flur shaton Kirk oh that’s van reik van reik with it

And reik tries to keep it on side and he somehow does Cole Coyle feeds to Frederick he shoots in a save made by Mark Andre flurry that time on the onetime 1350 to go here in this first period one nothing Bruins on that poster KN power play Daniel saying

Bolts one cap zero welcome in Daniel um that game’s almost over in the Steelers and Bengals game I forgot there was NHL today oh Red Wings lead one nothing over the Devils right now who scored for the wings who scored for the Red Wings Patrick Kane he’s on fire five

Goals down for Patrick Kane who scored for the lightning Daniel do you know who scored for the lightning who scored for the lightning it’s probably like somebody like Stam Coast or something only other NFL game tonight is bills and chargers at 8:00 where Buffalo is favored to win by 12 over the uh

Chargers bow games Duke beat Troy 17 to uh 10 North Illinois beat Arkansas State 2119 uh Air Force beat James Madison 31-21 uh Georgia State beat Utah State 4522 Southern Alabama is beating Eastern Michigan 3 nothing 60 in the 68 Ventures Bowl uh Utah Northwestern playing the SRS Distribution Vegas Bowl at

7:30 and Coastal Carolina and San Jose State in the Hawaii Bowl at seven at 10:30 10:30 all right let’s see how we do one all right so do hes in the box right now why is d h in the Box all right here we go oh yeah that’s

Right Dame was in the for fighting I believe all right here’s fa here’s baly baly and that one poked into Center Ericson X got it along with ly Holm pucking the corner ericon trying to get to it along with lolm tries to feed it out to baly and goes into Center

Ice Faber has to go chase it back into his own Zone uh Coyle chasing him fa with a nice pass dumps it into Capri off Capri off loses control of it and Bruin have it here’s poock right side poock trying to do a little Ste Juke poock just shoots it into the

Corner here’s Frederick here’s Carlo Carlo now tipped in front tries to feed it to Frederick went off his stick and goes out of play poock had 11 shots on goal Tuesday night against the wild yeah he had two goals yeah Pak has eight goals against

The wild in 14 games eight goals and six assists in 14 games against the Minnesota Wild it’s kind of crazy beer in the faceoff Circle here for the Bruins he’s kicked out now Frederick is in Frederick is in he loses the face off B Goan kicks it ahead to

Felino puck in the cor puck in near the benches that one stolen but taken back by Minnesota and that pass knocked down here by Steen Steen Steen big hit there by bagoan yeah this they’re talking about how intense this game is right now Carlo fires that one look like it hit off a

Stick again and goes out of play a lot of p a lot of pucks have been hit out of play yeah a lot of pucks looks like it’s been hit out of play so far all right Coyle in the face off is won by the Boston Bruins taking up ice

And here come the wild moving it up in hold up what’s that good Dr with that long shot speared byar like allar just reached over the net he’s like I’m just gonna catch it he didn’t even care he didn’t let it go above him he’s just like I’m just gonna grab it like

Midair yeah the these two teams play each other less than uh less than four days ago so they kind of know each other of course Boston’s trying to snap a four game losing streak right now three it’s either four it’s either three or four games I’d have to

Check Joe Hanson in the faceoff Circle here for the wild Joe Hanson against Coyle and the Bruins and Coyle wins that one tipped in front of allmark by Gad Maran with it ruins with ruins with the puck in their own Zone oh cleared in by coil but Middleton Middleton with it now

Faber Middleton behind his own net just waiting Middleton shoots it ahead long pass tries to get it to broin but can’t knocked away debrus over to Mitchell back to De brusk nice little moved to Brusque fires and that one wide of the net He Slipped missed the target was an

Understatement he missed by like five feet all right maroon will spin here’s der Lori over to Carlo Carlo with a nice little feed over to Frederick Puck up in the air knocked down here oh there’s a shot knocked away Puck still loose big save by uh allmark and cleared Away by

The Bruins and it’s going to be icing against Boston that was a shot like right in front looked like du was the one who shot it right in front on allmark and a big save there I got something in Discord right now have to check it 1050 left here in this first period

Still one- nothing Boston out on top duain with four goals so far this season he’s got more hits he’s got 55 hits he has like geez he’s got 10 more 10 times more hits than he does assists geez that’s crazy Baldi with it tries to feed it

Over to Capri off gagoski keeps it in over to Capri off in the corner pinned by Carlo Capri off trying to get out and he does Capri off falls down Puck still in the Boston Zone and cleared away it’s a two on two oh there’s a good steal Capri off to

Baldi oh that one cleared and it’s a two-on-one here for Boston Frederick with it Frederick tips it in front feeds it over to LY Holm and can’t get it it’s like number four sup pure so I’m assuming the Bengals game just ended I’m assuming that game just

Ended I’m just taking a guess if it just ended or not t Higgins man I think you might I think you might win your fan FY match up just because of T Higgins I think you might just win your fantasy match up might keyword might it ain’t over till the fat lady

Sings it ain’t over till the streamer sings it is not over until the streamer sings which I don’t sing it ain’t over until Rising Rhino sings or talks about how much he hates the Patriots because I know how much he hates the Patriots Faber with it 34 to 11 I’m Steelers

Win that one cleared away makoy has to go get it here for the Bruins poost knock poock with it stolen here tipped by Middleton middl got the puck RC sneaking on in in here getting to look like a lot of listless the super mega Ultra Caitlyn Clark fan

Enters really I didn’t know you were such a Caitlin Clark fan no just kidding oh that one tipped oh it tipped off a goodro stick and goes out of play and they go to commercials at least hockey commercials are somewhat short they’re either some one short or super

Long I was watching the game on your TV I was listening in peers I didn’t know Rising Rhino was live until like final five minutes of the game it’s like he was live I thought he was on vacation see I thought he was on

Vacation but I guess he’s or or he is on vacation yeah I thought I’d share that with you Thomas that I was a Caitlyn Clark Caitlyn fan I mean it’s totally not in your uh YouTube name right there I mean it totally doesn’t say in your

Name RC Caitlyn Iowa and the L and the Las Vegas Aces it’s totally not in your name I I couldn’t have guessed and not to mention your play your profile pictures Caitlyn Clark I would have never guessed never would have guessed I just came over from JB’s

Football stream oh who was just JB guy D mentioned her too yesterday was this JB guy I know Dallas came in here and mentioned him yesterday we’ll track the price of your flight oh that’s funny oh that’s funny that’s funny he’s part what he’s part of one y’all Circles of y’all circles

Oh my God I’m such a chair will recline right now guys you didn’t hear my phone just uh repeat one of the Expedia commercials you didn’t hear that I think Rhino knows him oh so he reaches those circles oh those circles okay just wondering like I

Don’t know this guy like I’ve never heard of him oh my uh computer C I found his channel through Rhino oh Ryo knows a lot of people for some reason he knows like everybody Rhino knows every YouTuber that exists I’m just saying which is good he actually which

Is good he uh he raids a lot of YouTubers what happened here offside looked offside what happened here there was just a random whistle like they just did the face off and then there’s a whistle I’m assuming it’s offside but I never can be too sure yep it’s offside all right 854 to

Go here in this first period Face Off is won by the wild Merill dumps it in dumps it in here all Mark allmark head to zaka zaka Flips oh looks like the wild keep it in Carlo has to go get it for Boston Steen in the center ice dumped in

Beer beer over to Steen that one dumped in looks like the devil’s tied with the Red Wings right now Puck still inside the Minnesota Zone and cleared away maroon tries to keep it in Center ice but stole on here by beer of course I say Dallas’s name and then Dallas uh

Comes out of nowhere I think Dallas was just hide I think Dallas was performing her uh in her RC and just hiding in the chat until we mention her name is that NHL package costly whichever one you have is it costly would you say uh

No it’s the uh it’s the uh Disney bundle so RC it’s the dis you know Disney plus there’s something called the Disney bundle where it’s the Disney bundle where you have like uh Disney plus ESPN plus and Hulu that’s how I wa I watch uh hockey

Via ESPN Plus so that’s how I get all these NHL games and I think it’s like 10.99 a month it’s not super costly I think it’s cheaper than the NBA league pass I want to say so what you call I mentioned uh your name because you talked about this JB and that’s uh

RC was talking about he came from JB’s football stream so I was like you but I was saying that you mentioned about him yesterday so here’s Capri off around the net shoots it into Center Ice played by Eric seni just backhands it in ah gotcha pinned in the corner Eric s

Trying to get it for Minnesota hey Dallas does any Canadian hockey team playing right now dumped in by Eric sck inside the Boston Zone here’s Baldi hit by W spoon Lan is hit as well capr off Puck stolen away by Mitchell here’s David poock he just dumps it into the Minnesota Zone and

It’s going to be icing against the Bruins I get these two YouTube notifications Rising rhino Rising Rhino Rising Rhino live in 30 minutes well the 22 minutes actually he’s calling the bills and the Chargers play byplay isn’t he on vacation ain’t he on vacation why don’t he just take a break

Fa there’s a shot tipped in front looked like it was blocked rebound out by Heinen and the wild having in Center Ice just swats it back into the Boston Zone played by Mitchell over to Lowry or lorai Puck still loose looks like steen’s got it two two Minnesota players

Collide with each other geeky dumps it off in a s and flurry just Dives on it so flurry falls on that one with 609 to go bills and Chargers on peacock that game’s on peacock oh I didn’t know that I did not know that game was on peacock Leafs winning one nothing pray

My dude I hope they get crushed hope they get crushed Dallas you heard me Dallas so you heard what I said you heard me Shut it yeah you know how much I hate them Maple Leafs I love it when they lose I do I the only person I respect on

That team is Austin Matthews there’s a shot fired by geeky saved knocked away there by flurry into the corner Fredick makoy fires that one saved there by Mark Andre flurry let L ter stolen there by Van reti my boy Matthews scored again Booyah it don’t matter he don’t have a good team around

Him maybe make it to the first round and lose in the second round ler going up ice he’s hit by McAvoy Puck still in center and it looks like Frederick’s got it gliding into the uh Minnesota Zone puck now behind flurry Frederick keeps it in along with Beacher

Beer Cuts makes a move now looks goes behind the net beer circles to Carlo Carlo to lorai back to Carlo over to lorai again Carlo lorai shoots that one blocked and knocked Away by Minnesota and lorai has to go chase it Matthews scor yeah like I mentioned

Matthews ain’t carrying that team to the playoffs or if he does that team’s getting blown out in like the second round to a team even if they make the Stanley Cup Final they’re losing to somebody like Vegas oh mbis driving and that puck tipped away Felino now with a shot that one

Wide here’s LTI he fires knocked away there by all mark off the stick loo pass intercepted stolen here by Middleton Middleton now Glides shoots and held on to by allmark he makes the save we will see he hey you know it’d be hilarious you know it’d be

Funny if the freaking uh if the Red Wings beat the Maple Leafs in the playoffs we will see who’s laughing if that happens Dallas you are never going to hear the end of it from me you will never hear the end of it from me since I am a red wins

Fan p is live again for the bills and the Chargers welcome in eight people watching this crappy hockey game make sure to drop a like subscribe don’t I know it would you say the M police were playing today you didn’t mention who the M police were playing today Dallas you just said

They’re winning who are they playing tonight so I have no idea who they’re even playing tonight I don’t even know if it’s a good team or a bad team H they might be playing the Sharks for all I know I have no idea so that’s why I’m asking

You oh Blue Jackets okay that might be an easy win okay I can give credit to the Maple Leafs that should be a win if they lose to the Blue Jackets I’m laughing my butt off if they lose to the Blue Jackets the uh then that just proves how much the team

Around Austin Matthew stinks oh chili dogs oh did you guys wait you guys can’t see it but there’s a chili dog commercial oh I’m hungry Leafs Red Wings January 14th you are going down Dude too bad I ain’t streaming it but we will see well I’m

Gonna see the sad thing is Dallas I wouldn’t be able to watch it because uh every time I try watching it on my computer it like destroys my computer it literally will not load valy Sports will not load it won’t even open so I’m just like screw it I

Just like I ain’t even going to try but I do get their updates so I’m gonna watch January 14th okay we shall see I think that’s a weekend too yeah it’s like a Sunday it’s either a Saturday or a Sunday I think it’s a Sunday flurry Baldi dumps it up ice feeds it

Over to Eric’s neck Eric neck over to Faber Faber with a nice little spin move Faber trying to clear it out uh tries to get it over to his uh player baly and it’s back tomorrow Church Christmas breakfast where’s the Dallas don’t forget to save some of that breakfast for the

Stream oh it’s a Sunday yeah Dallas share some of that Christmas breakfast for the stream gotta have some of it gotta save some of it for the live stream zaka over to psto poock Glides waits he just keeps it in played by Capri off over to ericon e

Ericson flips it up ice and that went into Bruin territory but poso got it feeds it over to zaka zaka into the Minnesota Zone feeds itead tostock shoots knocked away G Dr nice pass over to Merill Merill tips it ahead thought that went out of play

Maroon maroon over to gdo gdo pinned by laor uh right in the boards goodro oh Dallas knocked in there’s a shot blocked rebound by goodro shoots and off the glass Johansson keeping it in maroon maroon that pass knocked away goodro here to Maroon centering pass goodro can’t jam it in over to

Merill he fires that one wide rebound here by maroon maroon mermis over to Maroon to goodro open past knock shot that one it was blocked goodro makes a little spin feeds it over to Merill back to goodro goodro and stolen away Mitchell he lost the puck Minnesota’s got it Minnesota keeping it

In Maroon over to goodro goodro and that puck is still in the Minnesota Zone and cleared away need to go to Dallas cooking streams Dallas has a YouTube channel Dallas actually performs YouTube videos Dallas Cooks see Cameron that just means I get more hungry whenever I watch a

Cooking video plus I hate cooking videos nothing against Dallas but I just hate watching cooking videos or the cooking shows like Gordon Ramsey and stuff I hate those shows I hate those freaking shows oh okay Carlos shoots that one high rebound Carlo again feeds to Frederick back to Carlo Carlo

Waits tips it in front oh there’s a shot by and that one deflects and goes out of Play Take off Your Jackie and get out of Hell’s Kitchen hate Hell’s Kitchen I hate Hell’s Kitchen I hate hell’s Hell’s Kitchen it was the worst show worst show I hate Food

Network did I also say I hate Food Network yeah I ate Food Network too I hate a lot of those cooking game shows oh Coyle tried to jam it in front and couldn’t rebound out to Capri off Capri off shoots it in here’s linol lolm feeds it ahead to marshan

Oh Marian’s going to have a penalty maran’s getting a penalty guys my friend is your 795 sub didn’t even realize it because I’m at 796 didn’t even realize it didn’t even realize it didn’t even pay attention to it even though I don’t watch cooking shows but I do Jo again Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen

Nightmares okay that might be the only one I actually watch Gordon Ramsay’s hilarious Gordon Ramsay’s fun I do have to say That 14 seconds left in this period Bruins or excuse me Wilder on the power play here ranked 22nd in the NHL right now Face Off is one Capri off Capri off over to Eric Eric sck backhanded pass Baldi tries to Center to Capri off knocked away and that ends the

Period picture the size of Gordon ramsy swear jar uh probably pretty big especially with him fighting with the owners and the chefs Gordon Ramsay’s funny is funny all right so that ends the first period of play St Paul Minnesota never been but I feel like going sharks are sucking

What’s up SG how are you sharks are sucking right now SG I hope they’re good enough to for me to stream tonight because I’m streaming them tonight yeah I’m streaming the Sharks tonight RC maybe they’ll be good enough to win are they going to be good enough to win for my live stream

Tonight Army’s Baking Company B okay guys here’s my question for you guys since we’re in the intermission right now what is the worst show you guys think you have ever watched what do you think is the worst show you guys have ever watched Doug did you put 125 on Boston

Because the chat uh says Boston’s gonna win skills clout says Family Guy is the worst show he’s ever watched I have to disagree Curb Your Enthusiasm well they are the San Jose Sharks so I don’t have enthusiasm for them border patrol oh you meant broader Town worst show I have ever watched was

It’s going to be a hot take and I know you guys are probably going to hate it but the worst show I think I have ever watched I’m not I’ll get to movies in just a second the worst show I think I’ve ever watched was uh Game of

Thrones yeah the worst show I think I’ve ever watched was uh Game of Thrones worst movies I think I’ve ever watched was either Hunger Games or Harry Potter worst movies I think I’ve ever seen was Hunger Games Andor Harry Potter probably tied for first between those two I hated those movies can’t stand

Them everybody else in my family loves them I can’t stand them I did miss your comment I’m sorry sharks will get exposed and the Sharks will lose 40 to nothing over Vancouver okay that’s a little if the Sharks weren’t football yes I think they’re probably going to lose five

Nothing Killer Instinct and Sh show dance Spaceman we need to have a talk Spaceman we need to have a talk chat told me to go with Boston don’t listen to the chat do not listen to the chat the chat has screwed you over at least like seven

Times is it possible to lose 40 in hockey when you’re in NHL rookie mode uh when you’re in rookie mode in NHL 16 as I did it sure okay okay okay Spaceman I can agree with you on that but if you said like the original trilogy sucked we’re gon to have a problem

Man it’s like if you said the original trilogy was bad then like okay then we’re going to have a little bit of a problem let’s go outside Star Wars can go okay Dallas are you saying the original trilogy is bad or are you saying sequel Trilogy is bad

Because if you said the sequel TR sequel Trilogy is bad I completely agree with you but if you just say all of Star Wars is bad that’s completely untrue I have to highly disagree with you on that highly disagree with you on that no I do not play NBA 2K4

24 okay Dallas okay Dallas okay Dallas that’s a that’s a little bit cap that’s a little that’s cap Dallas the original trilogy is the best followed by the prequels and then the sequels the sequels are literal hot garbage sequels is freaking crap yes I agree space man the sequels are trash sequels are

Trash but I do have to give it to Disney the best Star Wars movie Disney has ever freaking made was Rogue was Rogue one the best Star Wars movie uh not in any of the trilogies is Rogue one so anything not including Ed in the sequels original or prequel trilogy

Rogue one is one of the best Star Wars movies made I have to say right up top rogue one if you have not watched Rogue one it is really good you trash My Wizard shut it hey I can say Wizard’s trash thank you SG for saying I like all

The Star Wars movies everyone give a shout out to our SG fair enough since I did trash Harry Potter I guess you can Trash Star Wars but fair enough fair enough I did trash Harry Potter but Harry Potter is garbage I hate Harry Potter the books okay okay

Let me clarify something okay okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold up okay I was just about to say that the books are okay the books are okay the books yes they’re pretty okay okay they’re okay but the move mov I can’t stand I can’t stand the movies but the

Books are okay at best okay Dallas so you don’t have to chop my head at the stake I’m just gonna say the books are okay movies not so much I’m just gonna say that right here right now so don’t go trying to find my address now the books are

Okay Star Wars movies are eonic yes sir Dallas says I’ll allow it for now something I say is probably going to tip Dallas over the edge I’m gonna say something stupid like uh complete something completely stupid in front of Dallas and probably uh probably gonna be stalked by Dallas gonna try to find

Me well Dallas yes you are right that the sequel Trilogy is trash but uh not so much the other trilogies well some of the Disney shows haven’t been good like Star Wars resistance That animated crap that’s garbage Hey Thomas uh how dare you say the Harry Potter movies are trash and if

You were on my YouTube channel you’d be instantly get panned and booted you know it’s kind of funny SG half my family loves Harry Potter and I’m like one of them who hates it hola I’m just kidding sup hockey Masters I’m outside in the tree right now dude with my binocular wait a

Minute wait a minute okay Dallas how many trees do I have in my okay Dallas how many trees you have how many trees do I have in my yard tell me how many trees I got in my yard Dallas front yard front yard how many trees do I got in my

Yard tell meas tell me Dallas col Wars was my childhood yes sir that was my childhood basically Dallas incorrect Dallas incorrect sorry Dallas that is incorrect that is incorrect Dallas I do not have five trees I do not have five trees in my front yard Dallas I love the Harry Potter movies yeah I’m not a big fan of them did you guys also hear that I said I don’t like uh Game of Thrones

Either any Game of Thrones fans in here I don’t like Game of Thrones either hey we all have a a show we just don’t really like and uh Game of Thrones Harry Potter one of the shows I don’t really care for so I’m just saying I don’t like those

Shows and I’m probably gonna get hunted by all you guys for me U saying how bad I hate these movies what is my favorite team uh trick question I actually like all of them uh not really but I watch the Red Wings mostly uh I mostly Follow the Red Wings

But I stream mostly every single team hockey Masters I mostly stream every single team but I’m trying to do like Boston related because uh half my channel is Boston stuff like New England Boston Red Sox and right now currently Boston Bruins so right now I’m just kind of a Bruins

Fan kind of not so sort of a Boston fan sort of there’s exceptions Red Wings and wild 630 four trees I do not have that’s incorrect that is incorrect I do not have four trees in my front yard that is incorrect I like how people

Are trying to find out how many trees I have in my yard now this is funny I got people trying to figure out how many trees are in my yard this is funny nope four no four trees not four trees nope nope no incorrecto inor two trees why is everybody trying to guess

How many trees I have in my yard I’m sorry that’s incorrect I’m sorry Matt makers Productions that’s incorrect so I gotta do this to you I’m sorry I’m sorry hockey makers but that is incorrect incorrect sorry I had a massive lag Spike there but no I do not have uh I do

Not have to trees in my front yard Game of Thrones is the best show on HBO uh I’d say young Sheldon is I like young Sheldon on HB my mom and dad are the two biggest Game of Thrones fans and they’re crazy about that show H I just don’t find it good three

Trees in my front yard Three Trees is correct I do have three trees in my front yard but they need to get trimmed nope ocky Masters is actually RC actually SG got one of them right SG did get two things SG did get one one answer

Right I do not have one tree in my yard actually I will okay I smashed my knee against my desk okay I’m not angry at you guys I just smashed my knee against my desk so yep that hurt okay I do have to say this RC is kind of

Right saying about one tree um we did have one tree but then we planted more trees I do not have one I have two trees in my front yard actually three trees three trees in my front yard uh none in the backyard and uh I’m not going to go into

Full depth why there’s no trees in the backyard because it’s a super dumb reason wild they’re going to be on the power play to start the second period like it how people are just trying to guess my tree how many trees I got here in the this is kind of funny

Actually gota charge my phone chat should I totally charge my phone right now I gotta charge my phone up all right just waiting for these stupid commercials to finally get done here then I can get back to calling the game Lakers bench D’Angelo Russell they’re going to start LeBron James came

Cam redish torian Prince jiren Vanderbilt and Anthony Davis against the Thunder amid their four game Street four game losing streak I hurt myself uh I smashed my knee against my wooden desk so yes yeah this this desk is made of wood so uh some really hard wood so yes you mean

SG no I didn’t mean SG yes I did hurt myself SG yes I did hurt myself SG yes I did I hurt myself SG Sports channel relate Sports Talk Channel this commercial is funny thank you for that SD the channel is very different from time to time we talk about hockey then

All of a sudden we talk about freaking uh how many trees are in Thomas’s front yard and then we talk about other things like crap oh great now there these person Jackson I also don’t like Percy Jackson okay I do have to say this Percy Jackson I don’t hate Percy Jackson I

Just don’t really care for it so I did read one of the books but that was a long time ago so so I can’t say how I hate Percy Jackson I just not uh I’m just don’t uh sound interested in it so Boston short-handed here to start

This period because of the uh penalty against Brad marshan Dro my uh thing oops top of my desk is messy with full of stuff all right Face Off is one here controlled by the Bruins a minute 44 left here on this power play for the wild kind a thing here baldi’s got it

Here for the wild gliding on in Baldi Rossy here’s fires tipped in front Baldi with a shot and a save made there by allmark rebound by the wild Rossi over to Faber Faber now Glides Waits Rossy spin move Rossy b f Baldi shoots wide rebound here Rossy here Faber Faber over to

Baldi Baldi with a spin move now back over to Faber Faber again to Baldi that pass tipped wild still have it Baldi tipped in front and the wild still have it Baldi Baldi to Rossi Rossy spin move feeds back to Faber shoots save made there by alark here’s Baldi again Baldi looks

Over to Capri off back to Baldi oldie capris off tipped in front to Eric NE oh Ross he shoots and another save there by allar and cleared away with 20 seconds left here on this power play all right here we go moving it up here’s Johansson fires in a save made

Here by allmark five seconds gagoski Johanson Maron over to Johansson shoots save again there byar cleared away Boston with it de Brusque de brusk fires that one off a stick rebound here by beer P Minnesota trying to clear it away gagoski with it de Brusque and looks like Ban’s got it here

For the wild he clears it into the Zone Puck bonsing around Maran with it flips it into the wild Zone fa over to no noan ocean pass to Hayne later is hit cleared into the Boston Zone all Mark with it back to Mitchell Mitchell feed post knock tries to feed

It to Heinen and icing called here against the uh Against the Wild pure adrenaline is live he’s got seven people watching uh his uh bills and Chargers I’m gonna have to check in on Rising Rhino soon after my stream is done you wanted your back yes thank you all

Right Middleton at Puck knocked down here by W spoon cleared out to Center ice do you know what the Pence score is uh I do not Russ let me check I’ll check for you Russ I got you Russ give me one second Puck out of Play

Here looks like it went out a play give me one second Russ I will check Penguins NHL uh two to one two to one uh Senators on top two one Senators over the uh Penguins oh that’s why I don’t get to cover even if I wanted to stream the

Penguins today Russ I wouldn’t be able to get the coverage I don’t have NHL Network I do not have NHL Network so so two to one Senators on top uh with 18 minutes left in the second period yeah that’s a bummer yeah I wouldn’t be able to cover it

All centering pass and knocked away and but right now it’s a two to1 sends lead uh but still early on in the second period like two minutes gone in the first period of play so you got plenty of time to make a comeback oan with the puck here for the

Wild feeds it over to Faber Faber up ice here is Johansson Johanson moves oh Luchi couldn’t hold on to that puck Rossy with it makes a little move Rossy makavy spins dumped in by gagoski and it’s somewhat poke checked away here by the Bruins out to LY Holm ly Holm poock

Makes a little cut poock just dumps it back in gagoski is hit there Yukon Basketball stream tomorrow nope not doing any streams tomorrow nope not happening lorai shoots nope new streams till next no streams again till Wednesday after tonight GNA be uh spending some time with some family who ain’t come who I

Haven’t seen in the last five years uh on Monday and Tuesday and tomorrow going over to uh another Christmas party so this time it’s actually going to be an all day thing not just like a all morning and somewhat all afternoon this one this time I’m going

Like an hour and a half out of town so I gotta oh nope good roll over to Maroon maroon mermis fir save made there by all Mark Puck still loose G drow over to Merill Merill Waits now shoots pucks here’s Felino Merill mermis knocked down there by W

Spoon Man they’re still trying to get that puck Lo L Felino Merill or mermis goodro fires in a save made there by uh all Mark he holds on to it oh Minnesota’s on the power play no way Mitchell is called for interference so Mitchell is going to be called here for

Interference uhoh Quinton Johnson big play for the for my fantasy team let’s go Quinton Johnson for fantasy points hash Quinton Johnson fantasy points yes sir all right two-minute power play here for the wild already 0 for one with four shots on net all right fa with it Baldi fires save

Made by allar tipped by Eric syck and they score oh maybe it was Rossy oh they say it’s Rossy but it was tipped in front either way we’re tied up at one we are tied at one boys wow so we are now tied we are tied up at one

H oh wow Carlo knocked it in for Boston wow now that’s bad all right lindol with it Puck up ice here here’s flurry over to Middleton Eric all they credit Erics and E with the goal so I was right here’s ler knocked down here big hit against Maran over to Middleton

Middleton with the puck right here now Waits Middleton just deciding where to go with it over to Faber Faber cleared in Lindholm oh he’s know he’s hit lary L ter feeds here’s de Brusque de brusk steals that one one away and just knocks it into the Minnesota Zone nice pass out to

Ler later open shoots and a save made by allar puck still oh Rossy to the backhander and wide did the net cleared by Frederick wide open geeky shoots in a save made there by flurry flurry on the Breakaway or gagoski over to Luchi Lisi and glove save there byar tied at

One we are still tied at one got check my stats got seven likes over here on the live stream tonight let’s go let’s see in the poll right now uh the poll 17 17 votes 71% Boston 18% here for a good game and 12% are just here for a good game

Tonight well we are having a good game tonight if you are well we are that’s nice now up to eight likes so over hit that like button thank you for that drop my phone over down here this I got a Discord notification sup fool fluent F jeez English Fool in the Rain

Sup these commercials with Johnny Depp and uh Sage I think they’re dumb all right doing a back to to back backto back uh games today not really a rhino not really what we call a r a rhino uh streaming day but all right Face Off is one here by the

Wild Capri off over to gagoski back to Capri off tipped and scores capris off it might be Capri off here oh it’s Led Zeppelin gez I’m an idiot Capri off with another goal can’t call me fool or rain I said Fool in the Rain what colors do you wear what

Boo and just like that two to one this dude scored the winning goal against the Bruins on Tuesday night this dude’s crazy 12th goal of the season for Kel Capri off and that means fantasy points for me because I got because I have cabriel Capri off in

Fantasy this week or today so I got him I got him in a trade uh in a trade uh like in the first week of the Season what a steal he’s been for the last few games what a steal Rossi falls down knocked here by zaka spin move and zaka clears it away

And Middleton that back into the wild Zone and Middleton plays it icing is called here against Boston uh uh who was it Russ if you’re still here uh it’s now three- two it’s now three to2 uh Penguins on top over or excuse me three to2 Senators on top 3-2 sends over the

Penguins pass knocked in rebound lorai trying to clear it away poso flips it out to Center ice too far too far there for Heinen faers got it here for the wild here’s Middleton Middleton pass knocked Away poster knock knock Faber clears it out Faber Rossy dumps it in Puck still in Center

Heinen hinen goes cross ice that one knocked there by Capri off here’s Rossy Baldi shoots hits off a Carlo and goes out of play I better turn off my alarm because I realized I didn’t do that this morning I did not turn off my alarm this

Morning uh and I woke up at 6 uh 6:30 which is the time I get up for going to school and uh I woke up at 6:30 on a SAT Saturday 6:30 in the morning on Saturday on accident God hated it all right Face Off is one here by the

Wild they have it right now there’s a shot knocked down here by allmar and cleared away bounce pass away and Baldi clears that one in makoy that one knocked away Eric sck fight and a that shot wide good steal there by Eric zck here’s Capri off Capri off pinned against the

Boards by makoy Capri off trying to get the puck back capris off pass that one stolen away here’s de Brusque stol tipped away there by the wild in Center Ice that was baly Puck still in Center Lind Holm over to maville maoy maoy pck hello hello why did my Bluetooth why did

My Bluetooth ear my earbuds turn off on me great D great great great great Aron gagoski ojan with a shot long save there by allmark all right they go to a commercial break right now one goal lead right now all right got seven people watching here tonight welcome in everybody if you are

New to the channel make sure to drop a like subscribe enable those notifications so you guys know when we do go live on our next live stream our next live stream is actually in a few hours uh to cover the to cover the San Jose Sharks and and the uh Vancouver Canucks game

Tonight yep that stream will be live in an hour and a half covering that game we already got four likes for that live stream and somebody’s already waiting for it waiting for that game to start right now hey we gained a subscriber tonight did gain a sub tonight make sure I did my

Research uh right now NHL scores nine and a half minutes left in the first Kraken lead over the Ducks uh or still scoreless over there Blackhawks lead over the blues two to one uh under 10 minutes left Islanders lead over the Hurricanes 31 at the end of one Rangers lead over

The sabes 2-1 after one Bap Leafs lead over the Blue Jackets 3 to one uh Senators now lead over the Penguins four to two 12 and a half minutes to go uh in the second period lightning and capitals still tied up with eight minutes left in

The second period Red Wings now have a two to one lead over the Devils seven and a half minutes left uh only finals from today Panthers beat the gold Knights 42 and the Stars beat the Predators three to2 on an insane comeback over there NHL is back on

Wednesday NHL content will be back on Wednesday after tonight I’m taking a few days off uh to celebrate uh Christmas So all right all right here we go Puck controlled here Faber Faber drives in goes a little wraparound does the wraparound and a backhander saved there uh by all Mark you holds on to it your but’s getting a little dirty yeah Faber just dumps that pass

In all right the face off looks like it’s won by the Bruins Carlo with the puck behind the net Carlo around the boards poer knock with it now just Glides behind his own net under 10 minutes to play here in this second period of hockey with the wild up by a

Score of two to one here is Carlo going up ice Carlo Glides goes to the backhander now Glides behind flurry Carlo make making a spin move feeds two poster knockback to lyol makavo fires knocked down there by middle um flurry Middleton behind the net though lenol maoy here’s Pono poock that fires that

One Heinen H in knocked in by zaka Faber stolen away here by Capri off and the wild have it Eric sck shoots it into the corner ly Holm ly holm’s got it here for Boston fed up ice dumped in by Steen feeds it over I’m gonna lose more money

Now Doug you still got a period and a half left man still got a period and a half got time Doug relax Joe Hanson here to gagoski Johansson bagoan shot wide rebound Rossy that one knocked away here by uh Mitchell Mitchell clears that one in Luchi dumps that in for the wild

Knock down Frederick keeping it in here for the Bruins weather spoon over to Frederick Frederick with a pass over to Lindholm Lind Holm now Waits feeds it over to Mitchell ly Holm and that puck stolen away broin or oh there’s a shot and a safe made here by

Olark that was not broin that was a there’s a penalty oh I don’t think it’s a penalty Puck was played by the high stick it’s dou complaining again Doug you should not listen to the chat do not listen to the polls in the chat do not listen to the poll in the

Chat saying uh who they want to win tonight all right here we go that one cleared in by by matri by who is that good dra Puck knocked away here by loo and Bruins have it here van reik shoots it into Center Ice Puck tipped away feno’s got it

Glides and it’s offside here Against the Wild offside against Minnesota Jake Luchini all right here we go Bruins with it Puck knocked away Lowry and here come the w there’s a shot and a save made here by allmark puck in the corner inside the Brewing Zone Boston’s got it makoy over to Marian Maran flips it up to Center Ice knocked

In Wild keeping it in bojan ban with a shot and hits off of allmark and off the pad goes out of play a Goan with that long shot out of play sorry I ain’t going to a wild home game nope that ain’t happening that’s not happening all right

Two to one two to one wild out on top six and a half minutes to go here in this second period zaka in the faceoff Circle here for the Bruins and they do win the faceof in the big defensive Zone face off Carlo with it flips it out to

Center ice over to zaka pass tipped Capri off Capri off flips it to Eric zck Eric zck his shot wide left rebound Faber back to Eric anck over to Capri off Capri off that puck stolen away by David poock poock over to head to zaka Knocked Down in the wild havit

Balden baly with it over to Capri off out to Eric all marked to play behind his own net Capri off with the steel Middleton shot just High over the glove there of all Mark Baldi now with the puck feeds it over to Eric neck tipped in

Front can’t get it to Capri off there Baldi with the puck in the corner Eric sck Eric s over to capris off Eric s trying to get that puck out uh trying try to get centering pass here Baldi Baldi still in the corner over to capris off wild still with it Faber near

The Blue Line Faber over to Capri off he shoots that one tipped Wilder spoon midson with a shot and a save again here by allmark and cleared out to Center Ice Flory with the puck over to fav under five and a half minutes to go in the second five minutes under five

Minutes left here in the second period played in by Boston allar Mark to play behind his own net allar clears it away flurry flurry controls that one with the stick wild flip it in mermis driving in he falls down maoy now has it here for aavo over to Johansson Johansson Merill Merill played

Low Rossi over to Capri off Bogan over to Johansson Johansson with it Johansson wait bagoan bosan over to Capri off to Johansson Johansson to Capri off back to Johansson Johansson Waits Bo Goan shoots that one high and the Bruins finally touched that puck with 352 left and there’s a they’re going to commercial

Right now but Minnesota’s going to go on to the power play up two to one up two to one 352 going to go here in the second welcome in everybody six uh six people watching along with eight likes let’s see 20 votes in the poll 65% of

You guys said the Bruins were winning tonight 25% said the Wild and 10% were here for the good uh here for a good game tonight well welcome in everybody greatly appreciate you guys coming on by all fans are welcome here in the chat you’re a wild fan my favorite

Western team I like flurry just not when he plays the bees uh I am not a wild fan footline uh Fool in the Rain or BL Zepplin I am not a wild fan I am not uh I am actually a Detroit Red Wings fan but I like calling play byplay of a

Lot of NHL teams so I just do a lot of NHL play byplay so I just cover any team that’s out there uh I just cover anything that’s out there man whatever’s on the TV or whatever is on uh the streaming Network that’s what I stream it’s what I feel like covering

So but mostly I try to cover Boston brein uh hockey because I am I have Boston uh sports stuff like I am a Patriots fan in real life I am a Red Sox fan I am a Celtics fan so just want to mix in some Boston Bruins uh hockey you

Know just to keep that uh keep that going but I’m not a wild fan I have done a few wild streams this season I just covered these two teams on Tuesday night uh where the wild won four to three in OT and flurry was excellent that game as well flurry was good that

Game 40 saves I believe it was all right so here we go wow with the Power Play 2 Minutes on this power play 350 left in the game that one cleared away Flory go play florry Just waits to go play that one Faber with that puck fa with this little spin

Move that one knocked away Coyle Coyle flips it overhead to Marian Capri off with it come open up your gift Capri off with it Capri off with the puck over to Baldi Baldi that one cleared in wild with it bie flips over to Erikson e in the

Corner Erikson e over to Capri off Capri off back to Baldi or nope that’s Faber Baldi he shoots that one that one wide rebound here by Capri off Capri off with it and that one played in the corner one minute left here on this power play Baldi

Carlo Capri off knocked in and cleared away Marian’s got it on a three on Two And Marian just dumps it in just to get a change going here got an ESPN notification I’ll have to look at it in a little bit here’s Rossy Rossi that one dumped played by Capri

Off boldy shoot save made there by all Mark gagoski shoot save made by allmark puck still loose and allmark falls on it allmark is gonna lay on top of it to make the save Oh I thought that puck went in but nope big Saves by all mark man this is actually

Shocking oh man allar just falls on it just falls on it like a guy was gonna fall on top of his bed so right on it 21 seconds to go here on this power play feature with it feeds over to lorai there’s good r cro fak the shot 12 seconds cro

Maroon Johansson with it five seconds Johansson little fake shot back to goodro one second back to full strength Johansson good Johansson Waits now shoots that one wide to the net and going all the way back into the wild Zone flurry with the puck flurry with the puck fed over to to

Gagasi gagoski tips it ahead over to Felino pass knocked away here by Charlie McAvoy makavo flips it over three on three break there’s a shot save made here by flurry just dumped in here by the wild they make a quick change Carlo over to Heinen

Hinen hen with it here to Carlo over to m boy get out thas fock Waits now feeds it over to I can’t say his name right McAvoy shoots that one blocked rebound 50 seconds left dumped in Duan tries to keep that one in knocked here by poock loo with 40 seconds left

Here is makoy makoy knocked away here van reik down to poock poock oh that one tipped wide in the net 30 seconds left both teams making some changes here’s ly Holm with it lyol swings P swing pass out geeky geeky with it that one stolen away Baldi Baldi all centering pass and knocked

Away ericon NE with two seconds down to one and ends the period and that does end the period with a shot and blocked Eric s getting a little Chippy at the end but that does end the period of of play right now Vince dun for the Seattle Kraken

Gave me some fantasy points Vince dun B’s done I think let me check ah my opponent has Sydney Crosby crap crap I forgot yeah yeah done done for Seattle vence done whoops I lost my V Vince done with a goal and assist three shots on goals 718 time of

Ice all Mark so far for my opponent 0 point 0.4 Jamie Ben 0.3 Fowler with 1.5 burns with Point2 impressive dumb bad fantasy points bad fantasy points baby how’s the game going the game going pretty good it’s going really good right now actually uh it is 2 to one we are just at the second intermission right now I’m trying to do something right now uh

170 or at least down the view count right now H what do I got going on right here I am I got something here 170 someone asked are you subscribing to Peacock to watch the Bills Chargers game not happening nope I do have peacock but I’m not watching that crappy

Game I ain’t watching the Chargers get cooked permanently temporary comment on in saying happy Holidays happy holidays there’s a l in your stocking oh really what’s in your stocking permanently Temporary wait wait wait wait wait I got an idea I got this in your stocking good evening good evening permanently temporary welcome back to a NHL live stream I am your host Thomas please stand by for a couple of minutes while I spread the word out of the stream to

Other Platforms in an attention to get more people on this live stream I am a small Channel it I need it needs to be done in the moment I will play a song permanently temporary did I get it right did I get it close I tried to

Replicate your intro but trying to do it my way like uh in the version that I would do it I tried to do it I think temporary is gonna put a copyright uh thing on that intro now you’re close enough it’s somewhat it it’s almost like it but

I think I screwed up on a few words because you do because you do the good evening part and then you do ladies and gentlemen welcome to another blah blah blah and then you do like your name please stand by for a few minute moments while I spread this stream out to some

Platforms in an effort to draw more people over I am a small Channel it needs to be done can’t match for Perfection clearly it’s effective you know it well actually I only share the stream My Stream out to one platform and it’s Twitter actually X whatever the hell you call it Twitter X

Whatever it is I don’t even know what it is called at this Point almost forba are you just G to like put a copy right ask are you just going to put like a copyright signal on your uh sign on your inter intro are you just going to do that now just puts a copyright thing at the bottom

Of Twitter is fine X just reminds me of how dumb things are agreed I did not like the name change Twitter is fine tweet I don’t use Twitter much I barely even use it man Boston when are you going to shoot the puck they have like 11 shots on

Goal nah use my intro at your leisure nah nah I can’t rep like you said I can’t replicate Perfection I got my own intro I got my own intro I uh I have my mic muted and I say good evening welcome to this terrible crappy live stream I

Play my terrible and crappy intro music and I put and I talk about random nonsense before the live stream I mean your stream is kind of like my live shows the heck is that sound guys hear that oh I heard like a whing sound like coming from the living

Room I like that was probably robot probably a Terminator Invasion or something I got my dumb Tiki hey look at my Tiki I just got this dumb te I’ve had this Tiki for like the last few eight months when I went to on a vacation I

Got it still hiding it’s just funny I don’t know oh and just so you guys know yeah I still have not taken the tag off of it I’ve literally had Tagg on this stupid thing for like the last uh eight months I think I did take the

Price tag off of it but the tag where it’s from I didn’t take it off yet so it’s just dumb thing just a tiki hey permanently temporary so what is it Christmas Eve for you right now I’m assuming yeah it’s Christmas Eve for you and it’s December 23rd for

Me it’s a nice sou here yeah space man I was in Florida a few month I was in Florida eight months ago right let me leave likes for you and ryl PAs under the the other account oh the other account yeah morning of Christmas Eve what are you gonna do for Christmas

Permanently temporary you just gonna what are you g to do oh you’ve been outside the US last year I have not I I stay well oops accidentally clicked on space mes comment been outside the US last year uh I have not if you count Canada then yes I’ve

Been outside us but that was like five or six years ago there you go oh it’s orioles bird watcher it’s that guy ho ho ho ho I don’t think ori’s bird watcher looks like Santa Claus I don’t think an orioles bird watcher looks like Santa Claus does he does

He I don’t think so not even close I got 10 UNR messages jeez hey a hip hips look at my dumb look at this dog look at this look at this dog see look at this dog look at look at my dog he’s got a sweater he’s with my ant he’s got a

Sweater my ant always freaking spoils that dog ant spoils that dog like it’s nothing okay let’s see what we got here hello I lost there we go oh they’re talking other highlights right now so Twitter no let’s look at Twitter bills Chiefs live only on peacock I am not

Watching that I will never watch that red shocks are interested in showing uh bringing back James Paxton I don’t know they’re talking about the uh Dallas insane comeback guys who expected the Chargers to have a 10 nothing lead over the bills Dunkin Donuts makes me think of Boston Sports why do you think

That makes what makes Dunkin Donuts what makes Dunkin’ Donuts feels like Boston Sports Spaceman actually I haven’t had Dunkin Donuts in a long time I haven’t had Dunkin Donuts by long time I mean I haven’t had Dunkin’ Donuts in like the last year making me think of Dunkin’ Donuts

Now space man I think I might have to go grab some Dunkin’ Donuts now you have now intrigued me let’s see how I’m doing in fantasy right now of course I’m in my gosh dang consolation bracket that’s right they do uh they have a sign at dunan Donuts a

Sign Quinton Johnson with 3.2 Point points he has one carry for one yard and one catch for 20 yards oh man I think I’m gonna put up a stinker this week I think I’m gonna put up a stinker this week uh I think I might get crushed

Playing pure in our I’m playing pure adrenaline in our fantasy league I’m losing by 35 right now yikes that’s not good that’s not good that’s not good what do you think of Tim Hortons Tim Hortons is pretty good hey Tim Hortons is pretty good oh there’s a D and D added with

Pasta going to the sinin let he gives them this usual iced coffee ice coffee D and D add yeah Dunkin’ Donuts add with Pasto going to the S bin iced coffee yuck hate iced coffee I hate coffee in general it’s not good I hate it don’t like it I don’t like

Coffee honestly it tastes like burned crap so Spaceman do you drink coffee okay Tim orens is pretty good I do say that well hey guys I’m gonna take a quick step off I am going I’m gonna take a quick step off real quick I will be right back oh you

Tried it when you traveled to Toronto 2018 all right I’ll be right back everybody I just have to TW take a quick uh bathro andom break I shall return be right back Oh you mean 2019 okay I’ll be back all right back here uh what did I miss oh you liked vanilla

Iced coffee but not hot hot vanilla iced coffee oh I’m not a coffee fan I’m it’s got to go shovel uh it’s snowing in the 49th foot of snow coming and enjoy the game I’ll check out your channel thank you so much uh for coming on by man greatly appreciate you uh stopping

On by man now up to 7 98 on the sub count two away from 800 let’s go okay there we go I got some hockey cards when you went to Tim wellow that’s nice how did you get hockey cards when you went to Tim Hortons why did Tim Hortons is why does

A Tim Horton in Canada just randomly give out hockey cards dang that’d be pretty cool actually uh Rising Rhino’s got 17 people watching his live stream pure adrenaline’s got seven P’s got 25 followers over on Facebook so 798 now on the sub count well welcome in everybody start of the third period starts

Now I tried to do the pat MC impression when he starts his show the show starts now and welcome to the third and potential final period of this hockey game climbing in close ones the wild in their F the wild in their last one goal games

Have been four and one in their last five so yikes but since dece December 10th uh but during a stretch they were one four and four uh since December uh 10th in one goal games and now since then they are four and one so pretty impressive fla plays it behind his own

Net played out towards Capri off over to Erikson EK oh Eric lost his stick for a moment go picks it back up over to poster knock poster knock in the clear oh knocked away ericon knocks that one away in the corner he retrieves it knocked away Johansson loses

It oh couple of turnovers here in this period that one cleared away looks like it’s a it is against minnes soda and it will be icing 1904 left here in this period so florry with a nice stop there on Brad marshan all right 1904 left here in the

Third and potential final period of this hockey game Star or excuse me wild up score by two to one the faceof is one here by the Bruins McAvoy fakes the shot feeds centering and can’t get it Coyle was denied on that last shot McAvoy dumps it into the corner and we

Got a penalty we have a penalty called right now official’s got his arm up oh you stayed at a Rogers Center Hotel awesome View oh basball season but the diamond wasn’t there it was on Christmas vacation oh wow Minnesota’s getting another Power Play Oh Boston has

Been Coyle is going to the box two minutes for high sticking I think I think Minnesota’s had at least four power plays it’s crazy still had an amazing experience it sounds like an amazing experience to go to Rogers Center let alone stay in there all right face off controlled here

By the wild here’s Capri off over to Faber Faber from the point he shoots in a save made there by all Mark Faber still keeps it on side over to Capri off Capri off centering over over to Baldi on the other side Baldi waits he shoots save made by allmark rebound by

Capri off dipped in front to Eric NE Puck still lose oh he couldn’t get it Faber Rossy Faber Anders ericon neck tries to shoot it and knocked down there by allmark Faber over to capris off Capri off waights dumped off Baldi to Capri off Baldi tries to jam it in in and

Cleared Away by Carlo all the way down the ice Faber with the puck over to Capri off Capri off now Waits dump shoots it in what’s up y’all sup CG how are you how are you today CG cleared in cleared out by Minnesota flurry with it now skates over towards

His left played by Baldi CG putting in the Canadian flags in the house up Baldi Baldi Waits dumps it to Johansson Johansson pass hinen Johansson Waits Felino Johansson now waiting feeds it over to Baldi Baldi down to 30 seconds on this Power Play here’s Rossy over oh gagoski lost

It in Center Ice down to 2 seconds good bro that’s good CG welcome in man gagoski feeds maroon oh cadr shoots in wide still on side on here’s Johansson gagoski g r to Felino and they score and the Wild score Felino it’s Felino I think just maybe a

Millisecond maybe a millisecond after uh the power play was over and now it’s three to one Steel City saying my pens are doing horrible really it was like four to two I believe man well well well flurry starting again but not his last game in Pittsburgh oh you

Need well Eric SX got a goal already today yeah Eric SX already got a goal tonight so first goal of the game actually make I think it was the first goal of this game Felino with that goal there is Fourth of the Season offside it looks

Like Yeah ericon x already got a goal tonight CG yeah he’s already got some fantasy points I don’t know how many I play fantasy hockey too but uh right now I’m like middle of the pack I’m four and four playing another four and four team I’m actually winning by 12

Points I got Capri off in this game right now he’s got a goal and he’s got a goal so far he’s got me 2.1 fantasy points kept in by the Bruins down by two right now knocked away and Lori’s got it lorai over to makoy makoy Flips it in

Merill goes after it in the corner Merill that one oh that one stolen away loo McAvoy fires just wide of the net lorai zaka loo shoots save made there by Mark Andre flurry that one cleared Away by Minnesota into Center making a few player changes Heinen with it hinan

Tries to get it to zaka over to poock poock with it to zaka shoots save made there by flurry zaka poster knock Waits deakes and knocked away zaka in the corner along with Pono Pono gets it W spoon over to Mitchell Mitchell fires knocked down by

Flurry still in the corner here is Pasto with it Pasto fires that one wide still trying to keep it in is Minnesota they flip it out to Center Ice they make some changes when Fitz is streaming the Bruins lose yeah it’s not surprising unfortunately Ron Jeremy is actually

Right Ron Jeremy is right iing against Boston here 1449 to go here in this third Wilder up 3-1 right now yeah Ron a few I’ve actually called a few Bruins victories a lot of them have been overtime victories though or overtime losses I should say but yes they are still losses still

Losses it’s kind of frustrating how many losses I’ve commentated Bruins losses I’ve commentated on it’s kind of funny ericon e Felino oh that’s B that’s baly that one tries to center it knocked away redrick Middleton that one slapped up and into the netting out of play are you kidding me weeman yama’s

Hurt Victor wanyama is hurt he sprains his ankle what’s going on here Yuki Matsui uh signs with the Padres all right Capri off with it flips it up to Center Ice ericon tries to go after it but Lind Holmes got it here for Boston Lind Holm flips it

Up over to Coyle Coyle Waits now fires saved there by flurry and the wild have it up ice Johansson along with capris off Johansson Johansson over to capris off back to Johansson Johansson over to gagoski Rossi over to gagoski he’s hit there by linol here’s bagoan goosi Johanson there’s Rossy Rossy spin move

Feeds it to Johansson can’t Johansson tipped away there by lyol ly Holm he’s got it pan to Capri off Johansson gagoski shoots off the glove and allar it’s into the corner Johanson Rossi there’s a shot and a save made here byar he holds on to it with 1307 to

Go 13 7 left here potentially in this hockey game wild up three to one here over the Bruins we cross we crossed the 200 view bark here on this live stream let’s go my mic was off there I don’t know why my mic was off let’s read some Twitter Twitter’s

Just being Twitter right now all right gonna let’s look NHL scores right now oops oops hit the wrong button devils and Red Wings are tied at two lightning and capitals still tied up at one Kraken l two nothing over the Ducks right now Islanders lead 42 over the

Hurricanes Sabers lead or excuse me Rangers lead lead 32 over the sabes Maple Leaf still lead 3 to one over the Blue Jackets uh Senators lead four to3 over the Penguins only two finals Panthers beat Golden Knights 4-2 and stars beat Predators 3 to2 whoa wild are trying to get their 10th

Win in their last 13 uh games apparently clear to away and the wild have it inside their own Zone B Goan flips it up ice stolen away Heinen oh no that’s geeky Frederick with a hit up against the wall gei and that one stolen away wild habit they flip it up

Ice and that one knocked feno’s got it Felino Steen Felino feno’s got it inside the Brewing Zone does a little spin back hands it poster knock with it Lori and loses it here’s poster knock poster knock and knocked away and the wild have it on a

Three on or they did have it a three on two but Bruins made some quick Chang just off the net rebound Middleton slaps it back into the brein Zone played by McAvoy Steel City yes in a shootout yeah the Red Wings did win in a shootout six to seven Patrick

Kane won the game Penguins just scored said steel city zaka zaka with the pucks does little spin moves now Waits feeds and knocked out knocked down there here’s ly Holm fires it save made here by Mark Andre flurry on the backhander cleared by Minnesota poster knock with it gliding on in knocked away

Bbus pass intercepted here by Jake debrusk de brusk feeds there’s a shot save made here by Andre flurry Carlo fires one as well looked like it was wide mbis clears that one away Carlos’s got it Carlo has to play that puck Puck into Center Ice looks like the

Wild have it Rossi Rossi over to gagoski back to Rossi feeds up ice B Goan tipped away gagoski with it gasi lorai Frederick Puck tipped Rossi gliding on in stolen away and another penalty called against Boston right now Minnesota is back on the power play yeah Boston’s been getting way too many

Penalties right now Frederick called for interference all right Boston the wild are now on their fifth power play of the evening uh all right Rossi keeps it in Rossi over to Capri off here’s Eric sck oh no penalty called the fans were expecting a penalty well Faber’s got it here for the wild

Faber feds over to pleads over to Capri off here to Eric sck Eric sck Glides in still looking to Rossi Rossy Faber Baldi now fires that one wide rebound here by Rossy Rossy looks feeds Faber Faber one timer and a save made here by all Mark Capri offs got it over to Faber

Faber Baldi over to Capri off capris off fires in a off the post and out oh Baldi can’t get it fabers has to go chase it there for Minnesota under a minute here to go on this power play Baldi hen here’s Baldi gagoski now has it here for the

Wild Kowski with it 38 seconds to go on this power play and that one cleared in icing here Against the Wild oh that one they showed earlier that capris off hit one off the post yeah space Manan did mention that Boston has been getting in too many penalties they have that’s their fifth

Penalty tonight fifth penalty all right 29 seconds Face Off is one here by the wild here’s Johanson too bad they haven’t got burned by the power play they’ve only let up one power play goal tonight Johansson clears it in played by allmark speared all the way around the

Boards goodro has to go get it 10 seconds down to C badar’s gold tonight I did see that that was pretty cool that was was impressive I did that’s saw a highlight of it pretty cool they showed it during the intermission show they showed a Bard gold during the

Intermission it’s even on God dang Twitter there’s a shot from the point and flurry holds on to make the save under eight minutes to go 747 to be exact wild still on top three to one here see if we can get two more subs to get to

800 let’s check the poll 27 votes 63% are hoping for the Bruins to win tonight 30% wild and 7% here for a good game all right got seven people watching the good news about this stream is that the good news about this stream is that we are getting more watch

Time kesan NFL uh kesan NFL one of our uh moderators just posted something in the Discord now looks like the senator still lead for to three over the Penguins all right here’s makoy that one chipped in front and the wild trying to clear it out Puck bounces and goes out of play here

All right the face off it looks like it’s one here by the wild but they’re going to have to do the face off again all right the face off is won here by the uh wild here’s Faber feeds it up ice to Center and it goes out of

Play got 30 minutes until my next live stream which is the San Jose Vancouver conu Canucks and San Jose Sharks I bet Charger tickets are cheap are they cheap are they cheaper than the uh were they cheaper than the uh Panthers and Falcons chick uh tickets God those tickets were cheap dirt

Cheap bro I could pay for two tickets and pay under a dollar two tickets for under a dollar lindol with it l with it tier D du oler’s got the puck here for the wild toim trying to get it back chipped in front and a save made there by all Mark

Here’s duim with it that shot blocked zaka with it over to Van reike van reik to lyol LY holm’s got it under seven minutes yeah that stadium is mostly filled with empty fans agreed there’s a long long pass off the Stick of Frederick and he go bounces out a play here yeah let’s

See well the Chargers are actually winning right now or nope never mind they’re losing I can’t say they were winning Gabe Davis with a touchdown I didn’t see how much the tickets were I did not see saw the Rams parade in 2022 and it was Qui because they don’t have a lot of

Fans both those teams don’t have a lot of fans off the boards and the wild trying to control it here in the Bruin Zone slapped it away Puck into Center Frederick D gives it to to Mitchell Mitchell dumps it into the wild Zone B Goan is

Hit oh a centering pass to geeky and he scores and just like that it’s a one goal game geeky this time not on a breakaway geeki has been robbed of a few breakaways and he gets his revenge here against flurry it’s now three to2 it is now 3-2 uh

Wild Heinen on a good pass right towards geeky six minutes to go here in this third period it’s a three to2 game now I saw pictures of it but I didn’t oh didn’t see it in person all right mavo feeds it over to De brusk debrusk flips it in bounces

Into the corner Middleton trying to get it along with Coyle de brusk now trying to fight for it capris off has it back hands it out to Center feeds it over to Baldi Baldi dropped it uh drops it I mean by Baldi in front tries to

Shoot it can’t rebound by fa fa over to Eric Eric shoots that one blocked goes into the corner here’s debrusk de brusk flips it in icing against the Bruins and they cut to a commercial break for some unknown reason it’s kind of irritating how dare they oh my God

WBY sprained his ankle stepping on a ball boy’s foot come on dude why why why why why why dude come on man why you stepped on do you know the pen score uh it was four to three earlier yep still four to three four to three Senators it is 4 to3

Sharks and conects later I guess we get we get a one-sided high-scoring game I guess we will see uh Ron we shall see Ron kcks are probably going to blow the doors off in that hockey game Kel caprea four goals in his last three games he’s got a goal already

Today he’s got two goals in two games against the Boston Bruins so he’s already got a big goal against the BR uh Bruins already this season fan Rik trying to get that puck here makoy with a behind his own net here’s pook pass intercepted here by Middleton Middleton dumps it in played

By Johansson Johanson P he’s knocked down lost his stick Rossi shoots it into the corner played by here’s Rossi stolen away poock shoots it played by flurry flurry steals steers that puck into the corner poso loses it played by Rossi trying to clear it out here Capri off over to

Middleton Middleton that one cleared away lolm that flipped ahead here’s here’s Johansson Johansson pinned against the wall Eric sck trying to get it from Lori penor send for penor pens and Senators for to three currently seven minutes to go thanks for that Ron thank you for that update Ron

Jeremy gagasi that puck chipped off the boards into the corner played by flurry here to gagasi alosi centering pass out towards Center Ice Capri off dumps it into the Bruins Corner Capri off plays that puck around the board stolen here by geeky geeki flips it into Center Ice Puck still

Loose and the wild cleared in shot that one hits off of allmark makoy makoy over to marand marshan Glides behind flurry marshan falls down no penalty called makavo is hit D flips it over here’s the doer doer over to ler ler he falls down back to duim over to

Ler to tries to shoot it Puck is blocked de brusk feeds it over to marshan over to McAvoy makoy just flips it in Bruins need a new line flurry with it feeds it over to Faber Devils lead the Red Wings four to three yeah or three to2 yeah I saw

That I saw that Tyler to Foley Tyler to Foley Carlo Carlo with it fans are doing the wave right now two and a half minutes B Goan trying to clear Eric sck over to Capri off two on two here’s Capri off spins now Waits and tries to get it back to gagoski and

Can’t gagoski with it 210 to go shot into the Bruin Zone allmark has to play it by his net allmark over to marshand pass intercepted maroon shoots tipped and goes into Center Ice Middleton with it just dumps it back into the Bruin Zone makoy M aoid trying to tick that one

Back here’s Cole Coyle over to marshan Maran slips all Mark is to the bench right now so empty net maroon maroon flips it over to Felino lost control of it but marshand has it at Center ice I’ll still be on in the next stream all right uh Spaceman I’ll

See you in that next stream man wild trying to hang on right here all right here we go geeki with the pass long over to marshan over to Pono Pono Glides in he shoots in a save made by Mark Andre flurry he holds on with a minute

Left 103 left and it’s getting a little chippy here towards the end ESPN gold uh ESPN fantasy ay alert who scored for me I’m winning now by 15 points slaven slaven scored for me for Carolina so I win my fantasy match up this week unless something crazy happens 103 left

Two it’s a three to2 game right now Boston calls time out here Boston did call their timeout so they’re buying themselves a few minute or buying themselves a minute so right now let’s see how this game shall end I’m assuming it’s going to go we’ll see man

All right here we go we’re getting towards the end of this game here we go 32 wild lead 103 left six on five here for the Bruins Coyle in the faceoff Circle Ericson in the ericon in the faceoff Circle for the wild coil in for the

Bruins here we go Faceoff is one by Eric Faber Slap Shot around the boards it was blocked makoy keeps it in over to poster knock poock behind the net trying to find somebody over to Cole Coyle to lyol back to Coy to poock behind the net

Poock tries to feed to zaka pass knocked away back to makoy mavo here’s Coy he fires that one wide passes wide tripped up Felino knocks that pass away and it’s cleared away into the Brewin Zone l home poster knock back to zaka pass knocked away 15 seconds left Coyle Cole over to

Maran Maran Waits Maran that one knocked away five seconds to go down to four three two and one and the Bruins lose again the Wild win the Wild win 3 to2 the wild with 10 wins in their last 13 games and two of those game two of those 10 wins have been against

Boston geez that’s crazy wow talk about that so Bruins lose another one man I think I’m a jinx to the Boston Bruins all right all right nine people watching with 11 likes on this live stream let’s check the poll One Last Time 29 votes in the

Poll 62% said the Bruins were winning 28 for the wild 7% were here for a good game and 3% were hoping for their bets to hit I’m gonna end the poll over there right yep I’ll see you in the next live stream Spaceman see you in the next one

Man let’s see how I do in that one all right I will see you guys live in about 15ish minutes Leafs win pen pens and Senators going into overtime all right I will close down for the night thanks you Dallas for that update I will see you guys in a little bit byebye


The Boston Bruins will travel to the state of Minnesota to play thw Wild for this inter-conference game. The Boston Bruins would lose their last game to the Winnipeg Jets 5-1 in Winnipeg. The Wild would win their last game on Thursday 4-3 over the Canadiens at home. The Boston Bruins 19-6-6 (44 PTS) and are still in 1st place in the Atlantic Division. The Wild are 14-13-4 (32 PTS) and are in 7th place in the Central Division. Make sure to drop a like and subscribe.


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