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TEAM OF THE YEAR 2023 & U23 TOTY | FC Wonderkid #137

TEAM OF THE YEAR 2023 & U23 TOTY | FC Wonderkid #137

What’s up guys here with you with SC Wonder kit episode 137 here with my guy brettson how are you I am uh amidst the holiday sickness right now if you can hear it in my voice but it’s not because I’m sick of football it’s not because I’m sick of

2023 it’s simply because I have children and they bring back germs so excuse my voice on this one but uh I I I can’t believe that we’re already ending another year Alex I I cannot believe that um you and I have been doing this 137 times plus we’ve met up in Portugal

Twice now I just got to get you to the states next Amer and yeah and you know before we go any further I want to give a a big thank you to you um and a big thank you to Luken who’s there uh in Portugal right now who uh helps us with

Our video helps us he is us uh with our video and our audio and all that good stuff and make sure that we sound as good as we can 3,000 plus miles apart but that’s getting away from the craziness that that was 2023 the fun that was 2023 and I think what we’re

Going to get to do is we’re going to um run it back a little bit through uh the vehicle of what a couple teams of the year right mhm yes we’re going to do the team of 2023 in general Anya Troup and we will doing the under 23 Team of the

Year to so we’re going to have two special teams that is going to be a recap of how good the year was after the World Cup which it was internally special too like mbappe scoring a hatrick Messi doing what he did and a lot of decisions bold decisions will be

Made I want to know your Midfield your attacking Trio and your Center back Duo that I’m sure a lot of people could disagree to but put down below your team of the year and your positions that you disagree with us through throughout the video and don’t forget to like this

Video it’s a special video the last one of the Year episode 137 so it’s just a huge way of you guys saying thank you and obviously thank you for always supporting us so team of 2023 who’s your goalkeeper who is the best goalkeeper for you Breton of

2023 this this was actually a lot tougher than I expected it to be um but I went all I went all consistency here um and and I’m going to remain consistent with this pick although if you blend club and Country it it gets a whole lot muddier here um so I am going

To stick with Allison Allison with Liverpool um just consistently a force consistently making his side better consistently uh having you know great great games the only downside to that is no he was not on the best sporting team of 2023 uh but my goodness have they

Started uh 2023 20 24 this first half of the Season pretty dang well uh so Allison uh gets pipped uh he Pips uh you know tan Emiliano Martinez Andre oana who had a wonderful 2023 regardless of Manchester United form Allison is my goalkeeper in My Team of the Year what’s

Yours Allison is the best goalkeeper in the Premier League number two is Emilo Martinez number three I’d say Onana because of the Champions League I agree with his statement that he said a Champions League goalkeeper got eight clean sheets in the blast Champions League my best goalkeeper at 23 20 my

Best goalkeeper at 2023 is St Stan what their Stan did for Barcelona is unreal he like he broke records in terms of clean sheet and that defense without tagen is not the same obviously I know inaki pñ is playing good but tagen is vital for the security he brings two but

My top five goalkeepers in the world I would put obviously Tan One Alis two third I’d put k out of respect because he’s injured and emo Martinez and Mike mag the four and fifth it’s sad as me not to put but Tara he’ll get there I honestly I really believe on that but

Yes Allison you went safe with that one Breton but did you go with Robertson at left back I I did not actually left left back I’m going to tell you right now left back for me um this this was really really hard uh I really wanted to give

Some love to uh maybe somebody that from a consistency perspective 2022 2021 previous to this uh he would not be up here um but I F about this and I’m going to do it here’s my first contro versial pick because not only uh is Grimaldo off to a ridiculous start in this particular

Season but he ended the season very well a lot of people forget Benfica were flying high they they won the Premier Lia um a lot of people were looking at Benfica moving beyond those quarterfinals um and Grimaldo was absolutely huge in both of those add to

That add to that he’s got his first Spanish cap which is pretty hard um national team to break into um I understand he’s not there on the consistency level that Robertson was uh over the last few years but when it comes down to it I want to reward

Breakout years when break out years uh are as massive as Grimaldo is having and he is part of one of the most exciting teams to start this 2023 2024 season so there it is Alex Alex Grimaldo is my left back 2023 Team of the Year o you

Went B Breton I think Grimaldo is the top five left back in the world right now I respect that a lot I watched seven years of Galo in the Portuguese league and in many years people criticize him because he was not good defensively the that any other thing but again he’s

Hated for being too good because once he left we he shown that the left back position was very secure for a number of years and now Bea urasek didn’t work out and moratu is now playing at left back so very interesting choice my best left back of 2023 it was between de wandz

Robertson and de Maru I picked de Maru because that left foot puts me crazy Breton one of the best crossers I’ve seen with a left foot and terms of Le packs too and I going to say if it wasn’t for the Maru and bastoni Inter wouldn’t have gone to a Champions League

Final I’m not going to put bastoni in this 2023 team okay at Center back it saddens me but bastoni still is one of the best left backs no one of the best left footed players at defense in the world so going back to it I go with de

Maru because di Maru slept slept I love I love that pick I love that pick um and um between Robertson and uh who am I missing Tao Hernandez I mean there’s there’s already high standards set te Teo set that high standard uh in the scetta winning year for AC Milan uh

Robertson obviously has been doing it uh year and year out but last year uh was probably one of the least fit that he’s been in terms of the entire season right true uh and they went through their issues last season Liverpool did uh so for me I think that’s why they kind of

Made their way down the totem pole not to say that they they shouldn’t necessarily be there but the other name that’s kind of a shocking Omission here that is consistently world class is Alfonso Davies and you know he’s still only 23 years old um he might have just

Turned 24 no he’s still only 23 years old he plays in one of the most intriguing sides uh in in the uh world and at any given time uh he can be the the best left back on the planet um I better than Udi uh yes yes I still believe this

Season I don’t know well we’ll see in that U23 Team of the Year I mean I’m definitely going to be looking at more you know younger than than 23 and above but there are some omissions from this particular team that definitely need to make their way into that U23 team so

Left back I think I’m going to say it is probably one of the weakest positions in this entire team of the year right um for me I mean DeMarco DeMarco has been solid but I I don’t think most people on this planet uh that track World football

Are like Federico Demarco is the best left back on the planet no but but they say that dandz is the best left pack in the world when they see mbappe and de Hernandez in that left side in International Football I think the terms change massively and even Robertson for

Like Scotland he’s a hero he’s an icon but yes the best best left back is De Maru in my opinion but now Center back Duo okay this is a position that we’ll get we’ll have discussion if if people don’t agree with us it’s going to be the

Comment section that we’re going to see discussion but please let us know your thoughts brettson what are you thinking here oh man you’re making me go first okay I’ve got a safe I’ve got a safe one and a less safe one okay uh we need to remember things that happened at the

Beginning of last year right at the beginning of last year was the culmination of Manchester City’s trouble at the beginning of last of last year at the beginning of 2023 was the culmination of Manchester City’s treble it was the culmination of Napoli’s historic uh you know historic uh 30-year

Weight I believe it was to win the scudetto um so that is why my two center backs coming into this have been healthy the majority of the year um but nobody can argue that Ruben Diaz was not right the the Cornerstone next to Jon Stones 2o I would imagine in that defensive

Push for Manchester City’s treble and that amazing amazing second half of the Season uh form that led them to the treble so my easy choice for me is Ruben Diaz although I think Jon Stones while he was playing a little more DM whatever you want to call it could be a shout

There I’m not putting him in here just because Manchester city was the best one of the best teams of all time in that 2022 2023 season my Center back pairing for 2023 Team of the Year is Ruben Diaz Manchester City and Kim mini Kim mini for Bayern Munich listen I think put B

Ahead of MJ Kim uh that’s that’s fine that’s okay Kim I believe you have to remember Napoli’s form was still okay it wasn’t amazing heading into the second half of the year but I believe that in in a mission in Omission he missed right the second leg of that quarterfinal tilt

Um I believe it was quarterfinals right um against AC Milan I believe if he was not missing in that game Napoli would have danced a little bit further okay and Kim andji coming in for Bayern that’s no easy task considering the the totem pole that this guy has climbed to

Get to where needs to be right now so again I’m rewarding consistency I’m also rewarding the breakout aspect of this while I do understand Baston has been class for for years um you know that is also a massive team element there uh between us serby between Bon between

Okay so I am going with Kim and’s ability to kind of Traverse from Syria to uh to Bayern and immediately have a calming effect for the most part at Bayern I mean he’s the he’s the the least worrisome part of the byon project at the moment under Tel so Kim andji

Gets my love although I I know I’m going to get beat up in the comment section i i i you’re going to be beat up in the comments and by me Breton because MJ Kim would not be in my top three best center backs of 2023 and disagreeing with that

My best center back Duo of 2023 for me is kues a European treble winner that without him it would be a lot more difficult to have defensive stability and Jon stones great shout out and the pair is Ronald AR that who can beat Ronald AR in an one-onone Duo easily no

One no one and vinu J has a lot of trouble with konal de and for me the best center backs in 20123 I’m gonna puton I’m gonna put kues I’m gonna put Baston AER I’m GNA put Virgil Van di CBA and maybe then MJ Kim okay and and milit for his his first

Half of 2023 deserves a a shout at least and and rudiger one of the best free transfers ever in the history of football maybe and and one of the last men standing uh that that Real Madrid late win right Lucas Vasquez win uh they’ve they’re down what nacho now Nach

Will be out likely two to three games yeah so uh aureli and Shu man buckle up bud you are now a center back for the foreseeable future you’re mening I’m sure we’re going to be talking about him in the defensive midt but who’s your right back to finalize this

Defense yeah I I am again going up this this was hard um I’m gonna go real safe here because I’m going to go with who has been the most exciting to me to watch um and while I love everything that Kieran trippier has brought to Newcastle and everything that he has

Done and I love Kyle Walker with Manchester City I know some people think his form is dipped as of late and all that good stuff and he is going to go down as one of the best right backs in premier league history the best the best Breton Kyle Walker is the best premier

League right back ever I’m sorry Neville I’m sorry but he’s not better than Walker the way he locked in venu Jr in the Champions League I’m with you I’m with you I’m not going to dispute that right now especially in our end of the year 2023 only Civility and love for me

This time around but I am going to again uh reward who I love to watch and that has been arra um akarim coming off that World Cup akarim um just being possibly the only main stay only good thing to watch amidst the the finality and the and the

Culmination of the the messy Neymar mbappe breakup um hakeim was always there hakeim is still one of the best if not the best right back on the planet especially when you factor in his age and how long this guy is going to be around soim 25 years old yeah um and

Maybe there’s a little recency bias there too Alex I mean Kieran trippier has had his worst form um in basically all the whole calendar year in just the last few few months last few weeks so Akra aimi for me um kind of a cop out right I think you’re talking fxck Breton

Because a ashra Hakimi is the best right back in the world in terms of playmaking ability the way the vision he has the pace he has the fact that PSG have maintained him for so long like makes him honestly a bit underrated because he’s not talked about enough and in the

Champions League I hope PSG remind to the world that right side that right back slot has the best in the world in my opinion to best right backs in the world is sashimi number one Trend number two I know he plays an in inverted role but still he’s vital tripier will go

Down as one of the best premier league right backs too in the history of the Prem and K Kyle Walker too I completely agree with the respect that you’re giving him because if it wasn’t for Kyle Walker it wouldn’t have been a lot more difficult to lock in V uh venu Jr and

Jeremy Fring pong should already be in the top right back talk right now because Fring pong has seven goals and 10 assists and Fring pong in My Views already top five this season in 2023 2024 so he just needs to keep on going summer in the summer 14 million release CLA

140 million release calls man united Arsenal all have to be having conversations with this kid because he would change their future Man City too go back to Man City he was he was there 26 26 to 2019 sir true uh no I mean he was there and then he went to Celtic and

Uh the rest is history imagine Arsenal and ARA convinced Jayden Sancho and Jeremy Fring pong to go to the Arsenal project two man city prospects two players that surely know ARA very well and would be enticed a bit I think to a project in London that could dominate

Europe could I’m not saying it will it could so let’s wait and see it’ll be a battle it’ll be a battle but I you do need to repeat that it will be the the summer of 2024 that that release Clause goes into effect not January 1 so there

Won’t be much talk about frong from here on out but we’ll talk about frong later I have a feeling yes um but question that I was going to have and you kind of already covered this and I’d love to hear what other people say if Jeremy

Frong was 24 and we didn’t know there was a U23 Team of the Year coming right directly after this uh what more could he have done except maybe do what he has done this past season for Arsenal or for Real Madrid what more could he have done

To be top right back let’s put it like this in 2024 he could be the best right back in the world considered how leaving by lusen and going to a United and Arsenal team and being established as world class for many people having a strong Euros for the Netherlands he

Could be a surprising player next to chavy Simmons and lead up to a semi-final or a final so if those things happen and by lusen is Champion too with chav alono with even more assists and goals Frank Paul will will be widely seen definitely as a top three right

Back in the world so or the best let’s see let’s wait and see but my best defense 2023 so I have their second and goal I have left back di Maru and my two Center back pairing with konal dend European treble winner and my right back is ashimi the playmaking is through the

Roof and the speed semifinalist first African team ever in the semi-finals of the World Cup and he had a hand so important all right and my defense uh in the team of the year for 2023 at goalkeeper I went safe with the mids of

Allison uh my left back is TE uh is um Alex Grimaldo my controversial pick uh for Bayer lusin my Center back Duo is Ruben Diaz yes as you mentioned the treble winner even though 2023 was not necessarily his best year uh and next to him rewarding his not breakout but his

Consistency I’m going Kim andji for Bayern Munich and then at right back an Napoli that is um and at right back I am going for Akra fimi PSG controversial pick and don’t forget to let your defense down below because we want to see your comments and your suggestions

To to see if we got somewh right I think I got more I I think mine’s right Breton though I think not to have a debate here between us two but let’s see if we agree with the defensive mid because a European treble did happen but London is

New and a rebuild team happened because of other signing who’s your best defensive mid I I think you’ve set it up very nicely I’m going to go for the safe pick here uh we know what Manchester City looks without rodri and we also know what Manchester City looks like Rod one

Is a treble winner and the other is one one win in six matches um so I am G to have to say rodry here Manchester City but I do completely understand the other side Dean rice winning the conference league with West Ham I know uh David Moyes is right now trying to basically

Say what more do you all want from me what am I supposed to do I don’t have a foreign country or I don’t have a a state fund backing me with massive transfer bucks what more can I do I win the conference League I get you a hundred and some million dollars for

Dean rice and Dean rice walks on over uh to Arsenal and becomes possibly no not possibly he becomes the most important person in that side without missing a step and they are currently um at or near the top of the table are they at the top of the table is it Liverpool it’s

Liverpool I understand where you’re coming from here brettson the best defensive mid in the world for me is Kadri but it’s a hard discussion between gadri and Dean rice why Dean rice because what he did the conference league as you mentioned and he’s the most important player of Arsenal but

It’s hard not to say Kish like Kish is 28 expect aont in his career please go to Barcelona Barcelona needs you and Kish I think needs Barcelona to be considered once again the best defensive mid in the world ahead of Kadri and Dean rice cuz now it seems to be flip the

Switch but the best defensive mid in international football for me is the player that could be playing Center back for Real Madrid the next couple of months is Chu Mani Chua manyi for the French national team is unreal and when he plays a defensive mid it’s almost

Like he’s two players two players at once he’s ridiculous and he’s vital for that team so I wanted to give a special credit to that and ugar P are two defensive mids that for me are in the top 10 discussion and they were at sporting with kuar that was keer

Development and at PSG ugar in terms of ball winning uh Midfield he’s one of the best in the world right now no discussion so I wanted to give credit to those players too cuz they’ve been vital for them for their for their teams or zubie meni AB forgot zuie meni zuie meni

Real assoads uh you know key hey we’re if we’re going to keep going um you know little little Matt’s weaer love would be there uh from a breakout perspective but no nowhere near nowhere near the the team of the Year we’re talking to talk 23 we we are you’re right you’re right I

Don’t even know if I have him there for my my under 23 I have to uh I have to go back and and take look I’ve already forgotten um that’s what the sickness is doing to me all right so who else is in your Midfield then so my best Midfield

Of 2023 I have godri in the defensive mids slot I have Jude Bellingham and I have Kevin De bruyne Jude Bellingham is the best midfielder in the world right now but Kevin De Bru has been injured and we haven’t seen him in the Champions League I’m dying to see how man city

Will be playing and imagine a Champions League final between Real Madrid and Man City Jude Bellingham versus Kevin De bruyne who is the best midfielder and maybe the best player in the world or Jude Bellingham Holland I’m focusing on the wrong two players maybe Oh my days

But it’s so mad that they were both at dormund it it is so mad so mad um although Jude Bellingham was not I mean he was basically a different person at at uh Dortmund in terms of how he was used right true uh it took an chalati to

Unlock what we’re seeing right now that’s for dang sure um okay I’ve got another controversy here uh I’ve got at DM rodri for Manchester City I have uh Jude Bellingham Real Madrid 14 goals seven assists last season for Dortmund which I don’t think people realize that

He actually did score quite a few goals um for Dortmund as well um and then he moves to Real Madrid and he’s automatically becoming a flipping Legend uh 17 goals five appearance uh five assists in 20 appearances and uh he’s literally catered to uh uh by one of the

Best managers on the planet uh in Carlo anchala so uh that is a shoe in we’ve already talked about that whether or not we put him in the U23 as well uh or replace him with somebody else that’s the question but my Midfield 2023 Team of the Year rodri Manchester City Jude

Bellingham Real Madrid and then my nice little controversial pick here because he’s been such a consistent factor for a treble-winning team can you finish the sentence here who is it it’s not Kevin De bruyne Bernard Silva It’s it’s Bernardo Silva yep I’m rewarding consistency always there uh pep pep guioli probably would

Say it himself Kevin De bryo when he’s healthy 100 100% Undisputed starter in this 2023 Team of the Year for dang sure but Bernardo Silva if you take away his uh performance in the first leg versus Bayern and you take away his second leg performance on their March to the UCL

Title against second leg performance against Real Madrid mhm and I don’t think Manchester City are winning the dang thing Bernardo Silva while he doesn’t uh you know call for the same attention that Kevin De bruyne does uh he doesn’t have that same difference making capability game in game out he

Very much showed up for uh for Manchester City in their run to a historic treble last season I’m going to reward that because I don’t know how much more he could do right how much more he could do uh to get into this team of the year he could

Do Bron I understand what you’re saying about Bernard Silva but it’s the attention of Bernard Silva and the Roa it’s both added I don’t think Bernard Silva would have given be given that space without Kevin De bruyne too well let let’s take it a step further then Bernardo Silva for Portugal hasn’t

Played his best but you guys have been a pretty formidable side in all of 2023 has been the best midfielder of Portugal right but Brun fernan didn’t win the the treble right true so I’m I’m I am taking into consideration here uh country when it comes as well for that

And on top of that we are not I mean you can’t give equal waiting I understand that uh to the first half of 2023 2024 but again I’m rewarding consistency I think you and I had these same battles last season 2 uh with when I think I was

In Portugal at this time we were talking World Cup but we were doing these teams as well um and it it for me it just feels impossible not to have Bernardo Silva in this team of the Year based on how how uh omnipotent he has been for

Them um and I have to reward that I I I get de bruyne I obviously I get de bruyne um but hasn’t been there this first half of the season and uh and Bernardo Silva is is just I mean to me he deserves it I think the the only

Player that I I had like constricting thoughts like Bernard Silva was I don’t have I have I have kodri I have Jude Bellingham I have Kevin De bruyne my biggest snubs are Bernard Silva true but I think another uh Delan rice and another player is valver too it was very

Hard for me not to put federo Val in this team because of all the defensive action he has and offensive actions that he caters to he does he’s a two-edged sword he can do everything federo Val so it’s it’s an interesting one well well before we move on from the mid my 2024

Pick and I want to see him take another step uh nowhere close the team of the year but you got to give some love to the most assists provided in the calendar year does not go to De bruyne uh it does not go to Bruno Fernandez it

Goes to Joey verman of PSV uh was doing it in the first half of the year for them has broken into a very intriguing and growing and still relatively young Dutch national team under Coman and uh I want to see in 2024 him take that next

Step who that should be with um that’s that’s a question probably for our next episode in the beginning of 2024 when we talk transfers of these 2023 breakout players uh but I I got had to give him one last shout in 2023 because Joey verman has had

Himself one amazing year an amazing year um but no he’s he’s not up there with de bruyne or Bernardo Silva or any of the ones we’re talking about here so recap it for me who’s your Midfield my Midfield is hodri Jude Bellingham and Kevin De bruyne who is your Midfield

Brettson my Midfield is rodri Bernardo Silva and Jude Bellingham oh and and if it was me they would be say Portuguese bias Portuguese bias so I’m H I’m happy it was you preton I’m happy it was why I can say this well you know I almost said

Tyler Adams but he’s been injured that’s a good one that’s a good one but now the Fords who are the Fords who is the attacking Trio the best under 23 no best team of 2023 Trio in your opinion Breton I I mean there’s no real controversy here is there uh except

Except maybe oh okay Striker there could be could be I like it well uh I think there is controversy in at striker yeah okay all right here we go you’re right uh my left wing is kilan mbappe 42 goals in the calendar year eight assists so 50 goal involvements um competing with Venus

Competing with kavar skilia Rafa Lea no he’s got 49 goals this calendar year for well yeah I’m sorry you count you count country to uh that was Club only apologies 49 goals in the calendar year you’re right and I did not change my stats here I know theats you know I got

To know the 2023 oh I I I know you know them you’re very very into that right but on on the right side because we’ll save the best for last on the right side I I had to go with mosala um a lot of people look at earling Holland and they

Say you know far in away best attacking output in the Premier League um but you know solid is not that far behind what is has been a oneman wrecking machine uh at least through that treble winning year for erling Holland so he I I think this season he’s neck and neck with

Earling Holland with 18 direct goal involvements in the Premier League um so moala is moala um 29 goals 19 assists just for Club in the calendar year and uh we’ll we’ll see what winds up happening with afcon but mosala is my right wi and I don’t see too much

Controversy with that statement uh where the cont controversy lies for me is my Striker is and I think you know this because I did predict him to be the uh calendar winning whatever goal scorer of the 2023 calendar year and that is Harry Kane 51 goals so far in the calendar

Year amidst the switch in the club amids to step away from his comfort zone 52 now oh see everything’s just off for me and that’s going against he’s also an assist provider uh that’s going against erling Holland it’s going against Laro Martinez it’s going against Victor Osan it’s going against you know

You name it but Harry Kane I I don’t know what you want to say right now but if I had to take Harry Kane or earling Holland for a Champions League final tomorrow who would you take I’d take erling Holland could he’s because he’s one

PR yeah but uh a lot of people would fight back at that say was ear Holland even in the final of the Champions League I get you I get you I Get You Where You’re The Difference Maker the Difference Maker was Harry Kane also has importance where at massive importance

At Bayern Munich he has massive importance in a uh a UEFA uh 2024 Euros favorite Waltzing through qualifying because a Harry Kane wearing the captain’s band at times you you factor that in and you after that against earling Holland’s impact for Norway I get it that there’s two different Talent

Levels for teams but Norway barely put up a fight in that EUR qualifying I think a good argument biggest disappointment I think it’s a good argument and we didn’t mention odard and all this we mentioned the bit Brun Fen too but I understand where you’re coming

From with Harry Kane in front of earling Holland my best attacking Trio in 2023 I have at rightwing Mo Salah maybe the best African player we’ve seen in the premier League I have a striker the European treble winner Holland I know the most important Striker is Harry Kane

It’s a big debate and at left wing I have killan mbappe ahead of venu Jr it hurts me not to put venu Jr but mbappe is the best left Winger in the world is Undisputed right now and the truth is kilin mppe is 25 years old the world is

Now saying why isn’t he winning a Balon door still and the pressure is on right now kiling must be a bondor top three player in the next 5 years which I think he will be without injuries no doubt but he must win he must win and winning is with a

Euros win or going to Madrid which I think will be the best decision for him to do well I don’t know maybe Liverpool with all this controversy but uh we can save that for another episode but kin mbapp for France Chua manyi for France tandez for France they’re all the best

In their respect Ive positions and he’s a leader at 25 captain of fronts how how cool was it to see Killing mbapp share the pitch with his 16-year-old brother making his debut for PSG Ethan mbappe at 16 years old um I mean that’s pretty amazing stuff it also makes me feel

Ancient because kilan mbapp is 25 now uh he’s nine years Ethan senior uh and there they are sharing the pitch together PSG is going to be a team to watch let me ask you this the four most valuable players by transfer market are Jude bellam erling Holland venu Jr

Killan mbappe all valued at 180 million who would you pick for your team oh gosh oh gosh um I I I mean killing mbappe I’d maybe put Jude Bellingham after this season I know he’s with en celotti but for me he’s the bondor winner right now I I agree with you in

That sense it’s just I am going a little bit on you know what they say in investing don’t base uh future Returns on past returns ever and that’s basically what I’m doing here with KY dbae uh impactful in different games can turn it up at least on the international

Level but yeah he does need that Champions League uh there and I guess so does Jude Bellingham exactly exactly and in the Euros look imagine if England win the Euros with Jude Bellingham being the big Catalyst already the bondor talk is like you must have hurry Kane and gud

Bellingham in the top five it’s going to be a mad year in 2024 it’s going to be so much it’s funny it’s funny because on the right side we’ve barely even talked about I I know what the comment’s goingon to say it’s GNA say what does bukai Osaka play

Golf very important very important for England uh always there I think a lot of what he has done for Arsenal hasn’t necessarily up on will we though hasn’t necessarily shown up on the um on the stat sheet as much as I think we’re giving him credit for so yeah bukai Saka

I think has I don’t know what he needs to do um probably win a Champions League or win the Premier League win a trophy but bukai Saka is not done being heard from uh 2024 is going to be just as big for him I’ll be mentioning Saka ahead

Okay I’m not hinting anything but if you know you know people my my best team of 2023 is Stan in goal then a left back di Maru and aim at right back best Midfield I put kodri Kevin De brua Jude Bellingham and my attacking Trio with Salah Holland and killan mbappe it sens

Me not to put Vini nor Griezmann nor Bernard Silva all world class players but this is a world class team so not even not even a mention until then of Antoine Griezmann not even I had to mention him I know alltime goal scorer of Atletico Griezmann and for the French

National team it will be his last dance in the Euros which don’t be surprised if he’s a key player in which France win the world the euros and he’s like yeah in the team of the true team of the tournament but but crazier is that he still becomes the atleti leading goal

Scorer or he’s tied right with Lis aragones at the top uh even after that Insanity um of the the the move to Barcelona and then the move back um so broken up I don’t think he started his first game or played his first game for atleti until he was 23 years old which

Seems a little bit late um to then go on to become the leading goal scorer uh but pretty pretty impressive consistency for Antoine Griezmann and you can’t argue if we’re talking about the club form can’t argue his form for France his versatility for France and uh they’re

Going to need him even at 32 or 33 they’re going to need him if they’re going to win this over England over Portugal uh next summer so yeah in recap My Team of the Year for 2023 my goalkeeper is Allison my defense is Alex Grimaldo Byer lusin Benfica my

Center back pairing is Ruben Diaz and Kim minji at Bayern Munich and Napoli and my right back is Akra aimi my Midfield is rodri Bernardo Silva and J UD Bellingham and my attack is kilan mbappe up top is Harry Kane and my right side is

Moala big team big team but let us know down below your team of 2023 who should shouldn’t have we have subbed sned and I even feel sorry I didn’t put a said now that I’m seeing things on canil canil for Barcelona has been pretty important

But now we’re FC Wonder kid we got to talk about under 23 players and the best team of under 23 players in this talk to it’s a very hard one in certain positions but we’re going to be putting a spotlight on many players that wouldn’t be talked as much as they will

Be in this conversation but again let us know down below your choices for the best team of under 23 players of 2023 who’s your goalkeeper Bretton I don’t know I I I want you to start on this one I want to see where you’re going with

This I have a feeling I have a feeling his I have a feeling his start for Benfica um might might have him at the top of the list here so I think we’re in in concert here with your goalkeeper being Trin yes Jo is 24 now so I can’t

Put him in the best under 23 talk anymore it’s my first year I haven’t do done so so I’m going to be putting duin one of the players that is key for bef to be the less conceited defense in Premier Liga it’s because of atali trin’s impact the best signing of

Benfica this season and they signed Di Maria so truin has been absolutely vital in the short period of time since he’s arrived at Benfica so he’s my goalkeeper but it sadden me not to put ver buan that is my number two yeah um I’m I’m with you there but I think Anatoli

Trouin going from uh well what he’s done for Ukraine as well uh but also uh going into Benfica it was a little shaky at first and now I think in just the last month um he’s already he’s he’s won himself quite the the following at Benfica and quite the love at Benfica

Deson there’s a lot of people that still hate him unfortunately he still needs to convince a lot of people yeah watching the games they watching the games the St back yeah there’s a lot of people that do that do back it’s and I don’t I don’t agree with those people okay watching

Those games live in the stadium I see some people criticizing Trin still which is blasphemy blasphemy just putting a kid more nervous like and you’re keep the only other yeah and and he’s so young too I mean he’s GNA grow into this and he already he already has a lot of the the

The physical um talents to become a you world class goalkeeper or is a world class goalkeeper he’s only going to improve uh more and more each time out whereas I think vados uh hit his ceiling a very long time ago as Forest fans uh found out the other

Day uh but the only other guy that I would mention you mentioned Bart for buan wonderful shout there uh great seeing him get some a few starts uh meslier yeah but James Trafford I think is the other one that surprised us with a wonderful what was it a u20 world cup

U21 yep European World World Cup no Europe yeah that’s right Euros you’re right uh and then following that Burnley open the books he’s had a a fair amount of decent performances for what has been a very bad Burnley transition from Championship to the Premier League which Vincent company is finding that out very

On uh very quickly but England has a great young goalkeeper in James Trafford but I don’t think either of them beats an anat truen at this moment so glad to see we’re in agreement theread Trin Bart buan uh gestes the under 21 French goalkeeper that you absolutely love from

To L the player with the most minutes played right brettson and mes for France he’s he’s still young and he still can make something happen and the Valencia Georgian goalkeeper mamar chivi I hope I’m saying it right mamar yes exactly and he’s a bowler great player now who in front of thrin

Who’ you have in the four at the back it’s going to be very hard mate oh mate I know I am I am a cheater definitely for this one there are snubs here uh my left back I’m cheating here I’m going to put yosco gardial for Manchester City um just yeah you know

Leipzig um did win their second consecutive dfb Poco uh and then he comes over and while he hasn’t been insanely dominant for Manchester City if you can come in and transition into a Pep Guardiola lead team um without turning anybody against you uh then gavard has done enough to himself here

He was in the team of the world like and and that was going to be my breaking of the tie versus saying Alfonso Davies or obviously the one I’d love to talk about here long may it continue is Destiny oogi 21 years old starting to kind of break his way into

The Italian setup uh also moved from Udan over to Spurs and has looked very decent for them with a with a few hiccups so left back for me is gavardo should I do the whole defense mhm you can do it yeah yeah we and then we and

Then we talk by piece Yeah by position okay uh so left back for me is josco gardial Manchester City Center back pairing for me is William CBA I think everybody knew that one was coming uh Arsenal and then it is Antonio Silva Bena I’ll explain I don’t know if I even

Have to explain but Antonio Silva for Benfica is my uh per a partner with CBA and Center back and my right back is Jeremy frong and I’m GNA say it right now this back four of gavardo Silva taliba and frong I mean you could probably even put that up in the team of

The year and I’d be okay with it I’d be okay with it in just the sense of that that is a wonderful defense that is a wonderful defense world class defense for under 23 definitely definitely but uh but brettson I think we disagree with some positions here here uh I think at

Left back the best left back of 2023 I’m going to put Bal because Bal was in the top defense for barcel in La Liga and he was vital towards the La Liga title and he’s the Spanish National Team starter ahead of Grimaldo so I’ll put Bal at

Left back I put CBA Josh kardol and my right back I know Frank pong has been immense but yeah I’ll put Frank pong but it silence me not to put Rico Lewis Rico Lewis for England he’s already important in the fact that he’s already there at

19 and for Man City he’s the player with most minutes played in the Champions League and assists too so my best defense of 2023 I have Bal saliva gardol Fring pong and Alat anat truin at goalkeeper but again Rico Lewis saddens me not to put and udogie UD DOI I put UD

DOI maybe for what he’s doing at Tottenham ahead of Alonso David that hasn’t been the same player as we’ve seen in the past and please come back n m please come back n m but the best center backs the best under 23 center backs in 2023 you have guardio CBA

Antonio Silva Jal hatu a very important player for ax now he was already captain at 17 too gonu and who could I be forgetting Breton di uh di oh yeah two players at SP absolutely two players at spting but you are you are drawing those

Uh that list there I have an even longer list for you 2023 was ripped away by injury from uh from Dutch center backs or Dutch defenseman okay uh Jeremy Fring pong for those that don’t know Jeremy frong uh represents the Dutch national team on top of that some uh Mickey vanen before

His injury absolutely phenomenal Yuri and Timber had already won over Arsenal fans before his injury um another Sven Sven botman for Newcastle was just rounding into form before his long-term injury and he is coming back so I’m G to say it you already mentioned jel HTO we mentioned frong previously I

Will throw out there in a lesser extent uh queni Hartman who has been amazing for fyord but the Dutch defensive core if you were worried about Van Dyk ever you know stepping away from the team I’m not worried I’m not worried at all now I am worried about them keeping healthy so

I guess that I am worried but I just wanted to say like those names if they could have extended that form throughout the whole year this Center back pairing would be CBU would be in there but Antonio Silva for me would be up for discussion um but just back to my

Antonio Silva pick gavard all on the left side allowed me to make room for Anton Silva because I don’t think we’ve given him enough credit in the calendar year of 2023 the breakout role he played for Benfica and yes sometimes at the biggest stage that comes with mistakes

But you can’t tell me that there is a center back with a high higher ceiling in Portugal or to be honest maybe even in all of Europe right now next to William celba than Antonio Silva It’s diand it’s between diand and Antonio Silva maybe Breton under 20 B 23 people

If you understand this discussion it’s more than physical prowess it’s mentality and daman’s going to be going to KH to the African nations cup and we have Antonio Silva that is vital for the Portuguese national team already a stter to I cannot disagree with what you’re saying because he’s a center back and

Center backs tend to grow physically after their 20 okay so very interesting Shout by brettson and I love to see it it wasn’t me putting Bernard Silva nor Antonio Silva in this podcast but yes Midfield again put we got to put Jude Bellingham he’s the obvious pick in

The under 23 Midfield but who would you put without Jude Bellingham in the under 23 Midfield I know it’s it’s almost sad to put Jude Bellingham in this because there are so many there’s a couple other will I’ve got a with I have a with and a

With them okay oh good all right all right well then I’ll give you my with and then I can give you my without unless you want to go first but uh you go go I’m ready okay uh mine will be I don’t think this is controversial it’s

Not actually at all um my Midfield is Gab Barcelona uh Dominic soas for Hungary for rby leig for Liverpool and Jude Bellingham so you know little attacking no Straight live but I have one zity or ahead of him maybe and I know Jam and Chavi Simmons we’re not talking

About them but still waren zry he was vital for Champions League PSG for them to go through Wen Z ‘s the youngest goal scorer ever uh for the French national team and he’s going to be a starter in the Euros my best Midfield in 2023 under

23 players is Wen Z Emy gavi and Jude Bellingham and if it was out and if it was out Jude Bellingham I would or have VZ or have Ron because Ron was vital for bef to win that title without Enzo Fernandez and vir is what VZ is the alltime uh no not

The alltime VZ is the top assister in leagues right now uh with bukay Saka with 12 assists so yeah well but but no no uh Jamal musala no shavei Simmons um this this was harder for me than the team of the year uh when it comes to it

But Dominic so soas live for me uh come on going from RB leig to Liverpool having a ridiculously outsized impact already on the season at hand uh won a dfb PO with leig second in a row uh before leaving and then what kind of was

The cherry on top and I know zier Emy wound up being the youngest ever to score for Lay BL or the youngest ever to uh win a cap for leay BL in over a 100 years but Dominic soas not single-handedly but he led at 23 he led

Hungary to 2024 Euros next summer and on top of that they have the capacity to make it out of their group and I don’t know surprise a few people in Germany uh in fact I think a few of us are expecting it uh and a lot of that would

Not be um right to say without soas in that lineup so uh that’s why I felt like I had to have him here um I am casting out Arts I’m in out zier em xia Nev uh shavei Simmons up top behind Bellingham my goodness floran verz should get bonus points here uh you

Should almost bring him not neck and neck with Bellingham but only a a ston throw below him because Florian vers of what he went through to get back and then to have the ridiculous 2023 that he has had it it defies All Odds based on the injury that he was coming back from

I got to give him all the credit in the world 10 months it’s and and how fast he’s come back with chabby Alonso Bayern Bayer lusin wouldn’t be unbeaten and they wouldn’t have 81 goal 81 goals scored without flood and vs with victar bunny face the duo that makes everything

Tick at Bayer lusin but if we were to do a start bench C Bron with gavi with VZ and with a shvi Simmons how would you do it with gav VZ and Chavi Simmons oh well it’s very I’ve I’ve always I mean I’m gonna start Florian

Verz um we we know how important Gabi is to Barcelona now uh we we probably underrated him previous to that yeah uh but in terms of the DN dynamism or the the dynamic nature of floran verz and and how quickly he has become the go-to for a shabi Alonzo team that has been

Ridic ridiculously dominant uh and how that form started at the beginning when he returned from injury at the beginning of 2023 um I gotta say start floran verz I gotta say bench gavi and I’ll sell shavei Simmons I agree much as I love shavi Simmons I agree with you the first

Half of the year was PSV einthoven right uh amazing but shabi Simmons is in the process of showing us that he’s one of the better players in all the German Bundesliga all three are ballers but V SA goson 12 assists boy oh boy has he been balling out and gavi now it’s an

Unfortunate injury and even with a pedri Enzo kavinga I would start bedri I would bench kavinga and I would sell Enzo because it wasn’t a good decision to go to Chelsea and when kaminga is back he’s going to be balling and pedri just needs a defensive M to be signed please Kish

Go to Bara or zuie M just someone please that is can can add extreme value to that team but now well who are we who who are we missing Breton you’re going to say we are missing who oh no no no no no no you you had just me mentioned

Enzo and Ka one of the big thing yeah one of the big things with kaeto with Enzo Romeo Lavia who has come back great to see him back in training for them um all of these guys that they have signed to long-term deals one of the things

That I am I’m not going to say excited about but that I’m interested in seeing in 2024 is that when things go south or when they fall down the pecking order and I’m not suggesting that any of these great players are going to fall down the

Pecking order at Chelsea but if they do I’m really interested to see with these longterm contracts how much Mobility Chelsea has with offloading them true and that that is going to be something that has got to be watched and I didn’t mean to go on a tangent here for that

But we’re already starting to see like Axel daasi and Ben wadia shile might be wanting to step away from Chelsea I’ve seen some new do I don’t know if it’s true or not but mudri might be might be necessary to move out of Chelsea to get the best player so yeah brettson you’re

Going into a tangent true but in an important tangent it is let us know down below what is your thoughts about the Chelsea future with Tod boily but uh attack here uh I’m interesting to know because you said sounded quite receptive towards talking about sakah of in this

Episode yeah no I I I don’t have that much uh boldness here my left wing my left wing is venius JR uh my Striker is earling Holland kind of a cheat because I didn’t have earling Holland in my team of the year so I felt

Like I could put him here at 23 uh he gets relegated only because of his form for Norway though that’s it um rightwing for me here is bukai oaka um although although I think I’m going to annoy a lot of people I think I’m going to annoy

A lot of people here because Saka is not my right not my right wing Saka is not my right wing Bron but before you even put his name out there I do agree with probably everything you’re about to say on that rightwing argument because he has sneakily sneakily if you’re going to

Say the name I think you’re going to say he has had one of the best seasons um obviously the best seasons of his career uh so he deserves to be here uh when you say name but for me Bayo Saka while his stats don’t necessarily match up uh with

Who you’re I think you’re about to say um Iron Man an Iron Man yeah man I got to say Saka though so I got to know who’s your right wing man so my best attack in 2023 under 23 players I’ve got ven Jr left wing I’ve got erling Holland

Striker and I have a right wing sorry English fans is Rodrigo grigo go in his last nine games for M he’s got eight goals five assists three man of the match performances and 35 successful dribbles if you’re not watching if you’re not watching Real Madrid because

You only watch Prem I’m sorry people but Rodrigo has been carrying carrying a Real Madrid team next to Jude Bellingham without a striker nor without venu Jr imagine telling people last season that Real Madrid would be the position that they’re at without Benz without ven people would say you’re mad and it’s

Because of hrio importance and even another stat to back what I’m saying bukay Saka alltime stats for Arsenal is 202 games 46 goals 52 assists Rodrigo alltime stats for Real Madrid is 19 189 games 47 goals and 38 assists I guarantee you people when he gets to 200

Or to 202 in this case Rodrigo will be a lot closer and in my view for what he’s done to be at madri at galactico it’s very hard to stay at the top and in a team like this I go hrio but I do respect that bukay Saka is one of the

Best players of the English national team and he is one of the best players if not top top three with SBA Dean rice and Saka in this Arsenal team but I pick hrio go I there you go so I was I thought you were headed in that direction and I I

Said down here I was like there’s actually a very solid argument to be made about Rodrigo over Saka Saka for me his importance goes beyond though Arsenal uh to England and in there’s a there’s a minor little caveat to your career statistics with Arsenal right now

Didn’t he spend quite a bit of time playing at left back a little more defensively at left back yeah I do remember that that he was a Swiss army knife um in his breakout Seasons uh since artetta took over four years ago but another counter argument is 202

Games he started a lot of them because of his quality too but Rodrigo has 189 games a lot of them is coming out of the bench and let’s remind that one of the biggest iconic moments of this decade of Madrid comes from a header of Rodrigo go

Against Man City that if it wasn’t for him HRI if it wasn’t for him they wouldn’t have won a Champions League nor Benzema wouldn’t have won a Balon doru so already at such a young Agee Rodrigo is vital and a reference but I’m mentioning Rodrigo in Brazil do we think

That in the 2024 best team of the Year we’re gonna have HRI corvit Hon oh that’s that that is the question I think it’s more likely that we see endri under ancelotti in the 20 24 Team of the Year I don’t know assuming Anila stays then we see VOR Roa here I think

Comes in January for Barcelona and for because they’re the the team withit most chance missed and the team with the most the less efficiency in La Liga I think VOR Ro could come to La Liga could start and could have more than 10 goals in La Liga straight away and that would be

M oh he’s starting uh Barcelona’s Midfield stability is is more of a worry for me in terms of how successful vctor Roa is uh uh with him getting started so you know Barcelona needs to get that right I know they’ll probably look for a loan or they’ll probably you know it

Just feels weird seeing La Porta all over the place going we really like this new Super League a22 blah blah blah where he wants money he wants the ability to sign who he wants to sign I get that um but I think that that Midfield stability that gavy replacement

Not quite replacement but at least uh somebody that they can get in there with him um well I think they need to look at like Andre at flumen maybe they could get him on a loan something like that they need that Midfield stability before VOR Roa can go

Hard Andre Andrea could leave to Fulham for 20 million and I’m shocked with that price tag it’s a big bargain and a excellent replacement for J pin that people are saying Arsenal Liverpool or Bayern Munich if Arsenal get him they’re automatically my favorites towards winning the Premier League it puts in

Risk the four in a row for Man City well then who’s your G substitute I mean do you don’t think holds some s over some of these Brazilian clubs you don’t think he could maybe get Andre in uh I I think he could get Andre in but I don’t know

If Andre is the CDM that Barca should be investing big time money the way the way I see a team like Bara in terms of uh project uh strategy is you sign a player you’re expecting that player to be at Bara the 5 10 years I’m sick of seeing

Bara signing players and staying with the them 3 years 5 years I love gundan but Gund I want the gundan 25 27 I don’t want the gundog right now and I love the gundog signing but still you need to have established players in that starting 11 and a team like barza that

Plays a Flo tiaka a vertical one now with Chavi very direct more direct than in the past you don’t have the busets player the most important player in the flow of the Midfield that doesn’t make sense to me and that’s why I think Joshua Kish will be going to Bara maybe

But still it’s a risk it’s a risk for kish’s career because of everything that’s happening so I don’t know but right now vtor HW 45 games 21 goals eight assists this season for Atletico Paran and hendrik this season had 53 games 14 goals one assist he’s two years

Younger but he’s going to go bold at Real Madrid at a higher standard in my view and more Prestige is associated now to Real Madrid T then to Bara so if VOR H changes the mentality and the culture right now in terms of the attack at Bara

That would be a huge statement for him and that’s that’s a short-term period statement that would make him a starter in the Brazilian national team if VOR H imagine 20 goals for for Bara from January to the summer Brazil is like we got to start this guy how don’t we

Start but mate it’s it’s just a b discuss brail has their yeah they’ve they’ve got their their own question marks and other right Wingers that we didn’t mention there’s Lal kubu Jo Yan bakayoko that is teing up at of the Visa Yan bakayoko for me would be the Winger

To go to Liverpool in terms of the way he thinks and how fast he is and Strikers to Breton Evan Ferguson Victor bunny face Santiago gimz exactly who is you pick of these three for your team H Evan Bonny face or sanago menes I mean I I love I love Ferguson’s finishing um

But Santiago Jimenez has been an absolute Iron Man for fyord so I hate to say it I’d pick an L tree Striker over Evan Ferguson at the moment but we on the left side too we have we have written we have written cavana out of existence in 2023 and he

And Victor oen are one of the are the that duo is pretty much the sole reason y Napoli ended a 30y year uh uh wait for a scudetto that and Kim andji and all that we mention and spalti spalti without spetti Napoli doesn’t do anything kavar skilia Nico Williams

Deserves a shout as well um breaking into the Spanish national team also being immense for atletic bil BAU and also breaking from uh inaki Williams from his older brother uh they’re they’re not loyal but who they play for from a national team perspective so tough decisions made in 2023 for Nico

Williams but he is now going to be one of the most coveted Wingers um probably in the 2024 transfer market him and kubu kubu he’s a bargain for many other teams too so you got NCO Williams bakayoko kuu like you got many midfielders that will be changing clubs

Maybe next summer and it’s so because of the quality that they are demonstrating another player Lal he’s 17 you never know how it goes in the next year and he will be playing at Bara and Winger and the other player I think is a buold shout and I don’t want to forget seeing

Him is josua xery because xery for this bologa team they’re right now in the top five of the CIA because of tag M to but he’s got a 40 million release Clause 40 million I could see a lot of teams in the Prem or even La Liga be saying look

Why not take a risk on this guy that is bowling out in sedia for bologna so let’s let’s wait and see where they’re going to stop but best managers young managers in the world right now to watch chabi Alonso balling out of lusen Franchesco foli one of the best defenses

In the world in the top top seven leagues huin for sporting will still for stat am I forgetting anyone Breton well you are forgetting Thiago Mota at bolog tago bolog too yes you know it it that bolognia team has been pretty amazing uh and also that they’ve assembled a lot of

Their squad with castoffs right um KH uh kala fiori was a castoff from Roma uh xery I believe that if he winds up going elsewhere I believe Byron has first rer refusal to buy him back could be wrong about that but I think he does um and

There are others in that Squad go look at that roster um from Lis Ferguson has been like their their 10 and their Captain yeah um so I think only two losses this year and they just beat uh inter yep the Italia so this this ain’t a flash in the pan we’ll

See how the second half of the season goes um but it is a great story that’s brewing in Syria uh I know Napoli approached Thiago mot when speta stepped down and Mota said nope happy here not going anywhere has won seven seven C titles they’ve got their own history too

Napoli won three with Maradona Big Time Reliance and un spetti Reliant because no spalet nothing there’s a MLS uh connection there the Montreal owners and the bolognia owners are the same so the put family uh so that’s why you see a lot of bolognia players go to and from

Smaller smaller players like uh Lewis Binks um I’m forgetting a few others help me out in the comments section hickey played in bolog Aron hickey Matt they had LS Ferguson and hickey two players of the Scottish national team Oh my days that’s good go and get Matt O’Reilly next no Celtic ain’t selling

Him cheap that is a player interesting player mentioned there at the end brettson for sure and ending chabi alonso’s form with B lusen the first manager to be 25 games in the Bundesliga unbeaten is 25 games 22 wins three draws so let’s wait and see what’s going to

Happen until the summer because if lusen win the Bundesliga it wasn’t Dortmund to break the 10e win of the Bundesliga title of Bayern Munich it was CH I never mentioned I never mentioned bony face bunny I said bunny face and the Santiago gimes start Ben shelder and you picked

Santiago gimenes so it was kind of it was kind of mentioned no no no I take that back do not cut me do not put that online sir I miss the Bony face I have right here in Fr EV Ferguson Bonny face Santiago ganes you would go with Who

Start Victor bony face I would bench Santiago gimenez and I would sell Evan Ferguson I believe I believe Evan Ferguson start has a higher cap than him start Avan startan the starter of the Irish national team I’m joking I go bunny face too but that that bony face

Vers bony face vs love that that that romance that that is brewing there under shabi Alonzo that is the most intriguing Partnership of 2024 that’s for D sure and if shabi Alonzi shabi Alonzi shabi alono winds up moving to another club I wonder um if it’s a club that has some

Financial clout which I highly expect it will be I wonder which one of that piece or if both could follow him to his next team but there’s so many pieces you’d want to take with you at lus I think that ideal position for that to happen would be chabi Alonso going to Bayern

Munich and bringing him with him Florian VZ to be the Eternal substitute of Thomas Müller right now the Bayern Munich Team without Muller suffer he should play a lot more than he does I don’t understand Tel sometimes but if they get the best manager play in the Bundesliga and one of the best

Youngsters if not the best youngster next to Jamal musala everything would change that’s a bold discussion but let us know do you agree with our team of 2023 our under 20 23 team of 2023 let us know what have we missed and yes next week we’re going to have a break people

We’re not going to be putting out the Monday show on Monday so don’t expect the podcast to be coming out that Monday but we’ll we we will be back the following Monday a lot stronger and with many more topics to discuss because we’ll have the boxing day reaction we’re

Going to have transfer news that that was already happen and we’re going to have the leagues back so we’re going to have some uh some big topics to talk about thank you and speaking speaking of having backs we want to thank each and every one of you for tuning in for

Downloading uh for being with us since we started this what two plus years ago 137 episodes ago um but I know at the end of the year is when we always give our thanks we should give it every week um but we appreciate you tuning in all

The time and please let us know anything more you’d like uh or if you’d like to come on our show uh but talk to us reach out to us and we appreciate every comment every like um every dislike every argument um but here’s to a really happy healthy 2024 for everybody 2024 FC

Wonder kid is going to be cooking we got Euros we got Copa America and then we have the 2025 World Cup expectations I’ll be going through the roof because P Brazil they’ll be beating the Brazilian teams there a flamingo a pales a flamz they’re not going to have a

Chance against us let us know down below what have we missed and thank you Happy New Year people have a nice Christmas and thank you for going bold with us another Week

🎄 Merry Christmas Best Community!

🎙 We decided to Film a Bold special topic for this week Podcast. Our Best XI of 2023 and U23 choices.

😃 Hope you Enjoy & Let us know what do you agree or disagree!


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