@Pittsburgh Penguins

Penguins Must Start Hot Following Christmas Break

On this episode, Nick returns from the holiday break to discuss the importance of a Pittsburgh Penguins victory on Long Island as they kick off a season-defining stretch leading up to the All-Star break. Tune In!

The top podcast for the most avid Penguins fans! Tune in as Nick Brlansky and Nick Horwat bring you all of the Pittsburgh Penguins top news and analysis every day! New episodes of “Tip of the Ice-Burgh” on Tuesday & Thursday and “Ice-Burgh To Go” on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

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  1. Pens fan from Long Island here. Not going to this one cause I’m going to PA for the new year game excited ,yet nervous.

  2. They are who they are. Why do we think they are gonna “turn it on” all of a sudden. Those 09 and 15 teams had early 20 and late 20 something at the core of this team. These late 30 core players aren’t gonna just turn it on. It has never worked that way in the history of this game. They are who they are and I’m surprised they aren’t even worse and probably should be if it wasn’t for the play of Ned’s and Jarry this season

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