@Montreal Canadiens

Timelapse of my Ken Dryden painting!

Timelapse of my Ken Dryden painting!

by davemurrayills


  1. davemurrayills

    Hello, Habs Reddit – back again with one more piece of Habs art for 2023.

    This is a 3′ x 4′ painting I did for my dad, for Christmas. It turned out to be one of my favourite pieces I’ve done all year, if not ever. Hope you like it, too!

  2. Booyacaja

    Incredible! Well done. God I wish I could learn to do that but it seems so overwhelming

  3. EasyPanicButton

    is there a specific name for this style? I feel like I should know but being older sucks lol

  4. Whiskeylung

    Fuck dude – I love it. Really like how the helmet pops in contrast to some of the other elements that are a little abstract.

  5. whogivesashirtdotca

    You’ve got a terrific, unique style. Love it. Holy tape, though. What does that do, isolate areas being airbrushed or something?

  6. Electrical-Jicama398

    This is actually incredibly awesome! Fantastic job! I love it!

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