@Boston Bruins

How Can The Bruins Get Back on Track? | Bruins Beat

How Can The Bruins Get Back on Track? | Bruins Beat

If you’re getting a guy like Henri or duclair what have you you’re still gonna have to move out NHL assets to make a deal like that work just because you’re I think last time I checked ruins had about 56,000 in available cap space not great gonna have to get a little

Creative if you really want to bring in any NHL Talent let alone let alone a guy like lindol let alone anybody in any job that’s not that’s not a lot of cap space and welcome into the Bruins beat on clns media my name is Evan marinovsky and

Today I’m joined by Connor Ryan Connor what is up Evan I’m doing well how you doing doing great doing great how was your Christmas was Santa good to you did he get you everything you could have dreamed of of course yes it was a great

Time got a new rowack polo got a new little hat so showing off the new fit still a little festive it’s got little little Bulldogs on it I did not go to the University of Georgia but who doesn’t love bulldogs so rocking rocking the new Christmas fit Evan how about you

How was your Christmas I like it it was good it was relaxing I I think holidays are best personally when they’re relaxing it’s for it’s fun you know it’s you get to do different things you can you know feel fat sitting on the couch there was a lot of football and and

Basketball to watch that was great uh in terms of gifts uh the biggest things were things I picked out myself uh new pants things like that cuz nothing’s worse than getting clothes for Christmas and being like ah these don’t fit and then you know it’s going to be a while

Until you go back to uh get them returned because uh you know you know that the couple days after Christmas the malls and the stores are just zoos and then you know it get starts to go towards new years’s and you forget about

It and so uh I I did all my own shopping in terms of pants and things like that so it that was perfect uh some new clothes I don’t have any of them on right now unfortunately uh and what’s funny is is we were getting sitting down and record this um

I was like man I could use a new light for these and I could use new airpods and I was like huh if only there was a holiday where I could have gotten those as a gift so I was gonna say yeah I got a new little got a new little microphone

I don’t have the plug for it yet but moving forward I’ll have a moving forward hopefully a little bit clearer it’s not just with the airpods but no I feel your pain Evan nice no that’s good that’s good that’s smart um I was uh

Yeah I went I had to go to Best Buy last minute I saw the the podcast stuff I was like damn I should ask for some of that so uh but anyways we play on I think we do okay with what we got I’ll last till

Next Christmas when I can ask for those things I’m sure I’ll forget about them by then uh anyways the Bruins have been on a three-day break they had the 24th the 25th the 26th off as they do every year uh that was the one thing missing

From the last couple days I mean had the world juniors which was nice but wouldn’t hate hated an NHL game on the 26th uh but fortunately the Bruins are back we’re recording this the 27th so they’re back they play the Sabers t on on Wednesday night uh but the Bruins

Have been limping of late really limping of late uh 02 and two in their last four uh one2 and three in their last six uh two well the Winnipeg performance was brutal on Friday night uh five1 loss that was bad and then uh 3-2 narrowly edged out uh in Minnesota

Uh what do you make of this is the sky falling Connor no I wouldn’t say the sky is falling right um I think as we’ve talked about before when this team has hit ups and downs are they as good as they were at the start of the year with

That crazy record no are they as bad as they’ve been the last you know four or five games no they’re somewhere in between maybe not completely in between but they they are a playoff team that should be hovering around the the second or third spot in the Atlantic um they

Still you look at their blueprint in terms of what they should be in terms of being anchored by Elite goal tending and what should be very strong defense they should be a team that is a tough out night at night out have not seen that yet we know about the scoring and I

Think that’s been probably the most uh Stark flaw that we knew going into the year there’s going to be a lot of these one goal games a lot of these situations where this team does not have the Firepower to kind of land that knockout blow and and cruise to a two-goal

Three-goal win um it’s been few and far between this year but that that dirt of scoring plus what I think has been the most uncharacteristic thing which has been the the defense way too many uh chances uh surrendered at the net front way too many struggles against Rush uh

Chances all these things that when you look at the Personnel should be corrected and again every team has you know these LS where their defensive structure is lacking and a lot is left to be desired it’s been a trend all season long and that’s something that

Yes you can look at uh the offense and maybe gaining a guy at the deadline or you know guy like bruss breaking through you have the Personnel in place on defense you need to really fix that right now because it’s not fair to both Lena SAR and Jeremy Swan to you know be

Tasked with you know turning aside you know 10 plus High danger chances night in night out that’s unsustainable even if you got arguably the two best goalies in net every single night and again you know you look back at the beginning of the season and that was what was

Carrying them you know that was what made up for uh you know some uh rough defense in front or lack of scoring and they’ve you know sort of Fallen back to Earth a bit they’re not bad but they’ve just been you know a little above average I’m talking about the two

Goalies and you have to expect that you know I think you have to understand that that’s going to happen uh you’re right about the defense they are way too easy to play against but we’ve we’ve talked a lot about that because it continues to be a problem and as you said this should

Not be a problem lindol Carlo uh makavo you have guys that should be better especially physically uh in front of their own net imposing in the corners uh they struggled to clear the puck out of Their Own Zone I mean there are sequences it was uh you know both

Minnesota games in that third period especially the one at the Garden about a week ago where they could not get out of their own end in the third period and you know there’s just a lack of urgency the other thing is like you know people

Look and go oh the scoring has has dried up and it has but why has the scoring dried up and the biggest reason is they are never in the offensive zone for any extended period of time and when they are the play breaks up you know it just

Goes the other way or there’s a bad pass and they can never really find interior ice and you also look at like I saw I was reading fluto shinzawa today and you call them the one and done Bruins in the offensive zone you know chance off the

Rush boom other way and it’s that has to stop and that’s systemic uh and again just not being able to get to those interior uh interior ice and sustain Zone time this this is an NHL 23 you know Connor I’ll be honest uh my uh my

NHL strategy was always if I was playing a better team pack it in in your own Zone win the game 2-1 hope your goalie you know goes off gets hot I think the reason I don’t love nhl2 24 as much is because the goalies get tired and they

Start to let in goals as the shifts go on and on um but that’s the been the Bruins thing this year and I think a lack of Z of offensive zone time has hurt them just as much as kind of their there shortcomings in the defensive Zone

Yeah without a doubt I mean this is something that’s been talked about time and time again like I go back to that road game against the Rangers they gave up seven goals and uh a lot of those you know High danger chances those scoring plays by the Rangers were generated

Either off the rush or them you know capitalizing on a really tired Bruins team and Charlie Coyle kind of mapped it out best is that yes you know they’ve got the high-end talent in place the Bruins with guys like poso and uh Maran and and what have you but they need to

You know do the dirty work before those plays right it has to be you know cycling the puck getting the opposition tired you know exploiting those kind of holes in the defense and you know having the guy like POS you know deliver like the knockout punch right you can’t just

Like go in for the as you said like a oneandone chance or or plays off the rush you don’t have the the depth or the overall skill set to do that it has to be all right you wear them down you hold on to the puck you exploit those soft

Areas of the ice and that’s where a proven goal scorer like aaut can can generate his chances right like that has to be the formula and you’re not seeing that and again it’s something that just keep struggling to kind of find that Rhythm or find that that area of

Strength it’s every time when you know you’ve had these games where guys are holding on to the puck extending ozone time you’re like yes keep doing that like it’s a pretty set formula but it’s so few and far between this year in terms of consistently doing that night

And night out that they fall into these same really kind of bad habits that are just unsustainable for putting together a winning product and it’s also a lack of physicality too I mean if you’re struggling to maintain the puck in the ozone that means you’re getting hit off

The puck uh but the other thing is like you’re not forcing turnovers on the four check and that comes from being physical we’ve seen this a lot with that other teams do this to the Bruins they’ve got to start being the aggressor they’ve got to be the tougher team to play against

The team that uh is annoying to play against they need to be more of that and they haven’t been that and it’s a weird thing cuz uh again you know obviously with the loss of Lich you do lose that physical element but that’s a fourth line guy that he’s not he was never

Going to be the one uh creating tons of sustained offensive zone time uh so again the fact that they’re having these issues uh isn’t good we knew that they weren’t going to score as much that that’s understandable that’s okay but you do also have the Personnel

Offensively who can cycle a puck who can have sustained ozone time I don’t think that it’s too much to ask of guys like debrusk Frederick Cole Zak I mean all of them whether or not they’re going to put up 20 goals and 50 points you can still have that sustained ozone time because

Uh Conor the best defense is good offense people forget people often forget uh and that to me like I don’t unless I’m just going full negativity mode here there hasn’t been anything in the last couple games that I’ve been like I like that I like how that’s

That’s working really right now is and that’s why I mean so I saw some people saying with this three-day break you know oh they need more practice they need more games part of me yeah sure but another part of me is like no you need

To reset this is not like and again they do need to practice a bit more sure uh I know they’ve been kind of lacking in the amount of practices they’ve had over the last month but I also think this is kind of a good time to reset take a break get

Away from hockey and just sort of uh focus on having a better second half yeah absolutely I mean it’s it’s I was talking to Ty Anderson about this on our last poke the bear is like as a writer it’s not necessarily that fun to write about the

Team because or I mean listen it’s it’s great I’m not saying but in terms of like day in and day out like scheming up new things to write about because a lot of times it’s the same storyline playing out if it’s a loss they’re losing a a

Game where they fail to you know extend the lead to giving up a goal late you’re seeing the same defensive struggles but then offensively in games where they’re winning it’s like all right the goal endings bailing them out uh David POS scored two go you know it’s a Coy or Marian or zaka

It’s not like you know it’s great last year when obviously they win you know they set a record for points but it was every game seemed like there was another guy stepping up there was the Frederick game de brusk uh you know Taylor Hall on the third line you know the fourth line

Guy like NOK had a everyone had a insert player name here game right you’re not really seeing that as much this year where this team of course you they got like the bruss to get going but you need a I even look at like the the last game

At home right where loo they lose that game but but drops the gloves tries to look cross goal that’s a yakoo game right like you need more of those where Other Guys across the lineup are stepping up and and pulling them you know maybe more than their weight to get

This team two points you’re just not seeing that nearly as much this year so far no you’re not and it’s why it is incredible they’re still first in the Atlantic um it really is uh unbelievable but uh before we get to the rest of our conversation Connor a quick word from

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NFL Conor I I don’t know if you saw uh was it Christmas Eve or the day after Christmas that Jeremy Swan and yakob Lao got stuck in the elevator going to Kevin shaton Kirk’s apartment I thought that was uh pretty gritty I mean listen I’m just surprised that Derek forbert wasn’t

Involved in any elevator related hygiene because that man I think on at least two or three times has talked about how his elevator has broken down in the North End I don’t know it might be very similar to whatever like old ass Titanic looking elevator that swam and Alo were

On like I don’t know when that thing was built Steamboat Willie was just in theaters when whoever put that that elevator together but uh just shocking that fulbert was not involved in that it seemed like every time that man is on one of those modes of transportation something’s going aide the Millard

Filmore was President uh withford be ruford bees not I don’t know I thought itard Filmore I mean listen another great president not really he actually he the Civil War happened very shortly after his tenure but I’m just saying that RF for B Hayes uh those lackluster regulation oversight on engineering

Wouldn’t happen on our good friend brother Fitz watch no oh my God he would have had that locked down it is true though like whenever I am in an elevator that looks remotely old it always enters my head I’m like could this be it this

Could be the one that uh you know the Halt and uh I I don’t want any part of that so um hopefully they’re out by now hopefully they’re in Buffalo I would hope so they escaped you know we’ll find out in a few hours it’s been long enough

It’d be funny if it was uh game time C said oh San and loo are inactive they’re still stuck in the elevator going to Kevin ChatOn Kirk’s apartment but uh anyways they are they are out and good thankfully um you know I mentioned earlier I was reading a story from Pluto

Shinzawa on Wednesday morning about how uh you know we’ve talked a lot about you know should the Bruins acquire a center should the Bruins acquire a defenseman but the answer might lie at Wing because we knew going into this year that Center was going to be an area of uh less depth

But it’s actually worked out pretty well even with patreon you still have Coy who’s playing really well Pavo zaka you have Morgan geeki who looks Prime to step in Johnny Beer’s been really solid in that 4C role um you know and on defense obviously we’ve mentioned the inefficiencies and the issues but you

Have the guys I don’t you know I think of another big body wouldn’t hurt them back there but I don’t think it’s the the pressing need where you might really need someone and what might be cheaper is a wing which I like this idea we’ve we’ve touched on this a bit I think

We’ve talked more about trading Jake debrus than we have uh adding a wing per se but you know like I was reading what fluto was saying about how uh you know to get Elias Lind it’s going to take a lot it’s going to probably take a first round pick uh

Other strong assets which the Bruins don’t really have but on the wing I mean there are guys out there on struggling teams like an Anthony duclair a Tyler Johnson and Adam Henrik where maybe that’s worth kind of taking a flyer on the question is you don’t want to be

Giving up a ton for what could be a short-term rental I think that’s sort of where I’m like hey don’t give up a lot here for someone that’s only going to be here for this year but what would you think about adding a wing who could potentially be in the top set

Yeah no I mean absolutely I even look at kind of like how the approach was with like a guy like Marcus Johansson right who I think they Envision as being a top six guy settled into more of that third line but we saw how much it can help

Over a playoff from when you have a you know established playmaker a potential scoring threat further down the lineup like even if it’s a guy like duclair Tyler Johnson and they’re in that middle six role you look at this team and how slim their their margin forever is but

How much an extra couple of goals can change a really frustrating you you know a third period uh loss uh you know how much that can maybe turn into a a nice 4-2 win or something you just get that extra goal at a critical time so you

Know as you said guy like duclair hel Johnson Henrik any guy like that if it’s worth the price um I can see it helping this team in terms of just getting more potent scoring somewhere down the lineup right as you said like I think everyone likes it Alias Lindholm and we’ve talked

About him before but uh the the hurdles of bringing a guy like that in for what the cost is that’s going to be the biggest issue and again like it’s not to say the Bruins would not like a guy like leas Lindholm but when you look at like

Their Center depth right now with zaka Coya Coyle ptra and beer like you’re doing all right there right now that’s not really necessarily an area of concern it’s just the the wing depth the actual tangible scoring that’s been kind of the biggest issue I think just the

Overall hurdle for it though has to be um the the fact that if you’re getting a guy like Henri or duclair what have you you’re still going to have to move out NHL assets to make a deal like that work just because you’re I think last time I

Checked Bruins had about 56,000 in available cap space not great gonna have to get a little creative if you really want to bring in any NHL Talent let alone let alone a guy like Lind Holm let alone anybody in any job that’s not that’s not a lot of cap space um but uh

You know even if the Bruins can’t create cap space you know what they can do Connor they can go to our friends at hellofresh so quick word from our good friends over at hellofresh quick break in the action to tell you about our delicious friends over at hellofresh

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Kind of trade especially for a guy who’s making 4.875 million who would uh again easy cap hit uh you know lots of value in terms of just two-way play all that stuff but again on the wings you know it it uh it makes more sense but you also

Said and you’re right in saying this you’re going to have to make an NHL move because you don’t have much cap space um so then who goes uh obviously Matt grizzli is a name that people look at uh Jake debrusk is another one um I for for guys like duclair Johnson Henrik those

Are guys coming from teams that I would think really wouldn’t want NHL talent in return unless I’m wrong on this which I don’t think I am U I think those teams more so want prospects and you know there’s got maybe they want like a countar or someone like that I can’t

Imagine that would get it done especially in a trade deadline Market where teams can you’re overpaying for everybody it’s never really a fair price at the deadline but you know as I was listening to myself talk about hellofresh I was thinking about you know we’ve talked a lot about Fabian lel’s uh

Value declining and how right now isn’t the best time to trade him considering you have mu janel’s comments you have um you know spotty play that Scouts can easily look to but if it was for someone like a duclair or Johnson right now that’s clearly a downgrade from where

Fabian lysel would have been you know a couple you know year ago two years ago you’re packaging him for a much better player for a Bo horad or a a tomash hurdle or something like that um but if if you gave up a lysel and you sort of

Sold mid on lysel and dealt him for a duclair or a Johnson or a Henri would you be comfortable with that yeah I mean I I think it depends on just how other teams valuee because I could also see a situation where again I don’t think the Brun is necessarily that

High on L sell his overall game but I think there’s a lot of other teams out there that for how they like to play in terms of maybe more Run and Gun more Rush heavy they could be like BRS are offering up this guy like we put him in

Our system we really like how he could kind of build and and what he can provide for us because I think the talent is still there especially offensive offensively for a guy like LEL it’s just whether or not he maybe fits with what the Bruins are are trying to

Kind of drill into their players especially up at this level um so again if it’s going to be the the main thing that holds up a a deal for a scoring Winger that can give you 20 goals maybe you view that as a necessar necessary move in terms of just helping out this

NHL roster for a guy that again has potential but maybe it won’t be maximized here in Boston um so that is something you have to you know consider I think but I think the biggest hurdle for any of these trades just comes down to the NHL assets that you’re going to

Have to part with with and what teams value what you’re offering because we’ve talked about the grizzli and the debrusk but like I mentioned it with the the Calgary thing like you need to move NHL contracts to make a deal like that work does Calgary who uh is in the middle of

A probably a very long rebuild do they value a guy like a debrusk or a grizzli who are you know in their late 20s grizzli is gonna be 30 pretty soon who are also pending ufas like what’s been a trend we’ve seen all the time with Calgary where guys get their you know

Like this Arena sucks this place suck want to be facility yeah like and again like of course like the bruss amendment in but still when you’re free agent and you’re now you know you you’ve parted ways with the Bruins in that situation so you’re a lot more I think

Open to hitting the market than and getting your value brother stay up in Ed uh in Calgary that’s in a long rebuild and has lackluster facilities where you hit the open market and see what’s out there like when you look at who the Bruins are probably comfortable with

Trading on this team I don’t know how valuable they are to teams across the NHL when there are a lot of pending ufas guys in their their late 20s when you know the the teams you’re trying to do deals with are teams that are maybe looking more for the long-term uh Asset

Management as opposed to you know taking off your guys that could be signing elsewhere in just a couple of months and for guys like gzck and de Brusque you know you hit it there with not you know teams that are rebuilding aren’t going to want them teams that are contending

Would want them like I think that’s who would want them and I think the fear is are you going against them in the first second round of the playoffs which is why you would have to deal them to a team out west and pray that if you get

To the Stanley Cup you’re not facing them because oh boy that would be quite the interesting storyline um but I I agree with you I I think uh ultimately you’re going to have to figure out what you’re going to do with the the pieces on your NHL roster um you know what does

Grizzli get grizzli has value like grizzik has value is that a second or third round pick potentially I mean he’s a good smaller you know good Puck moving NHL defenseman who can play every night you know I know he hasn’t had the best season this year but he’s a proven NHL

Player um and I think that that could be worth you know a second or a third round pick um and the Bruins could use that so if they can get something like that great because if you do that then you’re losing the money and you’re opening up

More cap space uh to make a deal like one we said for duclair Johnson the only holdup I would have with guys like duclair and Johnson and and those guys is that you know they’re very much middle Sixers and you feel like I feel like you have a lot of those and granted

I don’t know if you’re getting you’re not getting a Surefire top-of-the-line Winger at this deadline because that would require a lot but even then it’s just like a log Jam of guys that are there that would be my only hold up with that but you know

If you can have a veteran like Tyler Johnson who you kind of count on to produce duclair same thing Henrik same thing I’d be intrigued to see how that would play out because anything that can spark anything with this scoring right now I think is a a good thing uh anyways

Connor what can the people look forward to from you over at Boston Globe and the yeah we’re going to have you covered every step of the way this season with Recaps features columns breakdowns all that good stuff over at so please read all of my

Stuff over there and if you want to follow me on Twitter you can Conor r93 go do all that that has been Bruins beat I’m Evan marinovsky you Bruins beat listeners have a great rest of your week

Conor Ryan joins Evan Marinofsky on today’s Bruins Beat to discuss how the Bruins can regain their footing after stumbling into the Christmas break. Could the break serve as a mental reset and get this team back on track, or will it take more than just that? Could a trade still be on the table, and if so, how could the Bruins make that work with their very limited cap space?

Bruins Beat w/ Evan Marinofsky Ep. 399

– Bruins have been struggling of late
– Why they’re having issues in the offensive zone
– Would a wing make more sense for the deadline?
– What would it take?

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