@Toronto Maple Leafs

The Leafs are using Justin Bieber as their goal song for the Next Gen Game

The Leafs are using Justin Bieber as their goal song for the Next Gen Game

by FamousGoalHorns


  1. I dont actually remember seeing the Biebs around much this season

  2. They are .. that sure as hell don’t sound like Biebs

  3. InvestigatorFull2498

    Better than Hall and Oates, and I’m no Biebs music fan, Go Leafs Go!

  4. MediumWild3088

    I heard Biebs can play. Let’s put him on the ice he can’t be any worse then the defence out there now

  5. maybelying

    I don’t even notice the goal song anymore. I know I’m in the minority, but I liked Hall and Oates, mostly because I know it annoyed the opponent teams at least as much as it annoyed y’all. The fact that we got Hall and Oates’d at an away game speaks volumes.

  6. AustyPapi

    Straight up…

    This is solid lmao

    The perfect amount of fun and annoying

  7. That sounds like gabber or something, i never would have guessed it was him.

  8. Hopefully a Beiber free Friday coming up, they don’t need additional curses.

  9. billyshin

    I like Hall and Oats but if it’s going to make the other team play better, then no.

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