@Buffalo Sabres

Kelly & Murray Show – NFL Week 17 Best Bets and College Football Bowl Game Picks and Predictions

Kelly & Murray Show – NFL Week 17 Best Bets and College Football Bowl Game Picks and Predictions

I mean I could take it off no I’d rather I just don’t want it to sound no I want you to look weird I’d rather you look weird it’s better for clicks if I look weird okay great yeah people want you to look weird yeah exactly they love that

For me okay I love that for me too start the show what the hell is that I’m starting the show that’s how you do where’s that click thing all right so Kelly is joining us from Nashville Tennessee she’s got her kind of a Princess Leia look going on here what do

You want to explain so yeah I’m in the outkick studios and uh I was planning on doing this for my hotel room which is extremely dark even though I brought lighting and the Wi-Fi sucks and it has wood floors so it’s the audio is terrible so the guys were like hey you

Just finished hot mic why don’t you just film Kelly and Murray here and I said that’s a great idea but kind of getting feedback from the uh laptop because I didn’t bring my earbud buds or my microphone that is in my hotel room so that’s why I look awesome these are like

Uh I don’t know what kind of what kind of Hotel does outkick put you up in what no I’m in a mar it’s a nice it’s a nice hotel but for whatever reason the Wi-Fi this morning was just less than ideal and again that’s it’s better than having

Gross carpet but carpet helps with the audio yeah true all right um and what are you doing there you doing you’re just filming you’re not on vacation no I’m not on vacation I am uh working remote for all my wager talk stuff including this show and then I’m doing

Uh I’m filling in for my good friend Chad wro on his show called Hot Mike it’s kind of like the show I just say whatever I want yeah so our our Producer Mike rig he’s he’s on he’s in Japan what kind of KU fan is in Japan wasn’t he

Supposed to be the guaranteed rap bow wasn’t he in Japan last week for the show uh so he just these guy’s like a Perma vacationer now Mike rig nowhere to be found I don’t understand how people afford to go to Japan in this economy but here we are

You know what you know what I found annoying this holiday season we got a lot of people that work remotely for our company and we you know ask somebody to do something or look something up for me and then after like two or three days

They get back to me like oh I’ve been traveling I’m like you’ve been traveling you work remotely like unless you’re actually on the flight I don’t care if you’re traveling oh by the way John M it’s called 8 and you buy the Wi-Fi on the plane so that you can work like I

Did we need more people in this company with a work ethic that you have Kelly or that John hogland has they call him the unit or isn’t he in Florida right now not freezing his ass off like I am but he’s but I guarantee he’s working the

Whole time as he somebody’s got to work so that Mike RG can go to Japan same thing with Louis denafo that kid never stops working those guys are impressive first thing on my list I got I got my talking points okay why didn’t you share these with me this is how a

Rundown show it’s funnier if you don’t know what I’m going to ask you yeah so of course well actually my first one was going to be about this but then I saw your headphones I thought you look silly and I I went with that one first first

One is are you still are you still doing this thing where you’re complaining about your NFL season all we do is win we win every game what is the matter with you who is we winning every game every pick I give wins that’s one one pick that’s not true I told you Falcons

And Chargers last week they I was already on the Falcons okay I was already on the Chargers but it won right it doesn’t matter I was also on the Vikings I was also on the Ravens I was also I do you know how many picks I had

To pick for Von’s little thing I do with Matt humans you have to pick seven NFL seven NFL games that’s a lot and then I thought I then I thought I got second place in the super Contest no no that could been me no there was some there

Was a little bit of confusion there but I just yeah because I signed up for my agent like a complete jackass and completely forgot you’re like yeah this says Kelly Stewart R to rewind I’m like you’re of what I know is that I they put

A check request on my desk I sign it it was to Kelly Stewart at your address correct correct of course I’m like oh Kelly War what else would I think okay here’s where I guess I should have followed up but the website wasn’t updated when I got the email and I was

Just like oh okay I I do keep my pick separate from the contest I’ll usually have two or three in in you know agreement and then I like to mix things up I never play against the other ones but I like to mix it up but with the

Bowl games just being so completely asinine I had to go back-to-back weeks with seven NFL picks talk about me being on suicide watch when Nick Mullins throws four interceptions so you feel that the the result of that NFL game could drive you to potentially ending your life

It’s just an NFL game who cares Kelly Kelly obviously I’m sure you you had a piece of that entry with Josh or aent no I did not have a piece of it well you must have he has a partner I’m sure you

Did uh no I did not I just did it out of the kindness of my heart your best bet I’m gonna make him buy me dinner when we’re in Vegas for Super Bowl though oh Josh is coming to Vegas yeah of course your your best bet he I’m like his worst

Client like I’m like the bottom of the barrel like he has like way famous people he rubs who’s his who’s his biggest client I actually don’t know who are some others that you can share you look funny that I’m allowed to share yeah uh who are some I think Keith Keith earay

Isay earray I can’t say it right I can’t say anybody’s last name right by the way I couldn’t even do a a read today on the show uh Ariel what about Ariel Ariel is actually uh with Jake Jack with Jack that is under Josh and it’s been some

Controversy lately we’re working on that so do you think that are you considered bigger than Ariel therefore like you’re being represented by the the boss of her I think I just got in a lot earlier than she did okay okay I’m not trying to stir up any trouble for you guys of course

But you’re you’re uh well because like Josh was just here when I when he was rapping me and now Jack’s Here and Now joshh is his boss so I just go with Jos so I got to climb the ladder of Josh with Josh just inadvertently by default

Climb the ladder of Josh how tall is Josh uh six foot 5’1 take me through take me through your weekend your best bet was the Ravens you know man I fell asleep during that game of course you did I fell asleep on my couch it was I

Think it was I want to say it was 7 to3 and and I fell asleep well it couldn’t have been seven to three because it was five it was five nothing oh okay then I don’t remember anything all right then I then I’m you don’t remember the safety

Because Lamar tripped over the ref oh I must have fallen then I fell asleep even before that then then I don’t remember anything then I didn’t see any of how drunk were you I wasn’t drunk at all I worked all day someone was after to

Work drunk I worked all day I worked all day Sunday too some of us after work other than Mike rig on Christmas Day you had to work you want me to feel bad for you is that what we’re doing here no no I’m just telling you I didn’t see any of

The game I woke up at like midnight and I looked at my phone and I saw 33 to 19 and I was like holy [ __ ] I enjoyed that I needed I just needed an easy one that was not stressful easy one that was not stressful bucks Tampa Bay Bucks was an

Easy one that was not stressful so I want to talk about this the MVP cuz for for some reason people like talking about it I don’t give a [ __ ] at all of course who cares but how why don’t you give a [ __ ] he’s the most valuable player I don’t care at all

That’s a big time award that means you’re the most valuable player on your team I know but I don’t care who wins like chrish mcaffrey he’s the most valuable player on his team you know you don’t want Christian mcaffrey to win that’s what I wanted to he’s not going

To so so they’re gonna give it but I looked at Lamar Jackson’s numbers and are are they even that good I don’t like what am I missing there uh not that Lamar’s not good I think here’s what happens we wanted to give it to Dak then Dak faltered then they wanted to

Give it to Brock now Brock faltered they should probably give it to Christian mcaffrey but they’re not going to gonna quarterback why why they just do I don’t make the rules well they gave it to Adrien Peterson in 2012 yeah 11 years ago yeah it’s true all right well we we

Got Lamar minus a buck 70 mcaffrey plus three 40 we don’t want well you better drop the odds because you want to make let people go bed elsewhere Brock p is 8 to one Tua is 10 to one to win the MVP Tua and then Josh Allen is 12 to one

That makes sense Tyreek Hill 20 to one Tyreek has dropped off the last few weeks though well he’s been hurt yeah I feel like his production has slowed a little bit you don’t have a bet on this no I need the Ravens to win the Super

Bowl and I might break even on this NFL season you know I I gotta I gotta be honest I I’m never like I don’t know how long we’re going to do the show together and I don’t know how long we’ll be friends I’ll never have another NFL

Season where I that’s not true the two years I was at Caesars I had like I went 15 and two I give you more winners I’ll give you more wins I’ll never do better than this like every NFL pick I give you wins and then and then you’re like oh my

God I’m having the worst season how’s it possible because I have deviated from what I’m supposed to be doing and that is betting my best bet which has been atrocious by the way it’s like seven and eight yeah on the year my Best Bets have been terrible this is a this is product

Placement yes because people always ask why you’re drinking out of the coffee mug because there’s probably nothing even in it it’s like your F there water no there’s water out of like the water jug like the water cooler but it’s just it’s pure product placement I don’t I’m

Not thirsty we don’t even sell those coffee no I know but I have one at my house so your West Virginia sweatshirt is pure product placement you didn’t tell me that that the line was going to plumet right before kickoff I wore this today because right right going on right now

Is the duk’s Mayo bow right over my my shoulder yeah and the line just just absolutely so we have four minute uh commercial breaks and somehow I I missed the the absolute plummeting of the line yesterday I saw for Texas State great and then uh I had you know 12 and a half

In pocket with UNLV and then that line just plummeted because people would have start a fake rumor that Jason Bean had the flu that was a tough game to watch I felt like like Kansas would score a touchdown and then they’d go to Commercial and then the game would come

Back and they’d be like oh well while we were at commercial there was a personal foul penalty so UNLV has the ball at Midfield now so I want to ask you this personal foul penalties can they call seven so I wanted to ask you this as a

UNLV backer I may be a little biased in this comment okay go ahead so I want and want an opinion from a bookmaker yeah several people that I respect and some that I just kind of like and maybe don’t respect their opinion but I at least think they’re like intelligent people and I’ve

Associated with them without with work or why is my opinion one of the ones you respect or I you didn’t have this opinion no but I’m talking I’m speaking in generalities yes of course that’s why I’m asking your opinion right now okay go ahead go ahead I want to know why

Groan men on X had the audacity to think that this game was fixed when KU is one of the most undisciplined football programs out there of course they finally just got somebody to start calling out their BS did I think there was too many flags yes absolutely did I

Have UNLV in Pocket yes but it’s not like they were just throwing flags for fun people get too emotional you know like you get too emotional I mean you earlier in the show you talked about killing yourself over I didn’t first of all no I did not yes you did

And then I I got I was I was really pissed off on Saturday because I thought Liverpool played Arsenal and I thought there should have been a penalty kick given it was [ __ ] honestly and I was it’s always [ __ ] it’s soccer Liverpool by the way is top of the table

They are in first place here as we whatever that means I was mad about the table Yeah first place I was mad about that and now now you’re saying that these guys on were complaining about the Kansas if if you’re worried about the Kansas UNL but as a professional better as a not

Recreational as somebody who is in this industry and media in some capacity don’t you think that kind of hurts their credibility to be throwing around insane things like a game is fixed this isn’t Mexican soccer and Pablo Escobar’s paying people off PA Escobar was Colombian he was fixing Mexican soccer

Oh was he I don’t have the discipline to Watch the documentary what’s wrong with you I watched I I watched the two escobars I don’t remember him fixing Mexican soccer games okay I’ll send you an article oh please do and I first of all I don’t have the discipline to be a

Professional sports better professional sports betters just like basically sit in front of computer monitors all day uh I was drinking and playing golf yesterday I I can’t IUN do have to sit in front of a computer monitor all day um and that was that was hurtful we’re

We’re we’re off the track here here I wanted to do one more comment so I do that show with Sammy panovich on Thursday and I picked the Bucks because I’ll be honest I didn’t think Lawrence was gonna play oh I did you didn’t watch my show when I picked the Bucks and said

Didn’t care if Lawrence played because he’s not healthy so people xed me on X and they were like so are you gonna change the pick that’s not how this works guys I mean I know like I know there’s like this generation of like oh

I made a prop bet and my guy got hurt can I have the money back no the pick was the Bucks I can’t change the pick I I responded to a few of them and I said hey I think the Bucks are still gonna win but you can’t change the pick the

Pick was so here here’s what happens I get Atlanta and the Bucks I play them in my Monday pool we have to have our picks in by Monday night that’s ridiculous Monday that shows what you’re you’re actually handicapping your own numbers you’re not chasing steam players get hurt and it happens

But the point is is you’re not getting your bets from somebody else you’re betting your pure numbers as a handicapper it’s a true handicapping contest get heard on Friday yes right and it yep okay it is what it is so I had Atlanta minus one Bucks minus one

Okay I then give it out at two and a half but at three I’m like I can’t I can’t do this and then of course the Bucks goes the other way and here’s my problem and you’re absolutely right then I tweet that got five and a half with

The Ravens I get [ __ ] on for saying I got a good number with Atlanta and then I get told I’m a [ __ ] idiot that I have a bad number with the Ravens like you cannot win with these people John you just have to ignore them do we when

You say that you just you just said [ __ ] idiot do they bleep that first word or is it like how does it is it like I I don’t relisten to the show so I don’t know I should listen to the show I’ve never seen it um

You’ve never seen the show me neither I don’t watch any shows I only catch the I’m like I’m like a gen Z I just catch the uh 90c Clips they put on X and Instagram I I do a uh I do a show with a young lady that works here for the

Westgate social media account and I’ve never seen it before and it’s like it’s like a minute and 45 seconds Brett and I watched it you guys drink it like a beer yeah we do well you we watched it last week well no well sometimes the bar makes us drink like these goofy

Cocktails and then they you know they ask me like drink yeah and I’m like I’ll just drink like a Coors do you have that they because they they had they had like regular Coors during the rodeo Oh yeah that’s good stuff yeah banquet uh do you want to run through

Your what do you want to do first you want to do college bowl bets or NFL what you want how about I got I got nothing I got I okay here’s the thing here’s what you gave us last week so I’m gonna review this I already bet these I think I think we’re

Uh I think we’re three and 0 oh that’s good Air Force winner Texas State winner bad number Texas state but we won um and Northwestern plus six and a half so we’re three and0 last week remaining that you gave us last week Ohio State

Plus two I got Ohio State plus one and a half they’re minus three and a half now yes they are and I got uh Michigan minus two I actually got Michigan minus one I don’t recall saying that we had sharp money on Michigan I said the public was all over Alabama

Well anyway Raven Steelers Browns Falcons Chargers was all really good information for what it was worth uh like every one of those picks won and you’re still complaining on X I don’t Kelly explain yourself to the masses here man because I I I I don’t just blindly bet everything you say and

Apparently I should have been maybe you should apparently I should have been okay so I would love you to give me the rest of the sharp College Plays since you know it’s the end of the week I got a few we already meant you already hit Ohio State so that number just keeps

Moving okay we had we had a sharp group lay or bet Ohio State minus one now we’re at Ohio State minus three and a half so Kelly what’ you say you bet at plus two oh man you’re golden you you’ve already won you shouldn’t even oh yeah

You’ve already won just cash cash in that stupid clv trophy just like I got you last night where I lost UNLV by the hook because the idiots went for two missed a field goal and I think missed a p by that point I was like I knew I knew

What was going on when they gave up 21 answered I was like this is dumb I’m turning it off I think that I’m going to talk to Brett I think you guys should go to dinner instead of watching that game because you’ve already I was I’m in

Nashville by myself oh that’s right well the game’s Friday the game’s on Friday when you go back when you five I’m talking about the UNLV game I’ll go back I go back late Friday night uh this game’s Thursday so these guys better edit the show Fast and I

Know Mike is in Japan so you guys better get on your horse they bet Miami Florida I don’t like that bet because I don’t I had Miami in this like season long pool I was in I’m so glad I’m so glad somebody honestly I think the most upset

I was this college football season was when they didn’t take the knee and they remember they they didn’t take the knee and they lost because it was a winds pool I just need him to win the game no I’m telling you I end up chopping in

Mine which I didn’t really want to but I was like you know what don’t get greedy your season has sucked just take the money and run and I was on a show with the guy who took Miami and Texas Tech from me I was literally texting the

Group chat like I [ __ ] hate you Joe you just took Miami so he goes today goes do you want Miami and Texas Tech back because we ended up essentially winning we did get more than the second place guy um in the chop because that’s what we agreed to but we would have

Needed Washington plus we had two teams that played each other uh in the peach bow it it could have got dicey down at the end well I’m annoyed about that but they did play Miami tomorrow they played Iowa State what number uh plus one and a half

And plus two and they played Iowa State minus 9 and a half against Memphis that’s the Liberty Bow how far away is that from where you are I don’t I don’t even know the answer two and a half that game’s in Memphis right yeah and I

Wasn’t gonna go if Kate was in it so here we are pen oh yeah so you don’t consider yourself the most influential Kansas State fan on X I thought that was like a given oh I have no idea why would I be half the K fans hate me because they’re

They’re they’re they love they love to subject themselves to mediocrity and I don’t right pen State Penn State minus four against Old Miss in the Peach Bowl and then this one is right in your neck of the woods my friend Maryland plus seven against AU the Music City Bowl you

Should go to that game uh I would but the Pop-Tart bowl is going to be on so okay and I gotta do some Media stuff for that what uh what the fourth more I I get the fourth quarter because I’m probably the fourth most influential case stator so you don’t you don’t have

Any bull bets you’re giving on the show like no John Murray the bows make me want to rip my eyes out it’s a terrible product we’ve had 1700 kids opt out we’ve had all these coaches leave so I mean I I think I’m like 0 and

Six in my bull bets and I’ve got really great trophies so I gotta bring like 10 winners of the show a week and pretend like you don’t look silly with those headphones on what are you doing I definitely look silly with these headphones on uh well go let’s go to the

NFL but I’m trying to provide better audio because I forgot all my stuff at the hotel no let me let me go right back to the the semi-final games because we’re not going to talk again until after the playoff correct the playoff games are Monday so I I wouldn’t say I’m

Seeing the public on Alabama here it’s about 67% of the bets are on Alabama we’ve taken some larger bets on Michigan so do with that what you will and then the Sugar Bowl would you say they’re respected money bets or just large bigger just bigger dollars large people

Flying in on private jets from an arbor yeah the people were normal sized they were normal sized human beings uh and then the Sugar Bowl the late game right when we opened it we opened it four and a half and we had some sharp guys take four and a half but haven’t

Seen a lot since then I do think the public will be all over Texas of course they will be and you know what I just saw that all of a sudden the ticket prices for that game is like plummeting is that right I wonder is it it’s just

Like kind of getting pushed to the Wayside and I don’t think that’s right I think that Washington could give Texas a run for their money I think that they’ve been disrespected in the marketplace enough I’m surprised they aren’t seeing any kind of money well why Washington

Has going for it a great coach and a great quarterback and Texas is a great team I’m not saying that I’m just saying like you can’t you can’t discount a team that is well coached and has a great quarterback Washington’s got both boxes you want to talk about your league

Your you love the NFL you I don’t I’m more of an English Premier League soccer man that’s more my speed who’s gonna be your nesson pick for this week uh I got I got a pretty good idea okay I got a pretty good idea I got a pretty good

Idea who actually you know [ __ ] I just realized Sam called me at like Sam called me like five hours ago I was on like one of these Microsoft teams calls oh that sounds like hell and I texted him back I was like hey dude I’m on a

Call I’ll call you back and then I never did good good friend good friend because because I went straight to a meeting and then straight to another thing and then straight to the show you love meetings okay that’s sus so can can we get some

Insight can we get a top three sorry Sam sorry Sam no but I can if you want me to run through the sharp NFL stuff I’ve seen I was going to do that sure you don’t want to tell me your best beted first uh it’s the Colts oh the Colts are

Right on this list yeah it’s the Colts uh I like them in this spot we’ll see it’s uh look I bet against the Raiders last week albeit uh it was a play against the Raiders and how good they looked um on a Thursday night spot where

A team one of their coach fired and Kansas City’s inherently broken so I’m going back to the well betting against the Raiders again what’s the real problem with Kansas City I I just don’t understand it they’re this is like the best defense they’ve had in the Mahomes

Era why can’t they win football and is it their receivers are just so bad that there’s nowhere for Mahomes to go with the ball I I refuse to believe it can’t be it’s there’s a lot I mean when you’re busy doing commercials and have other sponsorship deals I mean when when every

Commercial that is on the television is a Chief’s player or a Chief’s coach you don’t think that’s a little strange you you hate Travis Kelce no I don’t but Travis is banged up he’s got his thinking about the wrong he’s he’s using the wrong if you get drift about

Taylor Swift or fizer what are you talking about I think he’s just making a lot of wrongs okay Colts uh Colts minus three very sharp play we saw here and it’s it’s a good situational spot for the Colts I like this one I like Dallas on Saturday it’s a really good spot for

Dallas Dallas is such a different team at home you know they’re off the two game swing they lost in B in Buffalo they lost in Miami close game there uh they’re they’re minus six at home against Detroit uh Thursday night game tomorrow night the under got some really sharp

Steam they played us under 30 six and a half that’s gonna be a tough scene that’s Jets Browns and that makes my teaser down to one and a half a little bit more valuable and this one too uh this one’s after my own heart because you know I hate the Falcons Falcons kind

Of ruin my fall you hate the Falcons because I got all these season long bets on them and they suck a miserable team to watch yeah it’s okay I’ll get over it the Wise Guys are on Bears they they played us minus two and a half they moved us to three

Chicago playing pretty well yes they are Chicago is so they’re so well positioned because they’re going out competing every week and they still get the first overall pick in the draft from Carolina are they taking Caleb Williams I don’t know I think so the team that really uh

The team that really got lucky on Sunday was actually the commanders formerly the football team formerly the Redskins because the Jets guy made that long kick to beat them which is good for them and then the the Patriots kid who sucks makes a 56 y to beat the Broncos and all

Of a sudden Washington has the third pick in the draft because the Patriots won and they lost great day for the for Washington maybe they can get themselves up to like the number two or three pick and trade up with the Bears and bring Caleb Williams home Caleb Williams a DC

Kid yeah but you don’t want Caleb Williams you don’t think so I don’t think he’s gonna be a good leader I you think skin should continue to go with Sam how and jacobe brassed no but I don’t know if Caleb Williams is your immediate answer I don’t know but he’s a lot

Better than what they’ve had for a while maybe you know people said that about Bryce young over Sam darnold too and now here we are what I what I was told is that Bryce young was really good on Sunday against Green Bay is that not

True I did not watch I don’t know but I know I I’ll say this for Bryce young he has nothing around him in Carolina so it’s part of the issue it’s tough when you’re a rookie quarterback to go into a situation where your team stinks on top

Of everything else coach got fired I mean I I don’t want to dismiss Bryce young although I do think he’s too short um two more they play the Giants so the Giants B deito and they’re going back to Tyrod Taylor is that correct so they they New

York against the Rams um Taylor’s I mean Taylor’s a very confident backup NFL quarterback he can’t he can’t stay help no but here’s my thing I have to kind of Wonder so they ended up putting up a dog fight against the Eagles yeah then they go

Play the Rams in a game that only matters to the Rams to turn right around and play the Eagles again well they play Eagles last week yeah situationally I just kind of have to wonder what the this group is is one I again I’m not

Ready to just go out there and say okay I’ll a six with the Rams I just kind of have to wonder what the the the handicap is there this bet surprised me I don’t like it uh they took the football team plus 13 and a half that’s the commanders

Type of against the Niners I don’t like I don’t really like that honestly because the Niners are the Niners are off this just disastrous performance they should be able to throttle them fired up and you’d think they would be able to name their score but why would

They be fired up to go to DC when they have the Rams on Deck well yeah I don’t know but aren’t they I mean do they need to win out for the one seed or do they just need to win one out of two for the

I think they just need to beat the Rams don’t they because they already beat Philadelphia correct so I guess they just need to win one of the two games so there’s a lot of what ifs and uh trying to navigate that’s fun do you know do

You know them all like in your head or do you have to because I I don’t know I no I have to Google playoff picture and like yeah yeah it’s not it’s not easy the best game of the week have not seen TI Breakers and all that oh who yeah I

Don’t know that stuff uh Ravens Dolphins is Sunday morning we haven’t had a good morning how’s that not okay I was say how’s that not a Prime Time game or flexed I don’t know but I I I guess they didn’t want to flex out Minnesota Green

Bay that’s the Sunday night game I can’t wait for Nick Mullen to throw three more picks against an okay mediocre Packers defense okay on New Year’s Eve Vikings Packers so yeah somehow we end up with Baltimore Miami as the early game which is surprising Baltimore looks pretty

Good right now but you know my only comment on that game because I haven’t seen any sharp play it Baltimore continues to be disrespected because after what they just did at San Francisco now they’re only laying a field goal at home against Miami and I know Miami’s a good team but Miami has

Shown no ability to go on the road and beat a good team Miami’s off of a big win on Sunday they were celebrating like they won the Super Bowl yeah I might be on the over there that could be a let down spot for both yeah they’re both off

Huge wins so sort of a tricky handicap good game and then Baltimore has Steelers next week and uh the do the Dolphins have the bills which good win uh good win for the Steelers last Saturday that that line never made sense why the Bengals were favored in

Pittsburgh with no Joe burrow no Jamar Chase I think we missed that one Mason Rudolph that’s why line went what Steelers minus one Steelers plus two for what he’s not a drop off no no you can’t those other quarterbacks are so bad and Rudolph has been in the system for a few

Years I he’s not any good but is he a drop off from Mitch trabis no I don’t easy to say that now of course uh they want us to like probably don’t probably supposed to read this part but they they want us to read about the big game giveaway do you want to

Read I don’t have it you have to read it you don’t you don’t have the questions in front of you I have the questions from the a email it’s the same email no it’s not the big game giveaway oh it’s right there at the top try not to use

The SB word yeah try not to say blank blank so we can use it in Clips big game giveaway place a 25 or bigger wager on any same game parlay including mine and you get entered to win a trip to Las Vegas three nights stay at the beautiful

Westgate Las Vegas and of course two tickets to the big game in February the more you bet the more Ines you get super book is live in Tennessee I will definitely be doing that for yeah 25 bucks pop because I cannot afford to buy me and Ariel SB tickets right can’t say

Even if her Ravens are in it why can’t you say big game anything think that’s better than Sb OH I don’t big game we can’t we can’t even say Super Bowl on the show or is it just no we can say Super Bowl they want to clip it so you

Have to say big game okay it’s so but I don’t like say no Tennessee what are they saying what oh yeah yeah yeah I’m in Tennessee and you’re telling me I can’t do this now oh see now I don’t like this changing of the rules we no no that was always the

Rule you just never read them Tennessee some sort of Tennessee gaming thing so they’re just as bad as Nevada gaming is what you’re saying I didn’t say that oh I am we’re editing a bunch of stuff uh I can say I can say that I I love all the gaming

Commissions oh I don’t like Massachusetts I can tell you that much I don’t have a problem with them at all can we get you guys are never gonna be live in Massachusetts relax can we move away from the game and stuff before I get in trouble and do the mailbag let’s

Do the mailbag mailbag safer I love making you uncomfortable wigg 133 Wiggy’s back 1313 onx say happy holidays to you both I don’t say happy holidays Merry [ __ ] Christmas happy New Year which Steakhouse is better berries or Golden Steer okay so let’s talk Vegas steakhouses there are modern steakhouses

And there are old school steakhouses and I don’t think we can compare the two those two steakhouses are completely different environments completely different types of Staff yes it’s still a steakhouse but Golden Steer is awesome it is Iconic it is wonderful I highly recommend it berries is one of my really

Good friends who used to run the steakhous at the Palms is now got his own restaurant and Marco who is a good friend of mine that used to uh come to my bar at the Palms when he was at nine Steakhouse is also a part owner so I

Love going there they take great care of me they have an awesome wine selection but it’s they’re just two different things it’s like going to pieros right like it’s old school it’s got the fun Booth I love pieros but it’s not berries berries you got sh espresso shots at the

Table you got desserts on fire peros is like classic steers classic I would say berries is like modern one of my Christmas gifts to Ellie I had dinner at uh Smith and msky on like Thursday maybe Friday so call him the Glorious Tomahawk bone you know you’re not supposed to give dogs bones

Right she loves it okay great well when the the little Shard start to break off you have to throw in the trash she loves it of course of course I’m just saying be careful you can I mean Coco never chewed on it she would just lick it so I

Just like Let It Be but you can like the big dogs will break it because they have very sharp teeth I know that know that I keep I’m pretty careful with Ellie okay good you now remember last week when Wiggy had a question I made a wuggie

Joke yes you know Dominic wowski from uh there something about Mary no I don’t remember okay John John whis 90 uncore John uncore whis 99 onx says why do teams in K insist kicking so many field goals well John we’ve made an entire podcast about it because it’s because

It’s so funny right it’s if they didn’t we would have nothing to talk about and make fun of you can’t at John whis 99 you can’t sit there whis 99 underscore you can’t say it’s not funny when a team is at the one yard line and

They send in the field goal unit and the other team’s defense is standing in its own End Zone and they’re right there and they kick the field goal that is funny John it’s happening less and less at least I’ll say that are start yeah but now it’s starting to almost turn to

Where the coaches are too aggressive they think they’re so smart H and they’re start but it’s it’s all fun yeah like K State on like fourth and 12 on like the the Tex 12 yard line and Colin Klein just needs to kick the field goal to tie

The game and decides to go for it like no just kick the goddamn field goal okay Danny K 731 on X say why is betting on the election not allowed in the US is it is the premise much different than Awards betting when voting as opposed to the field score determin a winner

Hopefully we got to make sure that we cancel the show before the election next season why because you’re going to get too you’re gonna be too You’re Gonna Go full Kelly what does that even mean full Kelly what does full Kelly mean please let me know you never go full Kelly I

Don’t know why they don’t allow us to take election betting they don’t you’d have to take that up with the gaming commissions it would be huge for business yeah would England allows it you can fly to England oh I know that and you can bet on the US

It’s not just like some elusive back door in Costa Rica like you can Canada Canada you can can bet there they’re legal Sports books has Canada ever opened up after covid are they still are they open now uh I have not been so I cannot confirm

Or deny I think we should skip the next question I don’t I haven’t read it yet oh this is a statement from Lisa lisa3 on IG at Lisa Lisa 30 on IG says this is a statement Kelly and John have the best football handicapping show hands down

Thank you guys see there’s no question that’s why I didn’t skip it at crazy Lisa is like a like a crackhead you know where it’s like it’s like okay well here here’s here’s seven winning plays okay well crazy t48 uncore at the end on IG says anyway can you stop interrupting

Him when he’s telling us the sharp pick isn’t don’t you think so there’s another statement not a question uh goind underscore man wanie on IG said is that bastard that had Miami back in week 14 of Survivor ready are you ready I’m reading the kid’s question that I was that I was

That bastard that had Miami back in week 14 of Survivor how should I have hedged I don’t think that he should have uh I think there were too many people left at that point yeah I would agree I would I wouldn’t have hedge with Miami and and

He had such an he had such an advantageous position he was in I I I honestly I feel bad for that guy that was he he played it so well to have Miami left and I don’t know it’s just sucks I I don’t think he should have

Done anything all right this one’s kind of a weird question uh John John Dash no John dot Halland Rik on IG says how big of games does a Westgate offer for live betting Las Vegas well the the manual ingame is for like most of the NFL games all the have to be

A game yeah but then we have a third party product that does like almost every game so for the most part I mean that’s a big thing now you partner with these third party services and they give you numbers and well here’s one that reminds me of

You Catholic victim on EXs what were your first jobs out of college what why does that remind why does that remind you because my dad always reminds me that I’m so lucky he did not subject me to going to Catholic school I went to Catholic school I went to a Jesuit High

School that’s the whole point I went to a Jesuit High School and now the guy probably is a Catholic victim I was uh my first job out of college was a ticket riter at the Las Vegas Hilton yes that is now called the Westgate so basically you’ve had the

Same job since you got out of college pretty much yeah it’s the same same exact job duties and then what was yours uh let’s see I graduated during the recession so there were no jobs so my options were to move at home with my

Mother and not have a job or to move to Las Vegas and work at a nightclub I like Susan so what what which one did you choose all right so she worked at a nightclub next question oh you’re so stupid at chief of teeth on EXs I like

To sometimes follow steam but this college football postseason has been way off example I had UNLV at 10 it moved all the way to eight what gives and what should we be worried about the other game there was three games yesterday Bowling Green got steamed KU got steamed Texas state or uh

I’m sorry the other side got steamed uh rice rice got steamed today right before kickoff UNCC got steamed yeah it did I think we closed four and a half maybe it’s been every single day and they’ve been wrong I want to take Texas A&M later because they’ve been wrong well

Isn’t isn’t A&M missing a lot of players yeah course they are yeah I don’t know I mean I the only thing I can say at chief of teeth Don’t overreact too much to one or two games I mean if you’re get if you’re beating the closing line all the time I

Still like your chances chief of teeth yeah I don’t I have more clv trophies just piling up in the corner of my office but you bet you bet so many things therefore you’re going to have a lot of C V trophies all right at Braxton Dart he’s back he wants to know about

Premier League betting what is your best advice Chelsea lost as a huge favorite last week trying to get my feet wet with soccer betting is there more value to bet a three-way money line or laying more to place a two-way no you should bet into the two-way I shouldn’t say

That but you should bet into the two-way the the two-way uh we hold more on the three-way betting than the two-way betting and that goes for every book or that’s why the yeah that’s why the sports books in over in Europe their hold percentages are through the roof

Because like 90% of their Wagers are on three-way soccer well if 90% of our money that we wrote out here was on three-way soccer option we would be holding them pretty well too you should bet the two-way braxon Dart but your biggest mistake your biggest mistake was

Betting on braon Dart is related to Jackson Dart they have xes neither one of those don’t bet on Chelsea Chelsea is a tinpot club they are a bunch of losers don’t bet on them bet on oh you’re gonna piss off the EPL fans yeah bet on Manchester

City bet on Arsenal AKA VA Arsenal varsal because they get every call and bet on Liverpool Football Club because they’re just a proper club with proper Lads like Jurgen Cloud that’s who you should be better oh John Murray end the show end show first

Looking for NFL Week 17 and College Football Bowl Game best bets, picks, and predictions for this weekend? Kelly in Vegas and John Murray have you covered! Where is the sharp action this week in football, for both College Football Bowl Games and Playoffs and the NFL Week 17? We head to Vegas to SuperBook Sports and check in with bookmaker John Murray for the bookmaker’s perspective! Get your fix for NFL picks for Week 17 and College Football predictions on the latest episode of the “Kelly and Murray” Show.

#NFLPicks #collegefootballpicks #footballpicks

Time stamps
Intro/Recap 0:00 – 16:49
College Football 16:50 – 23:17
NFL 23:18 – 33:39
Mail Bag 33:40 – 43:24

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  1. 🤷Are you #TeamKIV or #TeamJohn? Let us know YOUR BEST BET for this weekend below in the comments 👇
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  2. Happy Holidays guys! Really love the show! Made a nice profit following sharp plays this year all thanks to you guys! Thank you so much!

  3. When teams deep on their own side of the field, with 2-4 mins on the clock and have all their timeouts. 
    Why do they go for on 4th down instead of punting? I understand if they're down 2 scores, but I think it's moronic going for it at your own 20 yard line when you can stop the clock 3 times and possibly get the ball back.

  4. Kelly looking more beautiful with the headphones ❤ Happy Holidays u 2 and Thanks for the sharp info 🙏🙏🙏

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