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Eddie Howe could be in REAL trouble at Newcastle | Football Ramble

Eddie Howe could be in REAL trouble at Newcastle | Football Ramble

There’s talk of Eddie how fearing for his job which seems a touch premature to me but then look at but look at the January they’ve got Andy they’ve got massive Premier League teams to play and a rivalry game in the cup I don’t think it’s outrageous to say if things go

Badly for for him and them this time next month he could be in real trouble jingle all the way everybody Welcome to the Football Ramble a great comeback at Old Trafford and Chrissy wood got a hattrick it’s Wednesday 27th of December I’m Marcus spell I’m Luke Mo and I’m Andy brassle Welcome one and all to the football round but we luk more are right in the Christmas perineum aren’t we we are yeah right in there it’s give it a little tickle give it it a little scrub yes most of all enjoy it by being disciplined if it needs it um a big Flex

From Andy there as we uh as we settle in he takes off his jacket to reveal an Olympic Leon top but before we get to any of the football I just want to say thanks to Friend of the ramble exhausted Sam for sending us today’s intro line of

Course you can become a friend of the ramble too by heading over to foot Rabel what a Christmas gift that would be and if you’re going Christmas is finished what a New Year’s gift there’s always a reason for the season exactly there is exactly there is Sir um

Yes of course uh we’ve seen Liverpool go top of the table they weren’t top at Christmas but they are top now uh and if you want to get Luke and Jim’s hot takes after their topof the table clash with Arsenal which happened on Saturday of course do listen to the latest ramble

Reacts straight after this which is a bloody good listen Luke more if I don’t mind saying so myself yeah it was um first half just me telling Jim offer treating it like it was Nal fan podcast I battered him in the second half he kind of got fell into line a little bit

Um and it was you was a bit better in the second half so give it a go exactly yeah if you want to hear Jim drunk and moaning about arson venger for some reason then get yourself an AFV I believe he’s got got a gig there

We are right uh gentlemen U Andy brassel I want you to kick us off with some highlights of the weekend Christmas Day highlights Boxing Day highlights I don’t mind but I know with your kind of Lifestyle there are tons of highlights you got so many highlights I think my

Christmas highlight was driving home from relatives yesterday having watched the Newcastle match which they were obviously delighted with all of them and um we were stopped at traffic lights just around the corner from our house and there is a pub with a big screen that was showing Bournemouth versus

Fulam and um my son went to me dad do you know what the score is and I said no but I’m pretty sure that Joel P is just giv away a penalty because all I could see as I glanced across from the traffic light stopped there was him looking very

Guilty and it turned out I was was right yeah okay so that’s your highlight you being smug because you were proved right by something you you could have given that penalty away for Bayern Munich if you played his cards right couldn’t it tell this reminds me of this is Haring

Back to Andy’s Paparazzi day seeing something dubious from a long distance him calling it putting it on the front pages so you two met is it well we patched up our fell out of the tree we we patched up our differences and my underwear and we never spoke of it again

Luk more your highlight of the weekend my highlight is that I went to go see Gossel B one scholing FC nil at privet Park yesterday and um shaing FC Paul Doswell who was well known in the area because he used to manage hav at Walter louville which is a team that many

People listening will be familiar with because they had a cup run not that long ago anyway he manages Shing FC now there’s a bit of spice in that because gossot bur are really a Portsmouth adjacent team and Shing are a Southampton adjacent team here we go and Doswell and obviously because it’s a

It’s private Parks non- League grounds so crowd of very close to the benches and all the rest of it and um Paul Doswell got booked for shouting at the referee in the first half and obviously the referee came running over gave him the yellow card the crowd behind the

Goal were absolutely loving it and basically he didn’t learn his lesson in the second half he was still giving it some and the referee come over and booked him again and then sent him off right which meant he had to um either go and sit in the stand which he wasn’t

Going to do because like 400 people in the stand all of PR League yeah oh you had to go down the tunnel right obviously the crowd thought it was absolutely hilarious it took him ages to accept the red card and leave the pitch sign and everyone was singing Cheerio

Cheerio this stuff right as he walked past the main stand a man of about 50 right in a Santa hat right a few seats down from me stood up basically right in his face grabbed his own of balls and went oh it does well I’ve got some Christmas nuts for you right [Laughter]

Here I love it to be fair to doell he did like laugh he thought it was hilarious but he carried on obviously had to carry on walking but I just thought that is definitely going in the show tomorrow yeah I I just I love it when someone

Looks all sort of festive or they looks kind of like as if they could be a kids’s TV presenter or they dress up like that and then they just L they completely forget who they are what they’re dressed like it’s brilliant yeah oh marvelous my

Um this was a highlight for me over the weekend we go to Egypt of course a very very historical land you always go there every year at Christmas don’t you uh not every year not well not any year actually if I’m going to be truthful the Egyptian super cup semi-final it took a

Mammoth penalty shootout 34 penalty kicks to settle the tie 1413 it ended but it’s the names of the teams could you get a more sort of uh what would it be I suppose J to position for one of a better word modern future beat pyramids 1413 on penalty that is a

Battle for the future of the Earth right there that is absolutely marvelous stuff no wonder it was such an epic shootout yeah you know in my mind they’re shooting lasers at each other or something my mind modern future are using um a um a silver floating ball and pyramids are wearing sandals yeah

Exactly yeah amazing pyramids took penalty shootout you think about the lack of equipment they had um so yeah modern future of through pyramids are are out sad to see um yeah exactly yeah progress has got to happen move forward we we’ve spoken very very affectionately yeah stop Le in the past

Pyramids um we’ve spoken affectionately before about African club team uh names um only affectionately about the names not about what they were up to police machine don’t forget but but modern future and pyramids they got to go in the pot haven’t they they got to go in

It’s beautiful stuff so there we are um nobody’s highlight of um of the weekend was Manchester United 3 Aston Villa 2 other than Manchester United fans it’s harsh that’s a harsh assessment and some neutrals yeah I think I’m just saying I think there’s a lot of Goodwill towards Aston Villa

There is particularly from you particular very personally may not have turned it around last night no not I want ason in the league I’m not happy with that yeah and Rasmus hland um was clearly mugging me off that’s why he celebrated like that how that spell out did you not see when he

Was beating his chest he was I I am I felt I think it I mean you disagree Marcus and I think I think Andy’s on my team on this particular point I think it’s a very hard heart indeed to to have watch Rasmus hyen score after how much

He’s toiled in the Premier League since his signing for Man United it’s a hard heart indeed who couldn’t enjoy the sheer emotional release of that celebration over I thought it was over the top no you’re absolutely right you’re absolutely right he he’s been through a bit and yeah it

Was it was you can’t deny the raw emotion there I also thought it was a it was a remarkable game for the obvious reason it’s 3-2 and it’s a bit of a barn burner and it’s not the only 3-2 we’ve seen across this round of fixtures which

I’m sure we’ll come on to but the the way that United turned that around I mean I’d love to get Andy’s assessment because you know the type of goals United caned to Villa was so poor like so poor like disjointed uninterested and then when for their own part when they

Were struggling in the game there was a point when Bruno Fernandez um stood like miles offside for a United attack free kick on the angle and it looked like they had a training ground set piece ready to go then Christian Ericson just smashed it into the wall from a position

He was like literally never going to score from and you’re thinking what what’s happening here yet they go in half timee and the atmosphere’s toic as well of course because it has been they go in at half time come back out fight their way back into it two and N

Probably could have scored more than three goals and turn it around and it’s very difficult to assess what the narrative is at that club given that everyone talks about how 10 Hog’s days are numbered players aren’t playing for the manager no one knows what’s happening there’s no leadership at the

Top I just don’t see how a group of players against a team who’ve been one of the best teams in the Premier League this season can turn that around if they’re not unified and not um behind the manager just because I think a lot of May United’s wins come from the fact

That they’ve just got loads more money and loads better players than some other Premier League teams this wasn’t an example of that so it’s really interesting how they’re able to do I could never see that happen in the million years and producer Finn texted us on the group and said when Villa

Scored their second he said could get this could get this could get embarrassing for United and I totally agree with him at the time yeah they turned it around it was very very interesting the ramble Twitter account sent out the Antonio Conte smoke signal you know they went full con thinking

He’s he’s going to be in the Lowry soon enough in the Jose Mourinho sweet it’s it’s getting that bad but Andy as Luke says it was a remarkable win and at halim I don’t think anybody would have bet on that happening yeah and I I don’t

Think it’s just the manner of it but it’s it’s the actual result actually because it’s it’s a weird thing that Manchester United beat Aston Villa at Old Trafford and it’s kind of a shock you know that’s that’s where we are at the at the moment I suppose um but you

Know it felt to me a little bit like you know you were saying Luke about the The Narrative and you know what what this actually means I I think we could read read too much into what it actually means it just felt like um an extraordinary night and because we get

Relatively few of those at Old Trafford nowadays it it feels like it’s stands out and it was um a comeback atmosphere it was a a boxing day atmosphere but in terms of like people will come out saying this is could this be a turning point no I I think we’ve seen enough

Before to know it’s not a turning point we know Manchester United can play exceptionally well for half an hour or a half and that’s what they did for for the second half but if if they go and lose their next couple of games that’s not a massive surprise to me either you

Know there are still a lot of holes in this team and as you said it was almost like um it was like an effort of will whereas normally you think just simply by having better individuals which is normally Bruno Fernandez than than anyone else this is what causes them to get points

That they might not have done because I think it’s easy to say okay that well they’re still only eighth in the league I think if you look at the points they’ve got and you look at the three teams that they’re immediately in front of you look at like W Ham Newcastle and

Brighton are all objectively better than them at the moment and for whatever reason they haven’t got quite as many points as they should have and United actually have got probably more points than their performance’s Merit so far but I I I mean you can’t totally take

The emotion out of it can you because like you were saying with hland I mean ten hog spoke afterwards about yeah he scored like five goals in the Champions League we we we know he can do it but and and I think you look at what he’s

Not been able to do in the Premier League so far it almost feels like a bit of a statistical anomaly but of course the way he celebrated underlines the fact that it’s not it doesn’t feel like a statistically statistical anomaly to him it feels like an absolute shitload of pressure that’s contingent with

Playing for Manchester United and I think you can say like a lot of it’s not his fault because they’ve not really created a lot of chances for him he’s been thrown into quite an unenviable position no I I totally agree with you yeah it’s not as if he’s been missing

Chance after chance um but yeah I mean Manchester United you know they are sitting in sixs just three points behind officially the best team in the world I might add although they do have two games in hand and are clearly much much better but I know what you mean it’s

It’s it’s an interesting one to look into because I kind of think this whole thing of is could it be a turning point as you say Andy we’ve seen that so many times basically post Ferguson do you know what I mean our Manchester United back and I know people go come on that

Was 10 years ago whatever it was but that’s the that is the case you know people um have been thinking oh now man going to kick on and challenge for the title I don’t think that but I actually do think there was something a little bit more in

The performance uh than there has been because at half time you know let’s be honest people are going to people might have started to think okay 10 hars days really are numbered and that is a much smaller number than perhaps we we thought before now obviously s Jim

Radcliff acquired 25% of of the club you know we we we think he might um change the manager and so on but when you produce a performance like that you were just talking about Luke it wasn’t just a case of they squeezed through it completely flipped they made Aston Villa

Look like they were a lower league sorry um a lower half of the table side Villa okay mcin has that chance at 2-2 and if he scores then who knows but the but the manner of the performance suggests that those players I don’t know they listen

To the man you know because there’s been Talk of the manager not quite getting his message through to the players and a bit of unrest in the dressing room but that performance doesn’t just come from the players going a s it let’s start trying there has to be something that’s

Perhaps clicked that hasn’t been in recent weeks yeah and I think I think you’re right to touch on the fact that Villa completely cly control of the game and that shows the um the power of momentum and the kind of ghosts that haunt Old Trafford still to this day you

Know sh surely do have an effect there was absolutely no reason why um Villa couldn’t couldn’t you know continue to play as they as they wanted to play there was we’ve not really seen them if you look at the games they’ve had you know in recent weeks they don’t just

Don’t really lose games you know they lost one Premier League game since whatever it is since really the start of September or whatever um they don’t tend to seed control of games emy’s a really good coach we know that and it may be the fact that it was at Old Trafford at

Christmas and you know whatever but but they did they don’t tend to do that so the credit has to go to man united even when even when aillea made their changes they brought at one point they brought on diu who had a brilliant start of this season and Zolo who’s obviously got a

Huge amount of talent and can and can hurt teams um didn’t really seem to make too much difference don’t you think that we put everything down to the manager you know it’s the it’s the thing we do if it’s going wrong it must be the manager if it’s going right it must be

The manager and it must it must be something that’s Chang look in in in the second half basically the secret to it was Bruno Fernandes and Marcus rashford both played well at the same time well as well I mean yeah of course but we know he can do that and and throughout

This very uneven season of theirs and you know it’s we’re talking about man united performances that have been even you know they’ve given like four different performances in the same game on many occasions you know so we we know gacho can show up and and do his stuff

It’s just what he does for the other 75 minutes that is part of the issue not that I’m saying that he’s the main United issue but that he’s been the outstanding player for much of this season underlines how bad they’ve been that how little we’ve seen of rashford

How Bruno Fernandez has been great at times and totally abdicated responsibility and been an awful captain on others as far as Villa go I think this had everything in it to say a why people all over the world not just here love Christmas football so much and B

Why it’s such a terrible idea why athletically it makes no sense at all because you get more inconsistency than ever before consistency is the biggest problem in the modern game anyway because of the ridiculous demands on players and it was just one of them games where you thought Villa have been

Incredibly consistent so far and this this wasn’t them at all I don’t think um because of games on boxing day there’s that makes us too much football you know I I think there’s a lot of factors that go into the fact that players in England

Play too much but but I mean what what you would say is this season’s been particularly bad for players because probably the knock on effect from the World Cup last Christmas and the lack of a break if you look at the three fixures that are happening tonight brenford

Wolves Chelsea Crystal Palace over to Man City it could be 36 players across those three games missing through injury you know on average that’s obviously 12 per game I mean that’s that’s wild that I can’t remember that have happening before you know I think the the other

Thing is if you go back to like last week and you think actually since we last rambled we’ve missed quite a lot of football you know the only the only day you didn’t have foot footb was Christmas day for those of us who Square enough to not watch casin Passion versus rizer

Sport on Christmas day but um record you would have watched that but your family vetoed it let’s make that absolutely clear yeah you didn’t you asked me for my highlight of Christmas not the saddest bit of Christmas there was unconfirmed reports of Andy shouting at his family but Jon Joo Shel

Playing good enough for John’s good enough for me I was just going to say I think if you look at the fact that we have been playing on every day and we will continue playing on every day that’s not Christmas day we’re even playing on on on New Year’s Day it it’s

It’s almost like Co schedule at the moment you know where it was just a string of days with football on all of them and that is a bit crazy you don’t like it Andy you can leave yeah get get get yourself back to Leon where was apparently great and I still haven’t got

A game in all of those I’ve not been asked to play one of them you got your shirt on though um chaps as we mentioned earlier sir Jim Ratcliffe has acquired 25% of Manchester United this was confirmed at 400 p.m. on Christmas Eve it’s been reported that he’s preparing

To cut 300 jobs happy Christmas everybody but the bit that I want to um knuckle down uh on is um now Luke you mentioned the the ghosts of Old Trafford uh earlier in our chat um Old Trafford has been given a Food hygiene rating of one out of five uh recently after

Complaints that they had allegedly served raw chicken at an event Patrice everra was at the ground last night I don’t know if things are connected but this is interesting so you’ve got ghosts you’ve got bad food sir Jim owns a pub in London in a very fancy part of London

London’s belgrave Square the pub was built in 1720 um I believe it serves food but it is described as London’s most haunted Pub yeah so put all that in mind this is the man to sort it out at Old Trafford shle I I think that um

The Big Sir Jim here has got more trouble with the ghosts of Old Trafford than he’s got with the ghost of his Pub which certainly do not exist the ghosts the ghosts of his Pub attract the punters at least well that’s true people go people go there that’s the difference

Between the two venues people go to the pub to try and glimpse a ghost over a pint people um go to Old Trafford because because they’re they want to foret the you want a ghost well I tell you what his Pub that the people some of the people that have

Have gone there Prince William the Future King Madonna Queen of Pop if you like Andy I’m just saying that if you want to go there you’d be in good company apparently George ivth once visited did did you listen to the rabble yesterday yeah yeah they do much about

Jim gr Cliffe sort of yeah yeah um and uh I don’t know you uh Angus Deon visits Old Trafford so you got to balance it up haven’t you Angus Deon he’s he’s you see Andy you could see him kind grasping around but where am I going to go what’s

My go-to here will it be a Nick Huer impression will I will I talk a bit about Kevin Keegan you go for Angus Dayton what’s where’s that come from because he’s he’s a notable Manchester United fan is he notable in any way he’s the first one you thought of is he he

Certainly was say fish fish never fish never goes though does he the true busy at the he’s at the cricket he’s a man of the bat cricket yeah true what what’s what’s interesting about joking the side what’s interesting about this GM rack situation is just that what I

Find kind of curious is that he is obviously a very very wealthy man he made his money in Petr chemicals some a somewhat questionable environmental record to say the least right his his U has all been about staring out the public eye you know no one what’s interesting till kind got

Involved in team sky and all the rest of it no one really knew who he was like he was it’s it’s quite rare for people to be that wealthy in this country and be British and not be known was he was very very unknown yet now I understand he’s a

Man united fan and all the rest of it but now he’s kind of stepping into the spotlight in a massive way you know you think of you think of how famous the glazers are in football in this country and they’ve not given an interview in 18

And no one’s ever heard any of them speak right that’s that’s the size of like man United’s kind of um attraction so R if you he needs to really be careful of what he’s going to do here because it’s been reported that he’s going to take control of the football

Operations etc etc every single decision he makes going to be really scrutinized and yes you can say okay well he owns nice or he owns you know a cycling team so what no one cares about that you’re talking about the biggest football club you know with apology to

Liverpool fans the biggest football club in the country right get used to it sir Jim because you are going to get a massive amount of scrutiny on you and everything you do from now going forward uh for better or worse and given the state of May United the moment probably

For Worse cool big words Gentlemen let’s turn our attention uh to another 3-2 match in the Premier League that happened yesterday shefford United 2 Luton Town three the old proverbial six-pointer Was Won by Luton Town Luke Moore the Luton Truffle Pig has sniffed out another one some very tasty little

Three-point morsels there actually had some truffle um infused Galer yesterday bloody on that on that note I just treated myself little SS number um it was a Christmas bar burner much like the Man United game I mean l now one point from safety I mean and there there’s a

Long way to go but what’s impressive about this result for them is they went 2-1 down away from home against a big rival you know rival who you know have shown early signs of really tidying themselves up at the back since Wilder Chris Wilder’s coming as well that the

Score three at Bram Lane is is pretty good two very very fortunate goals like proper muck and bullet stuff was the kind of game that like you have to you know if you are going to get involved in that kind of scrap you need to come out the other

Side of it with a wi I mean the first and last goals were particularly comical to be honest but you know what’s impressive is they went 21 down and then they came back you know and I think it’s early to say this now and I don’t think

It’s necessarily going to happen I mean who knows because as we’ve talked about injuries can pile up and now starting to pile up for everyone already so who knows which way it’s going to go but I’ll just put this back to you guys guys if Lon Town stay up this season it’s

Arguably the best achievement of any promoted Club in in the history of the Premier League I would say it’s hard to think of a more impressive achievement David Varner hfield so there will be some other teams of a Sim of a similar profile yeah who who I know Lon back in

The day have been in the Top Flight the rest of it but given that they weren’t even really expecting to be promoted and the absolute I mean respectfully I’m going to I should choose more respectful language in this but I’m not going to the absolute state of their squad I just

Think it will be a remarkable achievement because I thought the first few three or four weeks of the Season you expect a promoted side of that nature to struggle and really got to speed take a time take time to get up to speed I thought they looked absolutely

Miles away like miles away um they lost like their first four Premier League games and they didn’t pick up a win until they beat Everton who in a Ral State at the time away from home it’s not just the results is it I mean they look really Meek I think in those those

Early parts of the season they looked really overall and they’ve grown into the season they’ve also had lots of deals off the pitch by the way recently you which is something that can you know needs to be taken into account too very very difficult far more important on

Football the stuff that’s been going on so they lot they they they have a lot of credit them this is a massive massive win for them yeah and I I think when you look at the talking of that emotional um effort they’ve had to make in in recent times

Of course they played that first home game since Tom loia was um taken ill against Newcastle the weekend and they’re brilliant in that that they really really deserve to to to win against a team with far greater resource than than them they didn’t steal that game at all and I think what’s the

Interesting thing here is they gave a completely different type of performance this was a strange game because sheffields United were better than them for most of it and yet they found a way to dig in they found a way to continue to to be brave actually when they were

Under the CER a little bit now I think if you talk about the way they’ve grown into the season you look at like some of the situations that were created for them to get back in control of the game and you know when they when they were 21

Down um obviously those those two goals and particularly the the winning goal the Ben Lano own goal was was was quite fortunate it’s not it’s poor according to Chris Wilder Randy well yeah but we’ll come to that but I think the way they continue to try and find a way to

Take the game to Sheffield United even though they they weren’t playing fantastically well the fact that Amari Bell who’s the third Center back was almost playing as an attacking left back really um that that showed a bit of imagination that showed you can see some of these players thinking and like

Gabriel oo is another one looking around and thinking actually I can be a Premier League player bollocks to what anyone else thinks you know I I can I can really do this and like Rob Edwards who’s completely learning on the job as well he’s a very inexperienced coach um

In in global terms you can tell that he’s he’s growing into this as well but a very charismatic and handsome man Andy yeah that is true usually go in your favor um and and and the players seem to believe in him and what he’s doing but

Also and not in this game in particular of course but also they do have a couple of players with a bit of experience in there When Ross Barkley I know Luton Town fans are go come on we got other players than Barkley and town end but

They are now to well it does make a difference and they’re starting to show and again if you are a player as you say who’s come up through the lower leagues or even just been playing in the championship and you have a couple of guys where you think I remember what

Cheering that guy when he was wearing an England shirt you know whatever seen that Barkley play in the Europa League final and so on he’s now with us and he’s stepping up it gives you a bit of confidence I mean and Barkley and Townsen of course combine for Townsen to

Get the only gold against his old the season could be could be you did you did take the moment to really acknowledge it on the WhatsApp group you were very very pleased well I mean how can we not be pleased the amount of sunglasses emojis that were being used is incredible to

Watch it’s just such a shame that the that the Euro squads aren’t as big as they were last time around but still time listen they caring like this they’ll be unignorable oit they’re in the conversation quite literally in people are saying no they’re not yes they are

Because this ladies and gentlemen is the convers this conversation this is the one that Gareth Southgate tunes into he what are the what are the guys saying what should I be doing but yeah so I mean it’s a great for them obviously great for the young lad doy to score his

First goal in the Premier League nice interview with him after as well like oh he’s amazing you know um so perhaps more for to come from him um but a damning result for Sheffield United but as you say Luke they do look improved under Wilder just at the back I I think I

Think they seem to be a bit more organized I think the question really is just just you know how much improvement can they make because there’s even been flashes from you’ve spoken about Luton that was a massive game because they a Ral there’s been flashes from Burnley they’ve they’ve won games in recent

Memory obviously Everton put a huge run together um before they lost to um to Spurs narly you know even not and Forest got a win you know and and then you get up to the Realms of teams like Crystal Palace who although are on a terrible run they’re just better than sheffeld

United like far better so like it’s is still slim pickings for them it’s pretty thin gr when you’re looking to credit them with stuff but um they have shown a little bit of improvement um who who knows it just it just depends whether they can improve enough I suspect the

Answer is probably no but but they have shown a little bit the good news is though for shefford United fans is if they do get relegated then they will be featured on the podcast second tier our fellow stack show of course um all the reaction to the championship the second

Tier is your place to go and of course when you have a good game last night Leicester city IP switch town they faced off and an own goal in the 93rd minute from former Saints man yanuk vestard gave ipswitch a w all draw all that kind

Of Juicy chat all the reaction from The Boxing Day games second TI is the place to go the championship is a huge league and it is the feed the league to the Premier League as it’s proudly known it’s it’s known as the thanks very much we’ll take it from here league is

It exactly dust yourself off and have a go just just great they they cover every s they work like absolute Trojans cover every single match day they know their stuff they’re brilliant if you if you are a fan of championship football and as Marcus says let’s face it why

Wouldn’t you be then second tier is the one to search for in your podcast app for sure absolutely right let’s have a quick Break 5 ah leads fans during their 4-n defeat of viit toown on Saturday winners there aren’t they they are the real winners 4 winners thanks to Marie Smith on the

Football Ramble Discord for choosing that clip now a quick reminder that our Toshiba competition starts on Friday Friday everybody and if you are German listening to it this is fry tag we’re talking about it would be quite odd if you were fluent in English but you didn’t learn that word you go through

Half an hour of this show and enjoying it still I don’t think you’re confused about a day of the week are you oh thank God for that so from Friday we are giving you the chance to win three brand new 50in Toshiba fire QED TV that’s one each by

The way one person can’t have three but they can have all 50 Ines l oh that’s not the first time you said that to me we were in Subway once that’s all I’m saying we went to Subway together on what a trip it was um so stay tuned and

Listen out for details of how to enter at the end of Friday’s show show it’s it’s very simple um you got to find out at the end of Friday’s show like Sam allise going after his next Premier League job you might as well just throw your hat into the ring cuz you never

Know absolutely got be to win it a bloody exactly as Mr Partridge once said now let’s go to the chriswood derby Newcastle United 1 Nottingham Forest 3 Chrissy wood hatrick it was Roy of the roover stuff Andy brassel wasn’t it just um I I I there’s a lot to like about

Chris Wood I’ve forgotten he had the ability to take goals like that you know New Zealand there as well always a very lovely bunch lovely bunch yeah three terrific finishes um particularly the second two and um yeah I I guess this is the point where Newcastle properly ran out of steam they

Were good the first half I thought um but but they were always they they looked a little bit vulnerable on the on on the break and um Anthony langa was was excellent throughout I thought Morgan Gibbs white was really really good too and um yeah Forest took advantage of the fact that

Newcastle were like you know or Roberto Duran and no Mass it was a surprise really because Newcastle have been really really good at home that that has been the thing that has has propped them up so far this season and um yeah this was this was just the point where they

They just didn’t have any more left I think yeah Newcastle seemed to be there for the taken look for for some team they go there with I believe I mean they’ve lost four in their last five Premier League games there but you’ve still got to put them away and as you

Say forest under a new manager of course they went up there and Gibbs white was at his swashbuckling best at times um would scores a hattick they gave Santo his first win as Forest manager suddenly looks pretty Rosy it’s very early days of course but it’s a great win well I

Think I think that Andy’s touched on it and you follow up on that marus I totally agree if you look at the kind of front three the three that sit behind Chris Wood you know to all intents and purposes you know elango who’s got great pedigree yeah International player still

Young can improve a lot Morgan gibes White who is I think just a fantastic player I think he’s so underrated and Callum huton adoi who was you know not that long ago been you know linked to Bayern Munich for 30 million quid or whatever and was one one of the Jews in

Chelsea’s Crown in the previous era that is a team that that should be a front or three behind a one who can hurt you and Chris Wood can finish you know he’s he’s probably had a little bit of a um difficult career in recent years through probably a victim of circumstance more

Than anything else he obviously went to Newcastle for you know decent money that was an unsettled situation because things were moving around a lot he’s clearly got pedigree he’s a guy who scored double figures in the Premier League you know on more than one occasion I think don’t quote on that off

The top of my head I think he has um and then you look at the situation Newcastle are in there’s talk of Ed how fear him for his job which seems a touch premature to me but then look at but look at the January they’ve got Andy my

God look at that January it’s a perfect storm they’ve got they’ve got massive Premier League teams to play and a rivalry game in the cup I don’t think it’s outrageous to say if things go badly for for him and them this time next month he could be in real trouble

Honestly I do I do honestly think that I’m not saying to agree with it or not I’m just saying it could be the case they’ve gone out the Champions League in the group stage of course I know you got your own opinions on that Andy it’s

Stages and all the rest of it but I would just say keep an eye on that because I think there’s more to that than than people perhaps think on the Chris Wood thing you know the first goal is I mean you say the second two or the

Second the third of the pick of the game pick of the bunch I’ll probably agree with that the second one is an absolute Beauty he sends down burn for a Christmas leftover sandwich and it’s a lovely finish the first one though he checks his run nicely good movement

Third one gives the keeper the eyes and goes around him and it’s a brilliantly timed run to beat the offside track what I loved about the third goal was just that he was so confident and you see this happening quite a bit with Strikers don’t you Marcus where they they’re on

Form they’re confident their Tim of their runs is going so well they pick it perfectly he was just on absolute fire um Newcastle fans were go yeah typical he scores a Hattery against us that seems to be our football work sometimes but at the back at the moment Newcastle

Look just like that I mean I it’s just it’s just torturous watching Kieran Tria play at the moment I me they’ve lost six of their last seven basically through exhaustion and yeah and that’s a problem and why Eddie how isn’t just trying to blood young players to come through

Because if you’re going to lose games anyway you might as well give them the experience and give trippy the rest because you get an added bonus of getting him back fresh it seems OD decision- making to me maybe he just thinks he’s he’s so important for the

Group that he needs to play him every time but I don’t see who it’s benefiting yeah I mean at the back they have just the the back door and the front door were open against Forest the it was ridiculous the way that they were just dancing through and as you say I mean

Could could well have been more but I but it’s yeah Santos’s first win as Forest manager bodess well for him well Nuno is I think he’s interesting because Nuno because of that really poor spell at Spurs has got a particular tag stuck to him at the moment which I think is

Really unfair because he was just miscast for the Spurs job he was about 78th choice for it and he he came into a a situation which was just thankless really it was never going to last for long and you know sometimes coaches take the wrong job it’s just how you recover

From that really and I I think with Eddie how no one at the club or no one immediately in the vicinity of Newcastle thinks Eddie how’s in danger because they realize what he’s done since he he he took over now the only people he think he’s in danger of thinking that um

They’re thinking on a Champions League level now they realized that they were you know riding the crest of a wave to get in it last season I don’t think a lot of people out there really expect them to get in it again for for next season that’s unreasonable and it’s

Become even more of an unreasonable expectation with the way that Villa and and Spurs have improved it’s really squeezed stuff at the the top of the table I think really people who’ve watched Newcastle on a regular basis what’s happening at the moment is normal what’s happened in the weeks

Before that Manchester United home game because of course they’ve lost five out of six since they they they beat Man United at home the fact that they’ve continued to win home games particularly against really good teams and you know you think they’ve they’ve beaten Arsenal um United

Are a name you know they’ve they’ve got some that that absolutely battered Chelsea they’ve beaten some big names really over over the last couple of months that is the remarkable bit not what’s happening to them now this is just a growing pain because it’s h all

Happened so fast under Eddie how no one up here doubts him at all no one up here doubts him at all and if they have a next 3 weeks that is going to make absolutely no difference they need to give him the tools they are not going to

Go and get a better manager than him in in in the next in the next month or two months or or six months just Eddie Hal they’ve got Andy they’ve also got Jason Tindle exactly lest we forget I you know if there’s if there’s a reason for

Firing Eddie how the big man at the top terrible judge of character did you see that he um he sent a little message out to the Newcastle United fans a little video of him um in which he said wishing you a very merry Christmas hopefully it’s not your last Christmas

Of psychotic yeah it’s weird yeah I I I assume and hope for everyone’s sakes and souls that he was talking about Wham last Christmas otherwise yeah who knows who knows um I would like to say that I I managed to avoid W again this year Well

Done mate no way how did you do that I went into a cave for the Hall of December and shut my ears and eyes Ron that was true yeah naughty I took my microphone with me um elsewhere in the Premier League Eddie how’s olds side Bournemouth are kicking everybody’s asses they beat the

Mighty Fulham 3-0 Fulham of course once the form team in the Premier League this season now Bournemouth very much have that Mantra their fourth Premier League win in a row they’re unbeaten in seven they’re up to 10th in the table it is scintillating stuff down on the south

Coast luk more finally a team on the south coast is producing scintillating displays although Southampton did win 5-nil yesterday lest we forget but scintillating Sinister with an absolute Peach against the mighty W it’s weird look the Catalyst the Catalyst for bourma seems to have been getting absolutely hammered by Man City and then

And it’s almost like Iola sat down with him and said look you can you can go one or two ways here now and they’ve chosen they’ve chosen the good way and they’ve been brilliant ever since sank I mean there’s been people around whove said they didn’t think think salanki ever had it

In him but he’s shown that he does was is that you Andy was it I didn’t I thought it was you but I thought no Andy’s a football expert he’d never say something like that um and and he’s been brilliant ever since it’s not only the fact that they’ve um they’ve been

Winning games you know they’ve been pretty I mean overall they’ve been pretty decent at the back I know they considered two against Villa who are a really good team and considered that a bit of a life or death game last time out against Forest um but aside from

That they’ve been pretty decent at the back as well um I wonder what point you start pushing the panic button for Fulham though Marcus because they’re only six points off relegation now yeah don’t start that no you don’t want to talk about that I want to stay with lost

His head well yeah Fulham have lost their last three and they’ve been I mean losing at home to Burnley was was a bit of a daming one um at least there was a positive in the game that that Rebecca wels became the first ever woman to referee a Premier League match so some

Important ground broken there but in the game itself you know a brilliant win for Burnley my goodness what three points for them and yeah pretty daming for Fulham uh maybe that’s why burn Leno decided to um well uh I I was about to say touch a ball boy but that sounds

Even worse than push a ball boy um don’t say that that’s not what happened well Marco Silva said he touched the bull boy he didn’t push the bull boy they are different things when you touch a ball boy or you push a ball boy I am not English but I know the

Difference between one word and the other and we have to say the trth in that moment yeah B Le’s going please say I pushed him he gave him a little push he did give I love the uh the dressing room afterwards like but I know what you’re

Trying to do Gaff but I think you’re making me look worse I know I mean Marco Silva like I said if if he’s if you’re in his Camp he’ll defend you to the hilt he really will you know what he’s like but yeah so Bert Leno could face some punishment

There retrospectively so yeah so he he was a little bit unkind to the ball boy he did Apologize yeah but they all had a massive problem with the ball boy generally didn’t they they said that um they they had been under instructions to slow the game down in fact it got so bad

At one point that the referee ordered for the multiball system to be stopped so I think he just want either it’s because of the Leno thing or because he no it was after the push he ordered the multi ball to be sto but I mean it’s the oldest trick in the book

Really isn’t it ever since Mal it’s got dripping with Ino that what what made me laugh is the fact that um Marco Silva that wasn’t the funniest thing he said he said he was too sad about the performance to complain about them time wasting Marco Marco Marco he much wonder

What team he’s managing because it wasn’t really that long ago in fact it was the same calendar months we’re in now were they two backt to back 5-nil wins then they go and have that kind of great days they were you never forget them you never forget the friend you

Made um on the way but then they they followed that up with that really unfortunate kind was so unfortunate when the r him when they’re sending off they got whooped by a Newcastle who are vulnerable as we’ve said uh then they lose at home to Burnley and now they’ve

Been battered again they’ve got Arsenal next you know it’s it’s a tricky situation it is a tricky situation I mean Himes yeah himene started playing uh the football that we we hoped and wanted he could play and then immediately does that you think oh blim it’s a setback got they got Chelsea as

Well coming up haven’t they and lipol in the well you never know don’t want to bore everybody with too much fulam chat um but there we are it’s my Christmas too it is my Christmas so um tonight though Chelsea versus Palace brenford versus wolves Everton versus officially

The best team in the world on planet Earth Manchester City Manchester City returning to the Premier League Of course after winning the club World Cup on Friday that’s why they are officially the best team on the globe they beat flingy 4-0 in the final Jackie greish

And Kylie Walker got into a fight with Felipe Melo who was old enough to let’s be fair a previous winner of the golden bin in Italy Meo Melo accused Gish shouting Olay at the end of the game and of course greish denied it well he said he was defending one of his teammates

Filipe Melo but um I mean he’s not a bloke even at his Advanced age he’s not a bloke you would really pick a fight with I think I mean they they call him the pitbull for a reason he used to do this he used to do the Pitbull

Celebration where he got down on his his hands and knees did did the sort of crawl and um it’s it’s it’s funny because he he got so into that character there was his time when he was playing for Galatasaray and um they did all their subs he had to

Go in goal and he saved a last minute penalty to preserve a one-nil win and you know there’s a few things better in football than a outfield goalkeeper saving a penalty I mean that’s that’s that’s pretty good but he was so in char he saved the pen and he started doing

The pitball celebration he started crawling across the pitch and you’re looking at it kind the ball’s still in play genuinely what are you doing but all his teammates were far too scared of him to say Filipe you can’t do that yeah um so he just he just carried on doing

It also how rare is it he’s a fireball Andy yeah how rare is it for a player to put in another 400 appearances for other clubs after they’ve gone to gatar as well love it love that it’s amazing so so good he loves the game yeah he he

Loves the game we love him um maybe he got the wrong end of the stick because filipo Melo accusing Jack Gish shouting oay which obviously is taking a piss you know if you you know cheering your passes or whatever at the end of the game maybe though Jackie greish saw old

Gun of solar up in the stands he was like o yeah there he is up there maybe he was stopping um filipo Melo getting a phone call from his grandson so think I think the thing we’re overlooking is a while ago Jack greish we stereotype him really is this

You know typical British likes to win and then go for several drinks afterwards he did say a while ago he was learning Spanish so I think he’s mistaken fluminense for a Spanish team and he’s just trying to do a bit of intercambio between Felipe Melo is

Taking it the wrong way that is true Andy we should also say that perhaps he wasn’t drunk after the Man City celebrations you know when they won the what I would say completely mischaracterized we stereotype Jack Gish chiefly because of his own confirmed actions I mean it’s not I mean is

Largely based on the stuff he’s actually done isn’t it yeah I don’t think there’s any stereotype and we’re just responding to what we’ve all seen yeah possibly possibly by talking of gy do you like the um the nickname the very very talented Bournemouth midfielder Alex Scott Scot the old gery greish nice it’s

Lovely that isn’t it because the way he runs and the way he moves it is a little bit Jackie I wonder what I wonder if um the channel lers have kind of punched above their weight when it comes to producing football players mat laer grao tiny Place yeah canot wait Alex Scott’s

Podcast in 15 years time oh my goodness yeah I was about say I cannot believe Luke just mentioned Matt lazia in a positive like there and didn’t say anything what I just I can’t I don’t live in a cave Marcus I do understand that he’s very Talent if you I wish I

Mean the way we carry on going by the end of the season mat will be living in the cave yeah but but uh but um obviously he’s a talented player there’s no no question about that is there no question but on the Man City front can I just um

Potentially say that this is a really interesting game them go to goodon park because ever have been resurgent we know what Shawn D is like he’ll have his team at it this is a real chance for us they’ve been he’ll be he’ll be telling them all sorts of tales about how man

City have been loading it up in the club World Cup look at what they think they are look he just signed Felipe Melo yeah yeah he will they’re going to come to town they’re going to come to ever Everton they’re going to think they can roll us over we’ve been brilliant

Recently we can keep this up this is actually real baptism of FIV Man City back in the Premier League after a couple of weeks off or whatever it is the league has quite literally you know moved on a couple of games since they’ve been playing it um and they they’re

Under pressure themselves they they find themselves in fifth all right they’ve got a game or two in hand it’s not it’s not an easy game back back at goodon Park I think it’d be a really really interesting game City have a really Tatty record there as well yeah you have

To underline that too iict one win to Everton Andy that’s what I have you Everton haven’t won it Andy Everton haven’t beaten Man City since like 2017 though is that mad 4-0 game they’re going to win it tonight well we’ll see uh and by the way any Everton

Players that are listening to this don’t start on Jack greish because Kyle Walker will get involved and he commented on the situation on Instagram saying no one starts on my Jack that’s cute is that nice quite cute that’s Lovely isn’t it and what and and and that is in part

What the festive spirit is all about uh of course love so there we are thank you very much for listening to the Football Ramble part of the acast Creator Network we’re back on Friday for the preview show Patron subscribers don’t go anywhere though keep listening for

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You’re supposed to call it X these days some people say that some people do uh thank you very much see you see you next time thank you Andy brassel thank you and thank you Elon Musk for enriching our lives yet again you brilliant bloke merry Christmas everybody we’ll see you

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Boxing Day, you never disappoint. Marcus, Andy and Luke react to the latest Premier League action, where Man United stormed back against Aston Villa, Chris Wood punished his old club, and Luton Town took a huge step towards survival. Plus, is Eddie Howe REALLY in danger of losing his job?

Plus, a detour to Gosport Borough and Egypt…

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On the podcast, we discuss the biggest figures in the beautiful game today. From the players like Harry Kane, Mohamed Salah, Erling Haaland, Kevin De Bruyne, Bukayo Saka and Marcus Rashford; to the managers like Jürgen Klopp, Pep Guardiola, José Mourinho, Mikel Arteta, Erik ten Hag, Mauricio Pochettino and Carlo Ancelotti.

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  1. at half time no-one would have betted on it…. actually i saw the +1200 or 12.0 odds at half time and told myself. on the weekend i bet on aston villa to tie the game after they dropped to 1-0 and they won it why dont i give it so i threw a 100 and cashed out 10x my money after rasmus scored. Not a united fan either lmao

  2. Egyptian here. Egypt is an absolute land mine of interesting (?) club names: National Bank, Ceramica Cleopatra, Grand Hotel, WE, and more

  3. eddie howe is only as good as the players he has? he nearly got sacked just before the new owners splashed out the first time? As soon as he gets new players in he will start winning again? The only problem i see with him is in game management ? same subs at 70 minutes? hes abit predictable at times?

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