@Boston Bruins



Hello this is uh TR Fredick here and you’re listening here the boys are missing curfew what’s missing curfew it’s when you kind of play guilty but you show up how nice is a green light on the road though no practice tomorrow no playing just go Scotty Upshaw in the C and he

Scores scor few laughs a little bit of fun and obviously a lot of hockey talk you’re listening to missing curfew f f f Friday fella Friday fella New Year’s look at that tarp nice tarp how soft is that tarp it’s uh buttery as they say buttery and

Um I had a good comment from one of our buddies Joe DeMarco I sent him sent him some swag that doesn’t happen very often he said uh I said how you like the teas he said they’re nice and soft I said yeah I mean the up dog take pride in

That and then I said what do you think about the hats said hats are great reminds me of the old school bare flag hats I said fella that’s exactly what we were going for and his response was that’s what you’re going for then you then you pulled it off I’m like well I’m

Glad you like the stuff J there was no better hat back in the day than the bef flag hat no mael would come in for Memorial Day weekend he’ go right to be flag get a hat all the boys from New York would um they used to sell out all

The time mat the Pokey would sell out but we ain’t selling out at Sasa yeah so it looks good on you fell guys you got your package I was tracking it for you your text was hilarious to me you’re like you just got back from New York and

You’re like did you send me that stuff and I like literally just sent you the tracking number and I’m like huh what are you talking about like I think I said something yeah it was in one of the boxes uh a lot of boxes I got a lot of

Boxes here you just show me this stuff I’m like you’re Beauty up you know what though uh just the time of year around the holidays he just boxes everywhere that’s true yeah and especially when you live with a girl like Christina she just orderers boxes and boxes and boxes yeah

By the way I’m every day I come home to me to to there’s something at my door yeah I didn’t even order it I didn’t even order but thanks bud um Happy New Year’s buddy I can’t believe this is going to be our last show for for uh for 2003 2003

2023 feels like 2003 today you know what um what a year great year lot lot lot of lot of things happen you yeah we got uh happy to be part of the draft King Family on DK Network now um you know was a great playoff last year some ups and

Downs uh took it on the chin the first round Boston Bruins you know Blues in your s Kraken I I was in a big hole start the playoffs but Peaks and valleys Peaks and Valley as Rob told me a lot of a lot of great successful fellow tours

With you oh yeah many more to come with a new year it was it was our 40th birthdays this year great trip right yeah your 40th birthday was uh interesting we tried we tried to plan a few things but it got we figured it out

We got it done ours yeah we crushed it we crushed it um yeah it’s been a it’s been a great year what’s your are you a big New Year’s Guy like some some people say it’s Amateur hour right because you will get these people that come out that

Aren’t used to partying but what’s your feeling on it my feeling is I’m I’m not dusting off my credit card this year I I’m I’m saying I’m I’m going to be able to say no you know I’m going to say you know what guys if if this is what you

Want to do go for it I’m I’m chilling I’m sitting on the sidelines I don’t I’m going to celebrate New Year’s from my couch you think so I’m gonna try I I I love you I’m GNA take that I’ll take that bet how much I’m GNA say I’m GNA

Say the ball of C that owe I’m going to say that there’s no way you’re in your house when that call Dive Bar yeah what do you think about in Aspen where’s the Dive Bar in Aspen uh well there used to be uh Erics that’s no longer there um we

Have Zayn’s Zayn’s a good sports bar good sport good good cheese steak there you could bring it the New Year’s at zay’s yeah like I’m like a guys oh or there’s an uh there’s an underground bar uh like the ants no not Hooch that’s more of like cool cool little Lounge we

Were there not too long ago but uh no it’s a different one it’s called like uh something Street Brewery or something got a good little like you know underground winter feel in there you’re not going to do the the $220,000 table at St reges or something like that no

It’s like why why it stings it stings I’m looking forward to New Year’s Day I’m just hanging out in Newport with Mac Miller I’m looking forward to to New Year’s Day on that couch Winter Classic Rose Bowl Sugar Bowl door Dash yeah bring it on baby bring it on and that

Order up dog so why not uh you know you going to oh by the way for got this great new thing it’s Lucille’s kitchen here they they make dinners every day if you order by three what if you order it by 300 p.m. delivered to your door like

$75 meals and it’s like salad cookies and like either like a chicken picata salad cookies chicken picata like and a rice or like a pasta fella said this to me it’s insane and all homecooked organic food like homecooked meal comes hot this is a sing guy’s dream L where

Was this in the NHL no no idea no idea you know what I be like no I don’t think I have many regrets but one thing I wish I would have done when I played is hired a chef I should have had a chef that was there prefer preferably a beautiful

Woman maybe that did it for me but just like I should have had my meals taken care of right I should have had that that’s something looking back you could have done that yeah so here we’re going to shout out to this girl here right now

I haven’t met her but the food’s insane it’s Lucy’s whole some kitchen wholesome I see how she did it there yeah Lucy holom we’re going to we’re going to put a little ad out there for her that’s a free ad read I think so that’s

If anyone’s in the Newport area that’s a free looking for some fresh grub right there what’s it called Lucy’s it’s called Lucy’s wholesome kitchen I would say Lucy if you’re listening the up dog deserves a week of free meals after that I’d read free I mean it’s nice meal by

The way you feed my kids you feed my wife it’s great happy wife happy life uh up dog Happy New Year’s buddy uh it’s been an unbelievable year I’m looking forward to the next one here with you at missing curfew Hall Pass hey we got a we got a throwback today Trent

Frederick I a throwback in the way he plays and just I I I see this kid he’s he’s wise amongst his years I love this kid yeah I love this kid uh I love his game um you know how we feel about Maddie kachuck Brady kachuck wal kachuck

Clayton Keller throw this guy in as as a St Louis Beauty I reached out to him about a month ago and said hey kid I love your game um then he text me back hey I love what up dog or doing I said I’d love to have you on uh so looking

Forward to this one obviously the Boston Brews again are rolling rolling people you know I think I picked him to be a wild card team a lot of people picked in to miss the playoffs they continue to roll on without berson they’re doing their thing pass is looking sick but up

Dog this kid’s our type of guy so I’m looking forward to this um I never got around to it but shatty my boy shatty says this kid’s a great guy and I enjoy talking to him I didn’t get a chance you know I want to ask him is shat in

Control of the of the tunes give shat control of the iPod got to shat lives for that loves it I actually reached out to shat a couple days ago and said that I know you’re busy snapping around the national league but in the new year I

Need I need you for 20 minutes on missing curfew to talk about the trade heard around the world yeah you know the trade heard around the world shaty so uh up dog looking forward to this one this guy’s an absolute Beauty Trent Frederick that’s right coming at you Freddy

Welcome back to miss curfew up dog I call this guy a D of breed fella yeah there’s not enough of these guys uh around in the league uh a good St Louis boy friends of of the kachuck family so I would D to get this guy on I’m excited

To have him here goodlooking lad uh Trent Frederick thanks for coming in my man yeah thanks for having me guys appreciate yeah so we caught you just after a little a little nap fella we got we got a we got a t-shirt at Mr curfew I

Used to say that rest is a weapon so um nice little off day for you today uh yeah good off day um hung out with reamer jvr and did a little sauna got a little pool at his uh apartment complex and then that that got me to uh

Hit the snooze button after hey we could start right there so you got a A couple vets coming into the squad teaching you the ropes is is this little Spa like treat the body uh you know what is it what did you used to say I used to say

The body stretch the career there you go Luke Richardson told me that I feel like jvr kind of jv’s probably got kind of got the same you know that same model he’s a veteran he’s a veteran guy so what’s that been like he is he a guy you’ve been looking up

To uh yeah I mean he’s he’s a really nice guy he’s all dialed in with um you know if that’s a video coach or um I feel like he’s always got appointments uh kind of working on his body and I don’t know it seems like he’s gonna if

He keeps doing this he’s going to stretching his career the way he does it so he’s always got uh body workk people and uh the place he he lives at he’s got a nice little setup so he just invited me over and it was nice I feel like he’s

He’s the guy at the end of practice it’s always just tipping pucks right is he just like hey you know Lind Holm or M come shoot some pucks at me boys I want to tip them yeah shaty uh the 1989 crew uh he shoots him for and I don’t think

Rer misses too many so he does do that you can obviously see that what kind of hat you got there that’s not is that uh is that a Rock Creek hat or what kind of hat is that no this is a this is a free Bower Nike um feder

Hat head too well but looks good nicey what’s that Golf Course the boys a big p big cany to go up to Rock Creek is it called where the where the boys brought the cup out FY Place FY place it’s kind of similar to that I is that a Roger

Federer hat you said uh yeah feder are you a big tennis guy I see like you have a tennis guy man I mean Roger Federer for you know unfortunately we don’t get to watch him anymore but it was it was absolutely like TV watching him and you

Know Nadal and joy kovic go at it are you a tennis guy you ever seen like those guys play live tennis before uh no I’m not I got into the pickle ball this is my pickle ball hat yeah I was just GNA ask you that and I’m starting to

Think this might actually be Rafa it is Raf it is rafas it is yeah it was Rafa H so yeah I’m not a tennis guy but I got in the pickle ball the last couple Summers and um that’s kind of I know we it then yeah I play pickle ball every

Monday with my boys at my country club it’s a great game H do you play in the offseason I mean it’s a pretty good little workout once you get moving too yeah it’s good I mean especially one-on-one um can get pretty good um but yeah I play like I feel like it’s just

Like in St Louis it’s like the new like in and you kind of play with anyone right like my parents my mom is pretty good uh sometimes I get caught with her friends uh just so ever I’m in anyone’s match uh the wman brothers from St Louis love playing pickle ball so they’re

Always trying to get me up there but it’s it’s good they say that g mchu the the quarterback for the Colts he lives in he lives in his band in the summertime he in in Florida and I guess he just rolls it up to the pickle ball

Court plays pickle ball with all these all these cougs and then Tri to take rolls his windows down puts the music up yeah he’s hey girls you need need a fourth there let me jump in you need some air conditioning after that I’ll tell you what that’s the difference

Between a national leager and a washed up uh pod guy because playing singles pickle ball I couldn’t do it Freddy I just couldn’t do it I got to play doubles but I got to imagine if you’re playing singles you got to be burning some calories you gotta get get huming

Pretty good yeah singles is good you can also play in a way where you can go like cross each point you switch but um Alex Weidman which is uh used to play hockey in miam Ohio and then Chris is his brother in Mont all he loves to play me

Oneon-one uh rarely beats me but I got the longer reach on him Chris I love Chris Weidman I I play with him a little bit um what a great player he was right like and good St Louis kid and let’s just start there the St Louis

Kids you grew up with you had Clayton Keller you had the Chuck brothers did this start all the way back in like Peewee when you had big Walt as a coach at the uh Peewee Quebec tournament or how did you guys just start rolling together yeah yeah um actually talk

About the PE back tourament we had like John Wii I don’t know if you guys remember he’s the one who t- stopped uh T stopped and challenge the bench it was but we just we’ve been doing the uh it’s our 100th year here the Bruins and they

Had they were like era come in and uh he actually coached me at PB Quebec which is kind of wild and he watches our games and he lives in s so it’s cool to see him uh this weekend um I had to get in a

Fight for him too he was there uh and then uh but yeah Mr and then also Jeff Brown which is Logan Brown’s dad um played for the blues he helped a lot they both were my coaches growing up I was kind of fortunate in all sports I

Had really good coaches and um I mean we had other guys too um Luke cunan was in that he was a year above me but uh Luke cunan um like you mentioned Kels Logan Brown uh Joseph wo was our goalie who’s in who’s in Toronto right now he’s doing

Really well and we had a bunch of other kids I think our whole team pretty much I mean there’s some photos it’s like everyone either dwan or major Jr we’re high draft pick so it’s pretty wild to see him it’s it’s all from the coaching if if you look at obviously there’s some

Talented kids but Jeff Brown was coaching us from age like eight to I maybe even younger and it’s there’s kind of a it’s not a coincidence but it’s pretty cool hey fredd just just talk about growing up in the L and it’s a great Sports Town the up dog played

There a lot of guys that play there retire there they got a great alumni program but just talk about because listen we love the kachu we love Clayton Keller you know this is the first time we’ve gotten talked to you but we love your game like what is it about growing

Up in St Louis that that breeds I guess good character guys uh yeah I think it’s just all sports like the people love to stay there um why that is I don’t know uh maybe it’s more affordable than some other places to live in the world and I

Think there’s just Titanic Community I know the alumni group in St Louis is is very big for like the blues um but yeah like I think people just like raising a family there it seems like there’s good schools I don’t know how looking at all my friends I don’t know if that really

Makes sense but apparently there’s good schools uh I don’t know it’s it’s people like living there I feel like the people are are are pretty nice there um but I’m not gonna say anything about Boston but uh sometimes you could less honk it on the roads and it’s just a simple way of

Life I think people like that would you say it’s because you know and and you mentioned all the like the alumni around like when you guys were younger and you’re going to these games and like you know you’re having guys like Kelly Chase around and Tony twist and all but it was

It was it maybe that the fact that these NHL sticks there yeah that that these NHL Legends would come watch you guys play just your average Wednesday night games just cuz all you guys were there and and and it was in their backyard like I know you said coaching but do you

Think it was just the presence of having all these guys around that made you guys just click at such a higher level yeah I mean uh like even U Al McKinnis was was a coach for his son who was the 96 birth year I was 98 and then

You had like you said Kelly Chase was all they were all very involved he was year below me and uh you know the list goes on and on I know like d Jackman’s helping out now I mean it’s just it kind of is just like a flow down thing and

Like I said I think now in the past I don’t really know how the setup was but they had a pretty good alumni locker room so I think it’s another way to hang out with their buddies as they coach their kids and I think they really enjoy

It and um I don’t really know I’m I’m not really at that point in my life but it seems like uh seems like and they’re just all those guys are just really nice guys that um like growing up I didn’t really think much of it I just thought

That was normal and now kind of looking back it’s it’s it’s pretty cool to be like I’m golfing with um you know Al McKinnis like I saw him hit his first home one like that’s stuff that you don’t really realize at a young age but it’s pretty cool yeah speaking about

Hanging out with your buddies I can’t ask you about St Louis without this bar Obie Clark I’ve heard a lot about it I’ve never been yeah um when you go back in the summer is that where you like to hang out with the boys after a skate or

Something after a golf round or what tell me about OB Clark I I got to get to this place Freddy yeah uh I mean actually one of the OB Clark’s son just backed up for the I don’t know if you saw that star I thought he was G wear

Ob’s hat for sure on the bench maybe the NHL didn’t let him but uh he put my brother growing up so we’ve known them for for a long time uh and the family is a great family um I don’t know I don’t know what it is about it people love

Going there my dad and all of his buddies uh used to go up there on Sunday so I would go there and play that golden tea at a young age and think my dad have some beers with his buddies hang out uh one of his friends has kind of got his

Name he’s got his own corner there buus corner so they’ hang out there on Sundays and I don’t know I grew up uh I’ve ate a lot of that pizza growing up I don’t know how good it is for you but uh tastes good I I think you’re gonna be

You’re gonna be like Obi Clark’s honorary I gotta get there like honorary guy that just hasn’t been there and I didn’t know the guy’s last name was O’Brien who owned it till Freddy till that till his son came out the in the ebug uniform like his last name’s O’Brien too I gotta

Get to this establishment but yeah hey Freddy I want to ask you about your golf game real quick uh you got the nice golf tea on there are you stick how much do you play in the offseason or do you like to tea it up with the

Lads uh yeah I do um it’s been hard uh the last couple Summers uh the only thing I I’ll rag on St Louis Is Not Great public courses so you got to mooch around and uh and try to get to nice private courses I recently joined a

Place so I’ll be playing more but I think my index I got it I played a lot this summer um I was a seven index and I’ve got down to a four something right now so I got the putting rug in my in my

Room so I like it it’s it’s a fun sport America’s best guest when you you don’t have when you don’t have the membership you just got to just have some buddies that have the nice memberships yet yeah exactly yeah I just I just got one so

I’m probably on the hook for for uh expensive summer of guest fees here where’ you joined uh it’s B Reef Country Club yeah yeah course yeah National League I don’t I don’t know uh yeah they said a there’s not many athletes there so I I gotta

Have my best uh my hat on Ford tucked in and see if we can get some other guys in I’ll try to lead by example and then we’ll see up you still gets his for turning his hat around at our club like this on the back gu one day I’m like

Like Pro come by like up turn your hat around when I’m feeling it I just flip it around if I if I start I start playing well I’m like yeah this is when I get to do whatever I want out here that that course is sick though I just

Remember remember tiger in the PJ Championship when he was trying to chase down kka like that place was going were you did you go to that by chance where you at that that I did I did yeah yeah so yeah that’s the same course that’s kind of when tiger revamped himself or

Kind of came back there uh I guess that’s kind of when kka got big too I believe yeah I just the people the fans of St Louis it was such a great atmosphere tigers making a charge everyone’s just pinned cheering it was it was a great great tournament well one

Last thing on St Louis while we’re at you drafted obviously by the Bruins in in 2016 they end up playing together in the final 2018 what was that experience like for you did you get to go to any games you’re you know you’re an organization you’re a piece of the

Organization in Boston but you’re a St Louis kid growing up watching them you know in the finals competing for their first Stanley Cup you know bring me back to that experience for you yeah um I I played about 15 games that year so I wasn’t I knew good amount of the guys um

You know I knew them a lot better I didn’t really know too many guys on the blues um but I was black AC and I was in Providence uh for majority of the time and then I think I got called up for like a couple practices uh maybe a

Couple bag skates when someone would get hurt or something but I was I was doing the black Ace deal so I we watched all the games and then uh when it when we like we traveled to St Louis and stuff we’ actually uh all the Black Aces play

Volleyball in Clayton Shaw Park because they wouldn’t have extra ice for us so we were doing that but yeah it was really weird I mean it was weird for me because you know people thought I was on the Bruins I mean I was on the Bruins

But like I wasn’t really playing and uh so it was they were like asking to Media with me and they’re like he’s not even a player you know he’s not like an active player but yeah it was definitely weird it’s stunk to see that and I remember I

Got home the same day as a parade and I went out to my buddy’s far I’m like I don’t I don’t really want to see any of this but yeah it’s pretty unfortunate because I was a Blues fan you know my whole life and um you know always rude

For them so it it was kind of weird uh Team yeah totally speaking speaking of growing up a Blues fan I’m just curious like who are your some of your favorite guys growing up that that you kind of wanted to play like or or did

Your game around but who did you look up to Growing Up in St Louis and what players uh so uh David bakus was was the guy I tried to play like I was kind of a center growing up um so he’s a little bit of a bigger kid

Um so I kind of looked up to him he was kind of the man in St Louis for me growing up I actually got to meet him uh few times because he was at the kachuck house of the kachuck house so he Play Shiny hockey and he always seemed like a

Nice guy to me and I was actually lucky enough to to play with him in Boston my first uh 15 games but yeah I always looked up to him obviously Mr kuk um but uh I actually really likeed Manny Legacy too I was a goalie for a bit remember

Him oh yeah so I wor third 4 at some points in my life because Manny Legacy now awesome MTH so can’t wear that number how big of a beauty is is Big Walt I got lucky enough last year at the All-Star Game Maddie Chucky invited me

Over for dinner and I I just sat there and listened to Walt for for hours he was just crushing beer smoking cigars I mean the guy’s just a legend huh yeah he is that we had a uh I mean growing up it’s funny now transition like the life you know that changes

Since KNN him since I was really young like this year I got to play a member guest with my dad and uh big wall belongs there so we got to hang out he was doing the same thing stoies crushing beers and we end up finishing at OBS and

It was end up being one of the more fun nights of the summer which is uh you know he’s telling stories and just being a funny guy so he’s a beauty he’s a beauty he’s like I remember he go he turned to Maddie he goes did did Brady

Leave he’s like yeah I left it about a half hour ago Daddy’s like I’m not even mad I’m just disappointed I’m not even mad I’m just disappointed and then Freddy last last funny he’s got some lines oh he’s a last year the finals we did these things for

DraftKings where we did save game parlays and we up dog we we we picked Vegas in the game this and that so we’re we’re leaving the elevator to go back and we just hear fellas and it’s big Walt coming down the elevator he’s like have he goes have a little Faith

Would you and we’re like we’re just we’re just doing it for we know we’re pulling for the we don’t know who to cheer for but he’s he’s such a beauty man we’re homers yeah and then then we got to spend some time with them at the All-Star game uh they got this cool

Thing called the Panthers Lounge in Florida where they make these like nice Smoky old Fashions and I just got my old fashioned he walked in and I I just handed it to him he’s like you I’m like here just just take this you Legend I’ll wait for my next

One um yeah he’s all time Freddy I want to ask you about the the US national program like we said we’ve gotten close with the kachs and Cals and building a relationship ship with you but we joke as Kyan guys that you know whenever this best on best does happen we’re a little

Concerned for Team Canada we hope they’re doing the same bonding as team USA’s doing but how important was that for your development and and getting to spend time with these guys yeah it is I actually I listen your uh your guys podcast with Broody and I

Know you guys I think you guys may went over that uh but yeah I mean the program is uh came a long way um I obviously loved going in there all like all my best friends we do a golf trip every year uh from the guys in the program

There’s eight of us that go every summer and kind of catch up and uh you know just play a golf this year we went a little long but uh so the the memories that were made there the the funny stuff that they they do that to build like the

Team bonding stuff even at the program is funny stuff to look back on and laugh and um I don’t really know I’m a little bit more removed since they’ve kind of moved into this new rink and stuff we were kind of in between I was in between

An Arbor uh the cube and now they’re new like USA Hockey Arena but it seems like they just keep evolving and evolving it seems like the kids just every year there’s like I don’t know how many first round draft picks and it’s just it’s hockey is is uh it’s really starting to

Take off it’s cool I I don’t think I’ll be on these Olympic teams especially at the rate they’re they’re shooting these kids out but it’s fun to watch a you never know fell you they always need glue guys guys buddy you’re right and when when comes

To shove you do need a little when you play Canada when you play Russia around a little bit let let me ask you this are are you shocked at at what the Hughes Brothers have done so early in their career like just the you know the chemistry they’ve had and and just how

You know much they kind of pushed each other within like a group of three brothers to to bring their game to where it’s at are you shocked did you know that they could get to that capability uh not not really like Quinn was a year younger than me so I uh at

The program uh I was a u8 he was a U7 and we we didn’t get to watch many of their games I went to a couple of their games and every time like I think he had like four goals the one game I I went to obviously wasn’t do that every night but

I was like this kid’s unbelievable this is like before you know you know anyone knew knew who he really was exactly so it’s not surprising they all skate the same uh we had the brothers in overtime couple nights go and like the youngest one throws a backhand sauce to his brother

Like you know heads head high and it lands right his tape and I was like jeez I mean it’s just that takes confidence takes skill it takes everything and it’s pretty cool to see yeah that was like the sadin back in the day in Vancouver like they would just like no look back

Pand sauce right on Hank’s tape I’m like how how’ you do that like you Kidd me yeah I don’t know I must have the wrong curve or something it’s he must have a different stick hey Freddy I want to ask you about your time at Wisconsin uh first of all

I’ve heard Madison’s a nice little town when it comes to I did a Halloween there you did yeah when I was playing of course you did of course you we all snuck up there you guys throw a killer Halloween bash at least you used to yeah like the whole street shuts down and

It’s just a so want you just jump Boston get up there or how how you uh no we we took a I think we took my Denali back in the day how far is MIL I think it’s a 2hour rip how far is Milwaukee from Wisconsin do you know couple uh it’s

Probably a little shy of two hours something guess yeah ju just enough to get a good glob on when you get up there I well hey we’re here boys let’s go U what was it like playing there and and just you know we were we’re both CHL

Guys but like I’m always jealous of the college guys a little bit because I think it would have been a cool you know situation to be in yeah I mean college is um uh you know I I this sounds bad but I probably went to school I went to school

For college I didn’t go to school for the school you know like I wanted to experience that life and play hockey and also try to get my education was obviously part of it but when I picked Madison it just or Wisconsin it just felt like uh they had everything they

Had you know they had some you could have fun at night uh during the day it was a good like uh school all around for football uh other sports hockey was the facilities were amazing and uh at the time when I I committed there there were

Like one or two in the country and then uh I went to the program they won four games and then they won eight games so I was like going in like oh and then Tony Granado ended up getting the coaching job and I actually sat next to him in in

Arber watching the U7 that same game I watch Quinn Hugh score like four goals or whatever and I I didn’t really know much who he was just had me sit next to him and he was one of the nicest guys ever talked to and so I found out that

That was the same guy that was going to be my coach I was like I’m I’m all in to go there and uh it was probably the you know probably the best two years of my life it was it was a lot of fun I got to

Ask you because you know when you went to you know us National program then you went to college like when did you start realizing a that you wanted to fight and B that you were good at it and that you enjoyed it like how how did that get

Into your game because I I respect that so much about you um yeah it’s your question um me and my brother uh we got in a good amount of fights we have a little like U uh little roller hockey basement that uh we used to probably get in a fight like to the

Point uh where my mom bought us boxing gloves and uh like the helmet and the TapouT mouth guard and it got to be a little extreme but um my first fight was in the AHL and I just kind of did it and then all of a sudden uh IID get mad and

Kind of fight another guy and then before you know it you stack up fights and yeah that is it is I have a couple funny stories there but um but yeah it’s uh that’s kind of how I guess me it probably started from me and my brother

Fighting and like you said I’ve never fought um all the way until my first I don’t like my third or fourth game pro so yeah you were I just want to say this you remind me a lot of Mike Richards when you play the way he he plays in all

Situations and then like at any point if a guy looks at him the wrong way and he’s pissed off he’s gonna he’s gonna fight him and be them up ask questions later yeah no and it’s it’s such a great way to play this game so yeah like OB

Says don’t ever change man it’s so so powerful and you’re right about just just that’s how you learn how to fight you you play with Garrett hathway right was hath with you last year or yeah yeah so he was I was back down the jungle

Near the end of my career at Calgary put me back at waivers and hathway came up from he went to brown right I think yeah yeah he’s like hey man uh yeah what’s to brown brown yeah he’s like hey man oh I want to fight like you know what’s

What’s your I go listen bro I’ll show you a few things but there’s only one way to do bro you just get in there and you start chucking and you and that’s how you learn so his first fight he drops one of his gloves he only drops

One of his gloves and he just just takes three or four the beak and he comes back to the I’m like yeah that’s how you learn fell but listen drop your second glove though drop your second glove next time and and look at him now right he’s he’s killing it he’s he’s an

Effective player and that’s how you learn how to Chuck him it’s not fun at times but you you seem to you seem to enjoy it like when I see you fight it’s almost like you’re looking forward to it you’re like bring it on and and I had

That at a young age as I started making some money and thought I was a better player than I probably was I was like off I don’t want to do it but you seem to enjoy it fella uh yeah I do I mean um obviously it’s not you know putting your

Gloves on the next day sometimes isn’t that enjoyable and uh sometimes someone hits you pretty good it’s that’s not obviously the fun part of but a lot of times if you’re having a tough game or or you don’t have your legs or something uh getting that fight in you getting

That adrenaline can kind of go a long way as weird as that sounds it’s like uh for five minutes and and you kind of you’re like a new person also you have legs some sometimes it’s nice to you know when you get that jump in you and

Um it’s also fun I mean not everyone gets to just fight people just go sit for five minutes in life and it’s a good way to just get some frustration out and my teammates really like it um when when someone you know steps up they always you know appreciating that feeling when

You come in the locker room and they give you the pat on the shimpan and say good job it goes long way so no no enjoy it because when you’re done you can’t do it anymore and like when it starts when you start this is way down the road for

You but then you start doing other business stuff you’re like I love just to fight somebody right now I’d love just to grab this guy beat the bag off him instead of like you know having to talk about it this and that but hey isn’t it crazy Freddy sometimes or like

You get in a fight and you sit in there you’re like I got five minutes and then before you know you’re like the guy open the door you’re like what I need a couple more minutes here buddy I’m not quite done yet yeah especially if you go

On like a long one a long one you’re like wait I’m still catching my breath yeah I’m not quite done here yet fell close that door hey Fred hey Freddy not not just your teammates enjoy uh enjoy what you’re able to do when you have the gloves off uh this video broke the

Internet in your first ever game you fought T if your old man got up was just going Buck did he is he is he a guy does he does he like you tussling does he like the way you play and and did he play like that back in the

Day um no I never played okay but um yeah he they like my both my parents like it um my mom just says uh if you win it’s all fun and gam obviously sometimes I get beat up when I get beat up she she doesn’t like it but she she

Grew like you know me and my brother fought it fought a lot I don’t think anyone’s beat me up as good as my brother they growing up so I think she’s kind of uh figured that out and she’s okay with it uh I think generally they

Do enjoy it I don’t know if that sounds crazy or not but uh you know you know when they’re at the game they like it so yeah it’s always my mom right my mom was always like if you’re gonna fight make sure you win I’m like yeah no no I’m

Gonna work on that mod don’t worry don’t worry I’m trying I fought bugart he need he need Chris Coit right in front of me my Ricky year and Brian Burke was our GM and I knew if I didn’t grab Boogie that that a I might have got set down or B

Berky was going to let me have it so I grabbed this God Rest his soul I grabbed the big boogy man and and I can’t even do anything right I’m trying to I’m trying to banana peel him Freddy and I can’t even banana peel him and he is

labeling me so I called my mom after the game and she’s like Shane I was scared for your life there I’m like Mom that makes two of us that makes two of us she’s like don’t fight that guy ever again I’m like I don’t plan mom I

Really don’t so yeah yeah yeah she I don’t think she’s ever gave me a list of people not to fight but um yeah that that guy yeah you’re tough you’re a tough guy for doing that there crazy hey I want to ask you Freddy for for me you

Know my first when I when I saw Mike madano and warm up my 10th game and I got a little star struck but there was one guy that I when I got on the ice f for the first time oetkin I was like I probably shouldn’t be out here against

This guy like was there a guy that first of all when you got in the league that maybe you’re like wow this guy’s better than I even thought or you’re a little Star Struck did you ever have that early in your career um yeah for sure I mean trying to

Think like all the guys uh like Crosby uh for sure Kane I being from St Louis was actually a big patch of Kane guy I I did have his jersey in my room um flipped the other way though so it said 88 Kane uh but I think it signed and so

Kane I always love watching Kane so that was pretty cool uh playing against him taking face offs against him uh I got a good OB story because I kind of my first year I was just kind of doing everything to try to make it every time he got the

Puck I would try to hit him as hard as I can he’s pretty solid yeah and uh we kind of that was that bubble year so we we were playing them a lot um and so it was funny like he’s gave me concussion he’s hurt my shoulder this guy’s got me

Pretty good on he got me in the in the groin if you want to call it that one time but it’s funny because ever since I did that it’s like all a sudden you see him when I get the F A I woke up the wrong guy but uh their team had pretty

Good chirp on me one time that uh like you’re saying like I shouldn’t be out here with him they’re like uh he’s got more goals than you have ships in this leag kid I think it was half I think it was going halfway Shir me I was like

Maybe I shouldn’t be out here with them it’s all fun I think you know I think it’s it’s all fun in games like it’s cool yeah that that was like a ginla back in the day for us Kesler and Burl as we go in the Sal I would go Kess and

Burr if you guys wake up Iggy I’ll fight you guys tomorrow in practice like don’t get this guy don’t get this guy going man just leave him alone especially if he’s a little sleepy cuz once you woke him look out yeah it was like Chara too that was the same way

Like just stick on Puck noty the guy great there was a clip of we we’re doing the we’re were talking about the Luke Hughes getting B bunded in the corner the second time and then Up’s like yeah you know if you run Char you expect the same thing and our social media guy

Found the clip upie takes this charge out him falls down then Char gives him a couple CR checks like yeah just like that he I’m talk I mean that guy I give you credit for running him though well that was when I was in Philly I was

Playing a lot bigger than I actually was yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s impressive he’s a big runs how does he run those marathons like I mean how’s his knees feeling like you kidding me impressive I think he just he loves working out and stuff I I don’t know I’m

Not a runner so I I lit can’t relate at all no either can I hey fre let’s talk about the I’d rather fight ever in the league than run a marathon yeah me too actually you can put me in that same category bring them on bring on Revo I’d

Rather take on Revo than have to run a marathon but let’s talk about let’s talk about I mean you’re a typical Boston Brun and and I used to love playing in that rink uh let’s talk about the fans and then how nice is it when you hear

That Wing your win song is unbelievable he I love that song when it comes on but just talk about the fans and play it in front of them every night because it’s got to be awesome yeah it’s pretty cool like uh like I say I wanton say the players but

There’s a bunch of guys that always come up like after games you know I see them it’s a St Louis kid or uh kids that play with the past you know you do the hallway talk after and um like everyone always brags like how it gets them even

Going how you show up in warm-ups it’s always usually like uh you know prepacked and the atmosphere is always it’s l like a Saturday night yeah pretty much every night there no matter who you play so it it makes it pretty easy um I probably take it for granted just cuz

I’ve only played here uh but even like last year uh on the road there’ be times like uh we score and you would think we’re at home like it’s the Bruins fans travel pretty well and uh yeah TD Garden is an awesome Place uh the only problem

Is if it rains I think the ice gets a little bad you got that Subway underneath get the uh get the you know the moisture going is that what it is there’s a couple nights in Boston my legs weren’t moving very good it must yeah swe like I’m drive into the rink it’s

Raining I’m like oh no this is gonna be a battle hey Freddy I I it’s an awesome place to play yeah I was lucky enough to play in Vancouver for a couple years but I I guess what I’m asking is what’s it like day-to-day living in Boston you

Sent me your address I’m going to send you some swag you’re living in souy like what’s it like being a Brun in that City do do you get recognized a lot or they do they leave you alone or or what’s your day-to-day stuff like as it

Be yeah no it’s cool I mean people are uh all really nice to me uh um uh people I think people recognize it just depends like hit or miss like the other day I was having breakfast by myself uh like before we like hit the road or something

And um you know people came out to me started taking photos before I know it I was like geez I’m not that cool I was a POS with everyone the waiters like tell me I’m a celebrity I’m like I’m really not uh but it’s just hit or miss um but

Yeah it’s it’s a good town like the people I’ll be respectful my neighbors watch you know the people live in my building I’ll watch my games and support me and uh it’s it’s a cool town to play in for sure it was probably the next morning after you grabbed trouba right

They probably were all like let’s yeah they’re all like oh you live in souy that’s awesome yeah yeah that’s what I said when you sent me your address I’m like souy that a boy I respect that yeah yeah third year in southeast it’s a good place to live it’s

Not like the movies though it’s we uh commercialized now we spent some time in selfy with our boy Edie Mack and uh Brian barard and mdy Fernandez cel’s there’s some nice bars in there I’ve had some good times in sou yeah yeah it’s funny I some nights

I’m I’m going out in these bars and the next day I’m eating breakfast in the morning there it’s like two for one it’s like geez I eat here much to be you’re like I left my I left my wallet here last night boys but I’ll take that I’ll

Take that omelet too while you’re at it but why wallet in that please just keep the tab running for tomorrow morning Freddy you guys you guys got a great bench boss uh Monty right he’s uh I had him in Dallas in training camp and then the guys in St Louis uh they absolutely

Loved him as an assistant coach but what what’s been his like Secret Sauce to getting you guys just literally to play your best hockey every night like you guys show up you guys don’t take days off um you know you lost your leader and we’ll get into that this year but like

What is it about his leadership and his qualities that that get you guys to show up and just play Bruins hockey every night yeah I mean besides like uh the actual like X’s and O’s that he’s really good at uh he’s like a good uh I guess you call

Him like a people reader like U you know he he knows who to like how to talk to like certain guys even like you can see it with uh uh just different people if whoever he’s talking about he can be you know he’s a guy’s guy and he can you

Know be in the sauna and just be you know the coolest guy in the world telling funny stories being a great guy and then you know when he’s coaching you he can figure out whose buttons to push and that stuff and then he’s also Al actually a really good motivator um like

Last year we were winning a good you know we were going on some streaks there and he would kind of come in and be like I I don’t know what to say right now and then all a sudden he he shows up at you know at the 5:30 meeting and uh he’s

Getting all the guys riled up about something so uh that stuff he’s really good and he’s just a he’s honestly just a really good person and I think everyone wants to do well for him so I want to ask you yeah Mon’s a great guy I

Got to meet him last year at the allstar game the up dog he he he up dog he said you made that team in Dallas by the way he did he said he said you made that team screwed he said up dog I wish I

Could have I said M you would have been singing you would have been singing a different two by Thanksgiving bro you’ll be like this up show hey I want to ask you about Cam Neely um Legend uh nice actor and Dumb and Dumber kick his ass C bass love that

Scene but but how much how much do you talk to cam how much he’s around I I know he loves your game because you’re you’re a throwback but but how much do you see Cam and how much is he around the boys uh yeah he’s around a good bit um

He’s on the road uh a good amount as well um I I talked to cam a good bit just about um like you said kind of the way I play and stuff and and sometimes he might um he he’s actually done a really good job he’s helped me this year at the

Beginning of the year I was struggling a little bit and he’ll pull me in and I’ve actually watched a couple Clips with him and stuff and he’ll kind of give me his mind of what he thinks and um I I I really like cam Neil he’s he’s helped me

As weird as it sounds like you don’t hear that much as a president but he’s really helped me as a hockey player so yeah uh I can’t say enough good things and he obviously in Boston it’s crazy uh how big of a legend he is here I think

There’s more cam NE jerseys than uh just I mean he’s up there with everyone so it’s pretty cool absolutely he’s a he’s a stud um Patrice berson and a guy that uh listen playing against him it was like I mean it was like going to war

Every night the guy he couldn’t get any guy never made a mistake get anything by make a mistake Bud turn one over blocks every shot turn one over he did everything perfect he’s he’s literally missed her perfect yeah like get out of the shooting Lane all right I

Just want to get one through here let me just see if I can get one through I what did you learn from him in your short time playing with him um what do you miss about him being around the rank what was you know what’s it like Bruins

Hockey without Patrice berser on right now uh yeah I mean we for sure miss him uh we’ve actually he’s actually been around the R quite a bit uh it’s nice to have him uh I don’t not St any rumors I think he’s done but I don’t know but he I think he likes

To get out in the rink and everyone it’s always awesome when you see him walk in but you’re right he’s kind of his hair is always perfect he’s always dressed dressed well I don’t think he owns a pair of sweats um and um he’s he’s a really he’s actually I don’t know if

People know but he’s actually sneaky sneaky really funny um you know uh he does a good job at the rookie party and all this stuff uh he’s usually the number one star uh I mean he’s on the ice and off the ice he’s just uh like just an incredible person like uh he’s

Always reaching out um I feel like if you could if you if I text him right now he’d respond in two minutes and be there for someone as as he knew that so um but what I learned like on the ice real uh that that he’s never going to be

Duplicated I mean even in practice like you think he has one hand on his stick he’s he’s taking the puck off you uh like you know you’re thinking it’s like a Wednesday skate we we’re g we’re 30 games in boom bucks off underway uh it’s

Just how he is I don’t know it’s pretty amazing yeah like like I just from an outside guy that played against him like what what his day-to-day stuff just just comes in probably ritual just a machine I like that you said that he’s a funny guy because that’s what hockey’s all

About in my opinion you got you can’t laugh in the dress room where can you laugh but was he just a machine day to day or did did did he know his body and know exactly what he needed to do yeah he did I mean uh he is machine

In the sense he was always there you know he was always first guy there uh uh and Mary too they’re kind of you see him around like Mary’s an animal as well like works out more than the whole team combined but uh yeah he was like his

Last year uh Bergie was definitely uh taking you know some more maintenance days and getting more like body work and stuff it seemed like but I mean they plays like 20 minute he was playing 20 something minutes a night every night taking every like it’s pretty impressive but

Yeah you could see he definitely had like the same he’s you can tell he’s a routine guy for sure um but yeah he’s true Pro always on time you know always uh warming up in the in the morning kind of always first got to warm up always

Finishing the warm up and uh it’s someone that it’s kind of like the Bruins like you know you look at this year here they were doing well a little bit without them and um it’s just kind of like a pass down that they’ve been able to do I feel like with

The guys who are new always come in they’re like man like seems like everyone wants me to do well I’ve never been on a team where like you know guys are like so happy that I got a point it’s just like I I’ve never been on our

Team so I don’t know but everyone that comes from other team is always and that’s people like him that speaking about being on time this this could happen to anybody uh Jake de bruss I love this kid’s game I love that you know maybe what happened in La we

Don’t need to get into but I I love this kid’s game man he’s an old school guy I I Lov his dad what he does in ed for the play byplay but but how good of a guy is this guy because I love the way he plays

And your guys games kind of feed off of each other but I’m a big fan of Jake debrus yeah uh Jay’s awesome he’s the interesting guy um he’s kind of one of those guys um when he gets hot he he’s super hot uh he’s an unreal player he’s uh

You know when he’s like hurt or he’s missing you know you miss that in the locker room that energy uh the joking around the lightheartedness uh the way he carries himself um everyone loves JD obviously like you’re saying you kind of laugh at that I think it was pretty

Innocent thing I think uh it was really there was nothing really there other than the kid likes to sleep a lot and his hours of sleeping are a little bit different Freddie I’ve been there bab I’ve been there buddy I’ve been there I’ve I’ve I’ve been there too it’s just

Just the timing of all that um you know everyone has those and some people can sometimes get away with it or and some people catch on that earlier and sometimes some people get screwed so you know you know what’s funny about that though is like if if he would have if he would

Have slept in in Columbus there would have been nothing to a day but when you sleep in in La it’s like oh boy how am I how am I going to explain this one I swear boys I was just sleeping I swear my alarm clock did go off but

Uh uh listen buddy we’re big fans you here at Miss curfew we appreciate you taking the time we know how hectic the season can be uh keep it going fella I love the way you play the game and and have a great uh Merry Christmas and and

Happy New Years and all that stuff fella yeah thanks guys for having me have a great Christmas as well appreciate it welcome back to Mr curfew uh up dog thanks to Freddy great kid um yeah I mean it’s just you for me it’s he loves the way he plays the game right

Like he he he talked about getting in a fight how some days you don’t have your legs or you’re not into it he loves going out and it and talking about his brother and him fighting with the he like he actually got kind of out of control or what do you say pretty

Extreme yeah to the point where my mom knew that you know he was the only one that could really kick my ass that hard so didn’t matter who I was going to fight in the NHL yeah I I love the fact uh instead of run the marathon he’d

Rather fight everyone yeah all 700 guys that was a great way to he’s like line up cuz I hate running too so I I touch on that um listen no great kid I I love the did do back into the St Louis days and and I just from from the inside

You know from the outside looking in at all these young players in the US program and where they come from and uh you know and and the guys around them you know like Jim Hughes for example with his sons and and big Walt with his kids and the McKinnis in St Louis but

The St Louis you know that that faculty of guys that are around there man you could just see what it bled into the way they play the way they the way they are as young adults the way they are as young men um they all play the game

Tough they all have some great skill and they look like great teammates and that’s um that says a lot about you know the their youth and where they are as a as a program and is this a great kid yeah that’s well said and if you’re from

St Louis and you look at the guys you have in the league right now with the way they act I mean they should be proud of that City obviously it starts with all the parents and and all the way they were brought up but these kids are representing St Louis very well and

Listen I’m I’m going to send him some I’m going to send him some Mr curfew swag I’m sending him a rest as a weapon cuz he talked to about sauna cold tubs and Steamers about 10 times he’s like yeah have a nice steamer have a nice cold tub hey little sauna yeah he’s

Learning quick he likes to recover it’s learning quick yeah it’s nice to have those young guys on too right to to to talk to the younger generation to see what they’re thinking and uh hockey guys are the best so uh thanks to Freddy we’re pulled for him uh up dog Happy New

Year’s my man uh can’t wait for what 2024 brings for us here Mr curfew uh Maxi Hall Pass media thank you everyone out there have a great New Year’s get a good Buzz going but uh don’t do anything me and the up dog wouldn’t do Happy New Year’s Fella

Missin Curfew Episode 24T Trent Frederic Boston Bruins
Recorded at @HallPassMedia  | Presented by @DraftKings


YOUTUBE |  @MissinCurfew 


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