@Calgary Flames

Huby in a bubble

Huby in a bubble in Banff. Probably too scared to feel the wrath of disappointed flames fans. But in all seriousness, hope he had a nice holiday and that he tears it up in 2024.

by phoenixsuns23


  1. I hope he’s getting his $hit together in there, he’s a very expensive mess rn…

  2. IceHawk1212

    Good for him hope he has a great time with his family and finds his place.

  3. Unlikely_Rip2221

    He seems like such a great guy and I hope nothing but the best for the dude.

    Hope he figures it out and 2024 and has a great rest of his season, but either way I’m still rooting for him.

  4. Alarmed-dictator

    I’ll continue to support him until he’s no longer a Flame.

  5. wanderer8800

    He’s a human being. The weight of that contract and the move last season certainly rocked his world. I don’t think playing for Sutter helped much either.
    I genuinely hope he’s found some happiness and he starts playing like he knows he can. Maybe Sharangovich is the perfect winger for him! Let’s go Huby!!!

  6. swagsauce3

    As much as he makes me swear at my TV. I hope he had a great time in the mountains!

  7. Due-Drummer-3434

    It is a pretty cool spot to have dinner, hope he’s enjoying Calgary, hope we can all benefit from having him in the team

  8. Brodstar18

    This post finally made me happy! Good work commenters!

    Enjoy yourself and have a great holiday, shake off those gremlins and come back flying! Just don’t let all the negative media get you and you do you huby!

  9. TurnCalmTheVolume

    Enjoy the $10.5M perks, Huby. It’s going to be a long embarrassing 8 years to be you.

  10. hey-there-yall

    He should go get some pointers from that person skating behind the bubble.

  11. Current_Grapefruit53

    Hope he learns to skate with the puck soon

  12. Just_Brumm_It

    This is just creepy, period. Leave people alone even if they are pro athletes or famous. Seriously, gold jacket, green jacket who gives a s@$&!

  13. I hope he comes back well and rested and in the right mindset to earn $10 mil.

  14. krazninetyfive

    Diehard fan of the enemy (the Oilers) and I too am cheering for a better second half from him. I’ve seen bad contracts hurt the Oilers and I know how stressful and frustrating that is as fan. The rivalry was significantly more fun when you guys had Tkachuk and Gaudreau, and I’d love to see Huberdeau stand up and play at a level where we can have electrifying games again.

  15. Paulhockey77

    Can he stay there for the rest of the season?

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