@National Hockey League

r/nhl logic

r/nhl logic

by dober12345


  1. AidsUnderwear

    Leafs are a top team in the NHL and Jackets are a bottom team in the NHL. The Leafs almost always lose to the worse team which explains the reaction.

  2. GroundbreakingSail49


    It’s because of overly sensitive leaf fans like yourself is why you have this perception

    There’s a reason people jokingly call Toronto “centre of the universe” it’s because some people from Toronto really believe that

  3. Maybe it’s because as isles fans, we already know our team sucks

  4. CreateorWither

    Samsonov sucks this year for some reason. Otherwise they would have easily won.

  5. ARussianSheep

    Blown leads are way funnier than complete beatdowns to me. Especially when I get to laugh at self important Leaf’s fans.

  6. the_waco_kid2020

    Let’s be honest, who doesn’t enjoy seeing the Leafs lose and their fans melting down?

  7. DirtDevil1337

    Reminds me when NY Jets beat the Philly Eagles earlier this season, Philly fans must’ve lost their shit.

  8. Also just the reaction of the fanbases though

    Toronto is like the Cowboys in both media coverage the the year to year disappointment

    Isles are like the Vikings, few good runs but like they know the disappointment is around the corner and they’ll be mad but also say what else did I expect

  9. TheGreatPervSage_94

    Leafs break downs are way funnier. Isles ones are just sad.

  10. frenchquasar

    It’s definitely the drama and context that makes people pay attention. Wasn’t 6-5 the same score a couple weeks ago against Columbus? Leafs have had some shitty games recently, so it all kind of adds up

  11. Jaxson_GalaxysPussy

    *they also lost to the sens at home being up 2-0

  12. Mrenato83

    If the leafs didn’t jerk off to a picture of themselves daily then no one would care

  13. Redditors in general have weird logic such as this.

  14. Crazy_Distribution95

    I’m still shaking my head. so no comment.

  15. AVgreencup

    To me , it’s more of a burn on Columbus. C’mon guys, you can’t be a basement dweller for your entire existence. Maybe winning against a good team shouldn’t be a joke to you guys.

  16. BagsOfGasoline

    Am I the only one who forgets the BJ’s are a team until something like this happens?

  17. ASillyGoos3

    Everyone has clowned the Isles since June for their refusal to do anything meaningful to their roster or staff or anything. It’s not worth clowning them for an 0-7 loss unless it came at the hands of SJS or CHI.

    However if they BEAT the pens 7-0, then the pens would be getting the same treatment Toronto is getting

    Make sense OP?

  18. Leafs were favoured to win the cup and keep losing to the worst in the league, the Isles were and do not.

  19. burger333

    Jeez Leafs fans and media are so toxic lol, reminds me of us Yankee fans actually

  20. Wall_Significant

    Because bullying leafs fans is much more fun.

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