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Player gets a 95-yard TD without team noticing | Georgia vs LSU

Player gets a 95-yard TD without team noticing | Georgia vs LSU


  1. Real talk – even the announcers weren't sure. Great players make plays. Look at Georgia – only 4 people knew to make a play. And that's just smart football.

  2. I don’t watch college sport, is that a college rule that the play is still live after a field goal attempt hits the ground? Or is that also in the NFL and I’ve just never known?

  3. Game went downhill from there for LSU. QUESTION: will anyone ever beat GA again?

  4. Something like this happened at my hs football game but it wasn't a kick and out d-end got a free touchdown 😂

  5. I played a lot of football from grade school to college. It's amazing how few coaches ever bother to teach players the rules of the game, much less run scenarios of what to do when X happens.

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