@Boston Bruins

Bruins Highlights & Analysis: B’s Score Five Unanswered To Beat Devils

Bruins Highlights & Analysis: B’s Score Five Unanswered To Beat Devils

And welcome to the Garden of Bruins overtime live presented by by for offers Not Seen On TV visit byat Sophia billian Razer here with you 52 the final over the New Jersey Devils in a game that saw the Bruins come back from being down two

Goals and the big guns coming out a great character win for this team no question about it we talked after the first Brad Marsha and making a difference getting involved early on but it wasn’t just him I thought some other of the big boys de Brusque was excellent

Obviously posto top shelf right I mean but those guys came through for the team the mindset after uh you called it a sleepy and it was a mediocre first period and they were down two nothing early in the second period they come back and they make it happen I think the

Big guys led the way though they did and and they continue to do so the leadership of this group to never be out of games to be down two nothing to this team and and continue to fight continue to stay to their game plan and not the

The leaders don’t rely on anyone out they go out and do it themselves and it’s led by Brad Marshon but David pack uh pav zaka tonight Jake de brus when those what when they get involved and they they’re always they’re always invested no matter what the score is in

The game no matter what kind of of of is going on around them they’re always invested and they always bring their best and shows they’ve been able to reset they had to reset after that funk that they were in before Christmas right but they didn’t allow the Grinch give

Them coal they save that for other people right you know what like you like me big time they got good gifts obviously one of them the gift of rest and reset and they’ve come back it’s two games but just it’s it’s a nice two games for them so far absolutely we said

In pregame it’s not a streak yet but now it’s officially a two- game winning streak so forgetting that four game losing streak uh that happened before the break but you mention it Razer Brad marshan putting the team on his back starting getting this Jake de brus go

Getting the puck to him fighting for that puck J with a nice finish it’s a great finish from from Jake de bruss but it’s Brad Marshon you see him picking up all the speed down on that left wing Grizz does a nice job dumping it into

That area V doesn’t get rid of it early enough and and Brad just wins wins the battle behind the net wins the puck as he comes around the net and then makes a great play to find Jake de brusk all alone in front yeah and the way that

Jake stays above the play very important Coyle SE seals the wall Jake’s going to be the F3 third guy high and then he’s able to dance to the net and vanich I guess he’s got to respect that short side shot I guess and D Jake just fakes

Him out go to his back end beautiful play and they again when the Bruins decided to attack attack attack especially starting below the goal line that’s when the game Chang and again right here he changed it do you want to use your silly joke again the check no

Once is bad enough yeah no I just want to be sure I just want to remind I want to remind him why would you I me they’re not always funny I would I think I understand that quite well K Jake de BR I’m the grin no don’t get you’re not

Don’t back pedal now Jake debras is our Subaru star of the game you heard Jim Montgomery say against the Sabers that he was their best forward on the ice and two points for him yeah Billy yeah I’m just saying rer you know poock could have been it Maran could have been it

But the brush at the Shad C has right but you give it to Jake just from a you know what he did a lot of the little things well in this game and now two games in a row with multiple points he was a plus two in this game too he’s

He’s you know when he scored that goal like he had that fierceness looked to him and I love that instead of s it was like intense he knew he needed to score that goal first and 12 and and and it’s again it’s not a coincidence they win

Two games when Jake de brus gets points it it it’s vital for this team there he he isn’t secondary scoring anymore he’s primary scoring and he needs to be primary scoring and it can’t just be David Pastak every night or or the power player Brad like they need Jake the

Brust to score and and when he does they’re excellent team absolutely well you do me mention David posn three points for him including two goals in the second period back to back awesome um again it’s it it’s a superstar nness even more so and top five in the league in NHL

Scoring but it’s all what he’s doing away from the puck and he’s scoring these uglier goals now uh this season all the five on five goals we saw the stat 11 of 12 at home five on five so it’s not just power play grip and rip he

Gets inside Defenders he gets stick on it and he’s scores ugly ones like that Around the Net yeah Marino couldn’t believe that he gets him but starts again with three guys working you know getting three Devils below the goal line Bruins outwork them they go low to high

They rotate it over Devils want to shrink the Zone like a lot of teams do but the Bruins with their recovery because theyve got D that are engaged this second shot coming up right there posture not gets it you know Carlo he still not getting he did he got he did

Yes he did right thankfully a little home cooking all right so there’s one and now there’s SE late in a power play I don’t even know if it’s technically a sauce pass but it’s an area pass by De brusk leading postr knock with Gorgeous excellent feed through the new uh into

The offensive zone no chance for vanich to be able to match it right there brings the hands up raise you see that with the bre brings the hands up slides it over he gets the D just to slide him a little bit posture knock all by himself there’s no way vanich needs to

Go all Dominic hasik there that’s what I think he needs to do to dive to side and forward that’s the only hope that he has in that place he has no hope no and look at this guys quite the stat David POS still relatively young in the league and

He passes Brad marshan for fifth all time for multi-goal games on this Bruins franchise give him 60 multi-goal games meanwhile Kevin shaten Kirk he also had a multi-goal game his seventh of his career and he scored his 100th and 101 clear goals tonight yeah and this was

Important I I mean you know shaton Kirk he knows he needs to get more involved and that’s you know something that Jim momery talked about to him a couple of weeks about going on over a month now here he just ends up getting it from grizzli beu Terrier to Terrier it must

Be S and on uh you know at be on this one but the way that he see how he’s inching in just a little bit a little bit again three white sweaters low Bruins match them with you they get the see right there shaton Kirk already eat

Razer he’s inside the circle in the old days the de isn’t that low he’s maybe at the top of the circle at best if not higher but not this case he sniped it yeah and they were able to do that in the third period because of that four

Check down low and then this is uh this is just a little cherry on top for the night New Jersey Devils really spread out trying to look for the scene pass Five on four there and shatty starts this whole play brings it into the Zone nice drw pass and then just continues

Onto the net both amazing plays from past Marshon and a beautiful goal to go 101 in his career absolutely so as we mentioned Kevin chaten Kirk that was his seventh career multile game and he was talking to Adam pin after this one Kevin down two to nothing after one period of

Play and then you guys come out you score the four goals four goals for the first time this season in a period you feel like you worn them down uh coming off the back to back and took advantage of that in the second yeah you know I

Think we we stuck with a simple game uh we came out in the second period we put pucks behind them our four check was fantastic um and we just really made it hard for them to get into our Zone and like you said over time they they wore

Down we were able to get some uh some goals there and get the get the lead back you got the win in Buffalo first win out of the break talked about the importance of that after that game but how important was it to build on that

Game and come out tonight with a win yeah I mean we you know we recently I think we’ve been you know winning one losing one you know’ been kind of a 500 team so we’re starting to you know get antsy we want to start building something here get get another one of

Those win streaks going but doing it the right way and uh you know the last two games were certainly moving in the right direction personal milestone for you goal number 100 of your career then you added goal number 101 later how’s that feel uh it was awesome um you know you

Certainly uh are are watching that and thinking when’s it going to come so happy it’s done uh I certainly won’t reach 200 so I’m uh I’m happy that I got to that Milestone all right sure turn around get some sleep before Detroit thanks Adam great guy very happy for him guys

What are you going to be talking about on morning Brew I know there’s going to be some dog talk right babysitting you owe razor for babysitting Cooper I owe him a lot I actually I know I owe Aaron and and eie that’s what I do I owe e

More than anything is the one that’s the one we’re going to I don’t know we’re Ton you’re doing it tonight of course we are we’re going to you know just talk and talk and talk yeah well long that’s what podcast are for go to it’s GNA be a

Quick one but we’re going to do it and get ready for New Year’s podcast or wherever you get your podcast and this is presented by Berkshire Bank home lending we know you’re going to listen I always do course okay

Postgame Highlights and breakdown of the Boston Bruins 5-2 over the New Jersey Devils at TD Garden on December 30th 2023.


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