@National Hockey League

The Samsonov experiment has ended

The Samsonov experiment has ended

by Instant-Highlights


  1. dober12345

    Not really an experiment, he was our goalie for our series win last season. Just shat the bed dramatically this year

  2. I wonder how many more once-good goalies we will burn through before we start to take a look internally at why every goalie who comes to play in Toronto ends up this way.

  3. dibilnahuy

    great. we can watch lift the cup with another franchise 2 years down the road

  4. Fluffy-Yak-2873

    So whatโ€™s your plan now?

    AHL goalie? Traffic cone? Tutor shooter? Extra skater( not that you have any d-men anyways ๐Ÿ˜‚)

  5. Well, it was pretty expectable, but still really sad to see that.

  6. MoreBoost34

    Really hoped he would turn it around but he has been brutal… still sad to see it end this way.

  7. ActionKestrel

    I hear Oilers need a goalie… To blame for another first round exit.

  8. Decent_Brick1150

    Slippy slappy Samsonov ? Check the briefcase…. Oh Samsonite. .

  9. Clydefrog0371

    What? Granted, I don’t watch a lot of Maple leafs games. But the one i’ve seen him play against the bruins he was phenomenal.

  10. Envermans

    Toronto is such a weird goalie team. Haven’t had a stand out goalie since Andersen? And that only lasted a few years.

    Toronto could make a swing for Gibsons from Anaheim. Or one of the calgary flames goalies.

  11. Hawks should pick him up as a #2 – our #2 currently ain’t really even a #3

  12. naughty-613

    Giant gamble by the Leafs to go with Sampsonov, Woll and Jones as the alternate, with Murray placed on LTIR/ Robidas island.

    The Leafs will score enough to get them into the playoffs (maybeโ€ฆ) but terrible decisions with allocation of money towards forwards vs defenseman and goalies. The gap in talent between their top lines and D pairings, to the 4th line and 3rd pairings.

    Now with the release of Sampsonov, Wolls injury Murray having surgery in October instead of right after the playoffs. Theyโ€™re stuck with Jones, who at his age CANNOT play nightly, without himself going down to injury, and whoever is the Marlies starter.

  13. Medievil_Walrus

    This guy any better than the triple dose of dog shit my wings have protecting our net?

  14. Come on Davidson, pick him up!

    Considering the success of Mrazek another let down Leafs goalie could work well.

  15. ethereal3xp

    Leafs havent had solid goaltending since Cujo

  16. fdisfragameosoldiers

    The goalie graveyard has claimed another victim

  17. Woll this Woll that. I mean, this could be the first in a long string of injuries. He himself said he has to focus and train to keep his body together because he is super flexible. Also, are we really pinning our hopes on this kid? Yeh, the numbers are decent, but it’s still a small sample. The last rookie goalie i remember winning a cup was Jarry (Pittsburgh) when he took the job from Flurry. But even that.. with Woll, can this team make the final 4 at the very least.

  18. DokeyOakey

    Jesus Christ Trana!!! How many more tendies must you burn?

  19. coach5611




  20. JarmaBeanhead

    He only has three syllables in his last name, not fourโ€ฆ That seems to be the ticket

  21. Zealousideal_Abies94

    Can I interest you in a Petr Mrazek?!

  22. IShiddedMyPantaloons

    Toronto Team Building Strategy:

    1. Build top heavy with garbage defense

    2. Acquire top tier goalie

    3. Leave goalie out to dry

    4. Goalie gets pelted

    5. Blame goalie, not defense

    6. Put goalie on waivers

    7. ????

    8. Repeat from Step 2.

  23. Famous-Riverr

    At least leafs are not stuck with him longterm and didn’t sign Jack Campbell.

    This year im noticing that all goalies are hurting for most teams.

  24. TheDudeInTheD

    It’s not “over.” Nobody is going to claim him and the Leafs will be on the hook for his entire $3,550,000 like the loser-ass, second-rate franchise that they are.

  25. Sweaty-Chemistry-141

    Ah, thatโ€™s too bad. Goal is such a tough position mentally. Gotta think his arbitration convo over the summer played into his mental state this season, with this as the result.

  26. alexgardin

    4 of the goals in the Columbus game were 1 or 2 on noone. Good job leafs. Blame the goalie again.

  27. Caps Fan: I was honestly surprised that Leafs put so much stock in Sammy, he was inconsistent in DC, and never took the reins as a #1

  28. whalecardio

    Can we stop saying an โ€œexperiment has endedโ€ when talking about players? Theyโ€™re people, playing a game. Not variables in a controlled science lab.

  29. ElectricalMarket2948

    You got a coaching problem, you got a defence problem, and zero depth. So eat it Toronto – enjoy yet another first round loss

  30. pocketchange2084

    The coach needs to be let go. Unfortunately it looks like the leafs might barely make the playoffs and not do well in the playoffs and maybe finally maybe Keefe will be let go.

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