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NBA Picks Today (December 26th) Basketball Predictions & Best Betting Odds

NBA Picks Today (December 26th) Basketball Predictions & Best Betting Odds

W [Applause] welcome everyone to the pet us NBA picks show I’m your host Sean stacking the money green with Chris Farley and noops talking Hoops hopefully everyone who celebrated had a very merry Christmas we were uh we were off on the show but we’re back at it as we are every Monday

Through Friday noon East 9:00 a.m. Pacific on the BET us NBA pick show and uh yeah we’ve been uh we’ve been doing pretty good on the show I think 28- n uh last week how we feeling noops it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood I had

A great um time with my family this holiday some of the other stuff didn’t quite go so well but it was always fun I love Christmas it’s my mom’s favorite day of the year it’s just absolutely the best and it’s great to watch her be so

Happy and see everybody so ate a lot of good food got some fun presents it was a good weekend overall but we need to get back to winning some money because I lost some yesterday yes uh there was so much to gamble on during Christmas day it was it

Was tough cuz you want to be there you want to be present hey I flew back East to hang out with the family but also screaming at I is likely for not getting another yard uh you know screaming at Tyrese Maxi for not hitting some shots

Uh but again that’s you know that is the joy of gambling uh Chris I I feel like I can’t talk that much smack on your Giants we did get the win wasn’t the prettiest but uh still got the W how you feeling how was your Christmas yeah man

That the icing on the cake for me uh you know I was wondering how how honest I should be about my Christmas because it it wasn’t very good uh you know family got uh RSV that were positive for covid uh fortunately the baby’s not positive and then you’re

Eagles man you’re you’re that was my biggest play of the week was Eagles minus 10 and a half oh no early line there and uh you know and they can’t cover that one but that’s fine guys Hey listen this team right here is like the Baltimore Ravens right now you don’t

Want to fade this team uh guys you guys are on a heater I know that I think I’ve won four or five in a row so let’s just keep that going back to the NBA where things are positive knocking on wood as we speak but yes let’s take a look at

The uh sweet sweet record book before we get in to the picks here for Tuesday yes a collective uh what is this 28 games over 500 right now uh noops has been on a heater as well Chris SE yeah look out you’re you’re nipping at my heels here

Uh and uh yeah NOS Capp of the week along with our buddy Jared Smith over on the NFL show so plenty of good content here on the BET USV Network and perfect transition to get things going for our first game we got the Orlando Magic squaring off against the Washington

Wizards magic Lane 7 and a half in Washington wiiz plus 250 on the money line total sitting here at 238 uh you know my first instinct is to always uh fade the Wizards in any sort of situation but yeah they’ve had some couple moments of of a confident play

Including hitting that last shot um I think I had Warriors gave it out on the show minus 12 and then they had this like crazy back door cover where um you know even some of the players were reacting on the Golden State Side uh may may want to downplay those reactions uh

Gentlemen because might get a a call from the league but um yeah Wizards have shown as they did against Golden State backo as a dog uh that kind of scared me off I do like magic but I kind of look to them more at uh at home Chris how say

You in this match up yeah sorry if you guys could hear my dog barking in the background to to make matters worse I can’t mute my screen because my dog spilled water all over my computer and it eliminated a USB port on my computer so I have to choose different anyway uh

That’s just kind of weakend I had guys but um magic and wizards I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the magic have scored their two highest totals of the year against these Wizards this season 130 and 139 points about four weeks ago uh and they kind of need to get right in

This game right they they’ve had some low totals recently of course they faced the heat the Bucks the Celtics some really good defenses so Washington is going to feel like a luxury tonight for the Orlando Magic that can probably get back to you know feeling normal again

Against a team that doesn’t play much defense at all Wizard’s still 30th in the NBA and we know that they fly at the fastest Tempo in the NBA but those past two games would have eclipsed their average this year in in Tempo so this is probably going to be another really fast

Game tonight uh you know magic have Philly at home tomorrow as well so they probably want to conserve some of that defensive energy for a bigger game tomorrow and you know I I kind of like what the Wizards are doing a little bit lately you know they fought hard against

A few teams like the Suns and the Warriors you know Jordan p and the whole Saga I don’t think it can get any lower right for the Wizards so they kind of just know who they are what they’re battling through right now and at least they could be pretty good offensively so

I think this total is still too low for this game that profiles to be another very fast game here tonight and again Orlando needs to get right offensively anyway they are dealing with a few injuries I know that Suggs is questionable heading into tonight I think it’s an ankle thing

Or no it’s a it’s a wrist thing um but I think he’s gonna play Either Way Orlando and pretty much any team can Thrive against this Washington team and I think there’s going to be a lot of points again so we’re taking over 238 yeah hard to make a case for a

Defensive struggle in uh Magic whiz especially with the situation spots you’re laying out here noops uh how say you this match up yeah I agree with Chris here this is probably more of an over game than an under game and I thought about playing the magic maybe a

Magic team total over but I’m a little concerned about what Orlando has become over the last couple weeks I mean basically tore through the end of November and it again I need to go back and watch more of the games because having watched a couple of them it seems

Like they’re just having trouble finding a way to bring Wendell Carter Junior back into the team they were having a lot of success playing small you know using B Caro as a small ball Center using Wagner is a small ball Center and that led to a lot a lot more pace of

Them a lot more scoring so kind of stayed away from some of those angles but I agree with Chris again this game should be super fast as good as Orlando’s been defensively um they’ve really picked up their Pace I think they’re more focused on being good defensively possession by possession as

Opposed to a team like Houston that wants as few possessions as possible to try to build their defense that way again there’s kind of two ways you can do it and as I look at that instead of an over there was a couple nice props

That I had again kudos to the guys at bet us are getting these out in time so we can share them with you um start with Kyle kozma here his assist total is three and a half I had him just over five just pulling up his game log here

And it’s one of those situations where you know if some alts open later I might try to play like a a six plus an eight plus kind of thing because when he goes over he tends to go way over it’s a lot of bit is about game Flow and game

Script and he’s just been involved a lot more passing the ball they’ve really kind of taken the ball um out of Jordan P’s hands in this offense giving it to Kozo a lot more over the last couple weeks so just think the market is a little slow to catch up to kzo handling

A little bit of the more of the ball generating more assists and again Washington just playing at such a fast pace I’ve said it before when you have totals this High I generally find that the prop Market doesn’t get adjusted up high enough for games that should have

This much shots and speaking of shots I think there’s going to be a lot of rebounds for Denny Aid um his rebound total AA Aid AA probably um he’s to rebound totals five and a half I have him at just over seven again has been inserted to the starting lineup here for

Wizards team and you know he’s listed as a small forward he actually plays a little bit more of a power forward role he’s a lot closer to the basket generally guards some of the bigger men and g kma a little bit space to operate more on offense so uh just two props for

Me in this spot again lean magic lean over but I think the better value is down a little bit lower again where we’ve got this big total and the props just haven’t caught up yet yes uh nice yeah you you imagine with a pace this fast good for assists good for rebounds

Laying out a nice case there and shout out to the chat I see easy baby instructing people to smash that like button yes hit that like button hit that subscribe button and uh toss the questions in we will get to uh as many as we can in the Q&A section there at

The end so Chris officially on Magic whiz over 238 noops likes kozma over three and a half assists Avita again I’m butchering the name I’m sure over five and a half rebounds as well moving over to the next game on this jamack card we got the Minnesota timber wolves squaring

Off against the Oklahoma City Thunder right now bet us has the Thunder two-point home favorites uh couple injuries to keep an eye on here Carl Anthony towns right now questionable for this game as is Jaylen Williams for the Thunder um that being said I I like the

Thunder in this spot I like the Thunder at home as small favorites I think this is a good situation spot to fade the Wolves again you know Thunder have been good to me best in the league ATS 188 And1 um you know SGA has just been I mean

He’s been playing really well this season and even even like better as of late o over his last eight games uh 33 points per game 6.4 assists 5.8 rebounds 3.6 steals so I mean that’s up almost a what is it like two and a half points from his season average points wise so

He seems to be playing out of his mind I like this spot for them at home and in general I don’t know what the psychological handicap is I would love to do a deep dive on it of home teams after the Christmas holiday because I feel like playing at home the day after

Christmas is so much easier I don’t know how much that’s factored into the number but I feel like it’s got to no one wants to travel on Christmas or I don’t know what they did maybe the t-wolf state over in Oklahoma City which if you don’t live there I don’t know C probably

Couldn’t have been the most fun time um you like chain restaurants yeah exactly I just met like carony town having his Christmas dinner at an Olive Garden I don’t know I don’t know how these guys handle this unlimited soup and uh salad they’re probably like oh no an NBA team walks in

Um but yeah I either way this is just feels like a good spot for them at home small favor give me the Thunder lay in the two noops any thoughts here uh Thunder t-wolves chain restaurants I’m actually gonna pass it over to Chris real quick I want to see if I can look

Up what the home team’s records were after Christmas last year so what do you think Chris well can I talk about Olive G first because I love Olive I love me some bread stick I love me salad uh and for some reason the when I was a kid the

Coke that came out of there you know it was like extra syrupy it was just good Coca-Cola I’m not sure what that was all about but anyway um yeah you know I I see all of Sha’s points and a lot of my modality on these next few shows is

Going to be who am I to fade these two guys because they’re I mean seriously white hot uh that being said you know these Timberwolves that was an interesting game that these two teams fac or had in their previous contest because I mean the Timberwolves turned

It over 20 times OKC only 10 times Thunder able to steal about 12 more uh shot attempts in that game and yet Minnesota still found a way to really put on the clamps and play some great defense at the end there and you know pull out a win right um against those

Thunder I believe it was only by three points but it just kind of proves that this Minnesota team their defense especially is as legit As It Gets In terms of you know these Thunder plays small ball right they like to run fast they could really like that would

Profile as the type of team who can maybe offset or maybe rattle this Minnesota defense but it it still really didn’t happen in that game so um I just don’t want to fade Minnesota right now this is a game that I’d rather just you know sit back and watch again OKC has

Been very good to better this season they’ve been a very good team they do have a Revenge Angle now in this game as well so I’m not going to fade Sean but I’m just not going to have a play on this one yeah I mean I guess two ways to

Look at it too like one does that revenging will help OKC I think that was in uh Minnesota that last one or as you mentioned like is the are those turnovers was that unsustainable and if they play a cleaner game maybe my thunder are in trouble uh noops were you

Able to uh look up that stat because off the top of my head it feels like a good angle but again uh didn’t do the Deep dive on it so I was able to go back and look the last two years last season we had seven games a day after Christmas

Home teams went four and three but I will say is I think the angle is if you’re playing a home team that you like play some alt spreads because the home teams that covered covered by 5 9 18 and 12 points if I go back to two years

Again uh Christmas 2021 we had eight games home favorites went five and three and again I see that same thing a 36o cover a 25o cover a seven-point cover a three-point cover and then a onepoint cover so a little bit less last year but it looks like again home teams do a

Little bit better not quite enough to say that that’s kind of a dead straight angle but it does look like when home teams cover on Christmas the the road team definitely is is coming in a little laggy so if you do like home teams today again if you’re playing the Thunder here

And I kind of agree with that the Thunder especially at home you know you look at that they seem to be it’s again not quite the Rockets who seem to be 10 times better at home but the Thunder are better at home they really respond to

That crowd and it is it’s if you ever have a chance to go I got a chance to go to a Thunder game about three years ago that’s all that town cares about it’s Oklahoma City unless the the Oklahoma University football team is playing the only thing anybody cares about is the

Thunder and I think that really SPS out tonight no plays for me here though I start to look at these lines and I think that you know basically maybe that little bit of Advantage is kind of built in here um one of the things I like to

Look at take all the closing lines and try to see what they’re telling me and if I look at the closing lines for the year if Carl Anthony towns plays this should be a pick them if Carl Anthony towns is out it should be Oklahoma City

By about 3 three and a half and usually they place that you know kind of 50/50 when you’re questionable so I I was expecting something maybe a little closer to OKC minus one so again it seems like the Market’s kind of got a good eye on this one it should be a

Great basketball game I really can’t pick between sides but I will say if you’re playing home favorites today and I will say Sean if you’re GNA play Thunder minus 2 get some five get some eight maybe even some 10 like it like a little uh long shot action on a nice alt

Number there uh yeah so lock it up for me OKC minus two at home here currently over on BET us next up we got the Memphis Grizzlies heading down to New Orleans a square off against the Pelicans right now pels favored by five points at home Grizz plus 155 on the

Money line coming back the other way total sitting at 229 a half of course uh John Morant is back a part of the Grizzlies I don’t know I guess I haven’t seen enough of this Grizzlies team with Morant to get a a great handle on this matchup I would probably lean Pelicans

If I had to choose but noobs how say you pel’s Grizzle I love the Pelicans in this spot and again a lot of about betting is trying to see how the market has moved where there might be overreactions under reactions you know Chris you do a great

Job in the NBA as well as the NFL I love when you break that down every week like here’s what happened last week and why no one should believe it’s going to happen the following week and I look at the Grizzlies I see kind of the same

Thing morand’s come out and been so good and this team has been so much better I think the market has kind of gone a little too far ahead here I have the Pelicans as nine almost 10-point favorites and I’ve said it here before it’s We’re not gonna have a lot of games

Where the Pelicans are all healthy but you look at the injury report nobody I care about out you know Larry Nance Jr’s doubtful somebody named Matt Ryan I assume that’s the former Falcons quarterback in retirement and Cody Zeller still in the NBA he’s questionable so the Pelicans have

Everybody tonight this is going to be a brutal matchup for a Memphis team that we’re all going to be reminded how how much they miss Steven Adams and Brandon Clark tonight jiren Jackson Jr I haven’t had a chance to look at his props yet but I’m probably going to play some of

His unders because if there’s ever a spot for him to have three fouls in the first quarter it is tonight this is going to be just a brutal spot I think for this Memphis team morance really good but the Pelicans have two of the best perimeter defenders in the NBA and

Herbert Jones and Jose Alvarado Trey Murphy comes in he does a really nice job again Zion should have a good night tonight valent Tunis always plays well against the Grizzlies I think he’s still hard some feelings about you know them kind of shipping him out of town and

Definitely the right decision for the Grizzlies but everything says Pelicans for me tonight so I’m happy to lay the five yes uh making a strong case there for the pels mo in the chat saying he’s on uh Grizzlies plus five and Grizzly’s plus 160 on the money line well you’re

You’re fading the Capper of the week Mo so uh you know you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re treading on dangerous territory there uh I bet Mo doesn’t have a beard yes exactly that’s maybe the maybe the key there uh Chris how say you on this uh Memphis uh Pelicans match up

Yeah I appreciate the nod noops I mean you know this is all about uh our our team’s going to regress or can we expect things to kind of continue on the way they are hey look I picked the bucks on Christmas day I was I was wrong about

That I thought they were gonna Stomp the Knicks again but that’s my fault you Pro you probably know what I’m going to say about these Grizzlies because I I’m not going to step in front of them right now I mean John Moran is such a maker for

This team obviously uh 30 points and 11 assists in that comeback win against the Hawks where Desmond Bane you know finds a game where he puts up 37 points and that that’s just kind of what a true star does and this league now right with LeBron kind of hopefully at the end of

His uh career you know we’re seeing fewer and fewer real true Stars you know guys who can really take over but John Moren makes everybody else better as well right and the thing that worries me about the Pelicans is the same thing that worries me about the Suns is that

When they get punched in the mouth a little bit I’m not sure who steps up you know Brandon Ingram is a great shot his Zion is obviously such a physical Force they have a lot of physical forces on the team defensively but there’s not like one guy who kind of rallies The

Troop I mean you know um not that I see anyway uh so you know John Mor is that guy he’s that emotional leader for his team uh I see noob’s point that this line could certainly be a lot higher I would certainly like it higher because I

Would definitely have a stronger play on the Grizzlies but I would still lean their Direction because I think there’s just going to be a lot of animosity in this contest it’s already very physical right um two teams that don’t like each other and when things get physical when

That happens we see jaw respond and we see him kind of rally the troops the Pelicans are going to have to find that different gear themselves because they’re just one of these teams who they either blow teams out they dominate as they probably should most nights with

All the talent they have on that team or they just kind of fla so which which version of the Pelicans are we going to get tonight I’d rather just sit back and watch this one as well I see all of Alex’s points but I would still lean to

Memphis so noops officially on the pels minus five yeah I mean to to the physicality point that could be where you miss a guy like uh Stephen Adams but again should be should be a good game I kind of want to see more of this Grizz

With johnar to kind of see where they end up but lock it up for noops on the Pelicans minus five up next we got the Utah Jazz heading down to San Antonio to square off against the Spurs Spurs three-point home dogs here uh plus 135

On the money line total sitting at 241 a half yeah I didn’t go deep into this game there was just other stuff that was jumping out at me um you know this Spurs team is certainly not very appealing to back right now don’t know what you’re

Going to get the Jazz have at least shown a pulse I do kind of look towards them as a play on especially as a home dog Road favorite here uh maybe I’m a little skeptical but uh Chris how say you Jazz Spurs yeah fairly simple handicap for me here because I think we

Could uh talk ourselves into that this line could be four or five in the Jazz uh not because the Jazz are particularly that good but you know just because of who the Spurs are right now right yeah the worst Point differential in the NBA

I don’t see a reason for for them to put weyana in the game a lot tonight you know um off that ankle situation or whatever that was it would be his first game back he’s probably at least going to be somewhat limited tonight and I really liked what I saw in that last

Game from the Jazz uh comeback when Jordan Clarkson who has not been very good this year who they need to be better comes in the fourth quarter scores 16 out of 30 of his points in that fourth quarter and will hardy who’s a coach that I trust you know just seems

Like a smart dude the player players buy into him is starting to find some of these rotations that are working the one the fourth quarter certainly did the other night in that comeback win um and you know this is team like you said Sean I think a team to play on they still

Have a true number one in Lor marinan and they’re still right there kind of in the playoff race right they’re getting closer to 500 the team that might try to go on a run here it’s just not a lot to hope for on the Spurs who have now lost

Nine out their last 10 lost four in a row again um I know they’re at home and maybe it’s it’s surprise performance by them but seems like there’s a lot of juice um or just a lot of momentum over there on the Jazz side who have now won

Two in a row and probably want to keep that going so this is still a very short line a one possession minus three lead and I will take the Jazz in that spot yeah one basket game tough to uh tough to talk yourself in the Spurs I mean

Noops can you do it can you make a case for the Spurs or you you on the Jazz as well here it’s me versus the chat today apparently and I hope nobody takes it takes any offense that I saw Frank said it Spurs are pass um you know somebody I

Forget who was on the Grizzlies but sorry emo there Mo in the chat there on on the Grizzlies so I I’m with Chris this is like a really nice spot to bet the Jazz and it’s not fun I don’t feel great I mean I’m betting on the Utah

Jazz on the road we don’t have we don’t have the altitude benefit but they’re finally starting to get healthy they’ve got Jordan Clarkson back tonight which really again matters and it’s not that Jordan Clarkson’s the best player in the NBA but you have to look at who’s behind

Him and without Jordan Clarkson tonight that’s a lot you’re asking to Colin ston and a lot of Chris Dunn and yes I’ve said it before is the same Chris Dunn who wasn’t very good five years ago let alone at this point and it’s just now that I’ve got Clarkson back they’ve got

Markin and John Collins are starting to play better Walker Kessler’s in good shape and if there’s any team that’s that’s thrilled about what the Pistons are doing it’s the Spurs because no one’s noticed how terrible they’ve been and they can keep continually quiet and actively losing games without anybody

Pointing out anything terrible uh they were able to Snooker the Lakers um what is that a week ago at this point almost two weeks and you know so they don’t have to worry about the losing streak and you know things are right back on business here I mean they’re at home

Maybe we’ll get a little bit of Better Effort for the home crowd I know a lot of times I like playing Spurs first quarters but I’m not even doing doing that tonight I agree with Chris I don’t expect to see web inyama tonight and that really you know limits what San

Antonio can do Zack Collins is a nice second big man but he’s going to be a starter tonight thrust into too much action and again I just don’t think San Antonio’s trying to win games so I get Utah by a basket a jazz team that still is actively trying to win games even

Though it’s just been an injury mess for him so fin little healthy finally have a guard I had this Jazz by five almost five and a half so I’ll lay the three yeah I I like your point about um yeah getting Clarkson back is that a game

Changer but to your point it’s like who is playing behind him like not having that guy you know not having those minutes go to someone much worse um actually is a is an upgrade for sure so lock it up for Chris lock it up for noops on the Jazz minus three in San

Antonio next up we got the Pacers heading down to Houston square off against the Rockets right now Pacers uh three-point Road favorites in Houston plus one 130 on the money line oh wait I think we may have uh switched those cuz yeah Rockets would be favored here uh

Let’s double check that but uh I’m GNA say Rockets yeah Rockets minus three uh minus 150 Pacers catching three plus 1130 on the money line total sitting at 238 yeah there’s no way a Pacers should be favored down in Houston unless there was some crazy uh thing we just missed

But um yeah I mean as you mentioned earlier when we were talking about thunder like the home road splits for Houston is are are pretty uh different they’ve been playing pretty good defense especially at home um while they just you know have been playing well at home overall defense is certainly going along

With that noobs how say you on this match of Pacers versus the Rockets H it’s time to go against the grain here a little bit for me because if looking at my numbers here the most profitable bet you could have blindly made all season so far as the Sixers is favorites you’re

Up 10 and a half units there but the second most profit bet you could make is overs in Pacers games you’d be up about 10.2 units just blindly betting those I am going to take a Pacers team total under today and even add a points prop

Under there as well um something is is wrong in Indiana I I I really have been shocked at how poorly the team has played since that in season Tournament final and I don’t know if it’s that I don’t know if it’s something else I don’t know if that unlocked some sort of

A mess but you go back and look their last handful of games 110 against Orlando 103 against Memphis um only you know only 127 against the Clippers but in a blowout that it should have 130 something points there the pace is starting to slow down teams have

Starting to figure out what they can do to try to limit this and this is a nightmare spot for your the Pacers the Houston Rockets have the second slowest Pace in the NBA they just smother teams they bring these games down to an absolute grinding halt they’re one of

The best teams defending the three which is what Indiana wants to do so the Pacers are coming into the Rockets house and they have taken every team that they have played I don’t care how fast they try to run when you go to Houston it’s like you’re playing in mud it’s

Unbelievable how slow the pace has been in some of these games and I thought about playing a full game under but I just think the best angle here is a Pistons team total under one 117 and a half um you know the rockets at home have held teams to an average of 100

Points and it’s not quite that simple but that’s a nice place to start and as you start to dig into some of those games teams have gone under their team totals in Houston I think it was I don’t have that those numbers in me I should have saved that but something like eight

And three on the under something like that I think there’s only been three or four losses to the under for how many home games they’ve had and just looks like a nice spot to continue to take advantage of a Pacers team that the market is still pricing like it’s the

Team we saw a month a month and a half ago and not the team that we’ve seen the last couple weeks so I’ll do that and to pair with it give me buddy heeld under 15 and a half points he has been someone that had benefited from The Fast Pace is

Mostly a three-point shooter someone who comes out does not attack the basket again Rockets really really good defending the three really good defending Wing players here so AO Pacers team total under 117 a half and then a buddy Heal Points prop under 15 and a

Half yeah I mean uh to your point like that that Pacers team what happened to that Pacers in in season tournament team like that you know after that I feel like there was some people you know on on social media like Halbert and MVP this is his year you know and and man

That has just come to a crashing halt also the Lakers like they they really uh have looked like a very different team after the inseason tournament so maybe something to keep an eye on uh for next season uh Chris how say you on this uh Pacers Rockets matchup I think Alex

Said at all I don’t have too much to add in this one I mean uh you know these Pacers do make an interesting case study right because there small Market small Market team who kind of had a chance to shine there in that inseason tournament

Um and now it’s you know back to the bog of the regular season right it’s like back to the grind you know you gotta just keep on trying to keep that momentum going keep that same form going and I think that’s really tough for a Pacers team that probably now has a

Little bit of a Target on its back too who you know we’ve seen them at their best even defensively in the inseason tournament and all that is kind of washed away and now you got a Rockets team who’s second only to the Timberwolves in home defensive efficiency like Alex said they really

Slow things down they really make like the it it it makes the court look smaller when they’re at home for some reason like I I don’t know how they do that uh but that’s what great defenses do and um I think taking the Pacers team total under is a better bet than taking

The full game under because we know that the Pacers defense has really suffered lately as well so I mean Houston could go off offensively in this one as well and we could see a big disparity so sounds like ien Houston here sounds like I lean on the team total with Alex so

Maybe I take that as well but I like all of his plays uh cannot talk you guys off of it yeah I mean as you laid out the case for Rockets defense that Houston minus three is getting a little more tempting as we go along but officially

Noops is on the Pacers team total under 1175 and Buddy hee under 15 and a half points last game of our slate and again feel free to toss in some questions we’ll get to those during the Q&A section we got the Atlanta Hawks heading to Chicago to square off against the

Chicago Bulls right now Bulls one and a half Point favorites at home minus 120 on the money line total sitting at 234 yeah I mean this you know post well LaVine hasn’t been traded but basically post LaVine era of the Bulls um has has have looked pretty good um you know

Bulls have been hot they’ve won the last four out of their six you had Alex Caruso um playing good ball not to mention the Atlanta Hawks worst team against the spread seven and 22 um which is just like unfathomable in some ways that you like the market

Wouldn’t have adjusted um but I don’t know if the market is adjusting ing here I I think you know I think the Bulls should be a bigger favorite than one and a half or minus 120 on the money line I mean you’re getting good minutes at of

Kobby white I think he can help slow down Trey young and then Trey young like hasn’t you know even the nights where he’s put up a bunch of points he hasn’t really figured out how to elevate the guys around him consistently and you know just offense for the Atlanta Hawks

Just hasn’t been there outside of Trey young and and the Bulls have been good at home as well so I think there’s a lot going for this matchup um you know I I just don’t see Atlanta coming in here and and getting this upset win on the road especially in considering how the

Bulls have looked as of late so yeah give me the Bulls laying the point and a half noops how say you Bulls Hawks yeah this is kind of an interesting line there’s a couple injuries that are I’m G to wait and see how this goes um Trey young is

Questionable and the Hawks have really been better this year without him as bad as he’s been shooting if try young can play tonight that’s probably worth about half a point maybe a point or so from Where the Line is now and one of the sneaky most important players on the

Hawks early season Jaylen Johnson is questionable tonight he has been out for a couple weeks um if he can come back that is really was he was really a piece that solidified this Hawks team earlier in the year um played good defense was able to fill in on offense and again you

Know like we talked about with the Jazz if he plays that means sadique Bay doesn’t have to start that means they don’t have to try to drag you know Wesley Matthews get run too many minutes out of Garrison match stuff like that it’s gets a chance to push everybody

Back and a team that again is without DeAndre Hunter could really use a little help tonight so if Johnson and Trey young are in I actually like this spot for the Atlanta Hawks really just from a numbers perspective I agree with you Sean Chicago playing much better

Basketball and just a better team they seem to control games they seem to know how to win when it gets down to the end of the games the Hawks do not play with any semblance of control they have really struggled at the end of game so all the little stuff Point me towards

The Bulls but going to wait and see who plays for it Atlanta if Jaylen Johnson is announced out if Trey young is announced out it’s still only you know Chicago minus two maybe even minus three I might have a bulls bet but I’ll wait till then let’s keep an eye on noops on

That one but Chris any thoughts here Hawks Bulls yeah sneaky play from you here Sean and because these Chicago Bulls um well let me talk about the Hawks first I mean I I can’t touch the hawks at all right now I mean this team is so crazy you know Quinn Snyder a good

Coach coach that I would trust and this team is so up and down so volatile that it’s I mean you know the best version of this team right they go into Houston and score 134 points and a win a few games ago the worst version of this team is

They just find ways to lose over and over again like that game against Memphis the other night so just a team that I can’t touch whereas the Bulls on the other hand in December uh top 10 net rated team top 10 defense the turning over the ball way less uh excellent

Offensive rebounding team the last month as well Kobe White’s rise continues 41% from Beyond The Arc and you you know Demar D rozan taking care of business when he’s not the thing about this game is because these two teams haven’t faced yet they’re just two Polar Opposites in

Style right you got the the Hawks who are just all offense at this point like to run a faster Pace try to overwhelm teams with that and you got the Bulls who are pretty much all defense right even though they’re winning a lot more uh they’re still like a mid team

Offensively still a mid- team and true shooting percentage things like that so it’s it’s not as consistent on that end so you could see the Hawks really outrun the Bulls but the Bulls kind of with the advantage at home here playing better a little more unified without Zack LaVine

Um so it’s an interesting game I mean Sean you’ve been ballsy with these like really like tough teams to bet on and you keep winning on them so I’m G to lean in Sea’s Direction all right Chicago Bulls are our team that I’d rather play on right now yes so give me

The Chicago Bulls laying one and a half excuse me Lane one and a half at home lock that up for me and uh I’m already see in the Q&A section is just jam-packed uh with questions first up we got Jaylen Gordon he wants to know Chad 15 points SGA over

Points assists rebounds uh noops I’ll let you start there any thoughts on uh player stuff here for SGA and Chad yeah looking at points I’ve got points in front of me right now I’ve got both of them under their points number um Chad hrin you know he’s I’m look line

I’m looking at 17 and a half I have him just below 16 the Tiber wolves have been great against big men um you know with or without Carl Anthony towns there’s still a lot of size on this team goar is a tough matchup for anybody so tough for

Me to trust Chad to go over tonight given the matchup SGA again I have him um about two and a half almost three points under his total I’m looking at 33 and a half I have him at 30 um taking a look at his assists um have him

Basically right on his number there and looking at his rebounds have him you know basically right on his market number there so would actually lean towards under on both of these props and as much as I do like the Thunder and think you know Sean you’re on the right

Side here it is going to be a tough matchup I think this is going to be a gritty game and if Minnesota plays well they have the tools to shut these guys down they’ll have Jade McDaniels on SGA probably all night he’s a great defender yeah I mean I think the Thunder are

Going to play well but to your point maybe these uh maybe the lines are slightly inflated for the player stuff so I’m not going to touch the the player props I’ll just stick with the Thunder but Chris any thoughts on Chad or SGA in this

Matchup yeah so um I had to take my mic out of the USB for my moue so I could look at these questions so I’m not gonna sound as good things are rough over here boys uh I would just say no don’t go overs and the OKC uh props you know

Maybe just play OKC in this game if you like him but uh we don’t really see a lot of evidence where the Minnesota Timberwolves are totally taken out of their element and you know can’t slow teams down now you know again they are on the road uh they got a little bit of

A difficult stretch this week I believe another tough game on Thursday which I’m trying to bring up here uh but no I I I wouldn’t look for overs in this game no Bruno uh wishing us a happy holidays and also can we trust Dylan the villain to

Go over one and a half trays tonight AKA three pointers so three-point line over one and a half noobs how say you on Dylan the villain I was really surprised by B likes this over I’ve got him for two threes instead of one and a half so a

Little bit of an edge there just going back and look at kind of his game log here he really has increased um the three-point sh his average three-point shots if you look back at the month of I’m sorry you look back at the month of November he only shot about four threes

Per game he’s up to almost six threes per game in December and again it looks like the Market’s just a little bit behind and it’s pretty simple more shot attempts means more Mak so yeah I like Dylan Brooks over one and a half threes I think that’s a nice look yeah maybe

Job being back you know helps space the uh Court there for him uh Chris any any thoughts on uh Dylan uh Dylan the villain to go over one and a half trays tonight Dylan the villain yeah that that man has created some brand for himself and you know it’s actually working so

Why not um I you know I guess I agree with noops as far you know his three-point shooting um has gone up and what the Rockets like to do at home right is take that early lead kind of punch teams in the mouth and then really

Settle in on defense so you know he he just may not need to but this is a Pacers team that needs to get right to so if if there is more scoring in this game than we anticipate then he’s going to need to but just a lot of mix

Thoughts about this one guy so I don’t really have an angle yeah and brain fart by me uh Dylan is on the rockets and not the uh Grizzlies there you can blame the holidays on that one uh going a little hard last night uh immediately I was like wait that didn’t

Sound right and then noops his face reminded me uh next up in the chat uh we got a question from Damen Edwards he wants to know questions fellas over uh Anthony Simmons uh an F uh Simmons over three and a half threes minus 135 has taken 27 total threes last two addings since

Sharp has been out I don’t I mean I’ll just start by saying I’m always reluctant to lay a minus 135 on a player prop I don’t have any specific thoughts on his three ball but noops any any thoughts on uh over three and a half 3 is minus

135 yeah pulling up his game log here to to see kind of what’s happened the last couple games but I I have him under this number I have him just over 33s again the line is three and a half here so again still pretty close but you know half a three-pointer minus

135 that’s really tough to justify that juice again looking at his game here the volume has been huge I mean he shot 13 against Golden State 14 against Washington um he’s averaging almost 10 three-pointers a game and I’m sorry 10 three-point attempts in the month of December

So it’s hard for me to tell you to bet the under here but I just don’t expect him to keep shooting 10 11 13 14 threes per game I mean you go back and look at the rest of the season he’s closer to you know 789 and he is a good shooter

And you know the match up tonight for Portland is a little interesting that game could be fast so I can’t tell you to bet the under although I think you that’s probably the better angle but definitely don’t bet over it minus 135 yeah yeah I mean if your numbers are

Showing slightly under and and you’re getting plus odds um makes it tough for the over here but uh how to you Chris any thoughts on Simmons three and a half threes just just sounds like Damen did some good research here right I mean he’s taking a lot of Threes uh since

Sharper has been out and uh this Portland Trailblazers team has kind of turned around a little bit I mean they’re a little more effective offensively especially with Simon’s back so um you know maybe that’s something to look at but not a lot of thoughts there guys sorry yeah uh Simons over three and

A half threes minus 135 last question in the chat coming from Tariq shout out to Tariq see you in the chat a lot appreciate all the questions appreciate everyone uh hitting that subscribe button tossing the thumbs up telling a friend about the BET us NBA pick show he

Wants to know with the Wizards full lineup would you be hesitant of a Clippers magic parlay better second legs question mark bills LOL uh I I I’m I’m guessing maybe he’s talking about putting the the Buffalo Bills in there uh for the second bills or something okay yeah I was I was

Trying to think of um yeah what else it better not be college football I don’t think anyone is in here equipped is equipped to talk about that I know I am not I was trying to think of a college that was the bills I can’t think of one

Oh no there there’s there’s some bills somewhere I’m sure um noops any thoughts we’ll just keep it to uh Wizards uh or sorry so Clippers magic moneyline parlay I I don’t like this it’s so what you’ve got tonight is two teams that are playing really high variance opponents

You know as much as we like the magic and I would lay the points with the magic before I would take the points with the Wizards the Wizards are such a high variance team you could have a there’s too big of a chance of some sort of three-point Outburst from them a cold

Night from Orlando and the Clippers here as well going against the Charlotte Hornets who are finally starting to play basketball without lamelo ball they’ve continued to get better and better and better um you know looking at the Clipper schedule I wasn’t sure if that was a look ahead spot not a look ahead

Spot there and again with Orlando I think we mentioned that is a little bit of a look ahead spot um you know they’ve got Washington tonight but they’ve got a game at home against Philadelphia Adelphia that’s a really big spot for them and they’ got a game after that at home against the

Knicks I think both of those teams are going to win I just don’t think that you’re getting any value betting that to happen yeah off the top of my head I was looking at it looks like around a minus 190 uh parlay which again I’m not one

That’s never gonna be fun even if it wins I I’m not one of the parlay favorites on the money line in general I think maybe you do it um you know Junior does it sometimes if he’s getting close to even money maybe even slightly plus

Odds um I I I don’t like it here I would I would say of those two games pick the one you like better and take them um you know and and I think there is could be some wonkiness coming off the day after Christmas you know where as in other

Spots the chalky favorites might be slightly better um if you had to choose I would maybe go I would maybe go just magic laying the points versus laying minus 190 uh and having you know essentially giving giving the uh the sports book two opportunities to to get

A w against you um and yeah I haven’t done all my hand I fell handicapping yet so I can’t give you I can’t give you a take on the bills quite yet but uh Chris any thoughts on uh wizards magic here a lot of great advice from you guys um you

Know I’m not I’m not sure if the Hornets are playing all that much better the last win was on December 8th but they did Fight Hard against the nuggets the other night so that’s a good sign I guess uh but I mean as far as The Wiz in

The magic yeah there’s a reason why I’m not taking the Magic in that game you know and there’s a reason why I like the over too because I think the Wizards might have some success again the magic do have a home game against Philly tomorrow too so that’s a pretty huge

Look ahead in the Eastern Conference for Orlando another reason not to moneyline parlay them um and maybe our friend uh Tariq meant the Bulls as another leg this money line and just a little uh um update here the the Hawks and Bulls is is at of pick him now in most books so

It looks like I think that’s because Trey young is probably going to play in yeah he’s you know shooting around means so but that I mean if anything now you have a better line on the Bulls uh which you know I think is probably still the

Right side in that one but yeah I I wouldn’t moneyline parlay anything tonight a lot of reasons not to just look at what happened on Christmas yesterday right the Chiefs lost the Bucks lost 49ers lost uh so you know it’s just a weird time of year guys so

Now it’s probably not the time to do it yeah holiday stuff uh things can get a little bit wonky all right uh closing it out with our Best Bets for the slate and uh a bunch of them uh shout out to all the chat helping out with some picks

Here uh getting some good questions in Chris likes the magic wizard over 238 he also likes the Jazz minus three I’m on the Thunder minus two bulls minus one and a half noops uh consensus play on the Jazz minus three he also likes Pelicans minus five Avita over five and

A half rebounds kozma over three and a half assists Pacers team total under 117 A5 and Buddy heeled under 152 points gentlemen pleasure as always knock on wood if you’re with me keeping the uh keeping the hot streak alive Chris appreciate it as always where can people

Check you out at Farley bets on Twitter X whatever you want to call it uh land the points with Farley Betts we will still be up tonight or this week talking NFL as well even if my voice is at the the the minimum we are doing it so look

Forward to that this week at Farley bets we got the Farley flu uh podcast so hopefully hoping for some Jordan like flu game results for you and your picks uh noobs how say you yeah sorry everybody if I made you a little dizzy I didn’t realize by knocking on the table

It would shake the camera so much but I think it was worth it I’m not a suspicious guy but I’m in on the knocking wood suspicion I think that that is important and yeah Chris good luck man get a nap try to get some tea in there we’ll keep you going December

Is tough folks it’s tough to talk every day while you have a cold I did it last week it looks like it’s Chris turns this week so cut of a little bit of a break but you can always find my stuff atore noops a lot of first touchdown scores as

Always tons of NBA content um if you don’t see me on the BET us show there’ll be a version of Hoops with noops so you can see all my stuff there again _ noops on Twitter yes uh everyone playing through the pain in the holiday season appreciate everyone tuning in and uh

Yeah if you want to follow me on Twitter @ shant green uh if you’re looking for my NFL picks other picks you can check me out over on my other shows Sports gaming podcast and I will see you tomorrow 900 a.m. Pacific no East for another bet us NBA pick show for Chris

For NOS I’m Sean sack in the money green let it ride thanks for watching if you like the video give us a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell so you never miss a show for all our Sports content hit to bet us

Best of luck with all your bets Bounce

NBA Picks Today for 12/26/23

The league gets back to work after Christmas with a 9-game slate on the NBA schedule tonight. The Indiana Pacers take on the Houston Rockets to start us off on NBATV. Will the Pacers make a statement on the road? Then the Charlotte Hornets take on the Los Angeles Clippers. Also, the San Antonio Spurs take on the Utah Jazz, the Sacramento Kings travel to Portland to take on the Trail Blazers, and the Minnesota Timberwolves take on the Oklahoma City Thunder. Get the scoop on tonight’s NBA action from the BetUS team.

Tune in for the latest news on the NBA as BetUS’s host, Sean Green, and NBA experts Alex Christenson and Chris Farley break down the latest basketball betting trends and most valuable betting odds, to give you their NBA Picks and Predictions.

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In this video:
NBA Predictions Dec 26th 0:00
NBA Betting Record 3:03
Magic vs Wizards Game Picks 3:37
Timberwolves vs Thunder Game Picks 9:25
Grizzlies vs Pelicans Game Picks 15:33
Jazz vs Spurs Game Picks 20:21
Pacers vs Rockets Game Picks 24:46
Hawks vs Bulls Game Picks 30:14
NBA Q&A 35:01
NBA Best Bets Dec 26th 45:25

#NBApicks #Sportsbetting #betustv

Connect with our hosts and experts on X:

Sean Green: @seantgreen
Alex Christenson: @_Noops
Chris Farley: @FarleyBets

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  1. NBA point spreads will break your bank. I only bet over or under 1st halves and don't give a rat arse who wins , thats the beauty of a non sport fan fanatic

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