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Joe Flacco is a GOD -Michael Robinson goes crazy Browns playoff-bound after knocking off Jets 37-22!

Joe Flacco is a GOD -Michael Robinson goes crazy Browns playoff-bound after knocking off Jets 37-22!

As we welcome you into game day final the Mercedes-Benz postgame show along with Maurice Jones Drew Michael Robinson I’m collean wolf and Cleveland has not been on fire like this since the kyoga river was Blazing this is yeah read about it check that out um this was a

Dominant performance once again I would know anything about it Joe Flaco’s first half and the Browns offensively in the first half what were your thoughts here they went a little cold in the second but that first half was enough yeah I mean Joe flacko knew exactly what the

Jets were going to do as we’re were looking at this playoff pitcher they’ve clinched this playoff spot and it’s all because what he did in the first half right he came out he threw the ball to in joku early in the game uh got some nice easy targets going it was at third

And it third and 18 this play here where in joku takes it 36 yards that kind of got them going then it was all catch and run after that then after that they got in Rhythm they started taking shots and he he was able he he felt comfortable uh

This play here was the next pass I mean again play action pass you know the one thing about Joe flacko if you’re one of his guys and reminds me of Baltimore when he had had Steve Smith when he had Anquan Balden Tory Smith when you’re his

Guy and you do a certain thing he is going to get you the ball doing that thing as much as he can right last week it was Amari Cooper doing all different type of routes this week it was in joku and Elijah Moore before he got hurt of

Touching the ball right we’re going to find ways to get you the ball and then the last thing was a Scramble Play that kind of was the one that I think was the last STW on the Cs back for this Jets team in the first half was scrambling

Out to his left flipping his hips getting it to his running back Ford and Ford taking it about you know 50 yards to the house the whole time I’m watching this game I’m thinking how can you not resign Joe Flaco how can no how can Joe

Flaco not be a part of this team next year and I know they’re still fighting you know for for playoff positioning and we don’t know what’s going to happen in the playoffs and yeah they could get the number one seed and all of these things could happen but just just thinking

About next year how can you not have Joe flacko a part of this team I thought when Amari Cooper wasn’t going to play today that it was going to hurt this offense right he ended up finding ing other receivers and then uh uh when Mr Moore went out he ended up finding David

And joku like at the end of the day there’s a lot of different weapons on this Cleveland Browns team and Joe flacko seems to be the Maestro seems to be the guy to tie it all together you talk about that Scramble Play that’s what I needed to see from Joe flacko I

Needed to see a counter punch I needed to see him be able to get out of some trouble and and scramble and move with his feet and make an explosive play down the football field not only did he do that he got a 50 yard touchdown out of

That play so uh the Cleveland Browns seem to be in great hands um with Joe flacko and Kevin stefansky man great job you are coaching your a off right now man because you are balling fourth string quarterback a lot of of that huh come on man you’ve had issues across the

Offensive line fourth string quarterback and you’re still right there competing for a great job chemist defense an incredible number of injuries for this Browns team this year here I mean when you look at the week one starters at quarterback running back left tackle right tackle strong safety free safety

All on I and yet here they are with a playoff spot locked up like that’s Paul Brown Cincinnati so this is lesson quite quite the accomplishment AFC playoff picture now if you were wondering how do the Browns win that number one seed well the Ravens would have to lose out and the

Browns would have to win one more game against the Bengals and then the Dolphins would have to lose that week 18 game against the bills and then just like that the Browns are the one seed a lot has to happen they really need the Ravens to absolutely fall apart but hey

Who knows what could happen so looking at that number one seed though who do you believe in who wins it mjd I I believe in Baltimore I I believe in the physicality of Baltimore I believe in the playmaking from Lamar Jackson I believe in their their defense that can

Get sacks with different guys I mean they could to me it’s Baltimore now they do have a tough test against the Miami Dolphins which is a completely different team than uh the San Francisco 49ers because the way they play but to me it’s about this to him the Jaguars didn’t get

To him the Rams didn’t get to him and they all lost but you know that’s Lamar Jackson right like even if they do get to him he got what I’m saying you got to get him you got to get him down if you can’t get now the Miami Dolphins have

They have a defense that has the ability to get there but can you get them down that’s fair Warner he just shook up too by the way yeah one of the top linebackers uh in our game and so if you can’t get to him and affect him you

Don’t have a long day so to me I I I like I like the Baltimore Ravens I like the Baltimore Ravens as well but I will say this just real quickly that um if Miami can find a way to to to beat Baltimore if if Miami can and Tu a Tanga

Valor can find a counter punch meaning uh when a team stops him from going through his reads and he’s able to maybe scramble a little bit and still be explosive in the passive game to me that’s the fin final step for this Miami uh uh Dolphins team and offense and if

They do that me the Miami Dolphins will be a very scary team going is a Miami Dolphins yeah cuz they boys can run yes they can you better get on it I had a teammate show up in the second quarter in Miami I remember that show up in the

Second quarter like bro where you was at all night he said may leave me alone I said oh you ain’t going to be here next week but showed up in the second quarter a whole that’s for like uh you know the kickoff show after dark I would love to

Hear that story I’m at home would also like to know who was that second quarter yes I remember passing yards and 12 passing touchdowns in the month of December these are the only other quarterbacks to do it I was in high school yeah we beat Drew Brees and pton

In them years seah did boom did yeah you did yeah we beat him up pton and Kurt won the NFL MVP and reached the Super Bowl that year so I don’t know if it happens for Joe Flaco or not uh the Browns though this entire season when you think about is that three

Tackles as the fourth quarterback that they’ve tried out look at all of these injuries and then the money that is not on the field either I mean you have starters at almost every position on both sides of the ball look at the offensive line that’s what I’m saying

Tack starting two starting safeties yeah exactly so they’ve been able to overcome so much adversity tonight they played Without Amari Cooper and it seemed no problem they still adjusted with their new quarterback which this photo of Joe Flo it seems like he looks unnerved there but he seemed pretty cool in that

First half how have the Browns been able to overcome all these injuries and should Kevin stefansky honestly be getting a little bit of a coach of the year pop well that’s what I was going to say coach of the year is important because you’re doing it with all those

Guys out there was a lot of money out there it was 19 million 23 million was out today it but at the end of the day Bill Callahan deserves some credit did I steal it no you good no go ahead go ahead take you want me to go okay I

Was Bill Callahan right you got three tackles out uhuh and you’re playing with your fourth and fifth tackle right now and you’re still able to throw for 300 yards run the football do all these different allowed one sack against the defense that we said was a third best

Rated third best in the league you had en joku out there making plays they’re finding ways to get their ball carries the ball you bring it in Kareem hun kudos to the GM and their their scouting staff to go out their Pro Personnel staff to go out and find people Joe

Flacko Kareem hunt to come in and replace Nick chub and uh deshun Watson other guys they went out and got again they’re they’re just utilizing all their resources guys that know our system that have been in our program our organization that we can go out and get

That have been on the street they didn’t hesitate to go and get them they acted quickly and swiftly and this is what you get M yeah this is this this is what you get you get the perfect quarterback to run uh this offense and Joe flacko he

Understands exactly who he is the dude’s arm is still live and highly accurate when they’re pushing the ball down the football field you mentioned uh Bill Callahan you cannot lose that many offensive linemen and still run the ball still protect the quarterback still do all the things you want to do

Offensively without having a hell of an offensive line coach they still hit their combinations they still get to the second level they still do all the things they got to do to be a successful offense and a successful offensive line but but but I it’s all in Joe flacko the

The way that he knows this offense his ability to push the ball down field and make the right decisions with the football to me that has been the difference with the Cleveland Browns at least as of late and watching that second touchdown to Jerome Ford when he

Was maneuvering his way hello what’s up guys welcome to another more time let’s start our today’s video so okay guys go let’s go let’s go for another fight guys using Shadow energy is almost always okay guys Chinese India gaming okay guys damage again Damage damage guys okay guys second damage and we win let’s go let’s go for another fight again Dage oh by Shad Shadow ability D guys okay guys Damage match and we win guys let’s go IND gaming defeated guys let’s go for round three great one heal guys okay guys so the last let’s see Dam second damage okay guys second D much D okay guys

Joe Flacco is a GOD – Michael Robinson goes crazy Browns playoff-bound after knocking off Jets 37-22

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