@Vancouver Canucks

history will be made – brisebois, Mclaren, Zednik, Montreal Canadiens Vs Boston Bruins

In the 2002 playoffs, McLaren injured Richard Zednik of the Montreal Canadiens with an elbow to the face…..Brisebois was on the ice…what was his reaction ??? Nothing !


  1. typical french canadian. Cherry , Doan are right. Look at Maxime Lapierre always picking on players way smaller than him and still get pushed around

  2. @cougar5144
    I hate cowardly-made youtube comments, but you got my attention. My job gets me almost anywhere in Canada. Waiting for you. Oh wait, won't happen, right? Guess whose fault it will be.

    A French Canadian (We won a lot more than you'd think we did…).

  3. @Tupperfan Waiting for you. Oh wait, won't happen, right? Guess whose fault it will be.?? what he hell does this mean. I ve traveled the world not just Canada genius. Stats don t lie, ever since separatism in 1976, Montreal has been in a steady decline compared to major cities in North America. Montreal has been a laughing stock when it comes to the economy. Ask Toronto.

    By the way, what did you guys win?. I saw that you lost 2 referendums if memory serves.

  4. Boston are dirty!!, They was dirty in the past, they "win" the Cup on a dirty way. You spread some shit on the ice and you get the Boston Bruins!!

  5. calling any NHL Professional Hockey player in one of the toughest sports on earth a "fag" is a fail on soooo many levels its ridiculous. and i already said it showed the cheapshot! wtf…you read much bro???? or you like repeating what other people already wrote. either way GTFO

  6. Its a rivality , one of the greatest in todays sport in my opinion but I think you are taking this too far. Its always nice to see atlhetes perform and its even more fun when it gets emotional , I dont hate the bruins in fact I love when we play with them. Obviously you are not a fan because a true fan would respect his team and all other team. You are just full of hatred .

  7. Was trying to find the Mclaren hit to find the video of Theo's response to it given what happened to Eller. History WAS made in that series. From that point on, Theodore won that series single handedly for his "bud, Zed" (no, not Zee who was a Sen, hmmm full circle). Won the Hart and Vezina. Strange way to frame this incident. It's what catalyzed the Habs to win it.

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