@Minnesota Wild

[Mike McIntyre] Wow. Wild F Ryan Hartman flat out told Jets Cole Perfetti he deliberately high-sticked him in the face as payback for the Brenden Dillon/Kirill Kaprizov play a day earlier. Source: Cole Perfetti, just now, AND the microphone he was wearing in game that caught it all.

[Mike McIntyre] Wow. Wild F Ryan Hartman flat out told Jets Cole Perfetti he deliberately high-sticked him in the face as payback for the Brenden Dillon/Kirill Kaprizov play a day earlier. Source: Cole Perfetti, just now, AND the microphone he was wearing in game that caught it all.

by DecentLurker96


  1. Dogwalker11221

    Never admit the crime. If I’m honest I appreciate Ryan doing it since I think the league doesn’t consistently apply penalties suspensions or fines.

  2. PaxDragoon

    Wait…and he only got fined?

    I guess some folks would approve of his actions but that screams suspension to me.

  3. SadOrStupid

    Pretty stupid thing to do. Incredibly stupid thing to say. Team needs points not further scandals.

  4. BigGulpsEhAlright

    “As soon as this puck drops I’m coming right for your top row. I’m not kidding. I don’t give a fuck about this draw. I’m gonna cross check ya right in the jobs ya pork producer. You’re gonna have Bauer stamped on your fucking bicuspids”

  5. twiggz612

    Seems easy enough to prove. Would like to hear the audio of said interaction if it’s true.

  6. SeveralAngryBears

    Another day, another shitty play by Hartman. No place in the game for this shit. It should be called on the ice, and he deserves disciplinary action for it.

    That said, what I find frustrating is how frequently our guys get (often rightfully) penalized, ejected, suspended, fined, etc. for dangerous plays, but then those same types of plays don’t receive equal punishment in later cases.

    For example, Kaprizov getting tossed for the type of high cross check that Ek takes like every other game.

  7. enemycap420

    Hartman is an idiot and he’s kind of a dirty player too. That said I wanna hear the audio lmao.

  8. CarPlaneBoatRocket

    Fucking Christ Hartman. What a dildo.

  9. RomanIALTO

    So we’re not doing a Go Fund Me campaign for this fine then??

  10. MNGopherfan

    If the audio comes down to him saying “that was for Kap” or something like that this is gonna be the silliest controversy.

  11. cantbelievethename

    This is what happens when the league doesn’t correct their mistakes. Get more eyes on the game to avoid missed calls on debilitating cheap shots and players won’t be dishing out payback like this. Stupid for Hartman to admit this but it’s an intense game and you see red from time to time.

  12. Tiger5804

    Another reminder that the DoPS is a joke and their slothfulness leads directly to players escalating dangerous situations

  13. fastal_12147

    That thread can suck my nuts. They’re calling for Hartman’s head after we, yet again, have to take justice into our own hands because the league refuses to protect our star player. Kap’s been injured the last two times he’s played in Winnipeg, and they’ve gotten away with it both times. What do you fucking expect?

    If that shit happened to McDavid or Matthews, people would still be crying about it. But because it happened to Kirill, it’s always, “Well, that’s tough, but it wasn’t that bad even tho he’ll miss multiple weeks.” Fucking cowards in the league offices.

  14. Above_Avg_Chips

    If I was Kap, I’d tell Hartman “I appreciate you trying to stand up for me, but we need you playing games, not sitting them out”.

    He’ll get a talking to by BG and JH, but I think the Captain and his As need to also tell him to chill out.

  15. letoiledunordstars

    Stupid thing for Hartman to do.

    But the Jets can’t target Kaprizov every game and be shocked when Wild players retaliate.

  16. REACT_and_REDACT

    Hartman is dirty. I’m a Wild fan, so don’t @ me.

  17. It’s ridiculous but it’s equally ridiculous as Kap getting hurt by the same team twice.

    All of it collectively is such a bunch of BS. I’m pissed at the league for all of it. Every part of it is wrong and bad for hockey.

    I bet Kap would agree. You know what Kap wants more than anything else? To play hockey.

  18. blow_zephyr

    He’s a piece of shit but he’s our piece of shit.

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