@Winnipeg Jets

There is NO PLACE in the NHL for this

It has become pretty evident that the Winnipeg Jets and Minnesota Wild are not exactly best pals. This rivalry has been brewing for years from the Foligno superman punch a few years back, or Dillon catching Foligno high last year which resulted a full out brawl, Stanley awkwardly falling on Kaprisov which resulted in an injury. The retaliation for which, was Hartman laying a huge hit on Ehlers that resulted in Ehlers getting injured and missing most of the playoffs and also saw the two coaches going at it. The bad blood has continued this season and after Kaprisov got several nasty cross checks resulting in yet another injury, the Wild retaliated again with Hartman high sticking Perfetti. This time, the intention was caught on mic though. Cole Perfetti was mic’ed up and Hartman admitted to it being pay back. I love a good rivalry, but there is no place in the NHL for intent to injure. I cover it all in todays NHL hockey video!

#hockey #nhl #highlights #minnesotawild #winnipegjets


  1. I mean, why is this news? There’s pretty much at least one piece of shit asshole on every team and sometimes they do outlandish shit. Has always been, will always be. You think this is the first time a player said they did it on purpose? How long y’all been watching hockey?

  2. The wild are worthless. They have clowns like hartman who can't hang with half the league so he resorts to trying to agitate at best, and intentionally injure at worst, and the organization and their fans are completely cool with it. Nothing wrong with the agitator, it's a legitimate strategy, but there's no place for intent to injure. These are also the classless fucks that went out and aquired matt cooke after he was well known for going after knees and trying to end careers… And again, their fans were completely cool with it. Fuck these clowns.

  3. Leave the NHL alone. It's the last true Gladiator sport. Next thing you know it'll be as unwatchable as the NFL. Less officiating is better. I'm not in favor of using sticks as weapons but hard checks and fighting keep the sport pure. Complete mayhem is rare. It's real men playing a high speed contact sport. If it's too much for ya watch soccer…or figure skating.

  4. The NHL is now a candy ass league. One legal hard hit, a few minor cross checks to the ribs and a high stick…literally nothing…"has NO PLACE IN CANDY ASS HOCKEY!"

  5. This is what happens with inconsistent officiating. That this continues to grow is a testament to calling what they want (to avoid having too big an impact on the results) with an occasional makeup call. I hate it when a team gets 3 calls against them in a row and the announcers say the next one will have to be going against the other team. Refs don't want to decide a game, but by refusing to let a more physical team reap what they sow they encourage a team that is less physical to play that style and things to get out of hand.

  6. That's not a rivalry that's assault and it's disgusting. Hockey fans are there watch hockey not dirty no rules MMA.

  7. Ehlers, DeBrincat and now Perfetti… Interesting how Hartman goes after the smallest guys in the rink. That is BEYOND pathetic. He should try going after guys "AT LEAST" his own size or be a bigger man and go after bigger guys like Dillon, the guy who crosschecked Kaprizov. Hartman obviously has the smallest willy in the game and is an embarrassment to the Wild and the NHL.

  8. Dammit! We have apologized for Stanley again and again! Look we don't want him. No one knows why they keep him. Logan Stanley is not our fault.

  9. At minimum that kind of play should be a penalty for a High Stick or at least something related, Unsportsmanlike, Roughing. that going uncalled is the first issue. I dont mind fights to settle a score and people thinking that fighting should be banned are imo not understanding why fighting exists in the first place. It's guys like Maroon, Reaves, and Moose who understand how this stuff gets handled but I almost hesitate to ask for this matchup in the playoffs. lest we get a repeat of Detroit vs Colorado about 24 years ago.

    These are the matchups where you need the refs with the least discretion on calls to be hired so they call everything and make sure both sides understand that this kind of stuff aint gonna be tolerated

  10. Hartman has literally always been like this. Him and Kolessar are two of the dirtiest players in the NHL but nobody seems to talk about them.

  11. I love the NHL (well, I love watching it…I don't like "corporate")
    I love "rivalries" (Boston/Montreal is great…except for the Habs owning my B's historically).
    I absolutely LOVE the "back to back" games (with a day or 2 "down" in between).
    All that said, ANY player that intentionally tries to injure another player (killing the guy's livelihood) should be banned (since the "goon method" is not allowed anymore).

  12. Jets fans love to ignore how dirty their team is while calling out a single dirty player on the Wild. Eric Staal getting crosschecked in the neck in the playoffs, Stanley crumpling Kaprizov, Dillon crosschecking Kaprizov, Pionk crosschecking Johansson last season, etc, the list goes on. The only thing that upset me about this is that the Wild didnt injure any Jets players after they clearly tried and succeeded at injuring Kaprizov. The Jets are one team that I will never feel bad for their players if they get injured. Id probably laugh. Its what they deserve. And the poor, worthless people of Winnipeg dont deserve a successful team. Their city is a failure and a stain on North America. Absolute garbage city, and NHL players dont want to play there for a reason. Cant even get their hometown players to come back. Must be a sad existence living there. Wild probably wont make the playoffs, but at least it will be fun to watch the Jets get stomped in the first round and watch all their financially poor fans go home sad. Back to their 9-5s in the sh*tty Winnipeg economy lol. Losers.

  13. If any fans think the ehlers hit was clean, they are either wild fans or anit-jets fans. The player made no attempt to actually do something with the puck, they just wanted to hit hard

  14. Is it worth it for someone to end hartmans career or for him to get hit from behind for being such a pos player? Hartman is right up there with marchand

  15. Can we also up the fine for the guys who make millions of dollars. 4'400 is a slap in the face to everyone but the player

  16. Hartman is nothing but a goon. Guy’s never gonna be known for anything other than that. Wild can keep holding the Jets’ L’s

  17. It was entirely obvious he did it on purpose. BUT – WHY should Hartman go after Dillon? Thats a mismatch. You hurt out top player and they I take a beating on top of it? The only way to stop those plays is if you hurt our top guy, I HURT your top guy. Mutually assured destruction works.

  18. Intimidation will always be part of the game. As a result, heated rivalries will develop and that a good thing.

    It’s always been that way. Years ago they just dropped the gloves. A lot. Guys rarely suffered injuries and it was entertaining.

    But with increased penalties and game misconducts for starting fights, players resort to sneaky sticks to the face, slew foots, boarding, checks to the head etc. which often go unseen by the refs.
    I miss the old days…

  19. Everybody in Winnipeg is poor. Their economony is terrible and the city sucks. They live a sad existence in the worst city in Canada. No players want to play in Winnipeg. Worthless people. Wouldnt feel even the least bit of sympathy if any Jets players career was ended on a dirty hit.

  20. So apparently it's ok how Dillon cross checks Kaprisov 300 times and eventually injures him. But the second Hartman retaliates, that's where we draw the line. 😂

    Some of these guys don't follow the Wild and it shows.

  21. You get mad at him for going after Cole Perfetti but I’ve seen 6’5” Nikita Zadorov go after 5’8” Conor Garland exclusively during multiple games and no one ever says anything then

    Zadorov is the biggest pansy in the NHL

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