@Buffalo Sabres

Linus Weissbach Post Game | 12.29.2023

Linus Weissbach Post Game | 12.29.2023

You know from an individual standpoint I mean is that one of your better games you think you’ve had this season it felt like you were all over just kind of tapping the that um yeah I mean I think I’ve played pretty good hockey all year long I think U obviously when you’re not

Scoring at the pace you want to you kind of try to do things uh every game to help the team win I think I’ve kind of been a guy on the team that you know not only offensively but also defensively playing well and um so I think I’ve been

Doing a good job of that and um you know tonight it was nice to I get a goal but uh obviously we want to get the win too how hard have these games been up Lan I mean it’s kind of a a similar thing to what you and I talked about this morning

Where look like you guys were playing the right way doing a lot of things right the result just doesn’t matter yeah it’s tough It’s um you know part of the season part of uh part of sports I guess one team wins one team loses so you want to be on The Winning Side

Obviously as many times as you want during the year and I think we we just got to keep working and eventually we’ll turn it’s not ex injuries never excuse but after the way you guys started the season to then get that run of just losing guys so often and you’re so

Short-handed for a long time how much do that have an impact on what’s happened late um not too much I think I think we have a lot of guys that can kind of step in and fill that role um whoever it might be that’s out so I think we have a

Lot of guys here that you know are hungry to play every game and you know it’s good competition in practice of of who’s going to play every night so I think uh the guys are stepping in for uh for holes they’re doing a great job

Linus Weissbach Post Game 12.29.2023

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