@Pittsburgh Penguins

GDT: washington capitals at Pittsburgh Penguins – Tuesday 01/02/2024 – 7:30PM ET

[Crush the capitals](

by naked_as_a_jaybird


  1. pologroundsjunkie

    Any charm that Buccigross has during NHL 2 Night doesn’t correlate whatsoever in commentary.

    It just sounds like 3 random Jack asses sitting in their living rooms calling the game.

  2. At least I can stop listening to this announcing crew slobbing the capitals knobs.

  3. oncetwiceforevr

    Fuck. I really thought we were gonna have the comeback.

  4. If I have to hear the word “veteroni” again, I’m gonna scream.

  5. bigdirkmalone

    Too bad the Pens didn’t show up for the beginning of the game but at least they showed some heart. Man I hate the Caps.

  6. Syleathis

    GG. Almost made a comeback. We will win out the rest of the week.

  7. CinnaMANbunz

    If only Jarry didn’t fucking blow the game

  8. Hiding_Meatball

    Really shitty first period but I loved the fight they had the rest of the game. Can’t give up 4 in one period and expect to win. Have to play 60

  9. BrickMacklin

    We’ve lost in worse ways. There’s good takeaways from this

  10. Plenty-Paramedic8269

    We have had some bad losses this year but at least with this they played hard after the first and they are still looking like ac dangerous team. I think the first goal by Wilson that Jarry have to was weak and if not for the offsides they should’ve have this game. 3 nothing in the first is a bad start though.

  11. ohslapmesillysidney

    Can’t tell if my nightmares tonight are going to involve Wilson or Ruhwedel’s goal that wasn’t

  12. bigdingers


    For fucks sake. Two pps late in the third. Same as it ever was

  13. Shoulda known it was too good to be true to tie it up.

  14. TheDrizzle8771

    Tough loss but a loss nonetheless. Did Pustanin get injured or did sully just limit him after the bad penalty? Guy had some speed and seemed to create offense. That’s one of my pet peeves of sully…Guy lets some players get away w murder but the young guys get the bench if they make 1 mistake

  15. Love how the nhl can review an offsides and take back a goal but not pusty getting wailed by a high stick bleeding profusely…no penalty

  16. LibraryNo2717

    Well that sucked but the loss could have been much, much worse.

  17. So Ovi gets first start of the game when he only scored once, but Sid gets third star with a goal and assist and a +2? Make it make sense to me

  18. ContactFun5262

    My power came back on but I didn’t want to jinx the Pens so I didn’t watch any more of the game. I guess it didn’t matter. Bummer.

  19. New-Actuary-6731

    At least the oilers are up 4-2 on the flyers.

  20. Starting to get hard to justify that 10 million on one defenseman who can’t play defense and struggles offensively where everyone has been saying he’s worth it…. EK and Graves made our defense so much worse than last year and last year was a dumpster fire. Anyone who thinks differently is just delusional at this point, I get giving them a chance but that time is gone.

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