@National Hockey League

The Sean Avery Experience

The Sean Avery Experience

by Only-Highlights


  1. Wonderful_Grade_5476

    I thought this was hockey not improv ice dancing

  2. OttawaFisherman

    The canes player accomplished literally nothing by doing that.

  3. Except his team didn’t have the puck here. Definite Avery vibes though.

  4. ksettle86

    Did Drury tell him to cut that shit out during a game once?

  5. tendadsnokids

    I legitimately loved Avery as a kid. Got absolutely decked screening the goalie with my glove one time.

  6. Honestly this shit should be an immediate player misconduct.. and yes, Avery included.

  7. Rare_Cartographer579

    I thought this is the Avery rule and wasn’t allowed anymore? I heard him claim they made this rule after that game on a podcast.

  8. Is that loser now yelling at kids to get off his lawn?

  9. shirubakun

    Avery played for my local junior team and he was already a douche back then, and I never thought he’d make it to the NHL. But as much as I dislike the guy, I never agreed with this being outlawed, I thought it was actually pretty clever and don’t see why it shouldn’t be allowed. You’re allowed to screen the goalie so why can’t you make it more difficult to track the puck? If it wasn’t a legend like Brodeur I doubt they would have made it illegal.

  10. verdenvidia

    my sister’s name is avery and this makes me hate her

    jk but it’s close

  11. WonderkidRJ93

    Don’t understand why so many people have an issue with this. The dude doing the screening is essentially taking himself out of the play by placing all his attention on the goalie. How’s he gonna be prepared for a rebound, deflection or to get back on defence quickly when all his focus is on annoying the goalie? There’s a reason why this isn’t a common strategy.

  12. VendaGoat

    Oh man. I’ve played against guys like this before.

    Beating them always felt extra good.

  13. should have been yelling at the refs for a penalty, or is it only when the opposing team has the puck?

  14. GoofyRangersfan

    I’m glad to be a rangers fan because all of the douche bags play there, and we like them.

  15. Murky-Picture-6640

    And so begat the ‘Sean Avery Rule’.

  16. Istimewa-Ed

    Seeing him in Oppenheimer blew my mind. Literally stopped the movie and yelled at the TV. A speaking role no less. 🤯

  17. Ketachloride

    As a Ranger fan kinda bummed I missed this tonight, even if an L.

    I didn’t even realize the canes thought we were ‘rivals’ enough to pull antics like this, other than the fox/aho incident? Which should be us mad at them, but it’s in the past. It’s not like we’re across the river with any history.

    We usually have exciting games and end up beating them after they blow themselves out in the 2nd or third period. They play great. Running joke is, like a real hurricane, just batten down the hatches, it eventually turns into a drizzle.

    But check this David Fincher shit out. Lmao


  18. Deep-Gold-5443

    Fatso over there wouldn’t shake my hand

  19. Redditguy20030

    Can’t beat Avery scoring in that game 😂

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