@Boston Bruins

LQR Game 36: Not Superstitious :Bruins @ Blue Jackets

LQR Game 36: Not Superstitious :Bruins @ Blue Jackets

Hey man I need your help with something clearly uh okay um I’m I’m doing a survey where I’m asking teams about uh our performance bad you got to you got to let me ask the questions first oh yeah go ahead okay thank you for taking this survey

Today we’re GNA bad what oh I’m sorry what did you ask I didn’t ask anything yet I was just welcoming you bad okay moving on how would you describe our offense bad did you find us hard to defend no how about the power play bad what about the power play did you think

Wasn’t good that you didn’t score on it look man I don’t want to be rude I don’t want to appear rude but doesn’t the box score kind of answer all this crap for you oh no my therapist told me I can’t look at box scores anymore okay but you

Watch the game so you know what my therapist would never allow me to watch the game what do you even know how your team’s doing well I can make assumptions based on how often my therapist schedules me how often is that oh only like three times a week but if

The Blue Jackets were even decent I would cut that way down and you just watch us play so what do you think uh twice twice a week twice a week is way better that’s way better a day you should see your therapist twice a day oh yeah

Thank you for to taking taking today’s survey if you use the QR code at the bottom you could get a free Tim Horton’s Coffee okay look I know that this sounds crazy but that’s the Jersey this one this is the one I’m supposed to wear for the video I didn’t

Wear a jersey during the game because once in a while something comes up where just it just doesn’t feel right right it got to go off The Vibes and so I just put on a regular hoodie and I watched the game and it turned out fine because

I read The Vibes correctly and then for the video I still got to put on a jersey for the video like that that has to happen and I’m looking at the wall and I’m reading The Vibes and this one just like a like a golden aura in a video

Game goes me and as soon as I walk over to it it’s like a flashing red light it says absolutely not do not choose me I will ruin the next game so hard so hard but as soon as I take steps away it feels like it’s the right one

Again I genuinely I don’t I don’t know what to do is this what therapy is for it feels like this is what therapy is for this is why I need a therapist no other reason what if I just did the whole video video from under it does that make

Sense I found my resolution I’m just going to hold the puck from the Winter Classic last year the whole video because I can’t I can’t put a jersey on I don’t know I think I’m losing it just this shirt is a a very faded allegedly

With a picture of an ostrich on it for letter Kenny shout out so shout out letter Kenny shout out ptra who’s coming back cuz Canada got wiped out by the checks that was fun I saw a lot of hate going patra’s way I don’t know really

What that’s about um oh guys that is a dub all I missed all that it was a dub no I saw a bunch of people get on potra about those games I didn’t tune into a lot of them the stuff I did see I thought ptra is playing well that team

Just wasn’t a juggernaut that candidas used to I don’t really know what to say about that I’m not worried about Patra based on his performance the world juniors I’m not concerned and uh L mels scored twice in a 72 beat down from the United States

Team the L is but uh good showing for him so that’s pretty cool the vibe is weird tonight because because this game wasn’t what you would consider exciting you wouldn’t consider it an exciting game you also wouldn’t have considered this game to have ever been in

Doubt I just even when the team didn’t look good to start the game Columbus is a bad team that’s a bad team that has a lot of high-profile names on it and somehow it’s still a bad team funny how that works funny how that works and they’re a bad team

For a lot of reasons honestly the coach doesn’t know what the hell they’re doing he’s trying to run this team as if it’s a you know a Stanley Cup Contender he’s benching some of his best players please hear that as highest profile players not their actual best best players and they

Keep moving Superstar rookies down to the fourth line I don’t know what uh Pascal Vincent is doing over there it seems Columbus fans are very upset I’m going to agree with them because fent Tilly doesn’t deserve to be down there now Fenty didn’t play on the fourth line

In this one but my point stands he’s been bouncing them around a lot and it feels like this is a time to make your young guys better and play them against top competition rather than whatever the heck he’s doing other than that though you can tell that the structure is not

Really there in any way because the team is bad 25th ranked power play 13th ranked penalty kill 16th ranked offense and 30th ranked defense so The Dru the defensive structure isn’t there the goal tending isn’t there the power play performance isn’t there and their penalty kill at 13th is fine right you

Would call that fine what’s weird is m leakin is posting a 907 which is way above League average right now League average is like at 898 or something um we’re not going to play him again we’ve played Spencer Martin the last two games against them we’ll play Spencer Martin

Once again he has been Doo except for that one game where he went off against us in late November I believe it was what’s even weirder is this team this Columbus team for five on five play is sixth in the league in goals scored per game for five on five play their power

Play is so bad that their offense ranked 16th but an even strength they are tied with with the Oilers for sixth in the league an’t that weird how is your five on five scoring that good but your power play sucks I look at the coach is that fair

Or is the coach also part of the five on five play which I would argue yes is the answer to that I don’t think that’s fair enough about the Blue Jackets probably the Bruins let’s talk about those guys uh we shifted up the lines a little bit

And not in a way I loved we went Marian coil de brusk again and zaka geeky past knock again which that geeky line really struggling right now really struggling if it wasn’t for pasta’s just ability to beat players and get in the offensive zone I don’t know if they’d be creating

Anything at all at this point either way jvr Freddy Heinen not a bad third line I’m not upset about it I don’t there’s some things that I don’t love about it but if you’re not going to play Freddy with Coyle having him Center a line seems to be working for him right

Now and they had a phenomenal game and then Loco merkulov Steen beater is benched now I know a lot of you are upset about the Beacher benching I actually kind of get that one I think he has been subpar to the standard we would like for him to be defensively he has to

Be better the faceoffs have been good but he also has to be able to get the puck up us ice a little bit and I think he’s been really struggling with that so a little reset for him it’s not a long-term benching it’s nothing to be overly concerned about this happens

Right what I am annoyed about is merkulov was brought up because he was basically a point game guy in the AHL offensive pop and although his 200 foot game had greatly improved you wouldn’t consider him a defensive stud and the fourth line starts the large majority of

Their shifts in our defensive Zone and merkulov sucks from the dot something that we know and we have known that’s not going to change overnight I simply don’t understand the decision and I’m going to stop questioning the coach who continuous ly has this team first place in the league the playoffs are the

Playoffs and we’ll get there when we get there right now we’re talking about the performance that we need which is regular season performance I’m I gotta stop freaking out about what his decisions are because the team’s winning the team’s winning Merk on the fourth line seems like a

Waste of time to me might as well just left him in the AHL doesn’t make any sense and even in this game you saw moments where he flashes his skill his vision his ability to create and there’s no one there there’s there’s there’s no help there’s no one getting open there’s

No one creating spaces he’s not a fourth line grinder a third line trigger man sure that’s what I thought he was going to amount to and that’s still up in the air I’m not sure where he’s going to end up but it looks like he could be better than that but

What he isn’t is a fourth line grinder that’s not who he is as a player and I think Monti knows that I think muel knows that the Providence coach I am just I don’t understand I don’t understand I don’t understand this especially when last game although that

Third line wasn’t didn’t score they were really dominant in possession and scoring chances the third line with merkulov I mean I don’t get it also we’re first in the league again take that from what you will woo this team why are we so superstitious why it’s silly I’m not obviously I’m

Not like comment subscribe nailed it puck drops puck drops first period sucks it sucks the first period suks I can spell it really is ridiculous it’s the Bruins aren’t engaged at all I think omark was locked in and pasta looked feisty even though his linemates couldn’t help at all just a brutal

Period but we’ll go through it real quick 731 in it’s a free power play as Ur just Skies it out out of his zone for no reason and it’s a type of power play that makes you want to gouge your eyes out with a plastic spoon o like the

Spoons that you used to get in cereal boxes as prizes do you remember those with all the fun designs on the back and they’ll have like a maybe a little figure on the back of them a dole spoon is what I mean a painful process it was

Awful it was really bad and then after we don’t do anything with that of course 910 in texier takes a dive a full I mean dive lorai is going to go for holding he grabs him a little bit sure and then texier just jumps on the

Ice I hate and I don’t trust the rest to enforce this properly so I don’t even want the rule to change but if there’s embellishment don’t call the penalty call the embellishment only be like you know what I don’t even know if that was a penalty because your decided

To dive on the ice I hate it I hate it if there’s one of the few things that I will use the word like soft for is people who take blatant Dives blatant Dives there’s selling calls which I’m not a fan of either and then there’s diving don’t like it either way 4v4

Nothing happens with it 650 left Severson going for roughing we’re back to the power play it’s also terrible and that’s a at 0 and everyone said the same thing just wake up this team’s not good just wake up and that’s all they had to do and that’s what they

Did more or less and it took something as simple as listening to Brick because brick knows what he’s talking about 212 into the second period brick makes a great point and says basically throw the puck on net you have six shots at this point we are 22 and a half almost 22 and

A half minutes into the game you have six shots against against the Columbus Blue Jackets with Spencer Martin and Ned who do you think you’re playing just shoot the puck and what happens maybe 20 seconds later Grizz is on the left point he’s going to wrap the

Puck around the boards as it’s coming up the right wall de brusa is going to come over he’s not going to factor in on this goal on the score sheet but he deserves it because he pins a Defender to the wall to allow the puck to keep moving

Just a hard for check basically and it gets up to shaton Kirk who’s on that right wall just around Midway and Chucks it blocker side and Spencer Martin picks it up too late it’s one0 just like that just like that because he simply threw

The puck on the net I don’t even know if he was aiming to shoot he might have been aiming for the corner and just to get that bounce back around I don’t know either way that’s a goal and shaton Kirk stays hot and it’s one Zer and then

Couple of minutes later this is just a good bounce for them or a bad bounce for us however you want to say it l home gets tripped up I don’t I didn’t see the replay enough to even care if this was a legitimate someone tripped him or not

But he gets tripped up in the as the puck is bouncing off the wall back towards the slot everyone had already turned the backs they figured the puck was going the other way it wasn’t and proov is there he jumps on it he bounces it backwards up the slot to Kent Johnson

Who just hammers this glove side and it’s 1-1 it’s one of those goals like okay that might be the only goal they get this game it was a great breakdown by us and just a good bounce for them whatever I can’t tell you how indifferent I was was I don’t know why I

Was just so indifferent to this Columbus Blue Jacket team competing in this one it didn’t feel like they were ever going to win it they could have gone up by four goals that’s not true if they went up by four goals I probably would have

Been livid 842 in Grizz is going to go for holding and this immediately follows a shift this is why it was so frustrating from the coil line that had 1 minute and 11 second straight of offensive possession didn’t get knocked out of his Zone that whole time they had one shot

And it was blocked brutal like that’s bad it’s not a big deal we’re going to the Penalty kill because Grizz took that right after that play but man that was a frustrating shift at the time in a tie game we’re going to go the penalty kill we kill it

Just fine during the penalty kill though lorai is going to take the puck off the stick and into his mouth so after trying to eat the puck it didn’t work it probably took a couple of the mouth bones just a couple of them he’ll be fine but he toughed it out he

Went down the tunnel a couple times during the game to get that handled but he did tough the game out welcome to the NHL man that’s that’s just so badass to me I don’t want to be flippant about it cuz that hurts like a son of a gun but

What a badass 848 left geeky is tripped up by Severson we’re going back to the power play and the power play still looks as bad as ever but a goal’s a goal with 6 seconds left Lind home finally finds some space as he’s at the top of

The slot and he’s just going to fling this down to debras who’s standing in the middle of the slot and debras is going to deflect it glove side I think this is still going in either way but lindol not lindol jvr is standing in front of Spencer Martin doing his job

Well and it bounces off him and goes in who cares who scores the goal as long as it goes in the net and that’s 2-1 on a power play goal and the power plays looked atrocious but hey they don’t ask how they ask how many and we’re going to

Go to the third period up by a goal was anybody creeping in their head the whole like ah we can’t hold a lead in the third kind of thing late game up by a goal cuz I bet you weren’t that against this team man I’m just

On the Blue Jackets right now rude 729 in Freddy line once again gets to work and jvr he’s going to chip the puck deep and he’s so good about this because I feel like when he chips it in it’s often times with a plan he tries to get it

Where it’s achievable for us to lay pressure in and he does a great job of it Freddy lays the four check as he usually does year blindly just tries to throw this through the right Circle to get it out and of course jvr is there he

Followed suit he’s going to whip that on net Heinen is going to be in front of Spencer Martin for the rebound just shovels it by him Heinen deserved this so much this was one of my game notes I’m just going to say it now Heinen was

So good this game we talk about Andrew talks a lot about geeki doing the little things right Hy’s just like that he won Puck battle after Puck battle after Puck battle he did so much little stuff for this team tonight that it’s not always going to show up and you’re not always

Going to be ultra impressed by it but it it calculates into the winning percentage of teams he’s doing a great job on a bare minimum contract we are very lucky to have hen here with us right now genuinely but it’s 3-1 and then 402 left Heinen just Skies us out

Of our Zone he’s not going to factor in this goal but he should because the team’s learning if you’re in trouble just get it out first and then we’ll figure it out from there well he Skies it in in the neutral zone jvr and Freddy are there to battle with the defender to

Get the turnover going jvr is going to win it he’s going to skate down the left side Freddy’s going to hustle his ass to the right side of the slot the pass is perfect to him and the Finish is even better because Freddy is going to snipe

Aon and Che top blocker corner and it’s 4-1 that’s the final score we kicked their ass Game notes Trent Frederick what a warrior the dude’s been Dynamite since we comeing back from the break and honestly looking back he’s been pretty solid he there’s been definitely slumps in his play here

And there he’s not super consistent but who can you say that about on our team at this point who’s been a real consistent player I think this team is constructed in a way where you need hey these guys are hot right now great because it’s making up for the fact that

These guys aren’t I think that’s just kind of how this team’s going to go but Freddy’s been playing really well centering his own line so I kind of wanted to look into it like is he actually match in how good he is with Coy but on his own right now and not to

Say that Coyle carried all his play I think we said at the end of last year too that Freddy deserves his own Spotlight the guy is playing well he’s doing a good job for this team he is a bottom six or middle six guy no shame in

That he’s very important to the team so I looked into it a little bit and for those of you who like Advanced analytics uh no no he’s not better without Charlie Coyle he’s still been really good without Charlie Coyle when he’s on his own line he is outscoring or his lines

Are outscoring opponents they are out chancing opponents their expected goals are higher than their opponents that’s all good stuff but when he is with coil that ramps up by a lot their expected goals four go way up their uh goal scoring they double up opponents and even strength goal scoring this season

So so it’s pretty clear that those two still belong on a line together and I’m not going to stop beating that drum even though Trent Frederick looks good I just want you to know going forward it’s not because I’m looking down at Trent Frederick I just really like that

Pairing together it makes sense to me but it is nice seeing Freddy be able to take his own line I wouldn’t say he necessarily drives a line but he works well with the people on it um I it’s hard to say any of those guys jvr Heinen

Geeky anyone you would really play on a line with him any of those guys would be driving a line I think that’s going to be a a full unit effort that makes sense right yeah the only other game note I have merkulov is not a fourth liner can

We stop can we stop with this this is silly we watched during this game him have these really bright spots and be off the ice again for eight more minutes I just I I have no idea what the thinking was there I’m very bewildered by it so

Do me a favor put them on the third line or the second line or it the first line I really don’t care that much with potra coming back actually let’s do a fun little exercise what are your lines when potra gets back I’m going to say

Mine right now but you should put yours below I’m curious what you think this won’t happen but this is what I’d like to see and I’d like to see it for an extended amount of time don’t blend it right away zaka Patra pasta geeki hasn’t

Been doing it for me on the first line he hasn’t been doing it for anybody is that ki’s fault absolutely not is Patra ready for one C roll absolutely not but I don’t think you have that significant or any drop off between geeki and ptra

There at all I think Patra opens up more Lanes I think there’s more to like about that there is the risk that you lose a four checking presence on that line and they struggle to gain the Zone in a more physical Manner and they have to rely on the

Rush but let’s see it and and then the second line we’ll do a little marand coil you know what I want to put Freddy there I want to put Freddy there yeah let’s put Freddy on the second line we’ll do geeky or debrusk merula geeki try that for your third and then

Your fourth line would be your Heinen beater Steam and Loco gets pushed out I like it tell me what you think go bees go be thank you for watching but of course we’ve got to give a shout out to the lowquality YouTube channel members need

A real name for that one of these days starting with the Topline tier the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams coach D just Aaron Darren Woodbury micro sausage Brett Arie pinent Justin Barnard and Nick Zulo you guys are studs and then we have our stallions a

Braon Hy E coyote Joel Jacob Pratt Jason Azie bruan Connelly tupton daachi Jonathan Harvey D Kingery the only NES a tasty snack dutes 42 Bruin Smash and Jeremy absolute Legends thank you guys so much for your support and go be is

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  1. Very good to see a Bottom 6 win. Gotta be honest, when this team clicks, you still very rarely see this kinda production outta the non-superstars. I got nothin… Go B's!

  2. Ullmark is starting to scare me slightly. Was on his bum way too long before realizing he didn't have it covered. And other awkward positions he finds himself in

  3. JVR scores a goal and gets two assists and you don't even put him in your suggested lineup? Whats the guy got to do man?

  4. I'm an East coast bar worker… I always appreciate you making these the night of the games, for me to watch when I get home

  5. I like your lines, only issue is JVR also gets pushed out. Merk is prolly going back down after Poitras gets back but I would do

    Zacha – Coyle – Pasta
    Marchand – Poitras – DeBrusk
    JVR – Merk/Geekie – Frederic
    Heinen – Beech/Geekie – Steen

  6. I’m so confused how monty always uses skilled young players Lysel, Poitras and now Merk. He puts them in positions to fail by playing them with guys that not even Gretzky could turn into goal scorers. Also why is Geeke on the first pp? Obviously it’s not working. Put some skill there for C. Sakes.

  7. I now wear my gray Spoked B tee and black B's Bathrobe for the last 4 games while placing my Pasta funko pop towards the TV on the cofee table. 4 and zero w that combo. Go B's!

  8. Merk-Zacha-Pasta

    Putting Merk with Pasta and Zacha gives that line the 3rd complimentary piece it's been missing, and the idea of separating Marchand and DeBrusk is a no-go for me given how well JD's been playing since they were reunited. If you wanna swap Potsy and Coyle go right ahead but I think Coyle's been helping with the forecheck on that line a ton and it shows with how much O-Zone time they've been getting

  9. If you can put Merkulovs offesnive talent with Zach and Pastrnak that might work well. Only thing is keep Zacha on the dot and Merk after faceoff takes over center responsibilities since from what I've seen he is a natural center, don't put him on the wing.

  10. Zacha Poitras Pasta
    Marchand Coyle DeBrusk
    JVR Geekie Frederic
    Heinen Beecher Steen

    I think Merk might get another game or two before Poitras is back in and they probably send him down after

  11. Awesome cast bro.👍
    Despite being #1 Never stop doubting Monty's motives. I still question a lot of his decisions. Monty was and has been blessed with an incredibly talented team. His questionable decisions are better highlighted after a loss not a win obviously…
    Regarding Freddie, well said. Someone on another podcast stated that Freddie is unimportant and a second tier player at best which angered me.
    Your team line up would be awesome to see 😊

  12. This game was just not interesting to watch but a W is a W. I didn't feel at all like the B's would lose and their play for most of the game was either bad or middling.

    Forward notes: That Pasta line just hasn't been doing anything for me. Whilst I loved Geekie with Marchand for the short term, it's clear he is not suited for top 6 minutes for long stretches which you shouldn't expect from him. The Marchand line had some bright moments but there's just not a good enough front net presence that'd allow Marchy and Jakey to do much except run around their zone for a minute. Coyle has definitely helped that line produce, but there needs to be a more permanent solution for them. The 3rd line is one I don't have a name for i'mma be honest. It always performs well though no matter who is in it imo. The 4th line is very similar to the 3rd except they don't get as much scoring which you'd expect from a 4th line.

    Merkulov got done a bit dirty so far in his call up I won't lie. He'll definitely be sent back down eventually, but I'm hoping he'll leave a good mark before then.

    Defense notes. The Lohrei-McAvoy line continues to prove their worth, strong in both the offensive and defensive zones, they have become one of the strongest D-pairs the B's have had all season. The Lindholm-Carlo line has also been solid, and it seems like Lindholm is slowly getting some of that offensive touch back, all it took was for him to start shooting the puck lmao, i genuinely think a lot of his offensive woes this season comes from the fact that there isn't as strong of a top 6 two way presence this year so he's probably focused way more on being defensively good over his offense. The Grzelcyk-Shattenkirk line was decent enough. Gryz seems to be getting some of his mojo back, and Shatty has continued to return to his best form from earlier in the season and is showing why he was signed.

    The problem with making a Bruins lineup is the team has way too many mid to bottom 6 options, but my lines would go.

    Zacha – Poitras – Pastrnak
    Marchand – Geekie – Debrusk
    JVR – Coyle – Frederic
    Heinen – Beecher – Steen
    Lauko – Merkulov

    Lohrei – McAvoy
    Lindholm – Carlo
    Grzelcyk – Shattenkirk

  13. Im 100% with u on the embellishing thing!? If there's embellishment on something like that then the embellishing should be only thing called cuz can u really say there was a penalty there b4 guy dove!?

  14. Been a Bruins fan for 35 great years and counting.thank good I’m not a Toronto, maple Smurf watching your videos your skits at the first of it are always hilarious.go Bsssssssssssssss

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