@New York Islanders

Trevor Gillies Hit On Cal Clutterbuck! Major + Ejection (3/2 Wild vs. Islanders) (Cooke-esque)

Gillies was ejected cause of this hit. He also recieved a 5 minute major. You decide…


  1. @EyesOfTheSouthSTi that's basically all that needs 2 be said. Pens fans are hypocrites. They love it when Cooke ends a players career intentionally or goes knee on knee with Ovechkin but then when another player does something he should immediately be banned from the league..

  2. @ktornado
    True that, look what he did to Markov. Poor guy has never been the same since.

  3. @supermatt87 I spelled 1 word wrong. Go fuck yourself.. You know everything I say is right so yo have nothing to say in response….

  4. What Gillies did was dirty, no question. He should be suspended by the league and sent down or released by the islanders, he is nothing but a liability. But the play-by-play calling Clutterbuck's hit clean!? Just get tired of homers who think their team does no wrong.

  5. Clutterbuck can board someone and risk breaking a guys neck, and Gilles gets a little but of a high hit and he gets suspended……..turning the NHL into a pre school league with shit like this….

  6. The more hits you throw, the higher percentage of a mishap, and it was more of a mismatch in size that caused that so called "elbow". You can clearly see it was more of a palm and it was just someone bracing to check someone, but once you've built a reputation, it is almost impossible ti live it down, unfortunately when your a fighter/ enforcer… your job becomes next to impossible….this isn't womens hockey.

  7. @whogivesacare100 FYI calling people "retarded" doesn't make you sound very smart. Most intelligent people will disregard your opinion when they read that…

  8. Gillies isn't a hockey player, he's a goon. He's got something like 9 goals in 12 years; 1 goal and 124 PIMs this season. 10 games is a good suspension but only 9 games for the hit on Tangradi wasn't enough. There was clear intent to injure in both plays, and the Islanders should get rid of him and not continue to defend him. A waste of money for the Isles and disgrace to the sport.

    If you want to enforce, drop the gloves and be a man, don't cheap shot defenseless people.

  9. @Ladder209 I am an Islander fan and I'll give up Gillies if every other team gives up their goons. The thing you don't mention is that Clutterbut had just run DiBennidetto FROM BEHIND. The game polices itself again.

  10. @hockeycoachbill I agree with you that goons have no place in hockey but I would argue that "enforcers" do.Gillies isn't an enforcer, he has no hockey talent and his physical play does not add to the team, it detracts from it.
    Clutterbuck did run DiB, maybe from behind, but DiB drew the penalty. Gillies negated that and w/the hit on Tangradi, cost a struggling organization a substantial (for the Islanders) fine. If Gillies thought Clutter's hit was bad, he should have dropped the gloves.

  11. @ktornado Your Cooke argument makes no sense in this discussion. Cooke and Gillies are completely different. I'm not defending Cooke, but there is no comparison. Cooke goes over the top sometimes but is a talented hockey player. Gillies, on the other hand, has no talent whatsoever.
    Cooke can land dirty hits sometimes, but there's a giant difference between an elbow or late hit to punching a dude from behind, attacking him while he's laying on the ice, and taunting him AFTER being ejected.

  12. Gilles should have been suspended but Clutterbuck should be suspended too, and as long a time. Clutterbuck's shot was cheap, Gillies was less so but he'll receive a longer suspension only due to recent suspensions. They both should know better.

  13. hockey is a rough sport , when a guy like clutterbuck takes a run at a guy he should be prepared for retaliation . He has been playing hockey for his entire life , he understands that or he would not be in the nhl. Dont make hockey something it is not , gillies has a job because it is part of the nhl , if u dont like it dont buy tickets , dont go to games , dont let your sissy kid play the sport . Let the men play this great game .

  14. Some of these NHL players are complete children. It's not just Clutterbuck. Many players in the league make good solid clean hits and the opposing player wants to fight or retaliate. Man up, your time will come. If you didn't want to get hit, don't play the game.

  15. I think Clutterbuck gets a bad rap because he is just annoying, he has led the NHL in hits the past 2yrs and is leading this year too. He skates hard and finishes his checks. I haven't seen him take any cheap-shots like this at other players, but all of the thugs have it in for him. Gillies is a fucking douche, and a gutless turd.

  16. @snipeUnlimit3d "This is was" okay.. yeah a clean to the shoulder hit.. It clearly was an elbow to the head.

  17. @snipeUnlimit3d "This is was" okay.. yeah a clean to the shoulder hit.. It clearly was an elbow to the head

    1:01 yeah he hit his shoulder alright, troll.

  18. @ktornado Wrong answer… They both are pieces of shit. I wasnt part of the question. Obviously your 100 word rebutles to every comment on here makes you the "NHL Insider of Youtube videos that nobody ever sees or gets any credit for." How much does that pay by the way? Or does it just make you feel better about yourself talking shit over the internet… Ha…

    (insert rebutle bullshit rebutle here)

  19. @ovey17, fuck you, you little bitch its my opinion, just because someone doesn't share the same view on a hit doesn't make them an idiot, I bet you think the chara hit is legit as well.

  20. @ktornado Most intelligent people only place one period at the end of their sentence, not three.

  21. @cdub62 Funny you should say that… I did think that Chara hit was legit. This is a man's sport my friend. Shit happens. I think you need to take a deep breath. It may be your opinion to think what you want and it's also my opinion to think you're an idiot. (in which you are)

  22. Growsales, your comment is idiotic. Clutterbuck is consistently recognized as one of the cleanest hitters in the NHL.

  23. For every video of Cal Clutterbuck issuing a dirty and cheap hit, there are 100 more videos of unique, clean, open ice hits.

  24. So why didn't Clutterbuck get suspended too for checking DiBenedetto from behind? That was the real dirty hit. He deserved Gillies elbow

  25. Who cares about what Clutterbuck does or doesn't do. It is very clear that Gillies has no place on the ice. He is not on that team for any reason but being an enforcer. Which he cannot even do properly. Pathetic. As soon as he gets back from what was the ugliest display of sportsmanship and morals in general he does it again . At least this time he didn't attack the player he just blatently injured and then go on to taunt him as he laid on the ice. Someone needs to burn his house down!

  26. If the islander player who got hit by clutterbuck stayed down like a bitch too, then would clutterbuck be suspended?

  27. You've got to be fucking kidding me. One hit was relatively clean (the guy Clutter hit had the puck) one was a reckless cheapshot. Considering Gillies' history, that was 100% intent to injure.

  28. Trevor Gillies had just been suspended 9 games and this was his first game back. He would be suspended another 10 games. For his professional career (57/380/217/24) he has about 65 career points and over 2900 career PIMs.

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