@Montreal Canadiens

Maple Leafs Reportedly Sending Low-Ball Trade Offers For 4 Goaltenders, including Allen

Maple Leafs Reportedly Sending Low-Ball Trade Offers For 4 Goaltenders, including Allen

by GeistHunt


  1. GeistHunt

    TLDR: Leafs were rumoured to have offered a sixth round pick for Allen, along with three other teams. Basically, clowns be clowning.

  2. realm_fury

    Lol they have to lowball now as Nylander is about to take them to the bank!

  3. Electrical_Sky8714

    I mean Allen isn’t worth much more than that at this point, at best a 4th

  4. red_white_and_blues

    Talking out my ass because Goalies values tend to be low on the trade market but I’ll take no less than Allen and a 3rd for a 2nd . If we are to get low value on Allen I’d rather move up in the draft than take a middling 3rd -4th round pick. We have accumulated a lot of draft picks and prospects, it’s time to focus on moving our quantity into quality. That being said , Allen trade won’t be anything special unless it’s a multi player deal with a few pieces involved

    Edit: a word

  5. Baronleduc

    TBF, I do not expect a 1st in exchange for Allen, but at least offer a better than a 6th round.

    But they’re about to sign Nylander to a gigantic contract soon, so I guess Toronto can’t afford higher than a 6th.


  6. thomas_bombadill

    I wouldn’t trade Allen to the leafs for less than a 2nd, not cause he’s worth it but cause fuck the leafs and I’d love to see them get bounced in the first cause of shit goaltending

  7. The leafs can have prime Felix Potvin in net it won’t make a difference. Their core players don’t show up In the playoffs they only care about personal hardware and breaking individual records to collect big fat pay checks.

  8. Night_Sky02

    Allen is worth at least a 3rd and a farm prospect.

  9. Low ball lol do they think teams are stupied lol

  10. KickPuncher21

    Would be surprised if Kent Hughes can get more than a 3rd for Allen. Sure there are some teams looking for a goalie, but Allen isn’t the only one available.

    On the other hand, we know what Hughes is capable of (trading Hoffman was pure wizardry), so I’m just gonna sit back and watch.

  11. Its quite clear we are keeping 3 goalies until the trade deadline unless desperation sets in for any of the teams. Which is might. The situation is working more or less, no goaltender is quite upset, and considering we are in a development year its a reality we can absorb in order to have a bigger return. My sense is contrary to last year; this year’s TDL will be very busy and productive for the habs.

    There is also a recognition that with that that if we trade players like Monahan, we might not be better than this year next year.

  12. quarrelsome_napkin

    I hope everyone jacks up their goalie prices just for the principle of the thing. Fuck the Leafs and their clown offers!

  13. Morioka2007

    Allen is not a number one goalie. But there are a lot of teams needing help in net and if he gets hot he could really help a team in the playoffs.
    Toronto also needs a solid defense man for their D core. Maybe a bigger deal can happen closer to the trade deadline.

  14. FlyInternational648

    Counter offer for Matthews. We can both play this game.

  15. kingkellam

    I want their earliest available 2nd (2027 lmao) for him

  16. DrunkenRedittor

    Fraser Minten, take it or leave it leafs.

  17. Ok-Sprinkles1644

    I don’t know mmm Hughes is not smart enough to turn it down . Worrisome ..

  18. What a bunch of idiots.

    They have a massive amount of good prospects that won’t get a proper chance to grow in Toronto, why not send those out?

    I for one would absolutely be down as a Hawks fan if they traded Ty Voit for Mrazek considering how well he is playing.

    starter goalies are in short supply right now, you either pay what they are worth or suck it up with such a legendary set up as injured Murray, 2021 Samsonov, an injured 25 year old with less then a season experience, and the absolute legend called Martin Jones.

  19. 1970Tango

    I call bullshit on that story. They included Comrie on that list. They could have claimed him for free but didn’t.

  20. Longshanks123

    I think the lowball offer says that the Leafs are comfortable going into the playoffs with Woll and either Jones or Samsonov … they’re just looking for insurance. Is that smart? No, it’s the Leafs. But that’s how they do things.

    Edmonton, Jersey, or Carolina are probably better teams to trade with because they need an Allen type more than anyone else. In a one out of three games situation, Allen will give you at least league-average goaltending (he’s also got three stolen wins this year) and he’s known as a great teammate and a true pro.

  21. _thewayshegoes

    Leafs can do fuck themselves thank you very much. Let them revel in their poorly constructed rosters while we rebuild the right way

  22. hackmastergeneral

    There an actual reputable source for this?

  23. WeimarStreetCrust

    I’ll take Matthew Knies in exchange for Allen.

    Seriously, if you stood firm on that to the TDL, Shenehan might get desperate enough to do something that stupid. Because he’s already stupid enough to go all in on the core 4 after all these miserable first round exits.

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