@Vancouver Canucks

Why do the Canucks ALWAYS do this to us?

The Vancouver Canucks got a victory over the Ottawa Senators, Elias Pettersson led us to a 5-0 start, but then the Sens slowly climbed their way back into the game….. it was a bit concerning, but they got the job done in the end. I don’t understand why the Canucks aren’t able to play a full 60 minutes, because if we want to go all the way that’s what we need to do! Great win for the boys regardless.



  1. It was a tough last 40 minutes. Hopefully the boys are now motivated for this huge road trip. Tocchet will hold that room accountable for sure.

  2. A lot to digest. Without all the fortunate bounces the score could have been a lot closer after the first. If it was 2-0 after one do the Canucks fall asleep for 40 minutes anyway and lose? It seems like the team is missing some killer instinct. It'll be nice to see Soucy on the trip.

  3. There is no way u criticize them after scoring 5 in one period. The sens were never back in the game. The Canucks themselves missed multiple breakaways. « They cant win the cup without a 60 min performance vs the sens » is a crazy statement. How many times did we see contenders like tampa and Boston do this exact one period performance versus us. Support the boys and criticize them when the big games vs contenders come. Not versus a bottom dwelling shit team.

  4. by your standards Vegas and Toronto arent contenders… (probably all of the teams). sure vanc wasn´t handling the last 40 that great, but did u really feel anxious? most of Ottawas shots was easy pickings.

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