@Boston Bruins

Alex Tuch Postgame Interview vs Boston Bruins (12/27/2023)

Alex Tuch Postgame Interview vs Boston Bruins (12/27/2023)

Yeah I mean we obviously didn’t show up special teams in the power play I thought pill was okay they got a couple lucky bounces there but um we had to be a little bit better on the on Zone entry and on the uh on probably getting the

Puck down the ice but um Power Play was not good uh we didn’t get enough chances we didn’t get enough opportunities to uh to score I don’t think and it was um yeah it was tough we got to Bear down we got to go back to work tomorrow there’s

Some stuff we have to uh watch some video on and Bear Down hasn’t been good all year uh we need to be better and it’ll help us win games wi down the stretch you use the word words bear down ises that go with a lot of the shots it

Seem like a lot of your best opportunities went either high or wide as a team yeah I mean sometimes it bounces One Way bounces the other and it’s no excuses I mean you do have to just try to bury your chances and um sometimes it’s not going your way but

You just got to uh I said bear down and and just go back to work and but not get frustrated think we we let frustration set in a little bit there during the second period and uh we started overthinking started um just not really uh working for each other uh I thought

It was three maybe four guys at a time and uh we got have all five out there and all six out there working for each other and it makes it a lot easier we’ve done it before we just just got to keep get back to it just got to do it I know

It’s uh after the break and uh you know what rust is off now there’s no more excuses going down we got I don’t know how many games until by week and we’re going to want to be uh well above 500 uh over the next 15 games or so so um it’s

Good stretch here coming in we got a lot of home games coming up especially in January I think it’s going to be huge for us to uh try to make this a lot harder place to play in uh it’s a little too easy right now and we have to take

It upon ourselves and be better obviously you missed paage in this game uh he was there this morning and you know for personal reasons he didn’t make the game I don’t know when you guys found out but obviously you didn’t have a a whole lot of time to process it yeah

No I mean um I’m not going to speak on anything uh in regards to him but uh he’s a huge loss obviously I’ve played with him a lot over the last few years and uh we have some really good chemistry and and losing him is is really tough he’s Irreplaceable guy but

We have that nextmen up mentality I thought Josie came in and worked really hard um but yeah I mean t is is a tough guy to miss but like I said next man up Josie was ready he was um he he was in there he worked hard he um he was with

Skinny and I I thought we had a couple good opportunities in the first and a couple good shifts but uh I think as a whole 29 unit we got to be better I power play Alex what the key jet to not being predictable seems like the the

Penalty kills are just looking for you guys to take shots from the flanks but you know there’s nothing really to keep them honest I guess uh yeah I just I think I think like I said we’re double we’re overthinking everything we’re um double touching pucks I’m double

Touching on the goal line I’m putting them out of guys reach um uh we’re shooting when we shouldn’t we’re not shooting when we should we’re passing up good opportunities we’re not supporting each other and it just kind of adds up it’s a Snowball Effect and each guy has

To to look at one another and try to work for one another because this five against four I mean we shouldn’t be out there and getting out chance Sometimes some power plays that PK gets more chances than us and that’s just not okay I mean we had one of the best power

Plays in The League last year and we got to go back to it but it’s confidence it’s Swagger and we we obviously don’t have that right now and we’re going to work to get it back back so it’s video that’s practice that’s you know just a mindset and mentality the the start I

Mean you can you put your finger on what’s Happening early in games you’re always behind the a this um you know I thought we actually had a a good first few shifts and then we started um kind of playing into them we started bringing the puck back I thought our forwards

Were um not allowing our defenseman to have enough time with the puck uh when breakouts were happening we were trying to bring it back and instead of going up the ice with it and keeping their defenseman on their heels and uh it’s just simple hockey it’s it’s coming off

A break it’s um just maybe you got to chip a couple more pucks that you don’t think you probably not going to chip once you’re really feeling it towards the end of the game uh you’re maybe taking a battle a little higher in your own Zone and uh maybe just trying to

Live to see another day instead of always trying to get a scoring chance each and every shift and you know we don’t want to sit back and we want to go we want we want to go to unit we I we have one of if not the most skilled team

In the league here and uh we’re not scoring goals right now uh like we can and um we just got to get back to working and uh for one another a little bit more support a little bit more Swagger and we’ll be better confence A lot of different things I

Think you got uh it’s a mentality not only just I mean it’s obviously confidence but there’s a couple things we got clean up I think um work ethic wise and um strategy wise too that’s obviously not working uh we’re probably going to be continuing to switch around

Some Personnel or just try to get the Personnel we have right now just to be more accustomed to one another it has been a lot of guys moving in and out of spots in and out of lineup and uh we’re getting Quinter we Quinter back and he’s

Only been in here for a couple couple games and to see him in a power play it’s really good and he’s a huge asset for us and so we just got to get a little bit more reps I think uh obviously coming off the break you’re

Not get any practice you going to be a little sloppy especially special teams so um yeah no we just got to be better

Alex Tuch Postgame Interview vs Boston Bruins (12/27/2023)

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  1. Love the Sabres, just done with this team. Better things to do than spend time watching them.

  2. Everyone has a bag of excuses it’s a joke. Fire every coach and Adams wants to build a finesse system fire him also this has been bull shit for far to long. Embarrassing

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