@Winnipeg Jets

Wednesday Premium Content: What Is Wrong With the Winnipeg Jets’ Power Play

The above article is somewhat paywalled (you can one do a free trial and cancel after), so I will use this post to ask everyone here to AMA and if something is really good I’ll use it for the mailbag on Friday

by garret9


  1. DuckyChuk

    They’re just standing around like they’re waiting for bus 60.

  2. raxnahali

    It gives supporters something to complain about. This team would be destroying squads if we had a PP worth talking about.

  3. What effect are the struggles on faceoffs having on the Jets special teams results?

  4. OriginalAmbition5598

    Thought of this while watching the game last night.

    If the jets 5vs5 is rally good right now, why don’t they just continue with the same scheme when on a pp? I’m sure there is a bunch I’m missing on this, but seeing them play 5vs5 compared to pp is like looking at 2 different teams.

  5. Electroflare5555

    No one moves, and once they gain possession in the zone they repeat the exact same sequence of passes before they eventually turn it over and it’s cleared

  6. Leburgerpeg

    I think the problem is they’re not scoring on the pp. If they change that it’ll fix everything


  7. DingJones

    They need to create chaos in front of the net. They’re waiting for the perfect shot and just playing pass around the perimeter. Make the PK block some shots. Set up rebounds and so-called garbage goals. More quick and dirty, less waiting for the perfect lane to open up.

  8. You can do a one week free trial* oh god bad English sorry everyone don’t multitask and post haha

  9. Hero_of_Brandon

    Next time we have control on the PP, ignore what we are doing and focus on what the other team has to do to defend it. It mostly just small adjustments, and then when there’s a 50/50 puck, they attack it.

    We don’t make them move enough. Attack the seams and make them defend. I used to have a basketball coach who would tell us to look like we might attack the hoop even if the play was just to reverse the ball. Make them commit to defending you and then move it. If they don’t respect your willingness to attack, then take it in.

    Perimeter games work when you make the defense spread out and respect more ice than they can. If we allow it to be obvious that we aren’t looking to score from anywhere but a point shot, one timer, or bumper play. It’s too easy. Three options to defend, just stay within the box until one of those plays develops and then act.

    Lastly, the middle guy needs to react with the sideboard/low players. Standing in the middle and waiting for the puck to come is too easy to defend. They need to stick closer to the defender, and then when the play develops, flash into the danger area and create the separation for the pass to come.

    GG fixed 16-0 EZ Cup

  10. SirBulbasaur13

    They all stand still, pass around the perimeter hoping that a cross crease pass will open up. If it doesn’t, they try to force it through 4 sticks and turn it over. If they succeed then the shooter fires it wide, gets robbed or shoots it in the logo.

    That’s PP1, every time, every game.

  11. Scooterguy-

    I think 5 main issues with the PP are…

    1. Nobody is dynamic. On every other successful PP and PK, quick player and puck movement is key. Movement creates lost coverage.

    2. There is no threat from the point. No big heavy shot, and nobody gets the puck on net with any regularity. Think guys like Makar, Hughes, and Mcavoy, who move along the line and create lanes.

    3. Since Laine left, there is no one timer threat. Connor gets one off once in a while, but not with any consistency. Look at TBays PP yesterday….Point on one side, Stamkos on the other, and Hedman on the point!

    4. Our zone entries are horrendous. Half the time we dump and chase like it’s 1989. Every good PP has no trouble gaining the zone with a quick lateral pass at the line.

    5. Many will contest this, but faceoffs are key. We lose at least 60% of the offensive zone PP faceoffs. That costs 25-35s each time, which is significant.

    We have the skill to have a better PP. Part of this lack of success is team composition and not really fixable, some is driven by poor systems and coaching, and some is poor execution by the players. One thing is for sure, if we sort this out, we’ll be a huge contender!

  12. Amos_Burton666

    Not pulling the trigger. It seems while our 5 on 5 play has improved 1000% our powerplay is stuck in Maurice mode, or as Bones says “old habits”. Always looking for that pretty play or perfect clear shot. Put the puck on net and Nino,Lowry or Iafallo will be there to clean it up.

    Tampa yesterday is a great example, just bomb it on net then have a guy on the wing. If its blocked dish it to the wing and rip it again.

  13. I think the Jets should try to incorporate a tipping type shot into their strat. It’s been working real well 5v5.

  14. ButterUtters

    I’ve always found it hilarious when NHL teams are *bad* at playing a man up. Obviously it sucks when it’s us but still… Kind of funny too.

  15. Slayminster

    I’d like to see Scheif move to the bumper.. he’s had success from that position and I’d like to have someone passing it to him for the shots

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