@National Hockey League

Trying not to laugh at the anthem

Trying not to laugh at the anthem

by Only-Highlights


  1. unitednihilists

    Please tell me that is not real? FFS NHL, why do you have to be such a shit show.

  2. Americans: “the anthem is sacred, how dare you disrespect the anthem by kneeling/sitting/talking/blinking!”

    Also Americans: *gestures broadly at this video*

  3. animalackbar

    A Swede on a Canadian team playing in the US, why do we still even have the anthems anyway??

  4. Probably having flashbacks of his dad playing Yngwie Malmsteen

  5. LeftySlides

    The guy who did the anthem (Jeff Hill I think) was introduced as a comedian then guitarist so whatever that means…

    EDIT: Dave Hill

  6. Strange_Cap1049

    I was cringing the whole time. If I was the players I’d be pissing myself laughing at that trash. Sid you guys hear how little applause he got?

  7. hammertown87

    It’s wild how you can more or less make your own rendition of the anthem and butcher it but American loses their fucking minds when a person kneels or sits during it.

    For a country who LOVES liberty they fucking suck at it lol.

  8. Don’t try holding back, laugh your ass off to it.

  9. smallpotatofarmer

    As a european i gotta say that playing the anthem before EVERY SINGLE SPORT event is weird af although its nothing compared to all the military stuff💀

  10. Am I the only one who thought this guy was absolutely shredding? It was awesome imo

  11. Yop_BombNA

    I was wondering whether it was a prank or not the entire time

  12. StatikSquid

    This is called guitar wanking. You’re not impressing anyone.

    It’s same when they get soul singers to do the anthem. Just sing it the correct way ffs

  13. AfterAd7618

    Same thing at the winter classic. I nearly fell off my couch laughing at how bad/stupid it was and sounded.

  14. Czarchitect

    Seems like a lot of non americans in here assuming this was a 100% earnest and genuine effort from the performer. I’d bet my left nut that this was intentional parody.

  15. Usual_Patient_7201

    American here and don’t blame him. That was great guitar playing but downright awful rendition of the Anthem.

  16. Clean_n_Press

    Those may be the boomer-iest boomer-bends I’ve ever heard 😂

  17. Am I crazy or was this Dave Hill playing the anthem?

    The same Dave Hill whose bands’ song is played during the opening credits of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver?

  18. ValleyBreeze

    Honestly, my bf and I have been saying for so long that the anthems seem so outdated and pointless. It would make more sense for the teams to have their own songs, or the NHL to have a singular song. If it’s about the pomp and circumstance surrounding the “ceremonial” aspect prior to puck drop, then make it fit the bill.

    These songs are not at all representative of the league in terms of who is actually on the ice. There are players from virtually every country at this point. It makes sense in international competition, when the team actually represents their country.

    But for this? Nah.

  19. Hendrix doing the anthem was art. He wasn’t just making cool rock sounds, he was simulating bombs dropping to make a statement about patriotism and war crimes

    This is just a dude masterbating on live tv and getting away with it.

  20. Flossugar

    He’s actually laughing at how he’s about to fleece the leafs for 11.5mm a year. The anthem playing is a coincidence.

  21. KamikazeAlpaca420

    I laughed at this as an American, that sounds stupid and disrespectful. I support his laughing. If you want the National Anthem to be respected… don’t do this

  22. Organic_Radio_2890

    Even my cat is concerned by these sounds

  23. natrapsmai

    I’m laughing too otherwise I’d be crying. Not a good rendition, just a showboat stunt.

  24. TheThirdShmenge

    Who as the guitarist? Jeff Hill…but was he in a band or something?

  25. Kitchen-Lie-7894

    I guess no one here has heard the Jimi Hendrix version?

  26. XxmoistpotatoxX

    Yes it was fucking funny and yes I’m god damn proud to be an American

  27. Acceptable_Wall4085

    Nobody does it as well as The Master Jimmy Hendrix

  28. Comfortable_Fudge508

    Why can’t nhl just be like the other leagues, don’t need to televise this shit, cut to commercials during anthems come back at puck drop

  29. Cottagewknds

    Absolutely horrible job. Nobody cheered lol

  30. cheetaratops

    Dave Hill is a comedic genius and this was a fantastic anthem.

  31. RevolutionaryAd6564

    Not seen a single Hendrix comment… sad.

  32. Sensitive_Mousse_445

    Could you play the anthem any more pretentious than this? Fuckin A

  33. Gloomy-Hour-732

    Imagine rocking a skullet and thinking literally anything else is funny.

  34. Runner303

    He’s looking around for President Comacho…

  35. Everyone thinks they’re that kid in Seattle now …

    Willy’s laughter tells no lies.

  36. Monkey_Leader

    Leafs fan here… and I don’t blame Nylander for laughing at this horrible rendition of the US anthem.

    I’m reality, all anthems really shouldn’t be played at professional sports games… we don’t need the Ra Ra anymore like back in the 1920’s.

  37. Accurate-Unit8107

    The performance nails “Merica’ to a T

  38. OCMagikStick

    Gary Bettman suspended him for five games for this

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