@Carolina Hurricanes

First looks at the NUCOR jersey ads released

Honestly, it could be a lot worse.

by Alum07


  1. NotTheATF1993

    Doesn’t look near as bad as I thought it would

  2. The_Reddit_Browser

    The fact that they are changing the color to match the jersey (whalers) is a good sign. At least it wonā€™t be obnoxious

  3. SokkaWillRockYa

    It seems like theyā€™re trying to be the least obnoxious they can be with matching the color to the jerseys.

    Honestly, looks pretty good (since theyā€™re going to be a thing anyways)

    Catch me never buying a jersey though since itā€™s made by Fanatics šŸ¤®

  4. oooriole09

    Itā€™s really small, color matched, and changes sides based on aesthetic.

    Best case scenario, honestly.

    If I didnā€™t know this was an ad patch, I wouldā€™ve assumed it was an Adidas branding logo.

  5. JoeMorgue

    None of those are offensively bad or are going to be noticeable during game play. Can’t ask for much more.

  6. mindseyecoil

    Seam ripper sales about to skyrocket in the Carolinas.

  7. Carolina_913

    I hate ads on the uniforms and really wish weā€™d kept running without one.

    That said, this is probably the least obnoxious ad patch in the league and I gotta give credit to the canes and Nucor for at least attempting to make it blend in/look good.

  8. give them an inch, they take a mile.

    Mark my words, the mile is coming

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