@Tampa Bay Lightning

Hi Tampa! Coming in Peace with my Campaign for Blake Coleman

Hi Lightning fans! I hope this post is allowed here! I’m a friendly Flames fan coming to you to entreat you to spare a [vote for Blake Coleman]( in your All-Star ballots. I’ll make it short!

**Why should you care as a Lightning fan?** Coleman raves about his time in Tampa:

>“Tampa it has been a ride. This city took us in with open arms and we quickly became proud to call it home, we had both of our beautiful girls here, got to play with some of the best teammates in the game and reached the ultimate goal of winning the Stanley cup in back to back seasons. While our time was short here, it was incredibly memorable and will be a time my family looks back on with smiles. Thank you for the memories, we will be champions forever! \[[Source](\]

Even when reflecting on being on-track for a career season in Calgary, earlier this year, [Coleman still reflected back](, saying that he played his best hockey in Tampa. He also noted that he [underwent “procedures” for injuries he sustained]( putting everything on the line for Tampa during those cup runs as recently as **this summer**.

**Why is this the year for Coleman?** It has gone under the radar, but Coleman is having an unreal season for the Flames.

* Leads the team in goals with 15
* Leads the team in points with 29
* Has an unreal **four shorthanded goals** and 1 powerplay goal, and 3 game winners
* Although the Flames have a -4 goal differential, **Coleman is +17** on the season, so far

All while only averaging 16:26 TOI per game.

**Blake Coleman is also a great choice if you’re an American hockey fan.** Beyond his great play this year, Coleman is a hard worker and a great ambassador for the game. He’s the first “Texas-trained” (i.e. born and raised) player in the NHL to score 100 goals in the NHL. He’s also the first born-and-raised player from Texas to win the Stanley Cup (which I’m sure you know, lol).

Finally, **Coleman has a championship pedigree**. I think Coleman is a great player, but I’m not entreating you on behalf of any long-shot long-time third liner. Coleman is a two-time Stanley Cup winner (of course, scoring the Lightning’s second goal of Game 6 in the 2020 cup finals) and one of the gritty, hard working, consistent players that win teams championships.

So, if you happen to have a spare All-Star vote, please consider using it on Coleman! I know it is a long shot, but I think he at least deserves the votes!

by HumbleInterest


  1. toolschism

    You honestly could have just said “hey I like Coleman vote for him” and I would have done it, but kudos for all the extra work you put in to this post lol.

  2. Mayflower023

    I admire the dedication. Pickles woulda had my vote regardless

  3. bigwilly311


    I’m just kidding I love Blake Coleman I have him on my fantasy team I’ll definitely throw him a vote.

  4. Jlindahl93

    We fucking love pickles around here. It doesn’t take a lot of convincing on this.

  5. absolute legend, love to see Pickles popping off this year. should be unanimous from Bolts fans.

    also feels like a good time to remind everyone (OP included!) that it wasn’t in 😉

  6. Procedure_Dunsel

    You didn’t have to sell us … his line were a perpetual pain in the opponent’s balls and if he had to go, I for one am glad he didn’t end up in our conference, let alone division. It speaks volumes that his line was first over the boards every period and the dude was money come playoff time.

  7. IndividualCup7311

    You could have just said vote for Coleman 💀💀

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