@Winnipeg Jets

Why don’t the oddsmakers trust the Jets?

Despite only having one regulation loss in their last 15 games, the Winnipeg Jets are not getting the respect they deserve. Martin Biron joins That’s Hockey host Gino Reda to discuss if they are an elite team.


  1. Yes. They have one of the best goaltender in the league,their offense isn't amazing but they have offensive weapons like Connor and Scheifele. Their defense is pretty good too.

  2. The Jets are looking very dominant as of late. Absolutely would have to be a true Cup contender.

  3. ill take no respect/ recognition all the way to the playoffs, being a fan of smaller market you get use to it. . to be honest i feel no matter what the Jets do they will get little to no respect compared to the bigger market teams. Frustrating to say the least but i wont walk around saying the Jets are top contenders either. I do feel we deserve to be a part of the "elite" conversation of top teams in the league right now.

  4. The cup favourite should always be the team that's played well in the last three weeks. Surprised they haven't awarded the cup to Winnipeg, Detroit, New Jersey, and Carolina already. Hell, i'm shocked Winnipeg fans didn't all bet their money on Seattle in November when they had an .875 win percentage for the month!

  5. I could care less what the media or other people think lol, i love this team and i will ride this high they are having all the way till it ends

  6. Regular season means nothing we all know that the Jets and Vancouver are tops now but come the playoffs its different animal and this 2 teams have no playoff experience.

  7. No Mcdavid or Mathews, so our odds should be higher.
    2001 is the last time a Cup winner had a 50 goal scorer. 2009 is the last time a Cup winner had a 100 point player. 🤷

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