@Pittsburgh Penguins

Ice-Burgh Recap: Pittsburgh Penguins vs. Boston Bruins

The Pittsburgh Penguins hold off the Boston Bruins to win 6-5 on the road at TD Garden. Nick recaps the game including, scoring recaps, three stars, and top storylines. Tune In!

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  1. Crosby is 1000 percent STILL the best in the world. I no alot of people say no way, McDavid is. When i hear best in the world, i think best all AROUND hockey player, it's sid and wonder how anyone could say anyone else is when sid does so many different things amazingly well and makes a huge impact on the game. I don't think anyone could say there's a better hockey player then sids all around game. I'll give mcdavid best OFFENSIVE scorer, cause i can't even say McDavid is best offensively cause McDavid doesn't do nearly as many small things that end up in back of the net as sid does so crosby, yea without question best HOCKEY player in the world

  2. I was at this one and the roof just about came down on that short handed goal… but thank god for Sidney Crosby. As always. And I am lovinggg Eller and O’Connor! It was clear that Eller’s vision was higher than his performance/his linemates ability to execute it so far and I will be so excited if this continues from here on out.

    Despite the fact that I was in the depth of human misery for a stretch there when it tied, I still think this was a great game for the Penguins almost all of the way. Two months ago they would not have been able to outscore Ned’s off night.

  3. DOC was nasty tonight and Sid is a legend. I love watching guys like Guentz and Malkin back check too. They’re awesome at it.

    And then Gravy puttin the biscuit in the basket! Lars, Letang, Carter and the rest of the guys finding a way to get the win. Hells Yeah!!

    Thanks so much for these post game wrap ups, Nick!

  4. Lemieux and Crosby go hand in hand. Without Lemieux, there are no Penguins. Without Crosby there was no future. The Pens would easily be playing in Kansas City if Lemieux hadn't bought the Penguins, and if Crosby wasn't such a promising star.

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