@Buffalo Sabres

The Sabre Roundtable: Episode 51 – Breaking Point

The Sabre Roundtable: Episode 51 – Breaking Point

Well just when you think it could not get any worse it got worse it could always get worse I was going to say who thought it couldn’t get worse it can always get worse it can always get worse whenever you think you’ve reached the bottom I promise you

There’s always a deeper pit waiting for you and they just keep falling down into a deeper deeper hole that they just can’t climb out of and it’s another season down the draam and you know it’s not like uh this is being done like 50 or 60 years ago like

A random season in the 1900s like we are witnessing a professional team go through what a 26 27 game losing streak now in professional sports something like that yeah and for some reason this feels so much worse they’re one one and one in their last three still terrible against three

They scored nine goals two games ago against the map Leafs still it just doesn’t feel like anything’s going well at all which we discussed in multiple episodes before this just before you know this goes really negative I just want to remind everybody that this was against the Boston Bruins one of the

Best teams in the league that everybody’s getting really upset over before that it was pretty positive two great games against two really good teams we almost did an emergency pod after the Coyotes game um or sorry the Blue Jackets game um but we decided against it and it was probably for the

Best because then they played two good games um but then last night happened but it still was against one of the best teams in the league that’s all I’m going to say yeah the best team in the league that of course I wrote missing the playoffs this year who also lost their

Generational first line Center and one of their top Wingers in the off season and they were on a four game losing streak going into that game they were due and they’re still no no you don’t get to say still good like I don’t get

It what is what is it is there a vood is there a cur is there a curse on this team is there a curse on this team I think we’re past the point of wondering that it’s more of what is the curse of this team and what burial ground did

Terry dig into I think I think this is the perfect time for Sab fans and Senators fans to to settle their differences and wallowing in each other’s self-pity all right I think it’s time to settle the differences only thing making me a little happy when we were losing

The Bruins because the senators were down two nothing in the Maple Leafs but then they came back in 132 everybody’s having fun but us it’s it’s the same story every year everyone’s always even the K coyotes the coyotes are having so much fun they came back from a 4 nothing deficit it last

Night oh my God it’s electric it’s electric why why is every team in the league allowed to have fun except us well we had fun last year I had so much fun you know what the you know what the I was thinking about that you know what

The sad part about that is we didn’t even make the playoffs this is how tortured we’ve been as a franchise when a team that barely misses the playoffs is the highlight of the past decade of this hockey team it was great last year it it was

The best year in Sabers hockey that I could remember going back to maybe the year eel came to Buffalo and that was what 8 years ago 9 years ago it was so much fun and it’s like give us a taste and it’s ripped away from us just like that and I don’t

Know who to blame but sure we could start throwing around some blame in this episode and we’re going to get to all of that and more folks welcome back to another episode of the saber Round Table my name is Jonah I’m JP and I’m miserable we are going to be recapping

Quite the little week and a half that uh that took place since our last recording date which was prior to the sabes getting nine goals dropped on them by the Columbus Blue Jackets of all teams returning the favor scoring nine goals on the Toronto Maple Leafs losing in overtime to the New York

Rangers and then losing 4 to one their first game back from the holiday break against the Boston Bruins how was your guys’ Christmas I had a good Christmas how was your Christmas I had a pretty good one got to watch the Kansas City Chiefs absolutely just have a disastrous game

So that was awesome something you don’t see every day especially at home too that was that was funny to see what about you Jonah it was fine it was fine just fine like any other Christmas Ebenezer stooge just fine no no the magic’s gone you know I’m all grown up

It is it it does feel a little weird sometimes like I mean not weird in the sense of like getting gifts just weird in the sense of like when you were a kid and you just like look over like the balcony and you see all the gifts down

There like you’d be up at 5: in the morning just waiting to open those gifts youd have a couple hockey sticks in the corner and you’d have a big mountain of presents now it’s like you wake up and you you know you sleep in still and you

Wake up I was going to say what what time did you wake up for example 9 9:30 I think that’s the same for us like 9:30 10 o’ yeah went downstairs and it was listen it was still great but it doesn’t have the magic anymore which is sad but

That’s okay it’s just you know you get to a certain age H we’re like two minutes in we’ve already gone off the rail not to make this episode more depressing Christmas magic is gone guys back to the Savers okay let’s let’s let’s go chronological here okay let’s

Let’s just jump right into the the Columbus debacle um I was there for that well I should say I was there for about two periods and not even I was there about a period and a half went down to The Concourse to eat while watching the game and then for the entire third

Period I was down in the saber store Christmas shopping so they had my attention for approximately n like 80 minutes that night just it’s so boring and uninspiring it’s unreal like even last year when we were getting like the occasional you know getting blown out just like this year it’s just like they

Don’t like turn the engine on until like the third period it’s so depressing to watch and I don’t know what what it could be and it was the Columbus Blue Jackets nine goals at home against the Columbus Blue Jackets they returned the favor from last year kill marchenko had

A hat trick not even 10 minutes into the second period I don’t even know what goalie played worse for the Sabres that night honestly yeah both of them weren’t great I know it was funny they Levi was pretty bad so they pulled it maybe UPL will you

Know play a little better for us first two shots on N Go in he said he said you know what let me give two more for yall is that probably is the worst game I’ve ever been to in person and not even what seven months ago I was at the Dallas

Stars game that ended 10 to four it why do they play so bad at home why I don’t understand it like they talk about like wanting to fill the building and like obviously they talk about earning the fans respect back which I get and I I completely understand that

But they just don’t show it like when they when they play at home it’s like they’re like it’s like they’re outmatched every every time no yeah no wonder no one shows up to your games like take a look at the mirror it was uh it was actually JP and’s father that

Made a great Point uh it’s not like they’re a team that goes out on the road and shits the bed and then comes back home and for some reason is playing out of their minds it’s the other way around so it’s a double whammy you’re not getting people interested because they

They know you’re going to play worse when when they’re there it’d be so much better if they were fun at home I don’t know why just for The Vibes I guess and even The Vibes aren’t good anymore like it wouldn’t change any of what we’re

Saying but like it’d make it more fun to go to a game and that just made me think about you know we played really good against the Maple Leafs at home but that was B I was going to say that wasn’t even wasn’t in front of our fans I I

Don’t I like I just don’t I don’t even like remember what happened in that game I was going to say I don’t really even remember I’ll tell you this here here’s a funny story okay I missed the dine goal okay I got to the arena late I was

Coming from work okay walk I’m walking to my seat the game had literally just started and as we know Dalene scored like 40 seconds in so I get to my seat and I’m sitting there and I have to watch Columbus score seven goals before I um finally decide to get up from my

Seat go get some food and watch from watch from there so I also missed the kylo Poo goal in the second period and as I said I went to the saber store for the entirety of the third period so I missed the Dylan cousins and the Tage

Thompson goal so I didn’t witness a single Sabers goal that night but I I witnessed seven Blue Jackets once don’t worry it’s like cruel and unusual punishment it’s so bad I I like you don’t even want to take your kids to these games here’s the funny thing the same thing happened two nights

Later with the leaves I was coming late I met JP at the game and I walk in the building and I missed the Jordan Greenway goal cursed I missed our only goal last night I was on my phone I was like barely paying attention to the game I

Think I think a lot of Sabers fans missed that goal I was I was out to dinner and I by the time like we from the time we got there to when we sat down they were already down to nothing and I was just like all right well not

Even going to I was going to turn the game on at dinner but not going to do that now and then I checked three nothing four nothing and then four to one I’m like oh who scored Eric Johnson come on down Eric Johnson the only goal scorer of last night it’s pretty good

Shot he had two goals it was a great shot he had two goals that night I didn’t get that joke at first because I didn’t see the other goals but I assumed it was because he put the puck in our own net somehow yeah yep sounds about right

Right on the money all right back to the Columbus game let’s let’s let’s get into like the all the post game stuff that happened okay the game ends and immediately obvious all the Buffalo beat reporters flocked to the locker room and who’s there to meet them kylo poso

Taking the the brunt of all the tough media questions uh and trying trying his best to navigate through all that and I guess it should be mentioned during the games for the first time man like probably the first time since March or April of 2019 you had a Buffalo

Sabers crowd cheering for the firing of the coach Ralph Krueger didn’t get that treatment so the last coach to do it was probably Phil Howley he’s lucky for the fir he was lucky dude for the first time since in in four years Don Granado was getting uh chanted by the fans to

Be relieved of his duties so if if we had obviously if Co never happened and the season went exactly the same way in a vacuum there’d be there’d be some crazy crazy chance going on there might have been riots oh my God remember the uh remember the uh the the the the protest

Outside the arena during Co dude with the with the tops bag with like 12 when there’s like 12 people outside I remember there’s like no one there but it it it was a it was definitely it was I can’t call it the breaking point but it was a Breaking

Point it like the Sabres have not had a collective night like that and God knows how long I mean Ser like where it’s just’re they’re getting I mean they were getting booed like tremendously and this actually a point of contention because some people thought that they were you know they’re

Under the belief that the Sabers got booed that night because they lost 94 which yes but those were like some vicious Boo and you know I witnessed the Buffalo Sabers beat Columbus 94 in their o bu their own building last year and that building was dead silent KeyBank Center there like there

Were some serious serious booze unlike anything I’ve ever heard before Bronx cheers for I think both Levi and lukanin um just just an awful night and one one of those nights that made national headlines wasn’t like a 62 loss or a seven seven nothing loss like like those

Are just bad blowouts those happen they happen every NHL team but 94 in your own building fans are cheering for the coach to be fired and and then the media scrum happened where kylo poso was getting into it with some reporters because they they wanted him to comment on the Coach and he’s

Sitting there telling them like I I I’m not going to go after the coach tonight um it it was it’s just a night to remember for all the worst reasons you got to give massive props doc poo for standing up in front of the media taking all the tough

Questions um I know his one his one quote got taken so out of context I think where he basically just said that you know we haven’t been here this whole time but we understand that like all that weight is on us but like he just said like it’s this whole the whole 13

Years drought it’s not our fault but we understand that it’s our job to break it but people took that so out of context it was I don’t know you he had a really tough job you very rarely see ooso get irritated with reporters and you could

Tell he he was um so I I give massive props um I will say I know this is this was a point of contention with the media after the game um I I don’t like that there weren’t too many players available after a big game like that and I know

Like not like after every game there isn’t a ton of players that are available to the media but after something like that I think every a lot of players should be available and talking to the media um and taking tough questions so they can answer the fans

And I just I don’t think they did that at all and the one I was most disappointed was donene he didn’t take any questions after the game that’s our future Captain yeah and I I I feel as though like the coach should you know he should take a little

Responsibility in that as well like he should after a loss like that people are going to be riled up and rightfully so and as a coach and your team just went out there and laid the Egg of all eggs as a coach me me personally I’d be

Fired up up about that and I’d be like nobody’s like leaving every everyone everyone’s going to be at their locker and whoever the porters want to go up to they’re going to talk to that’s I guess the quote unquote punishment if if the players you know you know complain about

It I don’t care I don’t care it’s part of the job you deserve it this is part and it’s also it’s part of the job you get paid millions of dollars and I get it like you don’t want to you just play the game you want to shower you want to

Do your routine everything like that but this is part of the job and they should have everyone’s butt should have been in their locker for 10 15 minutes and any reporter could have gone up to anyone and asked them about what was going on I

Know no one likes the media I know they don’t want to answer questions like I I get that it’s it’s a burden like it’s not like you know we leave our day job and then reporters are asking us questions about the day so it’s not easy but after something like that I just

Think all the players should take responsibility and own up to it a little yeah but I mean I mean we leave our day jobs we also don’t get paid you know seven figure eight figure salary sometimes I think it is what it like I you guys know my opinion

We were talking about it I don’t I don’t really mind that stuff like the only thing that did irk me was Dalene but I was thinking about this the next day because the the one thing like because He got interviewed I think at the practice the next day and the one quote

That kind of circulated was he he didn’t like that the fans were booing Granado and asking for him to be fired so the only thing the only thing that I wonder about is if was he G to go after the fans in his interview and was he maybe

Biting his tongue just trying to get out of there um but other than that like I don’t I don’t really care for that sort of thing I mean like like everybody was saying six players is pretty normal um and I don’t know a bunch of people

Were saying like it’s just it’s just how the NHL is is these days you know it’s no longer every player is at their locker and you know Granado when Granado was asked about it he’s like you can ask for anybody it you know we’ll go get

Them it’s just I don’t know I I I get it I get why I get why people are upset about it it’s just it didn’t bother me other than the Dalene stuff I feel like I feel like I would have been less bothered by it if the organization had a

Track record of winning more often but I mean and again what ooso said was true true it’s not their fault that this um playoff drought has gone on so long but they unfortunately have to bear the brunt of breaking it but it just makes the it just makes the situation you’re

In more difficult when you’re you know just losing these games the way you are and the fans are just at their everyone’s at their Wits End everyone is is so sick and tired of it everybody and I’m sure ownership is too I’m sure everyone in the organization is

Sick and tired of it but until the on Ice product changes you’re just going to see more of the same and if players get really upset by it it is what it is this is the situation you’re in let’s get over to the Toronto game which followed up two days later

Um nine goals on the Toronto map compl complete turn turnaround there is really no way to better summarize this team then they get they let up nine goals and then score nine goals Within three days of each other or two days of each other so stupid that was

Joan and I were at the game that was the best Sabers hockey I’ve seen since last season that was a total Sabers game where they were playing their game and they dominated the pace of play and it was awesome to see I I I probably said

It to Jonah 10 times I was like this is the Sabers like this is how they should be playing every night spoiler alert they did not play like that the next couple of nights it was also one of the worst goal tended games I think I’ve

Ever seen my God Sam that Greenway go that’s like like a pee week I thought I thought the Thompson goal cuz at least the greenway goal he was like surprised Thompson was like above the the faceoff circles samsonov was squared up he just missed it was bad as soon as he scored

It like I knew I was like all right he’s gone there’s no they’re not keeping him in the game he looked at his glove like he had a hole in his glove I’m like no well and I totally forgot that Joseph wo is hurt right now so imagine my surprise

When I heard the the in the in Arena announcers say the the Toronto Maple lefs have uh put in Martin Jones as their cender and he he had a he had a Martin Jones performance I I honestly don’t think the goals that he let in might have been worse could you believe that

Guy played in a Stanley Cup Final he was like I think that was one like great season it’s amazing he still getss jobs these days yeah well Stanley Cup will carry you as a goalie a Stanley Cup could carry you pretty far at least making one cam W um

Um I I don’t know I just I don’t I don’t understand it and I’ve said this all year I don’t get it like why does this happen someone needs to give give me an answer I think we have a reason for this one and and we found out in the post

Game the Sabers three months into the season finally figured out that hey May maybe we should go back to the system where we thrived for 82 games last season they went back to a run and Gun they went back to the transition highflying off the rush offense and kylo

Poso talked about it Don Granado talked about it they finally I guess regressed back to what they were comfortable with and it definitely showed I mean they dominated that game from basically start to finish I mean the Matthews goal was pretty weak by Levi uh even the doy goal that was far

Out the Sab really they they didn’t give up much and they dominated the pace of play and I think you know we’re going to get into it with the other two games um they’re back to the system they’re back to the old they’re at least trying to do

The old system um it’s just so frustrating it’s December I mean that game was what December 20 the 20th or so yeah it was I don’t know the top few days before Christmas so it took till December 20th before they realized hey we’re four games under 500 our offense is near the

Bottom of the league our defense is still kind of subpar it’s just not worth it what we did let’s just go back to what we were doing what made us us and they scored nine goals scored nine goals yeah it just if we recorded after that episode this would be a lot more

More of a you know upbeat type of episode I can’t remember the last time we had a very positive episode um but before the season started probably I mean Joe and I were we were saying at Christmas when we were talking to our cousins we were like oh yeah you know

This this is going to be a positive episode we just had two really good games and yeah it’s not going to be one but um let’s get to the Rangers yeah I was going to say let’s move on okay like straight up they kick the Rangers ass at

Five on five for 60 Minutes yep the number the numbers heavily favored the sabers uh eigor was on his game they easily could have won in overtime and they didn’t I mean we can we can talk about the we could talk about UPL doing what he did in overtime

But we don’t need he he played a good game play G you know they killed off the penalty with a minute to go on regulation obviously it’s frustrating as hell I mean it’s not like it’s not like an isolated incident with him he he does that all the time where he gets caught

Out of the net but I it was one of those losses I was mad they lost because they deserve to win but I really couldn’t point a finger at anything other than their their God awful power play with around two minutes to go in regulation yeah and they like you said they had

Like three or four grade A chances in OT and they just you know they we had our chances to win and it’s just it it wasn’t going to work out the UPL frustrates me so much yeah I was waiting for that thank yeah it just after watching I I I understand I say

Great yeah he played a game thank you not great not God awful but just another UPL game where like that last goal I saw it earlier in the year why does he keep doing that if you’re a goenda goal what are you doing why are you like that picture

Blows my mind mind where are you going he’s not going to score from behind the net hug the post the part I love the most was people blaming Dalene because in the freeze frame he’s kind of covering kryder who ended up scoring the gamewinner but it’s like if he ties up

Krier like sabana Jed has a free ride to the net and just for just to put it in dude just like where like where are you going he is a backup at best and Levi I I don’t think he’s ready to get you know first starter reps yet he’s still young

And you could see he’s been struggling but this is going again back to the off season where they completely ignored the fact that they did not have a starting goalie they decided to bring back Eric comry who’s been marinating on the bench for two months because he

Sucks well while we’re sliding down the negative Hill here let’s get into the Boston game the sabes go into the holiday break coming off two pretty good performances uh still no consecutive wins but close to it and they get the Bruins at home on a national television game on

TNT it’s right back to where we were with Columbus right back I don’t we they didn’t score it was a pitiful performance yeah they didn’t score as many goals but it was just like again didn’t watch it I was I was out to eat but I saw the highlights Just

Uninspiring Hockey just absolutely like I I’m ashamed that we have to slap this team’s name and City’s name on that performance and watch that oh and to top it all off they were doing the wave in our building man they only did it they

Only did it one time but I I did think it was funny I know JP left that game in years after that yeah um but we did play the first four minutes really good Donnie Don pointed out Don Granado made a point to remind us thanks they had a

Good start I mean thanks they did they minutes five minutes but then you know SC on Conor Clifton uses a man leesi Levi gives up a juicy rebound and Bam you’re down one- nothing and that’s the game or actually no that wasn’t the game the game was when you got Brad marand to

Be Brad marshand and take an extra two-minute penalty so you had four minutes on the power play and you had one shot on goal one that was the game that was it people were complaining about that ticky tacky call on Skinner in the second period like that’s just NHL refereeing

Okay they even the score they gave you a chance you didn’t capitalize Boston got their power play and they Buri I mean what what did they go three for four on the power play Boston was three for four the sabes were 0 for six for six we’ve been beating

Around the Bush here that’s the big issue with this team is the power play it is this this has got to be the worst power play I’ve ever seen dude I’ve been I mean you guys know I’ve been talking about this since I I want to say like

February of this year yeah and like I like I don’t I don’t want to be like oh I’m so ahead of the curve but it was more like I just I’ve been saying the same thing forever like last season they had a high conversion rate but it’s

Because of the shooting Talent once Tage Thompson started getting covered oh look at that the conversion rate went down they’re still at the bottom of the league in actual shot quality on the power play they’re at the top of the league in quality given against on the

Power play and here we are a fresh season where teams know what you’re trying to do and you’re at the bottom of the league where you belong because even though they acknowledged at the end of the season oh we know it needs to get better we know nothing changed I mean it looked

Good in the preseason I don’t know what happened when we got to the regular season it looks even it it looks even worse than last year it it really it looks even worse it really just with each game going by it just feels like like the or the organization the front

Office and the coaching staff after last season ended just went all right going to take a nap see you next season not going to do anything Kevin Adams woke up for five minutes to sign two defensemen that are both our fifth and sixth and technically I guess seventh sometimes

Defenseman nobody else resigned the same guys didn’t address the goal tending situation didn’t address the power play issues that were glaring um penalty kill improved as it should have we were do for it but regressed back to the median as it should yep I mean that’s another

Thing I like you know early in the season we were talking about how good it looked and it looked a lot better but you know Tage Thompson went down with an injury then Jordan Greenway went down with an injury and now you’re scrambling for penalty killers and since that point

It’s it’s it’s looked rough I think they’re operating at like like a 70% rate since I don’t even know when like it’s it’s bad God both special teams are bad and that was the game last night that was like you lost that game because of your shitty special teams God I would

Just love to show up to work every every day and just be an absolute waste of space and get paid millions of dollars oh my God I dreamed to do that I thought it was absolutely hilarious if you remember when we had a four on three and who was the four they put

Out it was was Dalene cousins both are fine Skinner and Olson that was our four on three and what do you think they did they did nothing it’s not a surprise like this it’s so predictable it’s predictable I mean we make jokes ah they should just decline the

Power play play five on five but it’s true they are worse Alex Tu said at best they had more they had more chances on their goddamn penalty kill mhm they are objectively worse on the power play than on 55 I said the brw should just keep

Taking four on three five on four six on five yep out six on four remember the Detroit game when they were coming down from four nothing it’s four to three with two minutes left oh my God you have a six on four nothing nothing you lo you

You let an empty net go in I’ve never seen a team worse with a with having a man up on the the other team f or even two men five on three six on four like you name it they they I don’t get it I don’t get it and there’s

No there’s no accountability there’s nothing no don’t I don’t like to make the accountability point because I feel like it could be lazy but seriously like right here right now there there it’s nothing I mean you are supposed I I say supposed you are supposed to be one of the best offenses

In the league and system changes be damned I mean like when you’re in the power play and you have some of the the best top to bottom skill in the league on your forward unit and you can’t put like even if it was just League average you’re bottom five in the league you’re

Hanging around like the St Louis Blues or the the New York Islander like I I don’t know I don’t know the power play rankings off the top of my head but those are the teams you’re near you’re near teams that don’t want to Win Hockey games and this was supposed to be the

Year you wanted to take that step and you did nothing to address it you still haven’t done anything to address it another thing with Don Granado he finally said I’m going to be more involved with the power play like great but you waited three months to say that

You waited too way too long you couldn’t have seen it after the first like even 10 games like what what what is what is going on like does he I’m at a loss forwards I don’t know go do you think that uh go do you think they power play

Looks really good in practice because they’re going against their own penalty Killa probably and they’re just like man I don’t get it why is it not good in games so good or when they can’t enter the Zone The Penalty kill is like okay you know let’s just let them get in the

Zone and set up so they could practice they have like three fou entry so that the killers are like all right let’s let’s let them get in let’s let them practice we need them to practice the actual power get in the zone that’s been the big thorn in my side this year is

Just watching the transitions like the Breakin even at 5v5 just awful go makes me want to puke so bad I know you don’t like the drop pass in the power play I I don’t they just do it wrong I was going to say I don’t mind that but their only

Play once they actually get into the Zone once they get into the blue line it’s a cross I pass that’s what they try and do T will bring it in the zone and it’ll try and get it all the way to the other side it doesn’t work every time

And like team it’s crazy because I I hear people people like around me when I’m at games like why does this team’s breaking Look So Easy well because first of all we do not pressure the blue line as much as other teams do and that’s why

They do it against us because we can’t break it we haven’t broke it for over like a year and a half like it’s so easy to defend us like it’s it’s insane it’s the same play every time get in the zone make a cross- eyes pass and hopefully

Someone can dangle someone and we’ll get lucky and then if they dump it in like you know you’re not going to get it because we can’t forch it like it’s just not moving because even you know when you dump it in you’re supposed to be the first team on the

Puck they always get beaten there because nobody’s moving nobody’s moving that’s the trend and and it’s I think I’ve said this before it’s so funny that their power play one of the reason it is so bad is because nobody moves and that’s like the opposite of what you

Think this team would do you think this team you think it would be the opposite this power play stinks because they’re moving too much I mean Jeff Skinner moves a lot I’ll he’s all over the place but everybody else at least he’s trying God bless what

You want Call’s trying he you know what I’ll say he went out for a stroll last night I could not stand him last night I could not stand him he was really really bad but like you were saying like for the power play like I honestly think

They don’t try and open up anything they’re waiting for a mistake by the penal kill there’s not a single set play no other than let’s get it to Tage Thompson let’s see what he can do or the everyone’s ready but last night you know you don’t have Tage Thompson you don’t

Know what to do but Victor Olson who was three goals this year is going to save the top power play unit I mean I guess I mean at least it gives him a trigger man it just there’s no like not even a Trigg blanks there’s no familiar familiarity with it

There’s no like there’s not like a play We like okay the Sabers try this every time maybe teams are catching on to it but they’re like they’re like there’s no you know we talk about the bumper but like like there’s like there’s no it’s not like Tage Thompson gives it to Alex

Tuck and then drives the net and they go for that or it’s not like Alex tuck gets the pass at the goal line and tries to Dish it across to the guy on the other side of the ice like there’s just there’s nothing there’s nothing of that

It’s like they don’t know what to do with it it was literally just their whole plan was get it to Tage in the Rockstar Zone and have him rifle it into the back of the net Now teams just all all that all everyone had to do was

Shift the box into Diamond cuz then you got Tage covered the entire time it’s like who could have seen that one like you don’t have to worry about the bumper because half that time no one’s no one’s there I saw Jeff Skinner taking one timer from the goal line yesterday on

The power play just want you to know that it’s his it’s his patent and move that’s that’s Rockstar that’s Rockstar right there imagine that went in electric Turning Point the one time it did he like scored from blind I was at the game I remember he scored from the below the

Goal line I’m like oh my God like we scor but like it’s going to encourage him to do it more he still does it it’s like encouraging bad behavior now it’s it’s uh it’s it’s awful and then the lineup decisions just so suspect like they they got better once

Um we went back to like the the runand gun offense but they put they put Tyson Jo as their first line Center and then waved him the next day this is actually something I really wanted to get into like like something that like has not been talked about enough this year because it’s

Being done to players that fans really don’t care that much about it’s their management of individual players that like aren’t they’re not playing for the team and they they got Shi like Shi down to the to Rochester like let’s let’s let’s go to Tyson Jo okay borderline saves the season last year

Gets claimed off waivers people don’t think much of it ourselves included comes in is one of their slots in is their third line one third line Center becomes one of their best two-way players on the roster ignites Casey middl stat into what he’s becoming now I mean we remember Casey early last year

He he was lost and now he’s you know he’s arguably the best player the team this season and he comes in and he also helps Victor olison have his best stretch of the season last year when he was red hot during the end of December and into January a borderline saves their bottom

Six because it gave him a third scoring line and comes into this season all right it was a there was a sh like there was a shady qualifying offer situation where it was weird that they didn’t really want to sign him uh comes into this year I think is scratched for

Opening nights mhm uh comes back into the lineup basically gets banished to the fourth line or whatever there’s just he’s given no chance to move up in the lineup or anything and here we are he he he slots in for Tage Thompson on the top line and less than 24 hours later he’s

On waivers what’s like what are we doing here what why why I JP and I have had this conversation he doesn’t understand why Tyson Joe was brought back really and I understand that to a degree because you brought ooso and Genson back but you if you want to be

Honest he was the best out of the three last season so to me it makes complete sense why they brought him back but he was the last one to sign so at that point it’s like well why you bringing him back you’re bringing back the same

Roster otherwise and here we are and I don’t want to make it seem like it like I’m I’m mad that Tyson Jose was W not really he hasn’t been good this year here but it’s a it’s a pattern because look at Jacob Bryson okay one of their

Nightly players from the last two three seasons comes into that comes into this year is the seventh D which is understandable um gets into a game like three weeks after the season starts plays good in the two to three games he plays but he hasn’t suited up for a game

Since November 4th not a single game and they waited till what two weeks ago to finally send him down to Rochester what are you doing this season I mean in the games he played sure it’s Ultra small sample size but he better than Conor Clifton was at

That point he’s better than Eric Johnson was I’m not clamoring for him to get games but like you can’t just send him for two months and and look at where are where we are with Eric comry that poor dude yeah I gets signed to be the starting goalie of the Sabers to last

Year like he was signed to be the starter he didn’t get he he’s been all over the place in his NHL career been to what Detroit New Jersey Winnipeg he’s been all over the place comes here because he’s finally going to get the opportunity to at least get the

Chance to prove himself as at least an NHL goalie comes here gets that opportunity for about a month and a half plays okay doesn’t kill the team has some good stretches I remember he stole those two games in Alberta last year then he gets hurt then he goes out for

An injury with two months comes back ukap peka Lucan had stolen the crease so now he comes back up there’s three goalies he’s not back he’s not able to get back into a rhythm he suffers through the rest of the season he suffers while the coach leaves him out

For 10 goals against against the goddamn Dallas Stars you know he has you know he plays two games later against the New York Islanders all the analysts are joking post game about what about letting up 10 goals a game before doesn’t start any of the remaining games

Of the I what was the last game he started last season I don’t know Montreal game which was I think March so he didn’t play a single game in April goes through this off season doesn’t get dealt doesn’t get moved none of the goalies above him are moved comes into

This season is the best goalie in the preseason so he’s forced he’s forcing them not to make a move on their other two goalies they have to keep him on the roster with the other two goalies and here we are he he he starts the season as still like the best goalie and

Then he goes down with a non-con injury comes back as a okay start against the Winnipeg Jets but lets in a flub game-winning goal and he hasn’t played sense what was that three weeks ago four weeks ago it’s it feels longer it feels like it’s been forever and we saw the we

Saw the tweet from Lance lowski today he ask Eric comery what he thinks about the three- man goalie situation and he’s just like I don’t know I don’t know what to say it’s like like what are you doing with some of these players what is this roster management it’s awful it’s it’s

Terrible and like like I expect Kevin Adams to be better than this I do I don’t know if they’re holding out for trade partners and now now now you’re gonna have Jacob Bryon Tyson Jo Eric comry and Riley Stillman in the AHL it’s like $ eight million and every single

One of those players they’re NHL players they’re NHL players I mean and Stillman I mean that really has a m talked about he was good down the stretch last year and he hasn’t even gotten a game up with them yeah and it’s not like he it’s not

Really like he should but they told like they trade a prospect for him and he’s marinating in the in the ah it just makes no sense it makes no sense what they’re doing with some of these guys and like that’s a side of it that just hasn’t been discussed like they refuse

To make the decisions until until they have have to like the poor the poor guy I actually feel for him he’s like Bryson where it’s like why is he on this roster still they both don’t want him to play but don’t want to send him down

Like why what’s the weight I don’t are you looking for a trade partner or I mean if you are like why weren’t you doing so in the summer when it was so obvious that he was probably the third man in then and it’s December 28th December 28th there is still three

Goalies on the roster this was something coming into the year we couldn’t even think about happening after last season we thought we were done with this it’s persisted for three months this is it’s getting to a point where it’s just completely inexcusable like ese like this this is

Not I know they won’t do this next year but like if they even entertain any sort of thought like like they’re like oh we want to keep lcan and around but we need a better goalie but we also want Levi like no no they they they can’t make the

Tough decisions I don’t understand what’s going on with the front office they can’t make tough they can’t part with any of their guys I understand gearson have been here for more than 10 years and you want to do him right by maybe giving it giving him a shot at a

Team that could run to the playoffs he’s not helping you I understand that Tyson J was I guess you know he was a good waiver pickup and you wanted to bring him back you’re already bringing garson’s back why are you bringing both of them back on top of it Kyle laoso

Brought him back too it’s another the same player you’re not you’re not getting better why did we think in the off season that this team got better by any stretch of the imagination because we bought in we we bought in and that’s the worst thing like it’s finally like

You’re seeing now they effed up so many times in the last few months like it’s you’re right it’s like how did we think how did we not see this how did we not see this happening and you know what this is It’s we’re getting to a

Point where it’s do or die you if we have to say goodbye to the season I’m expecting an overhaul of this roster next year and I’m not saying shipping out core pieces I’m saying anyone that you can consider remotely Expendable you entertain the thought of training him

Because there’s too many cooks in the kitchen right now I understand we we think we have three top lines we have you know the the stud line we have the kid line we have the the dog line and we have the I guess RKO line but Robinson

Hasn’t even Rob has robon hasn’t been Play here’s the funny thing mind if Genson comes back is he GNA get back in the lineup at all well he was practicing as the number one center today it it I I I don’t like Kevin Adams consistently preaches that he has a plan

And I think he does for the long term short term I feel like he’s doing this on the Fly this is what needs to happen first of all next off season you got to package players for some bigger fish I don’t know who it is I don’t know

Who you want to entertain in packaging but you got to ship some guys that you got to you got to lighten the load on this roster just a little bit because you need you need another piece or two that is really going to help this roster out and if you could sacrifice losing

Guys in free agency and packaging guys in in um in a trade for some better pieces and then call up maybe Kulik or maybe you call up rosan just to play you know maybe I wouldn’t say minimal minutes but like in a lesser role you don’t make

Them bear the brunt of being in the NHL that soon you do that and you you got to cut all the fat all the gristle then you got to figure out what’s going on with the D pairs first of all in season right now I don’t know what Don Granado’s

Smoking but I don’t want any of that because he is royally messing up these de like Dalene and Samson are not working it’s so funny that it’s like a paradox they wanted to improve the defense and they’re icing their three worst defensive pairs like Sam terrible if you want to get

Like if like if you want to defend power Yoki har you fine like they had a good season last year and they’ve been up and down this season but your top pair just at I test value has not been good it makes no why there’s it makes no

Sense why there’s so much loyalty to it and I don’t even have to get into the Clifton and Johnson pair you want to talk about another underrated storyline okay okay Conor Clifton comes in to a new team with a new system they ask him to play left side something he hasn’t done throughout

His career I mean like I don’t I don’t think he’s this I don’t think he’s this very good player I think he’s always going to be a bottom pair guy but like that awful start he had at the start of the season I don’t know maybe it had to

Do with playing on the wrong side of the ice not everybody can do it not everybody is rasma Dalene who can play pretty good on the right side it it like the Sabers the Sabers have an analytics guy who wrote a piece on why guys need to stay on their natural sides

Dominic gamini wrote an article about why defensemen should should stay on their natural sides and the coach has two pairs where whereas there’s a defenseman on the wrong side and like I said Dalene obviously dalen’s fine there he’s been playing there for over a year

Now but like why do they do this to themselves why well it’s like Donnie said today you know not all analytics aren’t all the truth you know some of them are misleading and whatever the nonsense he spit out this morning it’s just a big non answer yeah it’s like

It’s a typical coach answer but like I expect them to be better than this I do why are you paying these analytics guys to this point they’ve only shown that that they have these these these on the staff for drafting which hey it’s been kicking ass I don’t think it’s a mistake

That the analytics guys are doing a good job there and some free agent signings like comry that was a v Ventura was a big part of comry signing here but other than that like what what actual um what impact have they had on the actual main roster I don’t think

We’ve seen it I don’t think they use them for the NHL roster that’s what I was just going to say if they did the power play like they’d be trying all sorts of stuff I’m sure if there’s any sort of model that they use that they would be like calling

Donnie constantly that the power play stinks it would not take three months for them to realize that it it’s not good enough well I was going to say that I’m s we’re saying that the analytics should be used more you phrase that a little and that like the analytics

Hasn’t done anything for us we want analytics more but I think you mentioned Yoki and we completely missed the part where he’s been one of our best defenseman this year and he’s been scratched they scratched him and okay I get it like he was I think a minus five

Against Columbus and then two games later they’re you know they put up nine against the Leafs and then dominate The Rangers for 60 minutes but it’s it’s the principle like is is Yoki Haru being scratched the reason that they did those no it it it just it boggles the mind

Some of the some of the lineup decisions yeah it’s just why does it feel like all the time we can make better decisions for this team like is it like is it like that thing where like they’re too close to the situation you have to kind of like

Get a perspective of someone from the outside is it it could be that I think so I mean like I don’t know when you guys were playing hockey when you were younger I’m sure uh I’m sure we all thought different things about our team than if somehow Advanced analytics

Existed for youth hockey teams would say um I don’t know that’s probably it is the way it is and I also think you know what you know imagine you’re at your job and you’re doing something and you’ve been doing it for a long time I mean Don Granado has been coaching for a

Long time then all of a sudden some guys from the upper office come down and say you’re doing your job wrong get I mean I get why any coach is resist resistant to that but there needs to be you need to recognize that you’re that you’re not

Going to be right about everything you need to put your ego aside I just saw this Moneyball clip adapter die and he’s not adapting I don’t know um I would I would like to add into the Tyson Jo and com um argument because I didn’t say anything

For about 20 minutes there um I am a big defender of Kevin Adams and this is disappointing me because the one part that you Jonah pretty much said everything that that was a really good rant um but the one part he didn’t say is that this is ruining their careers

Like this is ruining ufas they want they’re going to want jobs after this year imagine your your Jacob Bryson okay you’ve never played for another team and you want to you want to stay in the NHL and your current club which you’re clearly on the outside like it’s slowly

Being faded out you know Ryan Johnson is I he’s like the the Jacob he’s the better Jacob Bryson like he’s taken his spot he’s the seven right Johnson’s the seventh D now now and you’re Jacob Bryson and you want to find a job for next year and support

Your family your team’s not playing you for a full month it’s just like I just I I feel so bad for comry like he if we would have you know dropped him even like in the beginning of the Season he probably gets picked up by someone but

Like now like who knows he hasn’t played in 3 weeks like what do you think other teams look at like oh Kevin Adams he certainly doesn’t really have a good goal tending situation and he won’t even play this guy so yeah like no one’s going to pick him up like I feel really

Bad for him same thing with Tyson Jo and I I understand why the sabes brought back Tyson Jo I’m just saying I don’t think it really made sense from his standpoint I don’t think he had a clear path to this roster in any way um but

It’s just it’s It’s just tough that it’s like it’s ruining these guys care careers we’re just dragging out on them we won’t just cup bait we won’t just rip the Band-Aid off and do it and like com’s probably going to get wave tomorrow right cuz gurgenson is going to

Get activated and Tage is going to be back like there’s two a roster move that needs to be made why are we hoarding players what is going on I almost forgot there’s nothing better than Jacob Bryson and Eric conre being waved within I mean with Bryson it was within weeks of it

And comry it’s a few days after a few days after Christmas yeah like and Tyson Joe same thing like what two days after Christmas Merry Christmas buddy sorry about that it ah man like it it’s just the last thing I would expect from this organization it’s the opposite of what

They what do you mean the last thing you’d expect from this organization this regime with this regime I mean they were you know they were like last season they were looking for a trade partner for Vinnie henestrosa like they were doing it out of Curtis they traded RIS asplin

They traded asplen out of courtesy it’s but it’s been a completely a complete flip of the switch this year and we really haven’t like think about our AHL team in the last few years we really haven’t had like high salaried players down there because we’ve been you know

Let’s grow the prospects let’s grow our um our AHL team and now we have we’re going to have four players down there who make over a million dollars I mean Tyson Joe makes 2.5 I think Bryson makes like 1.2 um Stillman makes like 1.2 comry probably makes more than that he’s

Probably two or three million like it’s going to it’s a high it’s a high salary am team that already is has a lot of good players on it like we it’s already we have Kulik rosan now now we’re going to be blocking other guys down there because we couldn’t cut bait with our

Guys earlier like what what do you I don’t I get it you said this regime but just in general I couldn’t ex I couldn’t think of another organization that you well in general I don’t know in general it doesn’t surpris me but like this regime has taken those steps to be

Good to their players and this year I mean you have three instances of them I don’t want to call it disrespect I don’t want to call it that bad but just questionable management she just put up a big circus tent over Key Bank Center cuz that’s what this whole organization is 24/7

It’s a big clown show all the time all the time there’s no like the slightest bit of good that could ever come out of this and in this out of this organization in the past 10 years was last season and it wasn’t even Mo like last season was also

Kind of up and down and we didn’t even make the playoffs that’s the best thing that’s happened to this organization in 10 years it’s the defining moment since I’ve like seriously started following the team in 20 like 2016 was like the first season I started following them

Like I do now like obviously I’ve been following them for years before but like if if you look at it what what’s my defining moment as a like my favorite moment as a fan like a freaking overtime a Victor Olson overtime winner in January or oh I’m sorry Casey midad

Scoring a shootout game winner in a season where we didn’t make the playoffs or I should say Casey midad scoring a shootout winner in a season where we got eliminated from the playoffs a day later that’s it that’s the defining moment and this is what I’m so pissed off

About this is the final straw for some fans and I don’t mean it in the sense they’re never coming back but they’re never coming back until they make the playoffs nobody’s waiting around anymore like here’s the like here is they had one chance at this okay people forgot

About the team for years essentially but when they had that strong finish to the 2122 season you know they had RJ Knight they had all those great moments sprinkled into the last month and a half of the year you had people starting to come back you had people saying okay I’m

Gonna keep my eye on these guys I’m G to see how they’re doing and then the next season okay they become one of the most fun teams in the league one of the highest scoring teams in the league and most importantly they’re in the playoff

Push with two weeks to go and for the first time in the seriously for the first time since 2011 you had the entire city watching to see if they could do it and they didn’t do it they laid an egg but this is it you finally had people

Buying back in saying I’m going to watch this team next year they are fun and they are ready to take that step and you come into this season and you lay a freaking egg on opening night and you you come out of the gate as slow is possibly imaginable you take away the

Things that made you what you were the year before you didn’t make the additions necessary to make the team significantly better and you lost them like you seriously lost a portion of your fan base now whereas after after the 2122 season they were like I’m going to keep my eye on this

Team I got good I got a good vibe about them now it’s like I don’t care about this team until they do the thing like nobody until they end the drought there’s just no interest in them that’s like there’s so many fans if you want to talk about you know more Bill Centric

Fans how about fans our age fans who haven’t like they don’t love the team like we do but it’s because they haven’t seen a team like the years before we started following I feel like they’ve lost a generation of Sabers fans because of this yeah they have and I feel like

I’ve like even myself I’ve gotten to a point where I just like start to question like like what am I doing like half the time it’s just like I get the same it’s the same result year in and year out and I feel like I’m just

Waiting around for like a good team to come around and then I think we do have a good team and it’s not there and I don’t regime changes and all this it’s like you’re seriously stunting this organization for even even the years past like the years past have stunted this

Organization for a long time to come and even when they do make the playoffs it’s like yeah people will be back but still it’s like you got to be a consistent winner you can’t just go once and bow out and be like perfect we did what we

Had to do you need to win consistent you need to consistently be in the playoff race every year your 2022 2023 Sabers needs to be they need to be equal or greater than than that team most years is and it that is what they were as an organization for 40 years until Terry

Pula bought this team and I’m not saying it’s because of him that they’re this bad but I’m I’m sorry just just you know it the history that goes along with this organization just all the all the highlights like all the great games that they’ve been a part of the Winter

Classic Game the first Winter Classic was in Buffalo like this is a hockey City that would never happen today no this is a hockey City this this this was called hockey Heaven it’s not called that anymore now it’s hockey hell this used to be a city that backed its hockey

Team like no other religiously religiously and even when they even when they had the tank year in 20145 people still showed up because they were like this team has always consistently bounced back they’ve always consistently bounc back and they’ve always you know they’ve done right by us

And that hasn’t happened in the past 10 years look we our family were season ticket holders um and we’ve you know debated even like last off season if we should even renew and of course we wanted to and like if we don’t renew next year I don’t blame anybody and I

Saw I saw someone on Twitter today he said he’s a half season ticket holder so he’s 20 games this year he said he might eat the bullet for the rest of the season that he doesn’t even want to go to games anymore like I’m it does not

Take much to please the Buffalo fans I feel like so many games we go to like we we might be down 3 nothing we score one goal the whole place is vibing again like it does not take much to please us if we were a French playoff team like if

We just made the playoffs like I don’t know two or three times this whole drought the whole city would still be invested into this team it does not take much to please the Buffalo sports fans who’ve been deprived of a championship s since the 1960s in the

AFL like it does not take much and it’s really sad because I’ve you know we’ve all really gotten into Sabers Twitter and just the Sabers fan base in general and I’m seeing some of my favorite like Twitter accounts they’re not even interested in the team anymore like they

I there’s like even people are like who used to be like they would dig in their prospects they’d be they’d be willing to watch the world juniors they don’t even care anymore like the the interest is just at an all-time low it’s it’s it’s really really really sad it it’s I I

Know it’s tough for Jonah to tweet out stuff all the time like there’s not always much to say like it takes the motivation away from being a fan of this team it it just it’s it’s just been a lot of time wasted Christian said it right it’s just been a lot of time

Wasted I sit down I look forward to a game or I drive to the game and then I’m just blankly staring with no thoughts in my mind as I’m watching this team just crumble just crumble it’s it’s truly incredible how we’re just just we’re just back to

Square one again we are back to square one people want the coach fired they’re questioning the GM the core is underperforming we’re back to square we’re back to square one with the off Seasons how how many times did you walk into a jack eel off season and know

Exactly what needed to be fixed now the list was a lot longer back then but how many times did you walk into those off seasons and you’d be like okay like you need this you you know you need a top four defenseman you need like a top six

Forward a middle six forward a starting goalie and they would turn around and they’d sign Marcus Johanson and call it an off season that’s how it would go and we would be hyped about it we would be H we would be hyped about it we’d find a

Way to get excited about it it’s the same it’s the same this year you go into the off season you know exactly what the problems are Jack Quinn’s going to be out with an injury your defense was atrocious your goal tending was bad for most of last season and you lost

Your best goalie you lost Craig Anderson and you know you turn around you don’t sign a single forward you sign two defensemen who are equally like just they’re bottom pair defenseman and then you didn’t address the goalie situation I mean it is so funny when you take a step back and you

Realize Conor Clifton was the Marquee edition of this off season that like that is some jack eel BS Jack eel Savers teams BS that you’re trying to sell it to your fan base that that’s your biggest addition when you’re trying to go for the playoffs it’s unbelievable it’s unbelievable we are

Back to square one and I just want to stress this is not Rock Bottom the Troy Pistons just lost their 28th game in a row Rock Bottom is much different than this Rock Bottom Rock Bottom is when your franchise star asks asks out Rock Bottom is when your head

Coach is a soccer chairman Rock Bottom is when you’ve lost 18 gam straight this is not rock bottom but like it shouldn’t have to you shouldn’t even be talking about Rock Bottom this team should be nowhere near Rock Bottom and here we are it’s December 28th it’s not even the goddamn New Year

And people are checked out and checked out there’s nothing to come back for about this team I love watching the world juniors I watched I think every team CIA game last year I watched every team Sweden game with Kulik and rosan and Oland and I watched the team Canada games with Conor bard

I I have no interest this year it’s just not there it’s not there I don’t care about the prospects because the team is here you know like it’s so frustrating to to try and get excited when you know it’s not possible yeah I couldn’t I couldn’t give

Two shits about prospects anymore to be honest with you like I don’t care I don’t I don’t care about the draft lottery I don’t care about Macklin celebrini I do not care at all stop selling me this facade about the future and the next chapter of saers hockey and

All this nonsense that I hear year and and year I’m done I’m done hearing about it all right enough is enough I don’t I don’t need I don’t need another freakin uh Sabers embedded about the draft like I’m I’m over it make us Sabers embedded about the playoffs get your together I I

Would like to stress the draft picks have not been the problem so for the people like Christian you’re saying like I don’t want the draft pick draft picks have not been the problem we’ve made the right picks but um but the roster roster’s the problem before before we

End it I I also I just thought of this too you know speaking of like how we’re we’re ending careers of Joe and comer think about Victor Olson okay he could be scoring 30 goals a season on a bad team right now but at least he’s enjoying himself and he’s doing what

He’s good at instead we’re scratching him every other night we’re bearing him on the fourth line where he’s not doing anything he just had a kid he’s away from his family to get scratched every other night yeah it’s and like that’s I get it it’s the business side of it he’s

Making $5 million a year it’s hard to have sympathy but it’s the type of stuff that the Sabres want to rebuild their image as an organization and you want to do that by doing right by the players and right now they’re not doing that I was going to say like quite frankly last

Year they they did build back up the reputation but they lost it all in a matter of 30 games you know you don’t you don’t want to summarize a rebuild based on 30 games like I said it’s not like it’s much it’s different than the eel years because you

Know what are we in now year three of the rebuild pretty much year three you know year three of the EO rebuild was what 17 18 so they came in last and got darene but behind them you’re looking down the list who are the prospects Alex neander Brendan ghouly Cliff Pooh Cliff

Pooh like things are different now but it’s it’s you have we have no proof that anything is going to change because nothing has changed nothing has changed they’re not proactive everything has to hit rock bottom before something changes it has to get to a point where it’s it’s

It’s insufferable to continue on I mean it’s a Trend with bad teams good teams fire their coaches and win the Stanley Cup but they don’t fire their coaches when the season’s over and when the season is lost they do it while the season still has a chance to be alive

Bad organizations wa too long look at the Ottawa Senators why did it take them this long to fire DJ Smith that guy’s been their coach for six years I’ll tell you why it’s because they’re a bad organization because they you know they they got new ownership now so it’s fine

But like before that there was no accountability there was no nothing and right now with the Sabers like I hate playing this card but there’s no accountability there’s nothing there’s no proof that they have any intent of changing things nothing and I’m I’m sick of it I’m I’m

Sick of it but you know I’m I’m going to tune in to the goddamn game tomorrow or I’m going to the game Saturday night I’m be there I’ll be there feeding my money paying 15 bucks for a chicken tenders basket I’ll be there that’ll be me y because that’s what they’ve done because

I’m a lifelong fan I’m ride or die with this team I’m gonna be doing I’m gonna do this for as long as I want to it’s What I want to do because of this team because I love this team God I I hate them sometimes most of the time

Most of the time I haven’t watched like a playoff game while seriously following the team I’ve said this before I was in second grade the last time they made the playoffs second grade Obama was in his first term yeah the last time the Savers won a playoff series Bush was in his second

Term I I think i’ run out of you know I I actually I actually I think I could go on for a lot longer because I’ve been I’ve been keeping this in for a long time holding out hope because I believed it would be different this time and

That’s that’s that’s the that’s the worst part I bought in I bought in and I’m still kind of bought in because they’ve set themselves up well but I can’t like I’m not I’m not bought into the season is over the season is over they need they need two 1819

Novembers like we’ve said it before this stretch right now I mean you’re going to find out fast whether or not they’re still in this race because this is their this is their last chance but this is their last chance like they need to win eight or nine games straight and this

Team has not won two consecutive games since Halloween it’s going to be the new year Marty said on Savers live that we probably have to go about plus 16 the rest of the year so we have to have 16 more wins and losses oh my God that’s

That’s not happening they haven’t had a stretch like that in I think since the last time they made the playoffs I mean they had a they had a they had a late season put like they were in a similar spot as to where we were but this team

Has no no inclination they’re going to turn it around there’s no underlying stats that say they’re going to turn it around there’s no player performances that are super unlucky like Dylan cousins has been unlucky but he’s not shooting like 10 goals underere expected okay you can expect scoring you can

Expect positive scoring regression from him and Thompson but other than that everybody else is doing fine they’re just not playing good enough I tweeted out today like the core four the core four cage Thompson Dylan cousins Ras Miss diene Owen power they haven’t been good enough I don’t even

Know who the best player out of that group is this season it’s frustrating and I get push back about Dalene and I’m like look he’s been fine he’s your franchise player you just paid him $1 million and he’s not making that this year but you paid him $1

Million I hold him to the highest of Standards because I know it’s not even like we’re in the wondering stage anymore we know what he can be we know what Tage Thompson can be we know what Dylan cousins can be they’re they’re not playing that

Right now which is I mean I don’t have to I don’t have to tell you but I sit there I I tune I tune into every game expecting it to be different that time and it’s not I’m sick of tuning into games and fans are invading the building but it’s like good good

Someone’s buying the tiet someone’s buying them I mean you’re keeping I mean in a way you’re keeping this City you’re keeping this team in the city but I’m sick of that because I know it didn’t used to be that way sure Leaf’s fans always got in there that was about

It team’s just broken it’s broken it’s broken it’s so funny the the high Mark stadium is like the Roman Coliseum and the Key Bank Center is like a freaking morg I I I meant to mention this earlier when we were talking about the games but

There were I think two or three of the goals where you know we just our defensive coverage was off awful and I saw the players just look at each other like what are we doing like I saw Greenway do that at least twice and the

One where it was the it was a five it was the their second goal all four of them just stood there and looked at each other like this team is broken it is bad and I someone said on wgr today um that I think they’re confused about what

Their identity is even supposed to be anymore because the whole off season and the first 30 games it was defense defense defense defense and now they’re being told not to do that sing on a DME yeah like they’re confused about their identity now like it’s h it’s it’s it’s just been an

Organizational failure from top to bottom I really hate to call for the firings of people from their positions especially around Christmas but what other option do you have at this point I mean seriously what like I mean the season’s over so I guess you can say ah

Let Donnie ride it out but but like we’re past that we’re past the the the you know when Dan BMA was allowed to run out the season or when Phil Howley was allowed to run out the season like I mean that I mean it was even then the

Fan mindset was much different at those times like it it wasn’t like it is now it’s a higher standard now it’s a higher well because guess what you know who’s left the die hards like us who were here the whole time but are as impatient as ever and

Just fed up fed up with going through this year after year after year after year after year after year times two cuz I only said that five times and they’ve missed the playoffs 11 or 12 I’m losing count I have nothing left to say I’m sorry I have not contributed in the last

Like few minutes but I just I really just don’t have anything to contribute I’ve I’ve said everything I wanted to say and I just I frustrating that’s all FR it’s frustrating and it’s it’s also sad it’s really sad it’s pitiful too this has this hasn’t even been good therapy no to talk

It out I think we’re stuck it doesn’t matter how much we shout nothing has changed you’re you’re just a bystander I think I think we’ll try to end this um we’ll be back with you Monday I think we’ll try to change things up I think we’re we’re going to

Do a mailbag episode so we’ll set out something on Twitter Instagram on all our socials um send in your questions we’re going to try and avoid a episode like this where we’re doing basic talking points we want to know what you guys think or what you guys want us to

Think about something that we haven’t talked about um so that that’s something to look forward to so stay tuned for that stay tuned for that in the next couple days and try to have some try to have some fun in the next episode I I so

Want them to put up nine against Blue Jackets on Saturday I hope so too I hope so too but with that I think we’re going to wrap up this episode of the saber round table thank you guys for listening wasn’t therapy for us but hopefully it

Was therapy for you um if you guys want to follow us on Twitter follow us atth saer report on Instagram atth saer report follow us on Tik Tok subscribe to us on YouTube if you want updates for the Pod follow us at saber report pod

Give a listen to our Fells over at the Buffalo Sports Talk podcast at least they get to talk about a playoff team or knock on wood not a playoff team but looking to be a playoff team hopefully the bills actually do something worthwhile um but other than that I

Think that’s going to do it for this episode thank you guys for listening and uh we’ll see you next time take care goh Sabers go Sabers go saers

Thanks for watching!

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  1. I’m an oilers fan, so believe me I get what your going through. But as the sabers sit now they won’t make playoffs for a while. They need to make some moves, player and coaching, to see actual tangible improvement

  2. The sabres used to be known as the hardest working team in hockey, now they are the softest team in hockey

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