@Boston Bruins

Trouble Ahead for Bruins? w/ Steve Conroy & Mark Divver | Pucks with Haggsd 1

Trouble Ahead for Bruins? w/ Steve Conroy & Mark Divver | Pucks with Haggsd 1

They need a Radco goodus they need a Jacob Middleton from uh from Minnesota you know a guy who makes other teams nervous when uh when you go stand in front of the net you don’t know what you don’t know what’s going to happen you don’t know what the guy’s going to Do welcome to another edition of the pucks with hags podcast the 53rd episode of the pucks with hags podcast thanks for listening I’m your host Joe Hagerty you can find my work on substack at Joe hager. substack uh get a premium membership you can have all my Bruins

And NHL content sent directly to your inbox I also file columns after every Bruins game at Boston Sports Journal uh at Boston Sports working with Greg Bard Mike gardi a host of talented people covering all of Boston Sports over there with me this week couple of Grace get great guests the

Boston Herald Steve Conroy New England Hockey journals Mark diver before we get into the the conversation though let’s get to our sponsors and thank them real quick FanDuel sports book get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 money line bet that’s 150 bucks if your team

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Joining us today and and Steve just want to get your thoughts right off the Hop and uh right after that Mark too about what we saw last night uh that was uh an interesting departure from a lot of the games that we’ve seen recently it was a

Lot different um you know both the offense and the defense uh the breakdowns uh the way the team played uh there was a lot of stuff that was very uncharacteristic of this Bruins team obviously the tone was set pretty early in the game uh with the Wild start and

Goals back and forth and it seemed like it was going to be wide open after that but anything uh for you Steve to read out of that game last night uh I don’t know if there’s there’s too much to read you know that they had

A chance to steal a point or two and and they weren’t able do it it was just one of those games that that they looked nothing like you know they had in the in the in the four game win streak that they had yep you know pucks were not

Sticking to the goalie and and defenseman were not clearing the clearing the pucks There Was You know the Penguins had far too much free reign in in the house as they say and it was just a it was just a bad game all around defensively I mean you know as they said

Last night you know they were resilient they kept fighting back um they had it like I said they had a chance to take a couple of points and they didn’t they weren’t even able to get one the biggest surprise of the whole night was that Crosby’s goal with eight minutes left

Stood stood to for as the gamewinner yeah he thought there was gonna be a goal like in the last minute last one to score was going to win in like the last two minutes of the game uh the way it was going maybe a little fitting that

That said the kid got the game-winning goal there um you know it was interesting listening to Brad Martian talk about his fellow Nova scotian afterwards and sort of the greatness that Sid the Kid still has and uh you know how maybe not enough people talk about Sydney Crosby anymore even though

He’s one of the best players in the league because everybody wants to talk about Conor Bard and it’s kind of the ESPN isation of the NHL sort of uh obsessed with the 18-year-old kid picked first overall so all that was interesting and um it was kind of

Fitting the way the game played out that that Crosby gets the gamewinner at the end even if it wasn’t uh in the last couple minutes of the game Mark your your thoughts on on what you saw last night uh anything to read into it and um

I I agree with stepen I almost wonder if we’re in that like fits and starts part of the schedule as we get to the dog days of January and February where we’re going to see games like this and it’s going to be you know win two three four

Games in a row lose a couple in a row and as the schedule really starts to wreak havoc with the Bruins and their legs we’re going to see them you know go on fits and starts for the rest of the season and not be as consistently good

As they were at the beginning when they had their freshest legs yeah I think there are going to be games like this uh going forward um you know you fall behind you you come back uh you play the crap out of the uh you know the top uh your top players yep

Uh my takeaway is the greatness of Sid uh Sydney Crosby in uh you know year 18 uh just the great just such a great performance uh you know now that berson’s gone you know you see that reminded me of buron in in a way that kind of

Performance over the the entire uh rink uh you know I don’t know how close he is to retirement I think uh he’s got a lot of gas left in the tank but uh we’re gonna miss him when he’s gone for sure yeah and Marian said it really well last

Night he was like you know Crosby part of the reason he’s not gonna get his do or the media is not going to be fawning all over him now is obviously McDavid is a little more exciting fast whatever but he’s he know he doesn’t Dazzle you

Sydney Crosby with his skill a lot of it is hard skill uh just good compete along with you know world class Elite skill but he plays like the playoff he plays at a playoff level every single night and he consistently does it all year long you know and he just brings that

Level and that and he sort of figured out what winning hockey is all about how to play with his his teammates how to get the most out of them while getting the most out of himself and and just what great players do you know you and

It was it was it was interesting when he started talking about Bard and how Bard yeah he’s talented but he hasn’t reached that level of understanding of his ability how to make others better you know the real what the real great players do like cydney Crosby and that

We should be talking a lot more about Sid and I thought there were some really good points there and I liked what you just said Mark about playing the crap out of some of your players because I think that’s something to watch with this Bruins team and I didn’t mention it

In the notes of what we’re going to talk about today but I did definitely want to note like when you get into January and February in the weeds in the middle of the season in the dog days when you don’t want to you know blow out all your

Best players by playing them too much you gotta watch uh Pock playing 23 minutes last night uh and I didn’t even know if this was right but they had hampus Lindholm for 29 plus minutes last night um Mcavoy was in the 26 six plus range uh you know I don’t know how much

You can do that especially when you start to get into the busyness of January in February if you want them to have a full tank of gas when it really matters at playoff time and I actually talked to Charlie Coyle about this last week and mentioning what the best way is

To get through the the the middle part of the season that’s always tough for the players when it gets to this point and he talked about using all your players and using your bench and not playing everybody you know too many minutes to wear them down towards the

End Steve you think that is some level of concern because I um Jim mcgomery is kind of a little different you know I remember clo you’d never see a forward go over 20 minutes back when he was coaching the team and he really played the fourth line a lot to the Chagrin of

People like Mike felger um but you know he had that in mind when he was playing them and I you know they got away from that a little bit with Cassidy but I still think he was sort of mindful of that is some is that something we need

To watch is just how hard Jim Montgomery rides some of these players especially where you know they’re in decent playoff position right now well yeah it but it’s the the nature of the beast when you’re you’ve got three or four rookies in your lineup um you know they they score the first

Goal comes back and and ties it up and Montgomery throws out the fourth line hoping that they were going to bring some energy instead they spent the whole time in in their own Zone you know that that was the start of I think the The Germ of of him thinking okay I’m not

Going to be able to play this line that much tonight yeah he wasn’t able to play play Mason lorai much l much last night I mean that’s why you see Lindholm is up around close to 30 minutes lindol was I mean Lura was minus three in in less

Than nine minutes of ice time that’s tough to do um so either either you you you’re gonna you know play your your top guys a lot or you’re going to live with the mistakes of of the the the younger younger guys and you know they still want to win games every

Night uh so you know there are only so many mistakes they’re got they’re gonna you know live with yeah and and you know that is part of the Growing Pains of introducing younger players into the lineup for sure um I guess it just can’t happen too often if

You start playing those guys you know those kind of minutes consistently especially when you’re in stretches of three and four or anything like that you’re you’re going to be inviting trouble if you do it you dip into that well too many times but Mark uh to

Steve’s Point 823 of ice time for Mason lowai last night a season low a minus three really rough night um rough week really when you talk about him getting the puck to the face in Columbus too and then the dental work he had to do in the

Days in between and who knows if that played a part and you know what we saw last night um eight shifts and 5:33 of ice time for Merkel off who um you know Montgomery mentioned the other day I think is still trying to get acclimated

To the speed of the NHL and I think you can see that he’s chasing the puck a lot uh when he’s on the ice and when he’s been uh in the roles that he’s been in which haven’t been like top six skill roles but you know still you’d like to

See something out of him your your thoughts on some of those younger guys uh last night what you’ve seen out of them lately and whether you think some of them might be uh hanging out with you in Providence a little bit more sometime soon well I think in Lay’s case you know they

Brought him up kind of out of necessity when uh forbert went down uh and leading up to this week I thought he was uh he was making some strides in his game uh last night obviously was a tough one it’s like you said it’s a tough week he

Gets hit in the mouth in Columbus and then uh you know last night they uh they pile up three on them uh you know and a perfect world he’d be in Providence he maybe he would have been in Providence this whole time learning you know the

Defensive side and and all of that but by necessity they’ve they’ve plugged him in there and last night aside I you know he’s been okay he’s been okay uh meroff I think is miscast as a fourth liner I don’t I don’t think you’re you’re going

To get the best out of them there but it is what it is at this point you know you could say uh many a player has come up and and had to Slug It Out on the fourth line before they really found their footing uh and that maybe that’s where

He is right now uh but playing with I mean he’s not going to pile up points in the in the role that they have him in right now um I thought he had some good moments in the in the first couple of games uh but last night yeah he was uh

He did not help last night uh you know and he was uh it wasn’t just him but uh playing that amount of minutes in the role that he’s in is is not going to show his best side uh but the lineup’s thin let’s face it at the bottom the

Lineup’s thin Johnny beer what what’s what’s he brought lately uh you know he’s on he’s just not an he’s not any threat with the puck on his stick that that I can see but that’s who he is that’s what he is uh loo hasn’t scored in I don’t know 30

Some games yeah he does what he does but you know it’d be nice to see him chip in once in a while offensively Steen is is not going to give you production offensively he he does some good things but he he’s he is what he is so you got

Guys like that in the lineup at the bottom you fall behind those guys are they’re they’re going to be stable to the bench like they were last night yeah and I think one of the things we’ve seen as of late and this ties into you know the Milan Luchi

Situation and them being in his plans and then you know uh obviously being out of those plans uh immediately uh when they thought he was going to be part of their F fourth line I feel like they’re a piece short on the fourth line in general in the combination of players

That they have and they need you know somebody that’s maybe a little more Dynamic certainly somebody that’s a little more physical and bigger uh but somebody also that can you know chip in a lot offensively and has a little bit of an offensive dimension of their game

If especially if you’re going to keep running you know loo and beer out there and and loo does have has had his moments in the past offensively for sure and I think he’s got the skill to be able to chip in every once in a while we

Just haven’t seen it as of late and it would be better if they could find an NHL caliber um player to do that with score early this NFL season with FanDuel America’s number one sports book right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 money bet that’s 150

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Visit Boston and kick off the NF season FanDuel official partner of the NFL all this plays into what we’re talking about with the young guys with Matt potra coming back from World Juniors uh and how he’s going to factor in um had a good World Junior with Team

Canada not great I thought he was very good in the last game uh that they lost to czechia um when it seemed like maybe he was starting to get his legs under him and the jet lag was going away and everything else um you know but wasn’t dominant by any

Means I I just he was a solid contributor on that team but uh what happens now Mark do you think with him coming back into the folds uh with the Bruins uh do you think he slots back in um they’ve talked about trying to Wing potentially it’s going to be interesting

To see how that whole thing plays out with him moving forward but I I would suspect it also uh is the writing on the wall that merkulov is going to be going back to Providence any day now well that I don’t know uh I it’s hard for me to Envision ptra

Being productive on the wing I I I just think he’s he’s a center um they might have to plug him in over there you know see what happens get them back get them back in uh into NHL games and uh you know see if he can see if he

Can you know kind of get that spark that he showed early on I don’t think we’ve seen it uh all that much lately but uh you know see get him back in there see see what he can do uh you know if you’re gonna send Merkel off back I don’t know without really

Putting him in a position to show off what he what he can do then I don’t know that’ll be tough on him uh but hey that’s the way it goes sometimes um if they send him back what do they tell him this is what you have

To work on uh or whatever I I don’t know I don’t know what that would be you’re gonna tell him you gotta get faster well he’s he’s he is what he is he’s not going to get faster uh and I I don’t think he’s slow by no having said that

Uh but he’s got play sometimes sometimes you can also for some players it takes a couple times yes absolutely sort of getting dropped into that NHL situ situation to really like find your stride figure out you know where you fit in what works just get up to that level

Of play and expectation and everything else that’s going on you know it it doesn’t always click the first time for all these guys either well not comparing uh mof to Brad Marian but yeah if I’m not mistaken Maran was up 20 games and had no points and then went back down

And uh you know went uh went on from there and it’s turned out pretty well for him but uh he also started on the fourth line yes he did yes he did Mi you know maybe miscasting that role in hindsight uh but that’s like like I said

Earlier that’s uh that often happens you gotta you gotta take the opportunity and build on it and uh you know four games for mof I don’t know if that’s uh that’s enough but you know that might uh that might be his fate at this point and uh

By his time until the next opportunity yes I’ll always remember uh Brad Martian was a black Ace in 2010 during the playoffs when they collapsed against the Flyers while Trent Whitfield was getting steady playing time uh for the Boston Bruins because of the injury to to David CR obviously was a different position

But I I remember that distinctly um Steve what do you think is gonna happen here with uh with ptra how do you envision him in the lineup where do you think he’s going to slot in well I I think he’s I would like to see him you Center that

Uh third line with um JV with a combination of JV or Heinen um uh in Trent Frederick and then you you can drop Heinen down to the fourth line where he’s been effective you know in the the couple of times he’s played there um what they do with merula

I’m I’m I’m not sure um it seems to me that he’s not not moving slow he’s just thinking slowly right now and that that you know comes with the you know the territory he’s getting his shots blocked because he’s waiting a beat too too long

Um so you know I think he needs needs some playing time to to work his way through that part of it and you know I wouldn’t you know he got one shift and you know it might have been by accident I wasn’t sure he got one ship with with

Panak and zaka last night and you know you know what can you do in one one shift but it was interesting to see see him get that um I wouldn’t mind seeing you know a little bit more of that U occasionally but you know they’ve got

They’ve got a lot of pieces in in not not a you know an obvious you know fit for a few of them right and that that’s my sense of why he would end up back in province is I just don’t think he’s going to get the steady playing time

Here that he probably needs to have you know at this point continued you know like you know it you could rotate him through certain guys and give guys nights off but I don’t think it makes sense with padra coming back that there’s going to be enough room at the

End uh for him with all the other forwards that they they have we we’ll see um but and you know I I’m sure there there’s going to be injuries uh or something circumstances happening you know in the near future where he’d be back up again I’ll Mason lorai uh being

Up with the team um right now uh one guy who I wanted to talk a little bit about um is Matt grizzli and you know they’re he was part of uh the Bruins defense Corp having issues clear in the front of the net last night um he’s not having a

Great year I think there’s been some rough nights for him um I don’t know if he if I don’t know if he’s the the best fit for Like the Way Montgomery is playing and his sort of like style and and the system that he runs and if

That’s part of the issue too but you know just what you think is going on with Grizz uh why you think Steve maybe this you know this has been a little bit of a departure for him where he has not been as much of a factor when he’s been

In there as he has been in the past yeah he started out okay you know they gave him you know uh some Duty on the penalty kill and early on he was he was pretty good on it and you know you wouldn’t wouldn’t think of him as a penalty kill

Guy but I mean you can defend in a number of ways and defends well with his legs in in his stick yep you know how how much he still hurt I I don’t know I mean you that shoulder popped out you know that could be an ongoing thing and

It could be why he wasn’t able to at least get a body on who was it Jeff Carter last night U could be that could be part of it um it’s just something you deal with when you when you’ve got a smaller guy like that um he’s he’s made

He made a few really good you know breakout passes last night um that didn’t you know result in anything uh but yeah he’s you know he’s at the end of his contract and you wonder you you wonder what what the thinking is there whether you know they could get

Something for him or or whether they’re just better off hanging on to him as depth um because he does move the puck well um I I liked him better on the third pairing with ChatOn Kirk and lorai up up with makoy I thought that you know that the those two pairings played well

Together and then for whatever reason you know they decided to to flip those guys and it didn’t work for either one of them really yeah and putting lowai and shaton Kirk together I think that’s that defensively that’s a big ask for them uh when they’re together I think

You need to have one sort of you know I I have always liked the defense pairings of like one Puck mover and one more traditional sort of stay-at-home guy or at least a guy guy that you know is is good in his own end in defending um Mark

Just what what anything you’ve seen out of Grizz and what you think uh your sort of assessment of his season to this point well I I wonder about the contract I you know here’s a guy who’s played his entire career uh in Boston uh obviously we know about the roots

Uh so I would think it’s got to be unsettling for him to be in this situation where he’s going to be a free agent or he could be a free agent in just a few months and no uh you know no new contract at this point uh it’s got

To be on his mind he uh you know similar similar to Jake debrusk in that situation I think they’re both kind of in that same boat yeah but you know even more so for Grizz I think because yeah this is where he doesn’t know anything

Else but uh but where he’s been here so y I would suspect that that’s uh that’s uh weighing heavily on him um and I you know I don’t know what if you trade him what do you I guess it it all always all depends on what you get

For him uh they might be better off just keeping him as you know uh for depth or in case someone happens you know something happens you know someone’s going to get hurt between now and the end of the season and uh having him around uh you know in the in the

Lineup uh maybe out of the lineup at times uh would probably be uh a good uh a good thing to have yeah and I I think it’s always wiser uh to hold on to defense rather than trade him away because of TR attrition over the course of the regular season and the

Playoffs um I think he’s an interesting matchup guy at times certainly I think um he helped when he was in the lineup uh against Florida last year and I think they missed his Puck moving when he was not in the lineup at times against the Panthers in that playoff series against

That heavy four check uh you know I think they they they could use a player like that when he wasn’t in there and I kind of you know felt that way watching the team when he when he was absent from it so um there would definitely be value

In keeping a guy like that and just in general I I think holding on to as many defensemen as you can because they go down so fast and so furiously uh once you get to the postseason the best way to go uh but I agree with you I think

That’s a good point about his contract and especially a guy like Grizz where I think he you know he’s one of those players that uh would value that security and and would me be meaningful to him to know where he’s going to be and and what his uh situation is going

To be rather than it being up in the air uh for some players it it B it bothers them more it factors in more than others um tweet of the week I think this is a good one it kind of plays into what we were just talking about in general enal

And certainly what we watched last night against Pittsburgh from Kirk 1972 1974 the defense is not mean enough or gritty enough to endure the the hardship of a Stanley Cup run in my mind it is the team’s biggest liability I agree with this 100% you know everybody talks

About the the need for a top six center um the need to go out and get a traditional like an Elias Lindholm or somebody like that that’s going to come in and and play 20 minutes a night and and be at the very top of the lineup I

Still think when I watch this team uh the ability to have a defenseman that’s dirty mean and nasty that will clean B clear bodies in front of the net that will just take over situations like in the last couple minutes of games in the third period uh and you know make sure

That they’re not getting uh they’re not getting to the net front and getting goals it was way too easy to get there last night uh for Pittsburg against the Bruins um do you think uh mark this is the team’s biggest liability in this is the biggest area of need if they do want

To improve and get somebody at the trade deadline well it’s definitely a liability uh and the physical part I I think that applies up front too they don’t have uh yep luch was the guy and obviously he’s not around but uh on D yeah you know they uh they need a Radco

Gas they need a Jacob Middleton from uh from Minnesota you know a guy who makes other teams nervous when uh when you go stay in front of the net you don’t know what you don’t know what’s going to happen you don’t know what the guy’s going to do uh so yeah that’s

Definitely uh something that they need but there’s probably a you know 20 teams in the league that that have that need as well and those guys uh you know in in gas’s case he makes too much money they’re not they’re not going to get him

But uh y you know finding a guy that maybe uh maybe you didn’t think of to play that role somebody who I think Middleton a year or so ago or a year and a half ago would have been that guy because playing in San Jose who who knew

Who he was uh but now he goes to Minesota and uh he’s in that role you saw him fighting the other day in that uh that thing with uh with Winnipeg he was involved in that yeah uh you know so finding a guy like that uh easier said

Than done but yeah that’s a shortcoming for sure it it is but I think uh don Sweeney and his staff and the NHL Scouts they’ve shown the ability to find those sort of under the radar guys the guy that you weren’t thinking of yeah that

Kind of fits the bill of what they need uh identifying them and getting them and and this also plays into like how well I think they did on July one with the players they brought in um in free agency for low money low term you know

Deals the jvr a million he looks like he’s going to you know end up with like 20 goals and 50 plus points this year and he’s played very well for them and and filled that role nicely I think Kevin chaten Kirk as he’s gotten more comfortable with uh Montgomery system

Has really added value uh as as a an offensive defenseman on the back end and I think at times when I watch him I feel like he should be on the top power play unit all the time uh with those other offensive guys rather than some of the

Other defensemen that that get put out there that maybe aren’t as comfortable in this as the in the power play quarterback role um D Heinen off the scrap Peep has played very well too another guy that they brought in um so they’ve shown the ability to identify

Those kind of players that maybe you weren’t thinking of to be really good fits for what they’re doing and the style that they’re running Steve do you think that that’s the biggest uh team’s biggest liability is is the lack of enough meanness grittiness or physicality from the defense uh in front

Of the net well it was certainly the problem last night it was definitely was this is an appropo time to talk about this there’s no question about it um I I think I think it’s an issue I think you know Derek forbit doesn’t bring that Fear Factor really he’s not

That like mean and nasty but he knows how to get rid of the Pucket you know when it’s sitting in the slot yeah um you know so he’ll help a little bit you know you provided he’s able to come back this has been a long haul with with this

You know you know core injury that he has um so you know if he can come back and and play like he’s played in the past it will help but yeah you know as Mark said you know it helps to have a guy that that that you know H has you know

Forwards looking over their shoulder um and being a little nervous going into the slot area so yeah that’s that that is you know I I would put Pro that at the top of the the the wish list yeah and and you know necessarily finding somebody that fits that role uh I don’t

Think that’s going to it potentially might not be the biggest cost in the world either to get that kind of a play in terms of Assets in terms of the contract that they have all that stuff so I think it’s a very feasible realistic get for them at the trade

Deadline where some of this other stuff just because of their salary cap situation the lack of future assets that they have with you know no first and second round picks and uh for the next few years and not wanting to trade their top guys some of these guys are not

Realistic because they’re just not going to have the wherewithal um to be able to to pull off those kind of Trades but I think this kind of this kind of upgrade is something at the deadline that you definitely would be able to do and that’s where where you might have to

Give up Griz because of his salary to be able to fit somebody in um you look at a guy like good Branson that’s that’s a pretty pricey pricey tag but you know he’s kind of the guy that they need yep um uh so we’ll see what happens there

But you know you want to keep Grizz you want to keep all your defensemen because as you said they go down in the playoffs but they might not be able to do it Eric good Branson he would be a great fit I still remember covering a Bruins preseason game in

Rochester uh at where the AMS play um this wasar Shan this was the Stanley Cup year I think uh in one of their last preseason games the game was not on TV and marshan uh this and this is before he was established with the Bruins to Mark’s Point talking about him earlier

This was coming off the year where he played like 20 games didn’t have any points and then was you know just about to establish himself as a fourth liner I’ll never forget he pulled the Hansen Brothers thing where he hooked the goalie skate as he was skating by him

And like pulled a skate out and tripped him and then skated away and G Branson lost his mind started chasing marshand up the ice to try to get him totally stopped play playing his position and the Bruins ended up SC scoring a goal because G Branson was like hellbent on

Kicking the crap out of marshan instead of actually playing defense so like that I always think of him when I and I think of that moment when uh when I hear Eric Branson um but Mark for you uh just the last word maybe from Providence anything

Over the last few weeks um of note anything uh going on down there that people should know about well uh Fabian lysel is the guy that a lot of uh you know the fan base gets gets excited uh about him and obviously he had he was

Uh in the news a little bit uh recently where where you know the the coach Ryan Mel uh indicated that uh you know maybe there were some things in his game that needed to be better yeah and uh you know honestly the last handful of

Games he has been better he has so the response to those comments was good well the first couple of games not so not so good but the last few yeah he it’s been better he he hasn’t been going one on four or one on five on on his Zone

Entries uh you know he’s he’s been sharing the puck uh more than he was uh you know before that he’s put up some points uh he had probably his best game of the season uh maybe his best game ever in Providence I I I don’t know I’d

Have to look back against UDA I think it was last Last Friday Night couple of goals a beautiful assist showing the things that you like to think that he is or that he can do uh he got in a fight last Saturday night in Springfield oh I

Didn’t know about that yeah he did and you know he uh he ate a couple and he ended up at the bottom of the at the bottom of the pile but uh you know he showed he showed uh you know some some heartbeat there uh which

In a lot of games you you don’t really see so I would say he’s been he’s been better uh now the the issue is can he continue this that’s always the issue right one game one good game here and there isn’t really going to get you anywhere but can

You be consistent with a with a good effort an effort where you say yeah he was he brought something tonight uh so he needs a stretch of games where that’s really the case where he is bringing it every night uh and the last little while

He’s he’s done that so uh you know they got more games this weekend we’ll we’ll see what happens I like that though we’re gonna end this pucks with hags podcast on a positive note of Fabian lell actually with an uptick and play and responding to mu’s harsh comments

From a few weeks ago truthful and maybe maybe it was more the mercu of call up that got to him yes yes well yeah I mean uh right when uh whenever anyone gets called up there’s 20 other guys thinking oh you know how come it’s him and not me so

Yeah there’s there’s definitely some of that going on too hey if he’s got multiple fires burning underneath them that’s perfectly fine too all right let’s thank our sponsors real quick FanDuel sports book uh new C get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 money line bet that’s 150 bucks if your team

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Diver thank you very much gentlemen thank you thanks Joe all right you got it thank you for everybody for listening out there we’ll see you at the Ring

Joe Haggerty is joined today by Steve Conroy and Mark Divver, as they dive into the areas of need for this Boston Bruins team, take a look at the schedule ahead, predict the trade deadline, answer listener questions, and much more!

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  1. They need a coach who knows the difference between a third line centre and a first line centre. A coach that knows you can’t put a small skilled kid on a fourth line grinding line. A coach Who knows how to put young players in positions to succeed and not positions of guaranteed failure and then punishing them when they make mistakes.

  2. Don Sweeney has no interest in a "Gudas or Middleton." He disdains big, violent hockey players, ESPECIALLY ones that hit and stick up for teammates. He'd be sending scouts to the Ice Capades if they still existed.

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